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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Kales View Post
    Oh wow, guys. I'm away for a matter of hours and you give me things to read!

    Can I just say I'm bummed I'm not on the opposite side of the Atlantic? Convention tour starts today... MS and Cliff Simon headlining... anyone going who can report back for us??
    Seriously, anyone who can report? *SIGH* MS is coming to Chicago in August, and I want to go. But, I'm the only one I know who watches the show....and I'm not overly keen on going by myself. Although, my friend will have just moved to the city a few months prior to the event, so I'd at least have a place to stay.

    I don't even want to know what I'd be like. My friend joked that she would go with me just to see me turn into a drooling puddle of fan-girl goo. You may not realize it from all of my gushing on this board, but I'm pretty self-controlled and reserved in real life One look at MS though, I would be incapable of words, smiling like an idiot.

    Originally posted by Kales View Post
    On the kisses...

    I love them both Don't make me pick, lol. I also love the one that my head inserts into the other Unending scenes in the Christmas party *mistletoe!*

    I like the second one best I think, it's the way she wraps her arms around his neck and that whole scene is just... everything that is right about them together Both genuine and passionate. They are the perfect 'ship. I think I now place them right up beside John and Aeryn, which officially makes CB the best actress on a screen (as if we didn't know that... )

    I think my favourite CB performance... Oh no, I can't pick one. She's too good in any episode you put her in, and lazy writing doesn't even touch her too much. She's just brilliant. Actresses this talented shouldn't be allowed because they cause dilemmas like this

    I want to say Dominion or the Shroud,

    Because again, it's all about what they aren't saying and what they are saying/what they're feeling. Because in both, for all Vala's trying not to be affected, you can see it as clear as day that she really really is, and CB does such a good job portraying that vulnerability. A lesser actress could have made Vala into a one note, 2D character... you know, the comic relief or the thin waist of the team... but CB really gives her depth and does all the levels well from the comic to the deeply serious, sometimes at the same time.
    Guess I'm in the minority here, but...
    ...I really do love both kisses. The first one was surprisingly sweet, the second was hot. How do you chose between the two? Still, it's wonderful to see that they can do both with such ease. Now that's the marking of a great ship.

    I agree, Kales, D/V has jumped right up there with J/A. I'm always curious what Vala's character would have been like if someone else had played her. She has clearly been written as a comical character, but if you listen to the PU commentary, the wrtier and director talk about how she brings emotion to the character. That CB doesn't let her be one-note. I think they said that is why they were so interested in bringing her back...that and the chemistry with MS.

    I just get the feeling that CB always kept the writers on task when it came to her character. That if she really thought they were doing Vala injustice, she would tell them so.

    Oh, and you should totaly watch "North & South." It's hard to's seriously one of my favorite love stories of all time. The kiss at the end is just, well, perfect in every way. Here's a link to the summary...NORTH AND SOUTH.

    Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
    Loved the pic war,
    and speaking of other epsidoes
    I was re-watching The Shroud yesterday and while upon first viewing I didn't like it (mostly because I was super sick I think) I love it now.

    I mean the scenes with Daniel and Jack are great and the scenes with Daniel and Vala are amazing

    Just goes to prove that some episodes need to be re-watched over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
    That's so true. I'm trying to think of an episode that improved as I watched it. Hmm. "Family Ties" probably (after I knew not to expect too much). Also, probably "Company of Thieves." I remember being really angry about certain parts of that episode (mostly having to do with the editing/pacing), but now I can appreciate the parts I did like a lot more

    Okay, is that it? Did I respond to everyone?

    Oh, love the wp, Nef!

    Last edited by Stef; 23 March 2007, 01:46 PM.

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      Unending spoilers...
      My favourite kiss is def the second one too. Daniel is kind of taken off guard in Promethius Unbound. Even if he seems to enjoy it a little too much!
      In Unending I love how they linger just that little bit before breaking the kiss. And I love how it takes a while for Vala to open her eyes. It's like she doesn't want to open her eyes and see it was all a dream or something. Or maybe she is just blown away by the kiss.
      Claudia does some fantastic acting in that scene too. I like how after Daniel asks her to look at him she turns away and closes her eyes. She opened herself up to him but has been hurt. So she is "putting the wall up again", so to speak, to protect herself again as she has done in the past. But of course Daniel doesn't let her close herself off and turns her face towards him again. And we know the rest!

