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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Dude, Midge? Wasn't that the name of Barbie's red-haired friend? I think I had her in a wedding dress...although, her husband was suspiciously absent from the picture. So then the question becomes, who was Midge marrying?! *sigh* Just another conspiracy for me to figure out.
    Your response leads me to conclude that you didn't follow my insanity and failed to plunge with me into the the Archie Comic Book realm...can't you just see Apophis as Moose? He's already got the helmet and linebackers

    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Now see, why would you say that? Have we ever seen Ba'al in a relationship? No. For all we know he could be extremely loyal to the women he loves. He may try to kill and/or torture people in his spare time...he may be egocentric enough to think the galaxy needs an infinite number of clones of him...and he may have no qualms about killing every other life form other than himself...but that does not mean he can't love!!!
    That's true, I am fully shamed. Besides, were I to really think upon the matter, I would realize that Ba'al belongs to the Closet Denial-ers. Obviously his male torture fetish is just his misguided approach to getting attention from those he has a crush on. And have you noticed that his excessive leering is reserved for a) overly sexualized women and b) stereotypically 'beautiful' women (ie, blonde, blue eyes and leggy?). This should lead us to conclude that Ba'al, the poor misunderstood snakey, does not actually know what to look for in a woman other than what is stereotypically accepted by society since he honestly has no interest in the field. HOWEVER, I think you'll find that his taste in male specimen is diverse and a bit against the grain hinting at possible sincerity in selection.




    Can I sleep now? *crying panda with pink bow smiley*
    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      Your response leads me to conclude that you didn't follow my insanity and failed to plunge with me into the the Archie Comic Book realm...can't you just see Apophis as Moose? He's already got the helmet and linebackers
      So, I am to conclude from this comment that you are of course a 10 year-old kid *blinks sweetly*

      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      That's true, I am fully shamed. Besides, were I to really think upon the matter, I would realize that Ba'al belongs to the Closet Denial-ers. Obviously his male torture fetish is just his misguided approach to getting attention from those he has a crush on. And have you noticed that his excessive leering is reserved for a) overly sexualized women and b) stereotypically 'beautiful' women (ie, blonde, blue eyes and leggy?). This should lead us to conclude that Ba'al, the poor misunderstood snakey, does not actually know what to look for in a woman other than what is stereotypically accepted by society since he honestly has no interest in the field. HOWEVER, I think you'll find that his taste in male specimen is diverse and a bit against the grain hinting at possible sincerity in selection.




      Can I sleep now? *crying panda with pink bow smiley*
      No! You most certainly cannot sleep! Not while I am still awake *glares*

      Oh, and I would just helpfully point out that there are simply more variety of male specimens for him to dissect and play with. He's really only got two from SG-1. Besides, I still maintain that he's been carrying a torch for Qetesh for quite some he's really not confused, he's just trying to fill the aching void in his soul over his lost love

      Oh, btw, Daniel/Vala rule!!!


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        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        So, I am to conclude from this comment that you are of course a 10 year-old kid *blinks sweetly*
        *glare* Why do you have to insult my age?? Obviously the only conclusion to draw from my statement was that I should be heavily medicated for flu- and other-related conception...this is fun

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        No! You most certainly cannot sleep! Not while I am still awake *glares*

        Oh, and I would just helpfully point out that there are simply more variety of male specimens for him to dissect and play with. He's really only got two from SG-1. Besides, I still maintain that he's been carrying a torch for Qetesh for quite some he's really not confused, he's just trying to fill the aching void in his soul over his lost love

        Oh, btw, Daniel/Vala rule!!!
        III'm not sure I buy this whole "carrying a torch for Qetesh" idea...mostly because that reduces Ba'al to a love-sick wimp...I like the love/hate relationship idea. Like "as soon as I find you I'm going to torture you cuz you butchered my fleet at Selenis but I really wish I didn't have to cuz I'm so attracted to you, killing you would be such a waste" kind of deal...*cough* aaaand then Daniel could come and save her and get Vala back and that's how that's related to DV

        So obviously, it should be obvious by now that my noggin' is fried, so I'm gonna head off to bed now. G'nighty!!!!!
        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          III'm not sure I buy this whole "carrying a torch for Qetesh" idea...mostly because that reduces Ba'al to a love-sick wimp...I like the love/hate relationship idea. Like "as soon as I find you I'm going to torture you cuz you butchered my fleet at Selenis but I really wish I didn't have to cuz I'm so attracted to you, killing you would be such a waste" kind of deal...*cough* aaaand then Daniel could come and save her and get Vala back and that's how that's related to DV
          Dude, one doesn't preclude the other! He can carry a torch for her and still want to torture her feet....or whatever it is you said Clearly you haven't spent as much time with the psyches of tortured male characters as much as I have, otherwise you would have known that He's not going to be making romantic overtures or grand gestures to win her love...he's just going to be a jerk like tha little boy on the playground who pulls the pigtails of the girl he likes

          I just happen to think it would make a wonderful love triangle. Plus, then maybe Vala could have some residual lusty feelings for Ba'al...and Daniel could be jealous...and then all would be well with the world!


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            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Dude, one doesn't preclude the other! He can carry a torch for her and still want to torture her feet....or whatever it is you said Clearly you haven't spent as much time with the psyches of tortured male characters as much as I have, otherwise you would have known that He's not going to be making romantic overtures or grand gestures to win her love...he's just going to be a jerk like tha little boy on the playground who pulls the pigtails of the girl he likes

            I just happen to think it would make a wonderful love triangle. Plus, then maybe Vala could have some residual lusty feelings for Ba'al...and Daniel could be jealous...and then all would be well with the world!

