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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    236 Family Ties caps in 720p resolution here

    off topic (Photoshop):

    Is there any other way to select the edges from image except Find Edges+Desaturate?
    Sometimes it selects either too many or too few edges (and blurs the edges a little)
    I found a way to select the edges with AviSynth but it would be much easier if there is a way to get same result with photoshop

    Source image:

    After running it through AviSynth with this script:
    LimitedSharpenFaster(ss_x=4.5, ss_y=4.5, strength=100, smode=4, edgemode=-1)

    Finally after some added layers and blending changes I get this

    Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...


      Hello Shippers!!!

      Before I run off to read those fics that were recommended by isabelqc, just wanted to say: Congrats to Kales for being top poster, Great Screencaps Tonttu, and sorry you are still feeling bad Gioia.

      Maeve, I am sorry to hear about your Grandma. My thoughts are with you and your family

      *runs off to grab some water and start reading some fics*
      Sig made by me


        *pokes all you Daniel/Vala peeps out there*

        The Stargate Fan Awards needs more D/V nominations!

        I'm starting a daily (or nearly daily) prompt for people to remember!

        Nominate your favorite Dala Action/Adventure Story!

        Can't decide between two... nominate both!!!
        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


          Originally posted by ObsessiveShip View Post
          Hey, guys! Been a while...with end-of-semester craziness at school, I haven't even been lurking like normal for a week or two...and that's crazy, considering I used to keep up with this thread daily!

          Anyway, I just wanted to share a fic I wrote...for some reason this idea just wouldn't leave me alone. I'm pretty shy about posting fics (i have written many, many more that probably will never see daylight), put I thought you guys might like it...and I could use this thread as a tester on whether to put it up on

          Anyway, on to the's a future fic, and is set in a time and place where Daniel and Vala have been together as a couple for quite a while.

          spoiler tagged for size only, no episode spoilers


          “So, you think that translation makes sense with what you’ve figured out about the device so far?” Daniel asked, looking at his notebook to double check that he had read it correctly.

          “I think so.” Sam answered, reviewing some data on her laptop, “But it’s too early to tell for sure.”

          They were in Sam’s lab, hunched over one of her work benches, working to try and figure out the newest device brought back through the Stargate. It was obviously a piece of technology, but beyond that they had no idea what it did. There were some engravings on the side, which Daniel was attempting to translate to help put the device into context.

          Mitchell and Teal’c stayed in the room but out of the way. Having nothing of importance to do, they were interested in seeing what the device was. And it was always fascinating to watch Sam and Daniel work together on something when they were both in their zone.

          Vala had left a few moments ago, to get food and bring it to the lab since neither Daniel nor Sam seemed to want to waste time on what to their minds were unnecessary things. Little things like eating.

          Daniel straightened and started to cross the room to another bench that had some more of his notebooks on it. “Maybe if I…”

          He was in the middle of the room when he was interrupted by a loud, excited squeal. Next thing Daniel knew, Vala was somehow managing to fling herself from the doorway to him, and he managed, “Vala, wha…oomph!”

          Daniel thought it might have been an attempt by Vala to jump into his arms, as she often did when excited, but seeing as it had taken him by surprise and had been executed with such velocity, it sent them both toppling to the ground.

          The main point of Vala’s plan had gone well, however, because somehow in the midst of the chaos as they fell, as his papers and notebooks that he had previously been carrying went flying, she had managed to connect their lips, and Daniel found himself on the receiving end of an extremely passionate kiss.

          One part of Daniel (the part that had been drilled into him by Jack, he was sure) desperately struggled to keep either of them from getting hurt as they fell, and another part (one that was getting bigger by the nanosecond, and took over completely once they were all the way on the ground) concentrated on kissing her back fully, not really caring about their audience. Their teammates were used to Vala’s rather obnoxious public displays of affection, after all. Granted, they usually weren’t this obnoxious, but still…

          When oxygen finally became a problem, they broke apart, and Vala was smiling one of the biggest, sweetest smiles he had ever seen.

          Ignoring the giggles from Sam, a whistle from Mitchell, and the raised eyebrow that he didn’t have to see to know was there from Teal’c, Daniel moved a hand to her waist and raised one hand to brush her hair out of her face, returning her smile with what he knew had to be a rather sappy one of his own, not bothering to move either of them from their tangled position on the ground.

