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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post
    Great pics!!!! This is why Daniel fell so hard for her. She just has so many layers to her. She is one big mystery that he would love to spend his whole life unraveling.
    well put! hey if she were real and i was a guy i'd totally be head over heels

    ...i kinda am anyways lol
    Last edited by natalia; 19 February 2008, 11:44 AM.
    My Fic: LJ &


      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      A Daniel Jackson Video Break:

      Daniel Jackson in season 8 by Sam89. It has some great Prometheus Unbound clips included.

      Daniel Jackson : Best of me


      Daniel Jackson in season 9 by Sam89. I love this Linkin Park song.

      Daniel Jackson : Linkin park
      Susan, remind me how much I love Daniel Jackson. Oh wait. You don't have to. Those two vids did...*sigh* *drool* i have to change my shirt

      ~My FanFiction~


        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        Never have played with icons but here are my attempts. Glad for anyone to use.

        Never ever? But they're so pretty *pets* Nice job, Susan!

        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        Kris, This was such good medicine. Wow, these last two chapters have been so emotional. Bravo!!!
        *blushes* Thank you so much, Susan! Yes very emotional. Now we've got more action coming up. Less angst...well always a little angst. But more running around, trying to save the galaxy, and such.

        *pulls Susan aside and mumbles under breath* Now how much do I owe you for your fic pimping. Because I think I may have to give you a bonus for all the extra hours you've been putting in lately

        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        Nat, I think Friday is a great night for Quest 2. There are a bunch of Fruitcakes that want to join in on that one and the weekend is great. We should do the next episode on Sunday night. Someone pick out which one they want to do after Quest 2.

        I wonder if anyone wants to watch Quest 1 tonight to get ready for Friday? If you do let's watch at 9PM tonight Eastern Standard Time.

        Quest 1: We will watch tonight at 9PM Eastern Standard Time
        This i can totally do...Count me in...

        Originally posted by RinggoldGate

        Quest 2: We will watch Friday night time TBA
        This one...*makes a face* I will try my hardest. I'm going out for dinner with friends and those things usually end up being late nighters. So we'll see what happens. You fruitcakes set up the time without me. I will join in later in the after discussion if necessary.

        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        Kris, How did you do this? I have looked at the instructions on LJ about personalizing and ........I have no idea how to do anything except the formated pages they offer and that was pretty hard to get right. I am so impressed with all your fan skills. We love you here in the oven.
        *blushes profusely* why thank you. Have I mentioned how much I love Susan accolades. On the other side of things me being able to do this only makes it certain that you can as well. Icons were my first venture (well, WPs were actually, but we won't talk about that...frightening collages anyone?) and you have begun mastering these as well as lovely little time we will see you can be just as successful at LJ...pull me aside sometime in IM and i will tell you all that i know

        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        Djay, Great quote. I know that there is always a big debate about
        how long they will keep Vala. This really settles it for me. She will live long and me wonderfully happy with her Daniel.
        Hoo ha! Yes! I thought the same thing after having our lengthy and fiery discussion about Vala and her future earlier this week. We have triumphed! No one will take us on again knowing we have CB in our corner.

        Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post
        Great pics!!!! This is why Daniel fell so hard for her. She just has so many layers to her. She is one big mystery that he would love to spend his whole life unraveling.
        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        Scarym, now that we know from CB's interview that
        Vala will live a long live (Yes, that is what I believe and no one can tell me no) Daniel will "love to spend his whole life unraveling" Vala.
        Oh! You guys! I have this lovely image in my mind of Daniel unraveling her mysteries in their future...I may have to use it as the foundation of another fic when I'm done with Lost.

        Oh and Susan...forgot to you feeling? Fevers, chills have they gone the way of the dodo yet? *crosses fingers* Hope so. Susan being sick is just not allowed!

        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        Yep, ya sure did! But for me, kites are cool!
        *smile* Excellent. *looks at weather vane*'s windy today. Time to release the brain to the wind and fic...but must read other fic for inspiration. *rushes off*

        ~My FanFiction~


          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
          Kris, Thanks. Oh yeah, I did make the one for my avatar. So I did lie about never. haha.

          Friday Night, oh my. I'm going to be gone too. I didn't mention it before because I thought I would be the only one. If everyone in my household is well enough, we are heading to Nashville for the Weekend and I will be gone Thursday night to late Sunday night. Hope everyone here can work out a good time. I know I am so going to miss it. I love the rewatches.

          Chills and most of the fever is gone today. Yesterday was the worse. My son had it first and is better and was back in school today. My husband is a day or two behind me so he is having the worse today. We are hoping to all be well for the big weekend.


          Quest 1: We will watch tonight at 9PM Eastern Standard Time

          We are still working on day and time for Quest 2.

