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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Don't be afraid, Stef! We all would LOVE to read your fic! Although I probably shouldn't be one to talk about being too self-conscious to post stories, lol.

    All Images Made By Hopalong


      Long post, guys! Sorry!

      Having said that, my issue is more of one that it would be out of character for Daniel to get involved with a woman he knows to be married. Look at Icon. He started to have feelings for Leta Kane but the moment he heard her mention husband he stepped back. I personally think after the business with Apophis and Sha're he would be loath to take up with a married woman. That is the way I see his character. This may be influenced by my religious views but I don't think so.
      I think I see your point there. I'm not Christian (I am religious, though, just.. it's a complicated thing) but I can see that objection from a storyteller's viewpoint. Making your character flit from one to another can only undermine the growth you've given them, so if LITS hadn't happened and Vala had thought Tomin was alive, I would have wanted that to be at least mentioned prior to anything happening.

      So I think he will die. If I were doing it I would have him die to save Daniel or Daniel and Vala. This would up the angst factor and provide more guilt and emotional whump for Daniel and put some more natural stumbling blocks to the relationship. (There by sustaning the will they/ won't they through another couple of movies before final resolution.) I would like Tomin to live but I don't believe it will happen.=)
      Gotta agree. Much as I like the idea of him living happily ever after and the character, I don't think they can resist killing him for the sheer drama of it. It'd be kind of nice actually, Tim Guinee's proved he can handle the meatier stuff in LITS so having three actors that good in a scene like that could be phenomenal.

      (I think you get the most, Kales, so PAY ATTENTION!!):
      Yes, ma'am *crisp salute*

      It just seems that every time I'm about to post it, I read one of your fics or Padfoot's or other equally talented writers' work and feel inadequate next to your greatness, and decide not to post it. One day, I will get up the courage
      Ahem. Whilst I am flattered, I shall be frank. Remember I like you as I say this

      You cannot lose either way, lol.

      1. It rocks and we love it. Happiness all over ensues.
      2. It has flaws. I refuse to say 'it sucks' because having seen your vignette, it cannot be utterly without redeeming features no matter how bad you think it is In this case, I PM you with constructive criticism, and so do other people, and you know how to improve See, it's all gooood.

      3. You're very talented. *nods* you are. Felt the need to remind you as ^seemed to lack a little confidence. ((((Stef))))


      I would like to see her coming back with a vengeance, lol, and showing what she can do when she feels really mean, because she's never really done that considering she liked her mother and "If she'd wanted to kill you, she would have done it long ago."

      Also, another Dominion "I find it hard to believe you don't feel anything" moment would not hurt me to watch.


      I do love the symmetry in his journey, as well. The way that Vala is the perfect foil and the way that the writers show his development in the person they deem suitable for him... I did that in an essay on ... can't remember now, may have been Walter Scott or Jane Austen... how there's an implicit judgement or statement about a hero in the lead they're placed opposite, or that's constructed for them, along the lines of "all things being equal, you get the partner you deserve".

      So what does everyone think about that, i.e. what does the difference between Sha're and Vala (and the similarities) show?

      My word can you tell I'm in essay mode?

      kay x


        <--stops poking baby (not mine) to try to coax him out to see...a million gazillion pages to catch up on!!!

        James Mcavoy!!!Love him! Children of Dune rocked! Inama Nushifrocked!

        The wrinkle scene and a question
        I think they said I love you. I just think that because of how fast the relationship began...fight-sex...and the lack of other options of partners that Daniel wants to reassure her in their last moments. I love that his final thoughts are making sure she knows that she was the one for him. What I want to know is what was Vala going to tell him that Daniel said I know too??

        As to what I would have liked to see in the I know scene is their very last moments. I picture Daniel holding Vala to the end. Or him asking her to dance.Sigh!

        The "L" word
        Daniel so would have said it first. I see Vala waiting to hear it before she says it. He hurt her once before and even if she got him in the end I just see her protecting herself no matter what.

        Kales! Your fic was awesome! Perfect! I loved it!

        The movies
        I want a caring Daniel and not a jealous one. I think Vala is going to have trouble choosing between SG-1 and Tomin. If they do end with Daniel letting out that he has feelings than she would choose him in a heartbeat. But until she knows for sure, I think Tomin is gonna give Danny a run for his money.

        I want Teal'c to spill the beans in the movie. Be delirious and tell just Daniel about what happened. I want to see Daniel's reaction to it. In unending we see one second of his wheels turning when Vala cries, I want to see a longer progression. Vala catching him staring at her, becoming softer to her.

