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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by djay View Post
    Just loved your new fic, isabel. I want the next morning hangover too!

    And Stef, I want to get Pride and Prejudice next. Is the Colin Firth version the best? Mum said she liked the other version or something?

    I can't really say (other than the old b&w version is the worst!). The new version (with Keira Knightly) is an entirely different entity than the Colin Firth mini-series. I lean more towards the new version simply because it's more manageable (around two hours, as opposed to like five). I also find the supporting characters more likeable/less annoying. But, if you want the "complete" story, I'd go with the mini-series. The movie focsuses almost exclusively on the Darcy/Elizabeth romance, whereas the mini-series deals with all of the other characters as well. I'm a sucker for romance though and I think the movie comes off as more romantic.

    Speaking of period romances....wasn't someone supposed to be writing their own version featuring DV? Or maybe that was just my wild fantasy......


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      I love old B&W movies! (and I love Greer Garson- Random harvest, Goodbye Mr Chips, Mrs Miniver..)
      *Feeling old*

      But I definitely want the mini-series. I had a funny idea from mum that there were two recent longer versions of the story. Gonna go for the Colin Firth one anyhow.

      He's her Lobster!
      LTS: Life's too short


        Yawn...tired of school work and regular work. And stinky old men.

        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        My sister has seen just about every Pride and Prejudice that has been made and the one with Colin Firth is her favorite if that is any help
        Gotta love the Colin Firth one. The scene where Lizzy walks to see her sister Jane when she was sick...notice Mr. Darcy's face when he stumbles upon her in the yard. The director actually told Colin to look "like Mr.Darcy has an unwanted
        erection. (sorry...I hate that word.)
        Cracks me up every time. I love both versions for different reasons. The new movie has a spectacular dance sequence and it shows Mr.Darcy falling for Lizzy more than Colin Firth's Mr.Darcy, who seemed to come out of nowhere with the proposal.

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        Speaking of period romances....wasn't someone supposed to be writing their own version featuring DV? Or maybe that was just my wild fantasy......

        Yeah, who was that??? We need to send vibes or plot bunnies to attack or something.

        spoiler pics for season 10

        by: SerenaSerenity


          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Whew! That was some catch-up, Shes!!

          I know, I was pooped LOL. I've managed to catch up on my fic and lj tonight, finally!!

          Originally posted by Anjirika View Post

          Thanks Shes! And nice to see you 'round again. That was quite a catch up!
          Thanks Anjirika I've read your latest fic, and have reviewed, I really enjoyed it!

          Originally posted by Dr,jackson View Post
          Morning shippers
          here's a Daniel/vala fanfic beware it's NC-17!!!

          Thanks for the fic rec Dr,Jackson!

          Originally posted by djay View Post
          Just finished watching 4 hours of the miniseries "North and South" that one of you gals recommended. Really enjoyed it.
          I really enjoy strong female characters. Also beginning to realise that I tend to ship couples that (temporarily) really can't stand one another! But it makes the resolution mean so much more.

          I absolutely loved the North and South miniseries

          Awww thanks for the lovely pic run!

          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          I'm bored, I'm tired but more lazy than anything else. So what am I gonna do? I'm gonna watch all the season 6 24 episodes my brother taped to get ready for MS's episode on Monday.... yep, you heard right- I'm Jack Bauer-ing it tonight (and probably some of tomorrow- there a lot of episodes!). *shakes head* The things I do....

          D: Seriously all the episodes? You like me, you really like me!
          V: Wow, that's some dedication *coughboredomcough*
          Me: Of course I do Daniel, silly boy. And yep it is, lots and lots of boredom. (plus Keifer kinda rocks that show)

          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          (Taking a break...)

          Thanks for the support Stef, I feel the same way about Tony, I just loved him and Michelle together, it was a dark day when that ended. Damn it! "Heroes" you just reminded me! But I just have my brother taped "24" again, I can't miss my Petrelli fix

          I hope so too! You now have me excited about dirty manips! *fingers waggle in Mr. Burns exccsellent style*

          And now for the "real" reason for my break:
          Yay, more fic! I've read a few of your fics over on LJ this morning too

          Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
          Yeah, who was that??? We need to send vibes or plot bunnies to attack or something.

          spoiler pics for season 10
          Love the pic run

          Avatar Signature by eLouai,
          TekTek, & Gaia Online


            You can *bump* if you want to. You can leave your friends behind.
            'Cause your friends don't *bump*, and if they don't *bump*, well they're no friends of mine.

            No idea what I'm babbling about? Check out THIS CLIP from "Scrubs."


            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


              Back to work tomorrow after a two week break. Blah!

              Consoled myself by watching "Ties that Bind" today. Haha. That's such a funny one.
              Really interesting to watch the bedroom scene again where Vala says Am I really that repulsive? and Daniel says no, then thinks about it for a minute before repeating his answer!
              Poor confused boy!