            Ohh well in that case...

            And: Vala/Ba'al/Qetesh triangle, think about it That's all I gotta say...night night
            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
              Ohh well in that case...

              And: Vala/Ba'al/Qetesh triangle, think about it That's all I gotta say...night night
              That's enough to give you nightmares. I think Ba'al is a sadist before he becomes pantomime Ba'al, then he's a pool of slime. Does that sound harsh?

              Anyway, big news Vala is in the Arc of Truth. I was beginning to have my doubts.

              Do you think she has a speaking part?



                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                That's enough to give you nightmares. I think Ba'al is a sadist before he becomes pantomime Ba'al, then he's a pool of slime. Does that sound harsh?

                Anyway, big news Vala is in the Arc of Truth. I was beginning to have my doubts.

                Do you think she has a speaking part?

                in the Stargate SG-1/Atlantis magazine Amanda Tapping said that the movie focuses on Daniel, Vala, and Teal'c, and Continuum focuses on really the team (minus Vala) but also, according to the Gateworld AoT review, it says that Claudia's not in the making of the movie featurette

                hope you guys had fun with Avalon 1 and 2 last night i stayed hom from school and i'm feeling much better today, and thanks for all of your get well wishes
                thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                  Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                  in the Stargate SG-1/Atlantis magazine Amanda Tapping said that the movie focuses on Daniel, Vala, and Teal'c, and Continuum focuses on really the team (minus Vala) but also, according to the Gateworld AoT review, it says that Claudia's not in the making of the movie featurette

                  Have deep, bad feelings re Continuum. Especially since B'aal actor said, he had a death scene with Quetesh. Hope I'm wrong. But Vala isn't a character that's being promoted. Still, could say the same for Sawyer in Lost. Maybe mass insanity prevails.



                    Oooh sorry, was it SG hero feeling bad, now susan. I've got a thumping headache that's been going on and off for two days. Do you think the DV thread's infectious. Anyway, hope you all feel better soon. And ignore my paranoia. You know I get on one, every now and then. I actually tend towards optimism.



                      *cough* I need beta for my post AoT fic *cough*
                      This was started before the movie came out and I still haven't watched it, so no spoilers but from what I hear, I wasn't too far off with the end. It will be short, probably 10 chapters. Five are already written, but dude, with the amount of fic I have I always feel a bad about overloading betas who are already working on other fics.
                      banner by Stef


                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        *cough* I need beta for my post AoT fic *cough*
                        This was started before the movie came out and I still haven't watched it, so no spoilers but from what I hear, I wasn't too far off with the end. It will be short, probably 10 chapters. Five are already written, but dude, with the amount of fic I have I always feel a bad about overloading betas who are already working on other fics.
                        I'm not sure what betas do, if they correct text or what. You have spell check and grammar on most wp packages so is it more textural i.e. cannon or what? Just asking? I put smileys in, in case anyone thinks I'm being snarky. Can't be too careful on the net.



                          Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                          I'm not sure what betas do, if they correct text or what. You have spell check and grammar on most wp packages so is it more textural i.e. cannon or what? Just asking? I put smileys in, in case anyone thinks I'm being snarky. Can't be too careful on the net.

                          Betas do the spell/grammar check of Word, but they're *awesomer* since they do it stylistically too. Word doesn't always catch little quirks of the writers (and I have quirks... *eyes Word*) and of course the textural stuff too.

                          On an other note. AoT..... anybody know when it gets out in the UK - not you know, I'm immune to torrents. But I want Teh Pretty version.
                          banner by Stef


                            Howdy all!!

                            Now no more of this quitter talk!! While it's disappointing not to see CB in the behind-the-scenes interviews, she's still got plenty of stuff to do in the actual movie itself Someday we will get an interview with her....someday!! As for Vala's future, I don't think we have anything to worry about so don't start getting your feathers in a ruffle. Just watch the final Vala scene (not the team ones) in AOT and you'll feel a lot more confident in the writer's dedication to the charatacter.

                            I'll be here, ready to kick-start the Origin discussion here in a little under an hour. So be ready!!


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Not even a new page since I went sleepy-bye?? Oh well, we can fix that!!

                              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                              I'm not sure what betas do, if they correct text or what. You have spell check and grammar on most wp packages so is it more textural i.e. cannon or what? Just asking? I put smileys in, in case anyone thinks I'm being snarky. Can't be too careful on the net.

                              Smilies are an awesome expressional tool! Congrats on the mastering!

                              And Susan, I can't remember seeing anyone volunteering to announce tonight's marathon so I'd like to be selfless and magnanamous and volunteer Stef for you. I'm sure she'll do a great job!

                              EDIT: CURSES!! She jumped the gun and my pushing her into responsibility is no longer witty!
                              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                              Banner made by Stef!


                                Yeah, we just gotta remember that CB was very sick through most of Season 10 (I read that somewhere) and pregnant again during filming of the movies and she probably needed all kinds of rest. I will miss not having her point of view on the extras and behind the scenes stuff, but I keep trying to remind myself that it's wonderful that we have her at all.

                                And I'm ready for Origin too!! 45 more minutes.


                                PS: And 5 more days til Ark of Truth!!!

