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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Some statistics for last month
    Most downloaded videos:
    1. DV-Love_Theme-v1 237 downloads
    2. DV-I Think I'm Paranoid 136 downloads
    3. DV-Contagious 129 downloads
    Bandwidth used: 34.66 GB

    Some Tragiday pics

    Now I'll get back to editing videos
    Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...


      Why oh Why couldn't we have had a scene like this between D/V???

      Sig made by me


        Because he was evil but I know you like that you like Daniel evil and then who would keep Vala in line spoilers for PP

        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
          Why oh Why couldn't we have had a scene like this between D/V???

          Why oh why indeed? I think we're gonna need some manips to satisfy our D/V smuttyness.

          Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
          Because he was evil but I know you like that you like Daniel evil and then who would keep Vala in line spoilers for PP

          Love the caps! They so cute!

          I loved him in the episode. Sexy!evil!Danny (waiting for his vixen!pirate!Vala). The whole time he was onscreen I could not look away. "We should stop talking..." *guh* >>>> I'm gonna go melt again.
          banner by Stef


            Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
            Because he was evil but I know you like that you like Daniel evil and then who would keep Vala in line spoilers for PP

            You are right, I do like Daniel/MS evil *coughsDarlingcoughs* but I meant more for the clothesless aspect then him being evil But an evil Daniel trying to keep Vala in line is something I never thought about. That would make for a great fic: If Vala met Daniel during Absolute Power!
            Sig made by me


              Super busy this week with school so will have to play catch up later, but I need a favor.

              I'm doing a video interpretation of a poem using clips from shows and movies. I want to fit in a couple Stargate clips. So if anyone could name a clip that portrays anything that shows a stage of life or part of life. Birth, death, loss, friendship, family or love. I can name a couple, of course, but I feel like I'm missing some really good ones. So if any come to mind that aren't weird (like Daniel dying and turning into a ball of light) I would be grateful. Thanks!

              Extra points to somesone who names the best season nine D/V moment that fits this.
              by: SerenaSerenity


                Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                Super busy this week with school so will have to play catch up later, but I need a favor.

                I'm doing a video interpretation of a poem using clips from shows and movies. I want to fit in a couple Stargate clips. So if anyone could name a clip that portrays anything that shows a stage of life or part of life. Birth, death, loss, friendship, family or love. I can name a couple, of course, but I feel like I'm missing some really good ones. So if any come to mind that aren't weird (like Daniel dying and turning into a ball of light) I would be grateful. Thanks!

                Extra points to somesone who names the best season nine D/V moment that fits this.

                It's not Daniel, but what about the Sam/Jacob scene from Threads?

                Made by Me!


                  Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                  Super busy this week with school so will have to play catch up later, but I need a favor.

                  I'm doing a video interpretation of a poem using clips from shows and movies. I want to fit in a couple Stargate clips. So if anyone could name a clip that portrays anything that shows a stage of life or part of life. Birth, death, loss, friendship, family or love. I can name a couple, of course, but I feel like I'm missing some really good ones. So if any come to mind that aren't weird (like Daniel dying and turning into a ball of light) I would be grateful. Thanks!

                  Extra points to somesone who names the best season nine D/V moment that fits this.
                  You could use Adria's birth, or Daniel helps a girl give birth is Season 1's Breif Candle. Of course Meridian would be great for Daniel's death scene. A good friendship moment is when they are all playing with Cassandra in Singularity(also in season 1) or of course them playing basketball in Beachhead. Love...Unending of course Family...that one is a little tougher, but Cold Lazarus comes to mind with Jack and his ex-wife. The Gamekeeper when we see Daniel as a child with his parents. Maybe when Sam and Jacob go to see Sam's brother Mark(can't remember the episode name, was that the The Tok'ra?)

                  Okay that is all I can think of for the moment...
                  Sig made by me


                    Tragiday continues spoiler for Unending

                    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                      Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                      I am aggravated I need to stay out of all the Anti threads cuz some of the stuff that is said has no logic and makes no sense so pic run pic run to cheer me up


                      There are some Tragiday pics to stay with the theme
                      I know I say I need to stay out of those threads but I know I won't I have to see the other side it's a bunch of threads that I read
                      Yeah, I went in there far too many times in the past and it ruined my happy place! Now, I just stick mostly to my subscribed threads. I'm proud of myself, I saw the ANTI-DV thread on page one last night and I wasn't even tempted to click on it.