        K...all I have for now!
        by: SerenaSerenity


          Originally posted by ObsessiveShip View Post
          You're right, Kales, overanalyzing is tons of fun
          Oh yes I love to over-analyze too,lol. In fact I think I've managed to connect the dots(so to speak) from Quest II straight thru to know all those things that made us go 'oh my' or 'huh, what the hell did that mean?"
          and if I EVER get more than 5 bloody minutes to myself
          (my kids have been on Spring break this week so my son has been inhabiting our basement computer set-up for most of the past week, plus this is the week I started working at this stupid security job fulltime, PLUS this was my son's birthday(16, ack!) this weekend, so it has been necessary for me to do other things than play here, like make birthday cake and shop for presents,lol)
          I'll see if I can delight you all with my suppositions,lol.
          Kales, lovely fic, thanks for doing how 'bout the conversation that lets Landry in on what's going on?lol.
          Oh and thanks for remembering that I'm trying to do that NC-17 piece...once again, there's too damn people in my house sometimes and this weekend there's just been too many other things demanding my time. The plus side of this job is that I should have plenty of time this week at work myself, the scene. I've got about two paragraphs done...the falling back on the bed has now happened...and that's as far as I've gotten.
          Hopefully I'll have something by the end of the week.

          My Fiction:


            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
            Oh yes I love to over-analyze too,lol. In fact I think I've managed to connect the dots(so to speak) from Quest II straight thru to know all those things that made us go 'oh my' or 'huh, what the hell did that mean?"
            and if I EVER get more than 5 bloody minutes to myself
            (my kids have been on Spring break this week so my son has been inhabiting our basement computer set-up for most of the past week, plus this is the week I started working at this stupid security job fulltime, PLUS this was my son's birthday(16, ack!) this weekend, so it has been necessary for me to do other things than play here, like make birthday cake and shop for presents,lol)
            I'll see if I can delight you all with my suppositions,lol.
            Kales, lovely fic, thanks for doing how 'bout the conversation that lets Landry in on what's going on?lol.
            Oh and thanks for remembering that I'm trying to do that NC-17 piece...once again, there's too damn people in my house sometimes and this weekend there's just been too many other things demanding my time. The plus side of this job is that I should have plenty of time this week at work myself, the scene. I've got about two paragraphs done...the falling back on the bed has now happened...and that's as far as I've gotten.
            Hopefully I'll have something by the end of the week.
            I am looking forward to reading it when it is all done LC

            Time to call it a night. See everyone tomorrow!!
            Sig made by me


              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              I didn't say that THEY were ticked off... I said that Sam looked a wee bit ticked off IMHO. It was the end scene of MM when Daniel kept insisting it wasn't a date. One by one Cam, Sam, Teal'c and Landry left Daniel's office while he was denying it. The look Sam gave him may have been teasing as a sort of "yeah right" but I personally saw it as a bit annoyed/ticked off. But that is just me.

              I don't know if you understand what I mean when I said the friendship was affected by Vala. I wasn't talking about HER friendships (as that is what I'm gathering from you saying she has been fitting on the team nicely), I was talking about DANIEL'S friendships with Sam and Teal'c... especially with the last few episodes this season. We don't see the friendship anymore between them.

              As nothing more than what? Co-workers? Rivals? People who hate each other's guts??

              See, that is why I want to leave this thread. Nothing against you, Sue, but it seems to me that an awful lot of people just HATE Daniel's friendship with Sam. Not that they aren't welcome to their own opinions but when no one tells me that these two are still friends well then that can only mean that they aren't right?

              And I'm curious too... do you think Daniel is still Sam's friend? If so, can you give me some examples that you've seen?

              I really hope you don't hate me. It's just that I'm sick and tired of getting flamed and being put down.

              See I guess I took everyone just having fun with Daniel; him saying not a date and no one believing him! And seemed playful to me; but see that what I saw; we all see everything differently!

              See and I saw even though yes when on missions Daniel and Vala were paired together; there were still team eps. I mean I enjoyed the banter between Jack N Daniel but always wondered why Jack and Tealc were always paired together? And I enjoyed the science twins in the first three seasons; but to me everything changed for team interaction in S4! Thats when the pod team came through but see thats how I saw it.

              I think Sam and Daniel can only be coworkers seeing that Sam has a thing for Sir!

              You are involved in an intresting discussion and you are good at it not sure why you want to leave; everyone enjoys seeing you here and you discuss so well Don't LEAVE we all see things differently and we all will.