      He's her Lobster!
      LTS: Life's too short


        OMG!!! My YT account has been "permanently disabled"!!!!!! WTH?! I can't even log-on and view my favoites! Seriously, it's almost like someone has a hate on for me!

        If you still want to see any of my vids (you mentioned a few), they are still being hosted at the SG-1 Media Site, under the name Vala MD


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          Hmm, I never seem to be able to get the vids to play on that site. I have all the info but just a black square. Any idea what i am doing wrong?

          He's her Lobster!
          LTS: Life's too short


            Is the bar animated...meaning, is it doing some sort of yellow-swirl thing (). That means it's loading. It usually takes a minute to load each video. So, you will sit there with a black screen for a bit.

            As for other DV vids, I just did a YT search and found that when I typed in "daniel vala" I got only 200 that to the nearly 400 I got about a month ago when I did it. They are cutting us down (well, Viacom is cutting us down). It's got to be the songs. I guess from now on, if I want to post anything on YT, I have to check and see if the artist is with any record company that is owned by Viacom! Arg! Damn you and your stubbornness, YT!


            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


              Stef, it's this blimin' Viacom witch hunt. SJers are saying the same thing. Sparky vids are vanishing too.

              kay x
              .... status: fic writing...


                Yes, it's working now. Thanks for the link.

                DJAY(who must learn to be patient)
                He's her Lobster!
                LTS: Life's too short


                  Guys, does anyone go on other fansites? I.e. frequent Farscape boards etc.? From what I can tell from YT, it's exclusively SG vids, but I'm not so massively into any other shows enough to vid them atm. I'm wondering if it's hitting any other fandoms.

                  kay x


                    Hmm...maybe it's NBC then. I get the feeling that there is conflict among NBC/SCIFI and MGM. First it was the conflict over the pictures: NBC wanted all promo pics taken down, MGM didn't. Then the show opens its own media website...

                    I guess problems arise when a franchise is shared by two companies, with clearly competing goals.



                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Speaking of vids....there's a new DV one up. It's not bad. Let's enjoy them while we can.


                      He's her Lobster!
                      LTS: Life's too short


                        Hehe I'm keying in Daniel Vala and sorting by date every day now, lol, trying to catch them and watch them before Viacom do

                        kay x


                          Yes that's what I do too!

                          I better watch Ronja's THAT scene about 20 times today before they yank that too! GRRRRR!

                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            Thanks for the link

                            Speaking on more positive notes, I think I know what my favorite DV scene is now. Okay, so, technically MS and CB aren't in it, but it's still their chaacters (more or less). I LOVE the "teen SG-1" I mean, come on...

                            YOUNG TEAL'C (into phone): Yo, Wonderbread? You got that address figured out yet?

                            YOUNG DANIEL (into cell phone): Chill, T! I'm like, translating as fast as I can!

                            [He hangs up.]

                            YOUNG VALA (pouting): I'm so sick of being treated like some sort of object to be worshiped! I'm a real person with real feelings!

                            YOUNG DANIEL (moping): You know…I don't think Mitchell likes me any more.

                            YOUNG VALA: I'm pregnant.

                            That look on "Young Daniel's" face is priceless

                            Yes, happy time. Ignore the stupid things going on with vids. *sings, lost in my own little world*


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Ahh, 200?
                              I soooo have to get season ten. Need to watch them again. Can't remember half of them.

                              He's her Lobster!
                              LTS: Life's too short


                                Yup, good ole "200"

                                Thanks for the vid, rec, really enjoyed it I'm really peeved about this whole thing. I had like 17 vids posted...and I feel bad about posting SGA & BSG vids on a SG-1 Media site. I know people do it, I just don't know....


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