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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
    And yes commentaries for every ep is normal. That is how seaon 9 is, but 99.9% of the commentaires are writers and crew and not the cast. I'm hoping season 10 will be different in that aspect.
    First off, HERE HERE, Kami! ITA with everything you said. It's like how I felt with the show "Angel." Season 5 was soooo different from the rest of the previous 4 seasons, but that didn't make it bad....just different (it actually happens to be my favorite season). I don't mind when shows take creative long as it's for the right reasons, or makes sense *cough*NOTSGA*cough*

    In regards to the looks like they're really packing them full of goodies, so I am crossing my fingers for at least a couple of actors doing commentaries, if just because these are the last episodes they'll ever be able to comment on!! Come on MS/ whammies, no whammies, no whammies, STOP!!!


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      I'm off to read them now
      see ya soon
      Banner made by Stef

      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

 many fics. I've been alternating between those and working on my vid. I'm saving Kales' and some of the longer ones until tomorrow...when I can fully appreciated them

        Anyway, think I'll head off to bed now. Good Mornight to you all!


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          People please remember to put all pictures of season ten (as per Gateworld rules ) in spoiler tags. I know people are getting excited (I know I am it is aftermignight here so technically the Quest part2 airs tomarrow) but some people are still avoiding spoilers.

          Oh and I saw an anouncement that season 10 dvds should be out on the 24 of July. SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

          thanks Stef

          Thanks Wendy


            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Anyway, think I'll head off to bed now. Good Mornight to you all!

            Hah!! Ya know what, when my day's just begun, you're always off to bed!!
            Funny world and my geograhpy(did i type it right?) was terrible at high school. I couldn't never make time changing calculation right
            It's such a b@%$&!!!
            Ok. I'm off to read messages from last night and fics. couldn't do it before
            My day's just begun with troubles.
            Stupid customs and invoices!!!
            Banner made by Stef

            Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


              Gioia, What country are you in?
              thanks Stef

              Thanks Wendy


                Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                Courtesy of Ronja...who is a wonderful pic dealer

                Vala: Do your ears hang low? Do they tumble to and fro?
                what a lovely cap for Day of Wonko!!

                Originally posted by djay View Post

                I woke up with a plot bunny in my head. A fanfic challenge, so to speak:

                I had this image of Daniel and Vala having this discussion in his lab about the mating rituals of ancient civilizations! I could just imagine Daniel trying to explain the customs delicately and in a scientific way, while Vala is just being turned on! Any takers?
                Himm an interesting idea. I'd like to see too. Yeah, any takers??

                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Just stopping by again with another drabble I figured I'd share with you folks over here: Paying the Bill.
                Thanks for the this lovely drabble. liked it.

                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                FANFICTION UPDATE
                Domino Motion
                Chapter 11: From Beside a Shattered Glass
                Spoilers up to and inc. Memento Mori
                Well..well..Our little Vala's gonna confront an ancient counsel. Affter her little chat with Morgan Le Fay at Pegasus Project, I know it's gonna be awesome.
                Liked the paralles between Quest 2. After reading your story, those scenes between Cam and Vala at Q2 have become more meaningful.
                Ahemm now chapter 12, please??

                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                Ok Vala was talking to Daniel about being Wonko
                Heh!!! I love Wonko day Great fun.
                Btw, what's the theme today? I'm terrible at it. I keep forgeting...

                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Time for a little Wonko-ness


                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                Great News Shippers we may get season 10 DVDs sooner than we think here is the article
                Well, great news even if I don't suppose I'll able to afford DVD's when they'll be out. I can't find them here, I've to ship them from Amazon, the shipping costs much and really i'm considering to buy dvd movies at Fall so I gotta use my other type of copies until the some oppurnuties come forward

                As for the Anti-S10 people, I can think whatever they want. I like the earlier seasons. I also like S9-S10, I love RDA but I don't feel upset at him(and really who am i to be upset at him? it's just ridiciluos.) or at TPTB for continuing the show without him( Some doesn't agree but this is SG-1. not Stargate: Jack O'Neil. As long as they don't suck, they can do whatever they want. which i don't belive they do. Even if I had several problems I did enjoy the last season. I missed him terribly sometimes but I was able to get over it and enjoyed what i had.)Himm what i was saying? I got carried on a little bit..oh yeah, I don't care what the anti-people think and probably they don't care about what i think either so they have their little haven to say their thing and we have our little haven and everyone's happy, shiney and little puppies and someone please stop me!!!!
                Banner made by Stef

                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                  Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                  Gioia, What country are you in?
                  Istanbul, Turkey
                  Banner made by Stef

                  Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                    Wow. That's really cool.
                    thanks Stef

                    Thanks Wendy


                      Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                      Wow. That's really cool.
                      Yeah, living on two continents. Well, I'm in Europe now, I'll be in Asia by evening

                      Btw, Daniel had won Sheppard&Daniel game too
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                      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                        Originally posted by gioia View Post
                        Yeah, living on two continents. Well, I'm in Europe now, I'll be in Asia by evening
                        That's really cool. Not many people - unless they own private jets or like to hike in the Ural - can get from one continent to the other so easily.

                        VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                          Kami *Applauds* Well said!

                          Gioia two continents in one day? Nice! I'm also vaguely jealous, I love to travel!
                          Banner by Stef.

                          The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                          HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                            Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post

                            Gioia two continents in one day? Nice! I'm also vaguely jealous, I love to travel!
                            Heh!! Istanbul is situated on two continents cause of Bosphorus. All you have to do is crossing it with ferries or bridges and viola!! you also change the continent

                            ok. here Vala and her boys
                            Banner made by Stef

                            Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                              G, you lucky girl. I've had lots of Aussie friends who have travelled overseas and Turkey is more often than not their favourite travel destination! It looks gorgeous.

                              And for something completely different. Any Farscape fans out there? (I know there are some)
                              Anyway, in the episode "Won't get fooled again" Claudia Black does this totally weird caterpillar rolling thing with her tongue! It looks like it is done with visual effects, but on the commentary they say Claudia can really make her tongue do that! What a cool party trick!
                              (Made a few nonPG thoughts go through my head!)

                              (slipping into the gutter again)
                              He's her Lobster!
                              LTS: Life's too short


                                That's cool news on the DVDS. I wonder how long they will take till they get Down Under? SOmeone mentioned Christmas. Sigh.

                                On Joe's blog today it also mentioned that the DVDs will feature a special tease for Continuum. I am also looking forward to the deleted scenes and the directors series too.

                                He's her Lobster!
                                LTS: Life's too short

