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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...


      Wonderful, Fantastic, Lovely Caps......Thank You tonttu!!!!

      Happy Posting
      It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


        Hiya, ok, so first time posting in the D/V ship thread. Just saw Unending:

        I love the line... "You better not be messing with me." and the smile on Daniels face.

        I haven't been much of a D/V shipper but I did enjoy many of their moments over the past few years.

        Unending again:

        I gotta say that this ep has me converted into a D/V shipper and I'm so glad and happy that you guys got your resolution.


          OMG!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU Tonttu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          *thinks of song to sing to you* "Oh Oh, Ah Ah, sexy eyes, I'm gonna take you to paradise" hmmm, not a good one, but the other one was so inappropriate I laughed my socks off.

          Love the sweet little pony and rainbow scene you set up for me Stef, you even ruined it for me too with images of you having a lovely "la la la la la" moment in Pony Pals and then dropping dead because your allergic.

          "SHES SO HIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" thats how I feel, high as a kite, off life, I'm so happy. I got in my car this morning played that song by Snow Patrol (that hands one cause its a perfect Dan Vala vid) and just screamed a happy scream real loud, because I could.

          Oh and sorry everyone who I couldn't green, but like DJGirl I got my 24 hour ban cause I've greened too many people already, I've never got that message before I thought it was hilarius.

          And thanks for the luck guys, worked like a charm, I think I did well in the exam, even if my brain kept heading off elsewhere.

          When I got to my class I walked in so happy everyone was like "god love her look how happy she is for the exam", no one gets it, he he he.

          Going to parents then be home MUCH later, but cant wait to see what all the pages will have on them when I get back, LOL! Keep posting everyone.

          And those who are asleep WAKE UP! We're having a party here, you dont just go sleep!

          And can someone PLEASE tell us what the:

          Dan and Vala hugging scene when she's in tears was about??? Please please please.

          Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

          My StarGate Music Vids:


            anyone notice Sam wearing one of Vala's barettes in the Christmas scene? I thought that was so cute.

            I've been speculating about that Vala crying scene too, and I think it could have been a misscarriage or something. I don't know really, but I hope we find out.


              Just found out what happened. Congrats! At least some one has the reason to be happy. I wish Sparky fans would ever get that. Anyway happy for all of you!
              Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
              at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

              R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                Here's the transcript for THE scene for anyone inerested. Be back in a moment to post on my feelings for the episode...
                In terms of the grand, Daniel REALLY goes off. But after seeing how the scene ends, you realize why he says the horrible things he says. He is being cruel because he truly believes that he's just a game to her.

                Daniel: [Talks about the Asgard] I guess, no matter what you do, at the end of the day, life is too short.
                Vala: I agree. [She takes off her sweater and approaches Daniel]
                Daniel: What are you doing?
                Vala: Something we should have done a long time ago. [She begins to unbuckle his pants]
                Daniel: Don't do that.
                Vala: Why not?
                [Daniel stops her, pushes her away]
                Vala: We've been here three months, Daniel. Three months! [pause] You do like girls?
                Daniel: Yes!
                Vala: Well, I don't see many other options around here, do you? [pause] really don't find me attractive.
                Daniel: You want an honest answer to that question?
                Vala: No [she says meakly, as she goes to put her sweater back on]
                Daniel: No, seriously, you started this. Do you want an honest answer to the question?
                Vala: No, don't worry about it.
                Daniel: Do you believe that I could honestly have any kind of serious feelings for you?
                Vala: [she turns slowly] I wasn't suggesting that you have any serious feelings for me, Daniel.
                Daniel: Oh, so what? We sleep together once, then what? [pause] We WORK together, and even saying that part out loud sounds unbelievable. I mean, come on, I can't even i-i-imagine what a relationship with you would be like.
                [Vala sits down on the bed, holding back tears]
                Daniel: I mean, yes, yes, you've proven yourself to be trustworthy...on a professional level and for that I am very proud of you. On-on a personal level? Vala, come on, give me a break!
                [cut to Vala with tears streaming down her face]
                Daniel: I mean, at best, you're an emotionally unstable wreck...but I'm not saying I'm much better. I'm not saying I'm much better! There was a time when I thought I would never get over my wife. I mean, the idea of...[sighs, calms down]...being hurt that way again...but I've finally gotten to the place. I've FINALLY, for the first time in a long time, I've gotten to the place where I actually feel like I could get close to somebody again. But not in a million years, a MILLION years, would I ever possibly consider that person being you! [pause] I mean, we are so COMPLETELY opposite and wrong for each other it's not even funny. And the worst part, the worst part about it is, you KNOW that. And this whole flirty, sexual thing that you do is just your way at having a laugh at my expense. So, I'm soo sorry if I'm not more appreciative of that...and I'm soo sorry that you're bored. But don't you pretend that it's aything else!! [sighs and walks to the opposite end of the room, pauses] Don't act like you're hurt. [Remorse crosses Daniel's face as Vala puts her sweater on. He looks back over his shoulder at her, finally understanding that she is really upset by his words. He walks over to the bed to sit by her, she turns away. He touches her back...]
                Vala: [puts hands over her face to hide the tears, her voice cracks] Just give me a minute.
                Daniel: [gently] Look at me. [She shakes her head no. He gently removes the hair from her face, and she turns towards him. She turns away again, but he turns her to face him...and KISSES HER!!!!!!!!!! He pulls back and looks at her with this adorable smile] You better not be messing with me. [resumes kissing her, more passionately this time. They fall to the bed.]



