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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Time for me to go workout. As soon as I am done, I will be back to party

    It is going to be so hard to wipe this smile off my face!!!!!!!
    Sig made by me


      Spoilers for Unending:
      YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! THEY'RE TOGETHER THEY'RE TOGETHER!!!! love that end scene, they couldn't have done it any other way, hehe life IS too short!
      They kissed!!!!!! yayayayayayayay loved it! so sweet! teehee and tis true...All good things come to those who wait!

      Thanks Sweety for the sig!
      No1 Spacemunky!!


        Oh my, look at all the people on this thread. So very busy. Have some cake, everyone

        kay x


          Originally posted by Kales View Post
          Also dying here! I have to get up at at 6 and be in the library at 8.30 to dig through CENSUS RECORDS. Someone take pity??? *puppy eyes*

          Oh and...
          We Are Nowhere And It's Now
          FINAL Chapter: Nothing Gets Crossed Out


          Christmas? On his lap? OMG, I swear waiting to see this is going to kill me! Canoodling??? SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

          kay x
          I know that sounds so awesome doesn't it?? And it's about time too! 10 years we had to wait for that kind of scene eh?

          Oh and thanks for fic link... i liiitle hyper atm so save it til later

          THANK YOU ((((DJG!!!))))


            Census records? OMG! I'm already dead of bordom, what cruel soul would make you do that???

            And I put spoilers on it, he he, sorry.But its not like anyone was NOT reading them, LOL. No one here can help themselves.

            I'm going now too, but I'm a happy pile of goo, and I'm going to sit through my exam this morning thinking about something that happened on my fav show today, woot!

            Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

            My StarGate Music Vids:


              On a slightly less philosophical note (Unending)

              "Life's too short"

              The man speaks how many languages and this^ is the best line he can come up with?

              Still sooooo not complaining.

              Question to the priveleged viewers among us. Does Daniel do the seducing, does she?? Which is the instigator?

              GOOD LUCK IN THE EXAM!!! Channel Daniel and you'll be fine Well, maybe not now.

              kay x




                SO HAPPY!!!!!

                God, when Daniel was yelling at Vala telling her it would never work between them, how he could never be with her... my siter and i were screaming at the TV, "No Daniel! Stop it! stop talking now!"

                But OHHHHH when they kissed! OH SO HAPPY!

                I think Daniel yelled 'cos he didn't think Vala was serious about him but then when he saw she was crying... oh!

                And on a crying note... why do you think Vala was crying in Daniel's arms?

                But OH!!!! Our new motto... LIFE'S TOO SHORT!!!!

                But that scene when old Daniel & Vala were saying how even though they wouldn't remember their life together, it didn't happen just because they were on the ship... oh i started crying then!

                TPTB are EVIL! giving us something like that, giving us resolution and then ripping it away!

                But i also LOVE TPTB for giving us 40 years of Daniel & Vala being together.

                And you SO know they are gonna get together, just by that look when present Vala said 'Life's too Short' in the gateroom!

                Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                  OMG these spoilers are awesome. I need to see this! Thanks so much Sam_Carter!!!! Oh my god, it sounds like there's a whole summer of fic writing in this ep alone

                  Oh and the Census thing is actually kinda interesting - it's about the decline of minority languages and if it's measurable or not. I suddenly find myself enthused by the whole world right now just because of this ep!

                  kay x


                    God I need to see this ep.
                    My shippy heart's beating 1000 miles a second

                    Thanks to all of you who posted the spoilers
                    Follow the Syren's call


                      Originally posted by Sam_Carter View Post


                      SO HAPPY!!!!!

                      God, when Daniel was yelling at Vala telling her it would never work between them, how he could never be with her... my siter and i were screaming at the TV, "No Daniel! Stop it! stop talking now!"

                      But OHHHHH when they kissed! OH SO HAPPY!

                      I think Daniel yelled 'cos he didn't think Vala was serious about him but then when he saw she was crying... oh!

                      And on a crying note... why do you think Vala was crying in Daniel's arms?

                      But OH!!!! Our new motto... LIFE'S TOO SHORT!!!!

                      But that scene when old Daniel & Vala were saying how even though they wouldn't remember their life together, it didn't happen just because they were on the ship... oh i started crying then!

                      TPTB are EVIL! giving us something like that, giving us resolution and then ripping it away!

                      But i also LOVE TPTB for giving us 40 years of Daniel & Vala being together.

                      And you SO know they are gonna get together, just by that look when present Vala said 'Life's too Short' in the gateroom!

                      HERE'S HOPING FOR SHIP IN THE MOVIES!
                      OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.....Oh.....MY.....GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Kissing, oh the kissing. But I am so happy!!! They did exactly what I wanted them to do. They had Daniel say a line from inside the dilation field and then Vala repeat it when they were back home!! It's sooooo Sliding Doors. It's destiny When is this stupid site going to have the darn episode?! I'm DYING here!! What a lovely way to wake up though


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        COOL NEWS!!!

                        but how do you know about this spoiler, the episode is out only tomorrow i think...

                        But i also LOVE TPTB for giving us 40 years of Daniel & Vala being together

                        What do you mean???


                          Looks the the anti-DV REALLY hated this episode (I wonder why ). They basically said it was all DV and nothing else. Whatever, sounds okay to me. I'm curious to see what people are saying about the episode as a whole in the ep thread...but I'm too scared to go in


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Thanks Sam Carter for the other spoiler. I am so hyper right now that I need to calm myself down. Luckily I am supposed to be working out right now(leaving in a minute) so that should get some of this out!!!!

                            I just have to say it..........

                            SQUEEEEEEE!!! Okay, my friend is going to think I am nuts for having this goofy grin on my face, but I don't care!!!!

                            Seriously leaving now....catch you all in a bit
                            Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by valaCB View Post
                              COOL NEWS!!!

                              but how do you know about this spoiler, the episode is out only tomorrow i think...

                              the episode just aired in the UK on SkyOne
                              Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                              Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                              Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                Looks the the anti-DV REALLY hated this episode (I wonder why ). They basically said it was all DV and nothing else. Whatever, sounds okay to me. I'm curious to see what people are saying about the episode as a whole in the ep thread...but I'm too scared to go in

                                All I can say is WHO THE FRELL CARES?!!

                                We got what we wanted and we are happy! Screw everything else!! Not a chance I'm gonna read any negative stuff not now not ever! yay!

