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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
    There's some caps by Kazan in the Unending episode thread

    Ok, links to Kazan's posts...... thank you Kazan!
    First set
    Second set
    Third set

    Ok, what is Vala holding in her left hand? Looks like fluffy pink handcuffs to me Thanks to Kazan for the pic!

    Thanks for the links!! Cannot wait to see it. And is Vala...
    ...roller skating? Ha! Love the surprise party pic, looks hilarious.


    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


      *sigh* Must bump thread above anti-DV thread. I'm literally counting down the minutes until I can watch the ep. Judging from those screen caps, DV looks to be really cute here. But can anyone explain to me why...
      Vala is crying in that one pic, with Daniel holding her?


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        OK D/V is not allowed to get this far behind. I have gone through the episode thread for Unending.

        Wow, can't wait to watch it, I am so sad and excited about what I read and the screen caps. This ship is so cannon, and if Teal'c remembers then there is some hope. I can't believe the Asgard are dead! I can't believe the show is over but there are two movies, as long as they don't keep Tomin around. Nice guy and all but he is in the way. Thanks to all.

        Can't wait!


        Banner liberated from Stef

        My Place for friends


          I left Gateworld about 10 minutes into the episode and took my sister and nephew(who came down for a couple day visit) out to dinner. Then I took them shopping. I had a fantastic time and I love being with them. However, in the back of my mind I was wondering..."What the heck is going on, are we going to get anything?", LOL!!

          OMG!!!!!!.....*shakes head to clear the stars from my eyes*.......I, uh......well.....ok......*drops to knees*.......Thank you Stargate for blessing us with such a wonderful Daniel/Vala ending.....

          Also I just wanted to say Thank you to all the non-Dala shippers that have come in to say congrats. You have shown true kindness and class.....I wish nothing but great things for you all!!! BTW, I am first and formost a Sam/Jak shipper(check out the sig) and I'm right there with you. I'm now holding onto my hope for resolution in the movies... As for other ship groups, I am thinking about you and wishing good things for you all as well!

          Happy Posting
          It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


            spoilers for unending
            Good grief, after two years of staunch anti-D/V sentiments, I'm watching the last ever ep, and Daniel lays into Vala and makes her cry and that's it: I'm a Daniel/Vala shipper. Smitten, irretrievably so. It was such a well written and well acted scene that for once, on Stargate, I really felt that there was affection of the type that could suport a relationship of that kind.

            And wheeeheeee, thanks PTBs, it's a lovely well-written ship, with bits in the montage (Daniel cuddling Vala while she cries, them sitting together at Christmas etc) and a really nice final conversation before the time gets turned back.

            And then, just fifteen minutes into my newfound shippiness, it's dashed by a reset-button.

            Is this shippy Karma for me being so anti-ship for so long?

            Anyway, it was nice while it lasted.



              Madeleine((HUGS)), Thank you for coming in and saying that! It was a lovely thing to do and I am so glad you saw what we have been seeing for two years(not that you ever had to) You have also made me that much more excited to actually see it!!!!!!

              Happy Posting
              It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                I'm not sure I *have* seen what you saw over the two years though. I don't think I could have liked it at any time without the catharsis of that scene which rather startled me in the anger that Daniel released. It got rid of the legacy of the borderline sexual harassment which was a feature of their early relationship, and which has been long gone from Vala's PoV but which would have put a bad taste in my mouth if it had never been faced up to.

                I've seen for a long time that Vala was sweet on Daniel, and not really seen whether Daniel could tell that she was sweet on him and didn't feel the same way and so was not responding, or if he was just keeping her at arms length because he thought she was still playing her Send Daniel Slowly Bonkers game. I had thought it was the former, in which case any relationship would have had to come from her winning him round, and I couldn't see that happenning. To see that he had misunderstood her all this time was rather surprising to me, but it did mean that the ship was more credible.

                But most of all, I never saw him have affection for her until today. Compassion, regard, appreciation, concern, friendship, but never affection; and I think that that tipped the balance.

                Anyway, I still don't see exactly what all the long-time D/V shippers see, but it'll be interesting to watch s9 and s10 again in the light of Unending and see if I *do* see it that way: if instead of Not Interested Daniel the repeat viewing shows me Not Wanting To Be Hurt Daniel .



                  Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  poundpuppy is dancing
                  to the Kiss song
                  "I Want To Rock N Roll All Night
                  and Party Everyday"
                  Dala D&V DanDoren
                  Daniel & Vala!!!
                  What ever you want to call them I love them
                  Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!
                  My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                  poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                    Poundpuppy....dang your excited, LOL!!!! I think I'll join you in song

                    Madeleine, Thanks for the clarification
                    I see your point! While I have seen something from the begining, I was never sure that it would come to fruation. Your right, there were moments when I was a little unsure on where Daniel stood but, in the end.......I always felt that pull between the both of them.

                    Happy Posting
                    It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                      Well I think I am going to call it a night. I think all the excitement today has finally caught up with me and I am starting to get tired!

                      It was a TOTAL blast today being in here with everyone during the show. Thanks to all the kind words by everyone today. All of the non D/V shippers that came in here are all class acts!!

                      And so it is over BUT NOW we have the movies to look forward too

                      Good Night everyone. Sweet Dala Dreams!!!!
                      Sig made by me


                        It's 4 AM

                        Coffee: Yes
                        Some bread: Yes
                        Headphones working: Yes

                        I'm ready to start watching Unending but first some random screencaps from it


                        Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...



                          Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...



                            Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...



                              Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...


                                Gosh, Tonttu, I love you. In a completely platonic and hero-worshipping way Thanks for those caps!

                                And welcome to the thread, Madeleine. If that scene managed to convert you, I'm probably going to have a stroke when I see it! I'm so glad that the writers have...
                                ...addressed what Daniel's issues with Vala have been, that he's been unsure of where she's coming from. Vala has changed...and while I was incredibly scared about the whole lingerie/handcuff thing being a sign of things reverting back to their old ways, I'm glad to see that it didn't go there. It's such a pleasure to see a relationship grow and mature the way this one has. While I've always been shipping DV in some way, I don't think I started seeing them going down the romance route until MM. Before that just seemed like the establishment of a deep friendship between two people.
                                From the sound (and look) of things, it seems as if TPTB got this relationship right. At least they've done justice to ONE if only they could help out S/J, Sparky, and would be happy (sorry Sheyla fans..just can't help you out on that one )

                                And poundpuppy, you have more energy and enthusiasm than I thought possible in a human being! It's infectious though...keep it up!!


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