                      Your right though, sometimes I'm not sure I understand the logic. I find that a lot of the times, it's just people using DV as a scapegoat for something they don't like about the show (something completely unrelated to DV). Once I understood that, it lost its hold over me!! To each their own though, they can vent about SG-1 all they like as long as it stays confined to that thread

                      Originally posted by Tonttu View Post
                      Some statistics for last month
                      Most downloaded videos:
                      1. DV-Love_Theme-v1 237 downloads
                      2. DV-I Think I'm Paranoid 136 downloads
                      3. DV-Contagious 129 downloads
                      Bandwidth used: 34.66 GB
                      Well, gee golly! My vids were never downloaded that many times when I hosted them

                      Originally posted by djay View Post
                      Awww! I love this new vid.
                      (Except it needs more eye sex!)
                      Spoilers for Unending

                      It's been taken off-line What's it called? Maybe I'll try to find it elsewhere.


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        It's so nice to know that we have TPTB on our side Just reading this interview with JM by one our lovely shippers, Wolfen Moondaughter. The last question was particularly interesting:

                        ST: And lastly ... you're a Daniel/Vala shipper, aren't you? Aren't you??

                        JM: Actually, I am Jack/Sam shipper as well as a Daniel/Vala shipper. Hope that's fairly obvious from "Memento Mori".

                        I knew there was a reason I liked him (aside from his sarcastic/cheeky blogs). I like writers/producers who interact with their fans like that Plus, you know, I like people who like DV. So anyone who says that DV wasn't being written as a ship in MM...well...they're wrong

                        Oh, and I've got to agree with a lot of his favorite moments (though a shocking lack of season 9 ):
                        "Camelot": The Ori ships kick the **** out of the allied forces, leaving a helpless Carter floating alone in space amid the devastation.
                        "Morpheus" : Vala aces the inkblot test.
                        "Uninvited": Landry demonstrates the Fulvus Whistling Duck call for a dumbstruck Mitchell.
                        "200": The Farscape take-off.
                        "Memento Mori": Daniel convinces Vala to come home.
                        "Family Ties": An unwitting Teal'c attends a special show at episode's end.

                        Hasn't RCC said he was a DV fan as well? He has to be, just look at what he wrote in "Unending"!

                        Speaking of ships though, have any of the writers/producers ever come out and said that they support any of the SGA pairings? Can't say that I recall. Seems like they hate ships on that show I wonder why.


                        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          It's so nice to know that we have TPTB on our side Just reading this interview with JM by one our lovely shippers, Wolfen Moondaughter. The last question was particularly interesting:

                          ST: And lastly ... you're a Daniel/Vala shipper, aren't you? Aren't you??

                          JM: Actually, I am Jack/Sam shipper as well as a Daniel/Vala shipper. Hope that's fairly obvious from "Memento Mori".

                          I knew there was a reason I liked him (aside from his sarcastic/cheeky blogs). I like writers/producers who interact with their fans like that Plus, you know, I like people who like DV. So anyone who says that DV wasn't being written as a ship in MM...well...they're wrong

                          Oh, and I've got to agree with a lot of his favorite moments (though a shocking lack of season 9 ):
                          "Camelot": The Ori ships kick the **** out of the allied forces, leaving a helpless Carter floating alone in space amid the devastation.
                          "Morpheus" : Vala aces the inkblot test.
                          "Uninvited": Landry demonstrates the Fulvus Whistling Duck call for a dumbstruck Mitchell.
                          "200": The Farscape take-off.
                          "Memento Mori": Daniel convinces Vala to come home.
                          "Family Ties": An unwitting Teal'c attends a special show at episode's end.

                          Hasn't RCC said he was a DV fan as well? He has to be, just look at what he wrote in "Unending"!

                          Speaking of ships though, have any of the writers/producers ever come out and said that they support any of the SGA pairings? Can't say that I recall. Seems like they hate ships on that show I wonder why.