          When normal brain function finally returned, Daniel realized that he had just been, quite literally, jumped in the middle of Sam’s lab, was currently sharing dreamy smiles with his girlfriend lying on the floor of said lab, and had absolutely no idea what he had done that merited being jumped in such a fashion in the first place.

          “Not that I’m complaining,” he said, eliciting a snort from Sam and a smothered laugh from Cam, “but is there a reason I was tackled to the floor of Sam’s lab?”

          Vala’s smile, if possible, grew, and she held up in one of her hands a small black box.

          Daniel froze, in his current position, eyes fixed on the box, and stopped breathing. Vala soooo wasn’t supposed to have found that. Damn, damn, and double damn.

          The mood in the room changed abruptly, with the eyes of all three of the other teammates in the room going wide, and a gasp being emitted from Sam at the same time as Mitchell’s “Whoa.”

          “Where did you find that?” Daniel managed to rasp out.

          “In the drawer of your desk, silly!” Vala started talking very fast, still lying on top of him. “After I got the food, I went to your office to get you some of your coffee you like ,for you to drink with it, and there wasn’t any by the coffee maker so I started to look to see if you had any in your desk. I wasn’t trying to snoop, honest! I just found it, and I knew it had to be for me, then I figured that it wouldn’t be right not to tell you I had found it since you obviously meant for it to be a surprise, and it wouldn’t be as fun to pretend to be surprised…and I’m really sorry for ruining the surprise,” for the first time her excitement dimmed a bit in true apology, “but I figured it couldn’t have been a really important surprise that would be really bad if I found out. My birthday was last month and Christmas is still 6 months away.”

          Her smile was back, and she sat up to open the box and look at the ring, leaving Daniel’s arms to drop to his sides. “It’s absolutely gorgeous, Daniel, and I love it!”

          She leaned down and pecked him on the lips, whispering “Thank you so much for the lovely surprise. I love you, Daniel.”

          Daniel still had yet to move a muscle. Normally, hearing that from her melted his heart and he’d have returned the sentiment. But his brain was working overtime. He quickly processed everything Vala had just said…and then finally realization hit. Vala didn’t know what the ring meant. She just thought it Daniel had gotten it for her as a gift.

          As he was coming to this revelation, the others apparently did, too. Sam started laughing. Mitchell put up a valiant effort, but soon joined in. Even Teal’c had a smirk. “I take it things did not go according to plan, Daniel Jackson.”

          He sat up and glanced at his longtime teammate. “Not exactly, Teal’c.” Still, he felt a smile come to his own face, and had to bit back a laugh as he recognized the humor of the situation. Poor Vala had no idea what the little black box and ring symbolized. If she was excited about a plain gift, what until she found out the rest.

          Daniel quickly got to his feet, and held out a hand to pull Vala to hers. When she was upright and facing him, he pulled her close to him, close enough to be intimate but just far enough that he could watch her face, still holding one of her hands and placing his other over the little black box in hers.

          “Do you know what this is, Vala”? He asked softly.

          “A ring.” She answered, smiling her smile yet again. “A very beautiful ring.” She leaned in for another kiss, but Daniel raised the hand that had been over the box and placed a finger on her lips to stop her.

          This time, it was him who smiled, as he shook his head. “It’s not just a beautiful ring.” He gently tugged the box out of her hand, holding it up. The box was still open and sparkled from the lights in Sam’s lab. “In our culture, when a man wants to marry a woman, he asks her by presenting a ring like this.” Vala’s smile faded as her eyes grew huge. He met those bright eyes, and found them searching his.

          “It’s an engagement ring.” He continued softly, never taking his eyes off hers. “When a woman wears it, it symbolizes that she’s betrothed to be married.”

          She seemed to be holding her breath. “Daniel…”

          He took a deep, fortifying breath, and glanced at Sam and Teal’c as if for confirmation that what he was about to do was the right thing. He hadn’t planned on them, or anyone, really, being present for this occasion other than Vala and himself, but they were and somehow it worked. They both gave almost imperceptible nods, urging him forward.

          “I guess what I’m trying to say…” in the traditional manner, he knelt on one knee before her. “Vala, will you marry me?”

          Tears were swimming in her eyes, and she brought a hand to cover her mouth. “Oh, Daniel...”

          There were several beats of silence before Daniel stood. “Vala?” He reached to take her free hand.