          See now that's what happens when you leave things in my hands

          I'm so glad you're feeling better now though Susan!!! Nashville! lucky duck!
          My Fic: LJ &


            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
            Nat, yeah I can't wait for Nashville. Sorry about Friday night. It is impossible to find the perfect night. Get with Kris and the two of you plan a day both of you can be there. That is what the two of us always have done with the video reviews and the TPTB the other night. Then just post the day and time and others will come. Quest 2 is a favorite of many so it will be fun.
            We'll figure something out YOU have loads of fun in Nashville for me
            My Fic: LJ &


              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
              Cool, just found this on LJ by Whisper. They have info on the program they used here.

              Wow, can you imagine what some of the fruitcakes in the oven could make with this program. I always love the dialogue with the pics.
              Ha! This is great! 'Maybe next time you should wait for me to duck' *g* So fun! *Hurries away to check out the linky*

              ~My FanFiction~


                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                Nat, yeah I can't wait for Nashville. Sorry about Friday night. It is impossible to find the perfect night. Get with Kris and the two of you plan a day both of you can be there. That is what the two of us always have done with the video reviews and the TPTB the other night. Then just post the day and time and others will come. Quest 2 is a favorite of many so it will be fun.
                *sad smile* Well of course we will miss you terribly...

                *turns away and grumbles * Going to Nashville and she doesn't even think to invite the rest of us...

                But we will trudge on without you...

                Now for a time *rubs hands together and looks at Nat* You're turn again, my friend.

                ~My FanFiction~


                  Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                  Cool, just found this on LJ by Whisper. They have info on the program they used here.

                  Wow, can you imagine what some of the fruitcakes in the oven could make with this program. I always love the dialogue with the pics.
                  reading that made my day. i was laughing a lot. lol
                  thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                    Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                    Cool, just found this on LJ by Whisper. They have info on the program they used here.

                    Wow, can you imagine what some of the fruitcakes in the oven could make with this program. I always love the dialogue with the pics.
                    ROTFLOL Thanks!


                      Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
                      *sad smile* Well of course we will miss you terribly...

                      *turns away and grumbles * Going to Nashville and she doesn't even think to invite the rest of us...

                      But we will trudge on without you...

                      Now for a time *rubs hands together and looks at Nat* You're turn again, my friend.
                      My Fic: LJ &


                        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                        Love mythbusters. Honestly I mostly did chem so I could blow things up so much fun. Ok I ahvne't been here for awhile but have we all seen this? Its the release date for AoT in region 4 which is Australia.

                        Ark of Truth - Australia
                        Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                        I watch Mythbusters... where do you think I learned how to make a dry ice bomb?
                        And where I got the habit of drinking my sodas while I got a couple mentos in my mouth? (which is fun by the way, but you have to be careful... get too much soda in your mouth, and you'll end up having it force it's way back out... and on to your mother's newly steam-cleaned carpet *cough*)
                        Mythbusters is also why my mom refuses to let me get near the microwave with aluminum foil... or disks... (they make such purty lightshows, though! )
                        Originally posted by Leech10 View Post
                        i like Mythbusters, it is pretty much the only show I regularly watch other than stargate.

                        Diborane burns with a green flame...

                        *g* Yeah, it explains why my parents have suddenly come up with a new list of things I'm not allowed to do. Apparently making hats with steel rims to throw at things and test some of the stunts in the James Bond movies isn't cool with them..

                        And what was it, methane? When they had that tower of flaming foam? That was awesome.

                        Hey Kelly, I didn't see that episode with the foil in the microwave, what do you do for it?

                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                        Edit: My Flu is worse today so I'll just pop in and out of the oven but hope I still have enough energy to play. I hate chills and fever.
                        *giant hugs*
                        I'm so sorry you're sick. This flu is terrible, so many people have been getting it lately. Times like this are when I become almost disturbingly domestic, Mom.
                        I'm telling you, if I lived closer I'd be bringing you chicken soup right now..
                        Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                        Sig by Odakota_Rose


                          OK guys

                          Quest 2 Sunday Night at 8pm Eastern Standard Time
                          discussion and posting fun shall ensue

                          Daniel: They are pretty freaking insane aren't they? They just talk about us oooooover and oooover
                          Vala: but you know...when they're distracted and jumping up and down like that squeeing over us we know...*smirk*
                          My Fic: LJ &


                            Ooh, nice! I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to the chat tonight, we usually go to a friend's house for dinner on Tuesday nights, but I'll be around when we get back, and Sunday night sounds great.
                            Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                            Sig by Odakota_Rose


                              Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                              Ooh, nice! I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to the chat tonight, we usually go to a friend's house for dinner on Tuesday nights, but I'll be around when we get back, and Sunday night sounds great.
                              Wha hoo! Lookie Nat. We've got someone else for Sunday...*hugs* thanks Ren!

                              ~My FanFiction~


                                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                                Ren honey, you are a wonderful daughter. Chicken soup would me great. *yum*. Hey, if you can be in the oven around 9PM Eastern tonight . We are going to watch Quest 1 together. Hope that Cat makes it back in time tonight. Poor thing, her summer vacation is over and yesterday was her first day back to school. She probably needs some distractions from all that work.
                                her summer vacation is over....that makes my head hurt lol it's ....winter lol

                                *hugs Susan* I would bring you chicken soup but i'm only having soup... lol
                                My Fic: LJ &