                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Thank you very much for all the screen caps, tonttu!

                  VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                    With that transcript out of the way, time to get down to what I REALLY thought of the episode.

                    WOW! I mean, not just in the shippy sense (though I am so happy with how that played out). It was just completely different than any episode of SG-1 I've ever seen (admittedly, I've only seen seasons 1, 9, and 10). Here I was expecting this ENTIRELY shippy episode (judging by your comments and the anti-thread comments) but it was very TEAM-based. There were so many wonderful moments with just the team hanging around and talking. I don't see why so many people hated that I guess we choose to remember what we want about an episode...

                    Anyway, to my discussion with spoilers...
                    The scene of Vala crying in Daniel's arms is not, sadly, explained. There's no real dialogue here, just a sad little 30 seconds or so of her and him holding one another. It's really quite nicely done, if not horribly sad. Again, keep thinking of Kales' "Unending" fic about losing the baby...although someone's assessment about a miscarriage is very possible. I'm curious what the writers told the actors...hmm.....

                    I was really worried about the handcuff scene, afraid they would make Vala look ridiculous but it was more about the fact that she couldn't sleep and wanted to have some fun. It was actually pretty funny. It shows a restless Vala in bed, then it cuts to the shot from the trailer of Vala with the cuffs standing outside Daniel's door, then cuts to Daniel standing in the doorway, shutting the door Very cute little beat.

                    Let's see...what other DV bits can I babble about? Oh, they had this lovely little bit at the table with the team, when everyone's laughing. It looks like Vala a made a joke:

                    I've honestly never seen Daniel smile so much. Kind of freaked me out!!

                    The, of course, we got the little Christmas shot. Cam kisses Sam, Cam kisses Vala, Cam kisses Teal'c...okay, not that last one...but you know you want it!
                    Look how adorable she is on his lap! He gave her a little present

                    What else, what else? So many lovely moment. Oh, when Landry died, poor Sam Her and Teal'c have a nice little hug. There's also a nice scene/conversation between Daniel/Sam. It's good to see some of the team iinteract.

                    Gotta say though, would NOT want to hang out with Cam on that ship. He clearly is an adrenaline junky. He freaks out and trashes his room at one point because he wants off the ship so badly. Very negative, very negative.

                    Then we come to the end. Vala is so cute asking Teal'c about what happened. He, of course, just smirks when she asks who she hooked up with. He He. Then we get a wonderful little scene at the end when the whole team starts quoting cliches/proverbs/whatever. DV go a little old-school here:

                    Vala: Let me guess, beauty is only skin deep (is she wearing a mini-tiara barret?)
                    Daniel: Silence is golden [both smirk and look at each other]

                    We get some more cliches from Cam and Sam....then Vala says, ta-da! "Life is too short." Daniel turns and looks at her, a curious/confused look on his face. Then Teal'c says "Good things come to those who wait." Seriously, how can he NOT be talking about DV?!?!? Then they enter the gate and we fade to black.

                    Truly, AMAZING stuff. I have to go back and watch it again. This episode really honored the team...don't listen to those nay-sayers who claim it's all about DV. It strikes a perfect balance

                    Overall, I am COMPLETELY happy with the ending we got to a great show. We got some Daniel/Vala, Landry/Cam, Sam/Vala, Landry/Sam, Teal'c/Sam, Daniel/Sam, Teal'c/Vala....pretty much every combo you can imagine! This really was a great job in honoring this team, I don't care what some people say. I am so pleased with this episode, I can't even contain my grin as I write this Time to go back and watch it...and maybe make a wallpaper

                    Have I gushed enough?


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Here's the transcript for THE scene for anyone inerested. Be back in a moment to post on my feelings for the episode...
                      In terms of the grand, Daniel REALLY goes off. But after seeing how the scene ends, you realize why he says the horrible things he says. He is being cruel because he truly believes that he's just a game to her.