              He's her Lobster!
              LTS: Life's too short


                Originally posted by djay View Post
                Consoled myself by watching "Ties that Bind" today. Haha. That's such a funny one.
                Really interesting to watch the bedroom scene again where Vala says Am I really that repulsive? and Daniel says no, then thinks about it for a minute before repeating his answer!
                Poor confused boy!
                Silly Daniel Although, having watched "Unending," there are some interesting parallels between...
                ...the bedroom scene aboard The Odyssey and that bedroom scene at the SGC. I've already gone over this, but I'll just point these things out:

                1. Attractiveness
                SGC: "Am I really that repulsive?"
                Odyssey: "Unless you really don't find me attractive."

                2. Confinement
                SGC: Stuck together on the base because of the bracelets.
                Odyssey: Stuck together on the ship.

                3. Boredom
                SGC: "We're both stuck on this base, and there's nothing else to do."
                Odyssey: "I'm so sorry that you're bored. But you pretend that it's anything else!"

                4. Misunderstandings
                SGC: She's messing with Daniel, but he takes her sob story seriously (he's
                understanding and apologetic).
                Odyssey: She's being sincere, but he thinks she's messing with him (he's
                angry and accusatory).

                5. Honest Emotion
                SGC: She fake cries, he kicks her out.
                Odyssey: She really cries, they have sex!

                Can you tell that I'm bored?! Yeah....I really need to either sleep or do actual studying for my final on Monday!!


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  In my continuing boredom, I made another DV vid. As I perused my collection, I began to realize that most of my vids tended to"angsty." So, I decided to make one that was a little more light-hearted. Someone recommended Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend," but I decided instead to go with another song from her recent album called "Contagious." Sounds dirty and bad, right? Except it's not

                  Anyway, hope y'all like it. I'm actually pretty pleased with the outcome (I know I always say that...but this time I'm not lying). It's running neck and neck with "Accidentally In Love" and "Better Days" for the least stressful editing award. But that's enough ya go, and enjoy!

                  Artist: Avril Lavigne
                  Spoilers: ALL EPISODES

                  As usual, comments and feedback are much appreciated

                  And with that, I head to bed. Night all!


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Cool, I'll download it now.
                    (and I suggested Girlfriend)

                    He's her Lobster!
                    LTS: Life's too short


                      Originally posted by djay View Post
                      Cool, I'll download it now.
                      (and I suggested Girlfriend)

                      Yeah, sorry I liked the song but I didn't know exactly how the whole "I don't like your girlfriend" bit would work. I was thinking about including episodes from previous seasons, featuring Daniel's "love interests"...but that meant extra downloading (and I haven't seen anything past mid-season 2). But, maybe I'll get to that song someday!!

                      Seriously, going to bed!


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        You can *bump* if you want to. You can leave your friends behind.
                        'Cause your friends don't *bump*, and if they don't *bump*, well they're no friends of mine.

                        No idea what I'm babbling about? Check out THIS CLIP from "Scrubs."

                        HEE!! Awesome!

                        Originally posted by djay View Post
                        Back to work tomorrow after a two week break. Blah!

                        Consoled myself by watching "Ties that Bind" today. Haha. That's such a funny one.
                        Really interesting to watch the bedroom scene again where Vala says Am I really that repulsive? and Daniel says no, then thinks about it for a minute before repeating his answer!
                        Poor confused boy!

                        Daniel: *coughdenialcough* He wanted her, she wanted him, they just weren't ready for the emotional aspects their relationship would have brought at the moment. Stef I agree with your SGC/Odessey bedroom talk parrallel. (cont under the cut- Unending spoilers)


                        I also think he was ready to believe her the first time b/c at that time, yes, he was attracted to her but he also saw her a someone he could save. And we all know how Daniel feels about saving people. But then on the Odessey, she had become more of an equal to him, someone to balance him out, a friend that he could trust with his feelings (b/c I think we all noticed that out of everyone he could have gone to confide what he was feeling, it was just her and him alone in his room-- intimate settitng, intimate setting! plus before all their "really" big talks had been in his office/her room-already let him in/off-world, he had already, at least subconciously, let her in) and that probably scared him more, which is what I think was some part of the rant was attributed to.

                        To put that much of his heart and trust in to someone that he really trusted in practically every sense (b/c he did- again denail) really scared him. And then he saw and bam! (ot- gotta give it to CB for completely owning that entire scene) And I swear the moment by the dresser when he realizes what he just said, and how it effected her (again MS- awesome, both just rocked) it was such a moment. B/c again before in the SGC he picked (with the awesome/weird psychic thing they have) that she was probably "embellishing", giving both of them an out-Vala wasn't ready then either, so they took it.

                        In Unending, he did the same thing after all the pent up anger had been let out, he just looked over at her and knew. When the realization creeps over his face- priceless. And he goes over to her and *swoon*

                        ^ that ended up being a lot longer than oringnally planned, I'm much like Pringles in that way, once it pops, it just don't stop. Also it's clear I think way to much about this stuff. Eg: Watched Quest P.2 the other day and I have pretty much every scence dissected to find even a smigen of D/V.

                        Le sigh.