              See I saw the Sam and Daniel friendship go down hill long ago in S7 when she commented on him being this annoying when he was ascended; and the fact that here he is talking with her about his dreams in chimera and when they get to the elevator and Sir is there she gets on the elevator and ignores the fact he was opening up to her and gets in the elevator; I mean Sam when he got back didn't thrill me but I would say more on her end not his; he was always open with her. And to me in S10 I think Sam was Sam again; and we got more team interaction and I enjoyed seeing team together like in well alot in second half like:

              Quest Part TWo
              The Shroud
              Bad Guys
              Bounty (sorta)
              Not sure about Line in Sand and Road Not taken didn't really watch those Michael not there.

              But see thats me and thats what I thought but we all see things differently. I enjoyed the second half season eps; Daniel got paired with Vala cause to me Vala was great for Daniel to banter with; I enjoyed TEalc and Daniel scenes in S7 and S8. I mean I would want more of Tealc and Daniel or MItchell and Daniel; heck give me daniel paired with anyone bantering away and I am happy camper but second half season rocked with team eps TO ME!

              And I am sorry not sure what is flaming? Heard of it; but not sure how would someone flame you? And hope you stick around for discussion enjoy hearing what you have to say.



              Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                James Mcavoy!!!Love him! Children of Dune rocked! Inama Nushifrocked!...

                Kales! Your fic was awesome! Perfect! I loved it!
                listening to it right now. I'm a member of a Facebook group called 'I Want To Do Things To James McAvoy', lol

                And thanks

                Oh yes I love to over-analyze too,lol. In fact I think I've managed to connect the dots(so to speak) from Quest II straight thru to know all those things that made us go 'oh my' or 'huh, what the hell did that mean?"

                the hug in MM... to the hand on her cheek in TQII ... to the hand on her chin in Dominion ... to the hand on her chin in Unending ... to canon, lol

                Kales, lovely fic, thanks for doing how 'bout the conversation that lets Landry in on what's going on?lol.
                I shall endeavour. Hmm... this one could be FUN And no problem, I remembered because I'm looking forward to reading it

                My word, LC you sound incredibly busy! You amaze me. I am busy with coursework but GW is keeping me sane by my during essay lurking.

                kay x

                EDIT: g/night, DJGirl!

                EDIT : Stef, ages ago you were talking about plus thingies on names. I discovered buddy lists today (their existence not their purpose ) and now people have them, so i think it's that.


                  Originally posted by Suebsg9 View Post
                  See I guess I took everyone just having fun with Daniel; him saying not a date and no one believing him! And seemed playful to me; but see that what I saw; we all see everything differently!

                  I definitely can see that actually... I think I had my shipper glasses on for that scene, though really had no reason to...

                  See and I saw even though yes when on missions Daniel and Vala were paired together; there were still team eps. I mean I enjoyed the banter between Jack N Daniel but always wondered why Jack and Tealc were always paired together? And I enjoyed the science twins in the first three seasons; but to me everything changed for team interaction in S4! Thats when the pod team came through but see thats how I saw it.

                  I think Sam and Daniel can only be coworkers seeing that Sam has a thing for Sir!
                  You mean they can't even be friends? Just people who are like "oh boy I have to work with this loser again today... I hate him/her." ? Gosh that really makes me sad. As for Sam having a thing for Jack... even if she did, does that mean she can't be friends with Daniel?

                  You are involved in an intresting discussion and you are good at it not sure why you want to leave; everyone enjoys seeing you here and you discuss so well Don't LEAVE we all see things differently and we all will.
                  Thanks for the encouragment... I was afraid I was getting too defensive or something, but overall the hard times people have been giving me on this site have been getting to me a little.

                  See I saw the Sam and Daniel friendship go down hill long ago in S7 when she commented on him being this annoying when he was ascended; and the fact that here he is talking with her about his dreams in chimera and when they get to the elevator and Sir is there she gets on the elevator and ignores the fact he was opening up to her and gets in the elevator; I mean Sam when he got back didn't thrill me but I would say more on her end not his; he was always open with her.
                  See, I didn't really see it that way. In Grace that Daniel was a figment of Sam's mind... and I didn't really think she saw him that way... he was being annoying to her because he didn't want her to stop trying to find a solution, she knew he cared for her and would want her to keep going so she'd be able to save herself. I honestly thought some of their friendship scenes in that part of the season left something to be desired, but I enjoyed them again in S8. I did have a few issues with her character in S7 and 8, but I still think they had some nice little friendship moments (the teasing in Space Race for one).