                      Daniel: [Talks about the Asgard] I guess, no matter what you do, at the end of the day, life is too short.
                      Vala: I agree. [She takes off her sweater and approaches Daniel]
                      Daniel: What are you doing?
                      Vala: Something we should have done a long time ago. [She begins to unbuckle his pants]
                      Daniel: Don't do that.
                      Vala: Why not?
                      [Daniel stops her, pushes her away]
                      Vala: We've been here three months, Daniel. Three months! [pause] You do like girls?
                      Daniel: Yes!
                      Vala: Well, I don't see many other options around here, do you? [pause] really don't find me attractive.
                      Daniel: You want an honest answer to that question?
                      Vala: No [she says meakly, as she goes to put her sweater back on]
                      Daniel: No, seriously, you started this. Do you want an honest answer to the question?
                      Vala: No, don't worry about it.
                      Daniel: Do you believe that I could honestly have any kind of serious feelings for you?
                      Vala: [she turns slowly] I wasn't suggesting that you have any serious feelings for me, Daniel.
                      Daniel: Oh, so what? We sleep together once, then what? [pause] We WORK together, and even saying that part out loud sounds unbelievable. I mean, come on, I can't even i-i-imagine what a relationship with you would be like.
                      [Vala sits down on the bed, holding back tears]
                      Daniel: I mean, yes, yes, you've proven yourself to be trustworthy...on a professional level and for that I am very proud of you. On-on a personal level? Vala, come on, give me a break!
                      [cut to Vala with tears streaming down her face]
                      Daniel: I mean, at best, you're an emotionally unstable wreck...but I'm not saying I'm much better. I'm not saying I'm much better! There was a time when I thought I would never get over my wife. I mean, the idea of...[sighs, calms down]...being hurt that way again...but I've finally gotten to the place. I've FINALLY, for the first time in a long time, I've gotten to the place where I actually feel like I could get close to somebody again. But not in a million years, a MILLION years, would I ever possibly consider that person being you! [pause] I mean, we are so COMPLETELY opposite and wrong for each other it's not even funny. And the worst part, the worst part about it is, you KNOW that. And this whole flirty, sexual thing that you do is just your way at having a laugh at my expense. So, I'm soo sorry if I'm not more appreciative of that...and I'm soo sorry that you're bored. But don't you pretend that it's aything else!! [sighs and walks to the opposite end of the room, pauses] Don't act like you're hurt. [Remorse crosses Daniel's face as Vala puts her sweater on. He looks back over his shoulder at her, finally understanding that she is really upset by his words. He walks over to the bed to sit by her, she turns away. He touches her back...]
                      Vala: [puts hands over her face to hide the tears, her voice cracks] Just give me a minute.
                      Daniel: [gently] Look at me. [She shakes her head no. He gently removes the hair from her face, and she turns towards him. She turns away again, but he turns her to face him...and KISSES HER!!!!!!!!!! He pulls back and looks at her with this adorable smile] You better not be messing with me. [resumes kissing her, more passionately this time. They fall to the bed.]


                      Thank you Stef I would green ya if they would let me I loved hearing exactly what was said. I have to go to bed I hope I have Dala dreams!
                      My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                      poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                        Morning guys! I haven't clicked the transcript or what you said Stef, because I still haven't seen it as I am running off to the library now. Joy! Be back on later when I've seen it!

                        kay x


                          I'm just dropping off a little note to say I'm trying to be a good girl and stay spoiler free for Unending until I have seen it. (whenever Skiffy gets around to airing it.) So I won't be in the discussion threads. I plan on staying in the Pond, the Lounge, and the Buckett though.=) See you all then.=)
                          thanks Stef

                          Thanks Wendy


                            *sigh* I think I'm going to go and watch the episode again. Probably log off for the night. Should have a wallpaper ready sometime today though, so look for that


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              Curious about everyone's opinion about tonight's "Unending." Clearly, a lot of DV. I haven't seen it yet, so can't form a concrete opinion. But I will say one thing for the writers...they can at least follow through on a ship. Maybe it's not the ship everyone's been wanting them to do it on, but as least it shows that they are willing and capable of doing it. This bodes well for a certain person's return in the movies, and what that might mean for a popular pairing.

                              As for your hopes about D/S, I'll try to update you on that as soon as I can, Jess, unless someone else beats me to it


                              Well I am not comfortable with any shipping in Stargate, as I prefer to leave that to my fandom....

                              However.......spoilers for Unending....

                              In the context of this particular episode I thought it was extremely well done.....mainly because the factors leading to it were pretty well thought out....the writing of it was good, the acting by Michael and Claudia was brilliant, the "vignettes" portraying it after the big "moment" were touching and supported by the most beautiful music, interspersed with team scenes that seemed to flow and fit in with it and most of all because it was actually believable in that storyline....if the writers are going to write ship for me I HAVE to believe in it and this time I did....

                              However I think that wasn't actually to do with the fact it was just - and I'm going to use a term that I personally find distasteful - "Vaniel", but the fact it was Daniel AND that way I mean the individual characters' personal take on their as I said before both Claudia and Michael acted out of their skins and really made me feel the connection between them....*applauds*

                              So still not a fan of "ship" ....but in the context of the story it fitted in very well and made me believe it....

                              Deeds xx
                              Last edited by discodiva; 14 March 2007, 06:29 AM.
                              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                                I havent seen the whole ep yet, but as for the screencap of
                                Vala crying. Id really like to think it has nothing to do with having lost a baby. I would suspect that they would have been very careful about NOT having children, given that they would have ended up living on the ship all alone eventually. I was wondering if the scene comes after Landry has died. She could be crying about that ?
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