                        EDIT: Stef Loved the video!!! SO cute!! *huggles it* And in 200 when she proposes the wedding idea, he totally thought about it!
                        Last edited by isabelqc; 29 April 2007, 03:25 AM.
                        banner by Stef


                          Interesting take, Isabel. It's interesting that Vala does choose to go along with the "messing with me" line in The Ties That Bind.
                          I personally believe she was telling the truth about being spat on and stoned ny her own people. But she does tend to back down when she reveals a little too much of her own vulnerabilities. (Building those walls around herself again)
                          I wonder where the scene would have gone if she hadn't answered "Is it working" ? ( Not into bed, I'm sure. But may have been a nice moment. But then we wouldn't have the funny!

                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            Fun vid, Stef!
                            (I want to catch what they've got!)

                            (Also enjoyed your comparisons between the two episodes.)
                            He's her Lobster!
                            LTS: Life's too short


                              stef, i love your video, so cute, and it's a very great choice of song:
                              '"they all say that you're no good for me
                              but i'm too close to turn around
                              i ll show them they don't know anythin[..]
                              I Cannot get it out of my mind
                              you make me feel so high''


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                Silly Daniel Although, having watched "Unending," there are some interesting parallels between...
                                ...the bedroom scene aboard The Odyssey and that bedroom scene at the SGC. I've already gone over this, but I'll just point these things out:

                                1. Attractiveness
                                SGC: "Am I really that repulsive?"
                                Odyssey: "Unless you really don't find me attractive."

                                2. Confinement
                                SGC: Stuck together on the base because of the bracelets.
                                Odyssey: Stuck together on the ship.

                                3. Boredom
                                SGC: "We're both stuck on this base, and there's nothing else to do."
                                Odyssey: "I'm so sorry that you're bored. But you pretend that it's anything else!"

                                4. Misunderstandings
                                SGC: She's messing with Daniel, but he takes her sob story seriously (he's
                                understanding and apologetic).
                                Odyssey: She's being sincere, but he thinks she's messing with him (he's
                                angry and accusatory).

                                5. Honest Emotion
                                SGC: She fake cries, he kicks her out.
                                Odyssey: She really cries, they have sex!

                                Can you tell that I'm bored?! Yeah....I really need to either sleep or do actual studying for my final on Monday!!

                                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                                HEE!! Awesome!

                                Daniel: *coughdenialcough* He wanted her, she wanted him, they just weren't ready for the emotional aspects their relationship would have brought at the moment. Stef I agree with your SGC/Odessey bedroom talk parrallel. (cont under the cut- Unending spoilers)


                                I also think he was ready to believe her the first time b/c at that time, yes, he was attracted to her but he also saw her a someone he could save. And we all know how Daniel feels about saving people. But then on the Odessey, she had become more of an equal to him, someone to balance him out, a friend that he could trust with his feelings (b/c I think we all noticed that out of everyone he could have gone to confide what he was feeling, it was just her and him alone in his room-- intimate settitng, intimate setting! plus before all their "really" big talks had been in his office/her room-already let him in/off-world, he had already, at least subconciously, let her in) and that probably scared him more, which is what I think was some part of the rant was attributed to.

                                To put that much of his heart and trust in to someone that he really trusted in practically every sense (b/c he did- again denail) really scared him. And then he saw and bam! (ot- gotta give it to CB for completely owning that entire scene) And I swear the moment by the dresser when he realizes what he just said, and how it effected her (again MS- awesome, both just rocked) it was such a moment. B/c again before in the SGC he picked (with the awesome/weird psychic thing they have) that she was probably "embellishing", giving both of them an out-Vala wasn't ready then either, so they took it.

                                In Unending, he did the same thing after all the pent up anger had been let out, he just looked over at her and knew. When the realization creeps over his face- priceless. And he goes over to her and *swoon*

                                ^ that ended up being a lot longer than oringnally planned, I'm much like Pringles in that way, once it pops, it just don't stop. Also it's clear I think way to much about this stuff. Eg: Watched Quest P.2 the other day and I have pretty much every scence dissected to find even a smigen of D/V.

                                Le sigh.

                                EDIT: Stef Loved the video!!! SO cute!! *huggles it* And in 200 when she proposes the wedding idea, he totally thought about it!
                                WOW, thanks for writing all that stuff down you guys! I have thought there were a lot of parallels, but just haven't had the chance to watch them both back to back to really disect them. Some day when I am done capping(now that I have my own capping program), I will be able to do that

                                Originally posted by djay View Post
                                Interesting take, Isabel. It's interesting that Vala does choose to go along with the "messing with me" line in The Ties That Bind.
                                I personally believe she was telling the truth about being spat on and stoned ny her own people. But she does tend to back down when she reveals a little too much of her own vulnerabilities. (Building those walls around herself again)
                                I wonder where the scene would have gone if she hadn't answered "Is it working" ? ( Not into bed, I'm sure. But may have been a nice moment. But then we wouldn't have the funny!

                                Very intersting djay! That might make for a nice fanfic

                                CONGRATS ON 100 POSTS SYDNEY
                                Sig made by me