                  [ And to me in S10 I think Sam was Sam again; and we got more team interaction and I enjoyed seeing team together like in well alot in second half like:

                  Quest Part TWo
                  The Shroud
                  Bad Guys
                  Bounty (sorta)
                  Not sure about Line in Sand and Road Not taken didn't really watch those Michael not there.

                  But see thats me and thats what I thought but we all see things differently. I enjoyed the second half season eps; Daniel got paired with Vala cause to me Vala was great for Daniel to banter with; I enjoyed TEalc and Daniel scenes in S7 and S8. I mean I would want more of Tealc and Daniel or MItchell and Daniel; heck give me daniel paired with anyone bantering away and I am happy camper but second half season rocked with team eps TO ME!
                  I guess there's something sorta wrong with me in that the bantering isn't all that important to me. Maybe I am too crazy a fan of Sam/Daniel friendship to not see that they had problems and are no longer worthy of being friends or something. But as a shipper (ideally anyway... realistic onscreen and thus fan of friendship onscreen) I can't help being disappointed. Maybe it just means too much to me and I should let go of it. But it's hard.

                  And I am sorry not sure what is flaming? Heard of it; but not sure how would someone flame you? And hope you stick around for discussion enjoy hearing what you have to say.
                  Flaming is where someone attacks you for having an opinion or just because they like to cause trouble. I've been flamed not really so much on this thread, but on others and also in PM's and in people abusing reputation and it makes me wish that shipper wars didn't exist... I hate them and wish everyone could just ship and let ship. But anyway I appreciate that, thanks... maybe I will stick around as long as people are respectful


                    Hey all, I was wondering if any of you could point me to a site with screencaps of Unending? I'm in the mood to make a wallpaper of Daniel/Vala but I can't find any nice screencaps


                      Originally posted by Kales View Post

                      the hug in MM... to the hand on her cheek in TQII ... to the hand on her chin in Dominion ... to the hand on her chin in Unending ... to canon, lol

                      I shall endeavour. Hmm... this one could be FUN And no problem, I remembered because I'm looking forward to reading it

                      My word, LC you sound incredibly busy! You amaze me. I am busy with coursework but GW is keeping me sane by my during essay lurking.

                      kay x
                      Well I'm not including the hug in MM 'cuz that was pretty straight forward...all I've ever said about that was the fierceness of his expression in the warehouse and then something flickered across his face and I have yet to put a name to it...realization perhaps? The more I think(I really gotta stop doing that,lol) about it the more I am convinced that while he wasn't intending on their dinner out to be the kinda date that Vala was referring to, I do think he was sorta exploring. And then when she referred to 'postponing our little date', I can imagine her wording was 'hurtful' to him...the term 'little' here would be heard as 'trivial', 'unimportant'...remember how you felt when your parents referred to your first 'crush as 'your little friend'.
                      But I definitely will start with that gesture in Quest II, 'cuz I think it starts there.
                      My busyness comes in waves...this just happens to be one of those weekends because of now working fulltime again I didn't have time to do my son's cake until yesterday. Hey all is quiet at the gone to bed(going back to school tomorrow, thank God, and husband has taken our birthday guests home, so I've a few minutes to peruse what I've written on my fic.
                      So night all
                      (and I did mention I just love the trail of the hand/cheek gesture since the beginning,lol...can't help wondering if the writers actually saw this gesture being repeated in the fan fiction and kept it going in the actual scripts...damn makes the gesture more canon than the actual relationship, lol)


                      My Fiction:


                        Oh yeah I meant to ask...I am absolutely useless at fiction titles, so I'm looking for suggestions...for the...well you know what scene...the one that will never been seen anywhere but in our heads,lol. Feel free to PM me.


                        My Fiction:


                          Originally posted by JessM View Post
                          I definitely can see that actually... I think I had my shipper glasses on for that scene, though really had no reason to...

                          You mean they can't even be friends? Just people who are like "oh boy I have to work with this loser again today... I hate him/her." ? Gosh that really makes me sad. As for Sam having a thing for Jack... even if she did, does that mean she can't be friends with Daniel?

                          Thanks for the encouragment... I was afraid I was getting too defensive or something, but overall the hard times people have been giving me on this site have been getting to me a little.