          The other dropped from her mouth as she managed, “I’m sorry, Daniel, but…” and for one horrifying instant, his world was plummeting right out from under him, but her next words had it coming right back up again at a pace so dizzying he was surprised he could stand. “I-I don’t know what I’m supposed to say or do in this little ceremony.”

          Her voice came out a little choked with the unshed tears. She had thought with the way he’d gone into a obviously traditional pose and such that there might be specific words that she was supposed to answer the question with to mean one thing or another, and with her mind so frazzled at the moment she didn’t want to take any chances of saying the wrong thing and screwing this up.

          Daniel felt relieved laughter bubble up in him that she wasn’t turning him down and let it out, reaching for her and pulling her against him, burying his face in her hair. “God, you scared me.”

          “What?” Vala wasn’t sure what was going on, and she pulled back. “I-I didn’t mean to, I…”

          With a soft smile, he reached out again for her hand, using his other one tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

          “Vala, you just have to answer with the honest answer. That’s all.” He caught her eyes again, this time searching hers as he held up the ring again. The ends on his lips turned up as he finished gently, “I think a better way to ask would be…Vala, do you want to marry me?”

          “Yes!” The tears finally fell, and a watery laugh sounded. “Of course I do, Daniel!”

          And suddenly she was in his familiar embrace, laughing with him before jumping to wrap her legs around him and kiss him for all she was worth.

          Vala rested her forehead against his for a moment when they broke apart, before her feet were placed back on the ground. Daniel took the ring, which he had somehow managed to keep a hold of through all of this, out of the box, putting it on the appropriate finger.

          Daniel had barely finished the task when he was spun around from behind, and Sam was hugging him tightly, whispering in his ear, “Congratulations. You deserve it.” Before she moved on to Vala, and it was Teal’c turn. “Congratulations, Daniel Jackson. I have no doubt you and Vala Mal Doran will be very happy.”

          “Well, it’s going to be Vala Jackson soon, Teal’c.” Mitchell reminded him as he came to add his congratulations.

          Vala, who had been in the middle of a hug with Sam, pulled back. “Really? The women take the name of the husband here?”

          Daniel turned to face her. “Well, traditionally, yes, but if you don’t want to…”

          His sentence was cut off. “Daniel, I do want to.” She grinned. “Vala Jackson. Pretty name, don’t you think?”

          Yes, that did just put a massive grin on my face

          Now, back to the catching up.

          And Stef, nice new banner you have there. You too, DJG


            Thanks for the kudos on my story, everyone! Glad to spread the D/V love lol

            All Images Made By Hopalong


              Stef, rofl, this shows how little a life I have atm. How do you find out these things?! Or how good my procrastination skills are.

              And I haven't seen hopalong .... or faithstars for that matter in quite some time. and also, Stef, haha... *stops laughing with difficulty*

              Gioia, hope your headache clears up!

              Starbuck, yep, that is a killer line. Seriously, we're spoiled rotten for writing in this ship almost all of the time.


              I loved that they went down the lifetime path, personally, if only for the sake of validation - that these two characters had a future, could stand to live with each other for that length of time and as Daniel says, so that they weren't just together because they were stuck on that god-awful ship

              If I had any doubts... which as you all know I didn't lol, being ridiculously optimistic and saying for weeks on end before it "it's going to happen!" *cough blind faith is me cough* ... this episode killed them.

              Stef said it best after Unending aired - it only happens 3 months in, which means they are of our timeline, with very little alteration - those feelings are there when the timeline is changed.

              Ahem, Ronja, thanks, but I'm not entirely sure this is something I should be proud of And you're right up there with we 800 kids too

              isabel, my loves the ficlet. like I said on your LJ, we should nominate a day to be dedicated purely to fluff.

              Tonttu, I have no idea. Looks like a query for our Marshall of the DV Arts I tend to use, for bigger images, the cut-out effect with the maximum amount of detail or the poster edges with a high posterisation and low edge thingy, if that's any help. And I love the screen caps.

              And Maeve, my thoughts are with you and your family.


                Due to my complete boredom at the moment I went and mess around with my Image Tricks and Word, to make these babies-


                Again, ridiculously simple but fun. OT- I can't wait to get Photoshop

                Kales, I completely agree b/c in between the massiveness of The Monster and The Demon, there needs to be cute fluff to keep us sane (why do think everything I'm posting is so short-- everything else is being consumed )
                banner by Stef


                  Short fic is good. I think one needs to balance one's fic between epics, PWP, episode tags, and one shots to round out one's fic writing ability.
                  thanks Stef

                  Thanks Wendy


                    obsessiveship, it's so cut and sweet and i adore the end of your fic !