                          I just read that interview too, I loved it. How anyone can see anything besides D/V in MM is beyond me. Before that episode I loved them but honestly I would get worried about where they were going with the relationship, then came MM and *guh* I LOVED them!!! And knew, hand to god that those two were made for each other and if the TPTB didn't see that they didn't deserve D/V. Thankfully, they did and we got Unending!

                          The Farscape take-off- Favorite part of 200!! followed closely by Zombie fighting Cam and the Puppet scene. Oh! and "weapons at maximum".

                          Seems like they hate ships on that show I wonder why. Ditto. I don't get it either, maybe they just never planned to have ships in SGA like the did in SG-1 (Sam/Jack, as unresolved as it was)...dunno. Still I totally ship Sparky Though D/V own my soul
                          banner by Stef


                            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                            I just read that interview too, I loved it. How anyone can see anything besides D/V in MM is beyond me. Before that episode I loved them but honestly I would get worried about where they were going with the relationship, then came MM and *guh* I LOVED them!!! And knew, hand to god that those two were made for each other and if the TPTB didn't see that they didn't deserve D/V. Thankfully, they did and we got Unending!

                            The Farscape take-off- Favorite part of 200!! followed closely by Zombie fighting Cam and the Puppet scene. Oh! and "weapons at maximum".

                            Seems like they hate ships on that show I wonder why. Ditto. I don't get it either, maybe they just never planned to have ships in SGA like the did in SG-1 (Sam/Jack, as unresolved as it was)...dunno. Still I totally ship Sparky Though D/V own my soul
                            Yeah, MM is where I became completely sure that these two people weren't "just friends"'s also when I fell in-obsession with them Hence, why I am working on a MM vid right now (one that is driving me up a wall!). I'm playing up some of the team elements, but I'm also throwing in a significant portion of D/V because, let's face it, he got all of the worrying screentime!

                            I actually like that "Uninvited" bit with the duck call. That was the first episode since TPTB that I had scene and I still laugh everytime I see it. It's nice to see the writers give some quirks to Landry, he's definitely not one-note. Plus, BB's face was priceless!

                            Ditto on the Sparky sentiment. Its just strange to have writers embrace ships on one of their shows and then to completely hate them on the other. I could at least understand if they were frustrated by how the S/J ship progressed/ended and didn't want to have to go through that again. But then they wrote D/V, so it's clear that they aren't against the idea of ships in general. Puzzles me! Still holding out hope for Sparky though


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Just a random run-in comment:

                              Watched Beachhead last night.

                              "I'm gonna kick your a$$!"
                              "Promises, Promises!"

                              That had me in stitches, so cute!!

                              Made by Me!


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                Yeah, MM is where I became completely sure that these two people weren't "just friends"'s also when I fell in-obsession with them Hence, why I am working on a MM vid right now (one that is driving me up a wall!). I'm playing up some of the team elements, but I'm also throwing in a significant portion of D/V because, let's face it, he got all of the worrying screentime!

                                I actually like that "Uninvited" bit with the duck call. That was the first episode since TPTB that I had scene and I still laugh everytime I see it. It's nice to see the writers give some quirks to Landry, he's definitely not one-note. Plus, BB's face was priceless!

                                Ditto on the Sparky sentiment. Its just strange to have writers embrace ships on one of their shows and then to completely hate them on the other. I could at least understand if they were frustrated by how the S/J ship progressed/ended and didn't want to have to go through that again. But then they wrote D/V, so it's clear that they aren't against the idea of ships in general. Puzzles me! Still holding out hope for Sparky though

                                Totally holding out for the Spark!

                                Plus, BB's face was priceless! It was wasn't it? I love how all the character are multi-dimensentional. I love Landry, the man has humor and I loved the conversations he had with Jack. "Uninvited" had such great Cam/Landry moments.

                                And about your MM vid *hugs* I'm sure it will turn out amazing, like all your stuff. I can't wait to see it.

                                Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                                Just a random run-in comment:

                                Watched Beachhead last night.

                                "I'm gonna kick your a$$!"
                                "Promises, Promises!"

                                That had me in stitches, so cute!!
                                They are made of cuteness!
                                banner by Stef