                          See, I didn't really see it that way. In Grace that Daniel was a figment of Sam's mind... and I didn't really think she saw him that way... he was being annoying to her because he didn't want her to stop trying to find a solution, she knew he cared for her and would want her to keep going so she'd be able to save herself. I honestly thought some of their friendship scenes in that part of the season left something to be desired, but I enjoyed them again in S8. I did have a few issues with her character in S7 and 8, but I still think they had some nice little friendship moments (the teasing in Space Race for one).

                          I guess there's something sorta wrong with me in that the bantering isn't all that important to me. Maybe I am too crazy a fan of Sam/Daniel friendship to not see that they had problems and are no longer worthy of being friends or something. But as a shipper (ideally anyway... realistic onscreen and thus fan of friendship onscreen) I can't help being disappointed. Maybe it just means too much to me and I should let go of it. But it's hard.

                          Flaming is where someone attacks you for having an opinion or just because they like to cause trouble. I've been flamed not really so much on this thread, but on others and also in PM's and in people abusing reputation and it makes me wish that shipper wars didn't exist... I hate them and wish everyone could just ship and let ship. But anyway I appreciate that, thanks... maybe I will stick around as long as people are respectful
                          Exactly it was friends teasing Daniel about the fact they did consider it a date and he was denying it; but it was good nature ribbing I mean Daniel was smiling in his office as everyone left even Landry was there. I see everyone as friends all through S10!

                          I didn't say that I said that Sam and Daniel can only be friends because she is to busy either being shipped with the likes of Sir, Martouf, Pete and anyone else the writers can dream up for her but I just don't see Sam and Daniel as more then just a brotherly sisterly thing.

                          I like the bantering to me the bantering that Jack and Daniel did was natural and enjoyable to watch that is why Jack N Daniel banter was something fans would look for; I mean drove me nuts Jack was off with Tealc and Daniel and Sam were always working together when you could see how much fun the banter was between the two. I mean its like at times Jack N Daniel said things in together and was fun to watch. Well now Daniel and Vala have that banter at times he has it with the likes of Mitchell and TEalc; never seen it with Sam though.

                          You are in a discussion and you do a very good job of it; stay here and tell everyone why you are not a fan i mean for the longest time i might have been a shipper of daniel and vala just resisting it for the longest time i mean i like them together and not sure if i would have liked them together that way then it happend and enjoyed them together but thats me. We all like who we like but stick up for why you do

                          I think it was the fact she said it like that 'was he annoying when he was ascended' she might have been talking to herself yet it left a bad taste in my mouth.Yes but everytime he suggested something its like she wouldn't listen to him; thats another thing that bugged me. Yet when Sir entered picture and was a safe bet she made out with him; Space Race yes was cute at the end and him coming to see her in the office agree. But its like diff team came through Stargate the gee don't want to save the world again team in S4. Team got seperated alot in the seasons leading up to mEridian and same in other seasons and its like we got team back kinda in S9 & 10 cause mitchell had to start learning from the best.

                          I really like the team feel in S10 or end of it But thats me And I love banter can't go without it.

                          Sorry to hear thats happening to you; understand then why you want to leave and sorry if we keep dragging you in; if that was happening guess i can see why you want to leave but i would maybe lets a head huncho know


                          Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                            Okay, so I read your fic, Kales. I think I'll just let you read your review section for my comments...people will probably look at me strangely if I start babbling incoherently about how much I loved it on here

                            So it looks like my next DV vid may be delayed. I just got an inspiration for a Lee/Kara vid for BSG. Since I haven't made one for them in, oh, 6 months, I thought I'd do it. But I tend to alternate between projects when I edit (keeps me sane), so I'll still be working on "23." I suppose it would help if I were up to date on BSG (I know what happens....but I haven't actually seen it).

                            Went through my SG-1 collection and watched "Line in the Sand" again. Completely forgot about that episode. I REALLY want to see...
                            Daniel there for Vala in the movie. Both of the Tomin-heavy episodes (Crusade and LITS) have been ones without Daniel. Anyone else notice that? I mean, he was in F&B but the other two episodes were more about his and Vala's relationship...and Daniel was completely absent!! We need some confrontation there. Not necassarily jealousy, it would just be nice to see a scene with the three of them...I think it would be VERY interesting.


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              just wanted to say morning
                              don't have time to reply.. i gotta turn back to work
                              Banner made by Stef

                              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                                Hello. Just went over to fanfic and there's a cute Unending story called "Stay" Worth a look!
                                So, what did I miss today..?

                                DJAY (going to read)
                                He's her Lobster!
                                LTS: Life's too short