                    Maeve, i'm so sorry for you.

                    This is my new video about Dala and Sam/Jack
                    The song is sway of the perisher, it's the Logan/veronica'song.

                    I made a sort of editing with the lyric and i hope you will like the end with the idea of the weeding



                      Originally posted by sydney2325 View Post
                      obsessiveship, it's so cut and sweet and i adore the end of your fic !

                      Maeve, i'm so sorry for you.

                      This is my new video about Dala and Sam/Jack
                      The song is sway of the perisher, it's the Logan/veronica'song.

                      I made a sort of editing with the lyric and i hope you will like the end with the idea of the weeding

                      OMG! This was so sweet, it made my little shippy heart soar!!!!
                      banner by Stef


                        Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                        Well ... I'm not a die hard shipper... yet (probably will be when s.9 starts thou) trying not to get to involved as I know she will be leaving... But I do love those kiddies! They are so funny together. And I bet Danny loves the challenge too! can't wait to see Ties That Bind...
                        Originally posted by Kales View Post
                        Ahem, Ronja, thanks, but I'm not entirely sure this is something I should be proud of And you're right up there with we 800 kids too
                        That's becos I've been posting in here for almost 2 years... wow... ^^ that's my first post in here (other than agreeing with valaCB lol) it's always so much fun going back and reading old posts!


                          Originally posted by Tonttu View Post
                          236 Family Ties caps in 720p resolution here
                          Thanks for the cap Tonttu! You wouldn't happen to have Memento Mori and/or Quest caps would u??

                          Originally posted by aaobuttons View Post
                          *pokes all you Daniel/Vala peeps out there*

                          The Stargate Fan Awards needs more D/V nominations!

                          I'm starting a daily (or nearly daily) prompt for people to remember!

                          Nominate your favorite Dala Action/Adventure Story!

                          Can't decide between two... nominate both!!!

                          What stories are u having trouble deciding between?

                          I really want wanna read more action/adventure stories!!!


                            Originally posted by sydney2325 View Post
                            obsessiveship, it's so cut and sweet and i adore the end of your fic !

                            Maeve, i'm so sorry for you.

                            This is my new video about Dala and Sam/Jack
                            The song is sway of the perisher, it's the Logan/veronica'song.

                            I made a sort of editing with the lyric and i hope you will like the end with the idea of the weeding

                            Wow, Sydney! I love it! It's brilliant!

                            The way the Unending scenes are put in is amazing. The way the couples mirror each other is amazing. I adore the pacing at the beginning, with the quick changes. Just... loved it!

                            And for all I have issues with Logan/Veronica later on in the series, I adore that song.


                              Originally posted by Kales View Post
                              And for all I have issues with Logan/Veronica later on in the series, I adore that song.
                              LOL! I feel you!

                              banner by Stef


                                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                                *tackles and hugs*
                                There's TACKLING going on? What the? I've only been gone for a day??

                                Kales commented on LJ. *taps foot* DO not leave me like that for long!

                                Getter make me laugh. And those doll postiions were priceless.

                                ObsessiveShip, that fic was so cute!

                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                On a side note, I've decided that I'm never leaving my apartment. I did it again. I knew it from the moment I saw that look, the one a guy gets when you first mention a SF show that they secretly (or not so secretly) love. It's like they've found their soulmate...the one woman in the world who is as big of a geek as they are. *sigh* Thank God I didn't mention that I make music videos and wallpapers!

                                Okay where do you live? I'm moving there! There is this guy at work I've known for years and sort of like. He knows I like sci-fi and one night he said "Oh, hey, did you know there are actually people who are so obsessed they write about these shows??" I answered yes, very embarrassed and he got the idea that I was one of 'those people'. Sigh...I hate men.

                                As for your drinking. What is wrong with being 22 and never been drunk?? I'm 23 and never been drunk. That may be because I hate the taste of alcohol. Except for a Kuhlua Mudslide...yum...Kuhlua.

                                Sydney...LOVED Sway! Aww...I'm all shippy and fluffy now.
                                by: SerenaSerenity

