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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
    I adore you! this is perfect, great job!
    *Blushes* Thanks. I'm trying out a few styles with this pair that I don't normally use - I'm working on the second chapter now which is in first person, which I usually don't work with so I'm a little scared about it.

    kay x


      hello fellow daniel/vala shippers,

      Since I am in dire need of some good fics, I was hoping that someone could point the way to a good archive of daniel/vala fics? I normally use, alas it seems that I may have read anything d/v related already... soo... yeah... thank you



        Ah, first person, lol. It's a tricky one. I've only done that with one fic, that was "Elizabeth Weir's Diary", fortunatly that was so laid back that I could do it very easily. Easy when you put people out of character, he he. Good luck, I'm sure (from what I've seen of your fics so far) that you'll be more then fine with it.

        Oh and you better have that second chap up soon. That first chapter was too gripping, I NEED MORE!!!!!

        Ohhhhhhh and CColdwell WELCOME!!!!!!

        Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

        My StarGate Music Vids:


          Your wish is my command...

          "We Are Nowhere And It's Now"
          Two: Devil in the Details

          enjoy, and please drop a review. this one ended up being first person/present, which is utterly uncharted territory so I'd love to know how I did with it.

          kay x


            Ooh, a new recruit....

            As for fanfic....have you tried the DV Livejournal site? That's where the most recent fics are posted (and you could just keep scrolling back).

            also has some archived stuff.

            Hope that helps I look forward to seeing more posts from you in the future!


            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


              Oh, I completely forgot to congratulate you on your 300 posts, Kales! You're certaintly moving right'll have caught up to me in no time

              Anyway, I'll hopefully get around to reading all of your wonderful fics tonight. Unfortunately, my eyes are failing me and I feel like taking a little nap

              You know, I'm pretty proud of myself. I googled "daniel vala fiction" and our lovely little thread popped up...and guess what post the summary was taken from? He He. My random babble about my "Gender & Race in Science Fiction" class. Ha! That's the one thing they use to summarize this thread? Dios mio!


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                Stef, haha we're such paragons of on topicness lol. Oh thanks. I didn't notice hehehe. My average is something like 14 a day, which is a little shameful since I'm supposed to be getting a degree in Englit, not DanDoran... if it was, I'd be acing the fanfic module in quantity at least (quality debateable).

                WELCOME CCOLDWELL!

                Oh god, this fanfic has swallowed my soul. I'm working on chapter three right now.

                kay x


                  Great fics, Kales. I just read both of your "Unending" chapters and enjoyed them immensely I left you a couple of reviews (under the name Vala MD).


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Sorry guys, no chapter three tonight... I need to edit it a little and it's 0236GMT with a loooong day tomorrow... I promise you though, this scene is worth waiting for... Hint being the title of the chapter - yet another Bright Eyes song - is "A Poetic Retelling of an Unfortunate Seduction..."

                    I leave you with this...

                    That Kay's a bit of a twit sometimes isn't she?
                    Yup. She was all worried because the rubbish university library had no books for the paper due on monday she hasn't started...
                    ... then remembers she works in a secondhand bookshop with about a thousand books on Irish literature, including the exact ones she needs.
                    Twit, I agree.
                    In her defence, she did just write fanfics about us for several hours. We're so pretty anyone would lose their wits.
                    Whatever you say... where's my coffee?

                    Awwwww.... Stef, I'm so flattered... you have one author favourited on and it's me!

                    G'nite guys...
                    kay x


                      Originally posted by Kales View Post
                      That Kay's a bit of a twit sometimes isn't she?
                      Yup. She was all worried because the rubbish university library had no books for the paper due on monday she hasn't started...
                      ... then remembers she works in a secondhand bookshop with about a thousand books on Irish literature, including the exact ones she needs.
                      Twit, I agree.
                      In her defence, she did just write fanfics about us for several hours. We're so pretty anyone would lose their wits.
                      Whatever you say... where's my coffee?

                      Awwwww.... Stef, I'm so flattered... you have one author favourited on and it's me!
                      What can I say, you're a pretty darn good writer

                      You know, if you lived in Indy, you could just come over to my house. My dad is an avid reader and is obsessed with Irish writers and literature (something about his Irish heritage, blah blah blah). Also, he has EVERYTHING by Poe...including countless books, memorabilia, two stuffed ravens, a Poe figurine, a Poe doll, a Poe painting, a Poe comic, and the list goes on and on. Needless to say, he likes Poe.

                      So, I decided to make a prequel to my one fanfic Not sure how it'll go. I always feel like writing out the whole tory rather than go chapter by chapter, because I'm afraid I'll stop mid-story and then leave anyone who'd actually be reading them hanging. On the other hand, I want feedback. Oh, the conundrum I face.


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Originally posted by CColdwell View Post
                        hello fellow daniel/vala shippers,

                        Since I am in dire need of some good fics, I was hoping that someone could point the way to a good archive of daniel/vala fics? I normally use, alas it seems that I may have read anything d/v related already... soo... yeah... thank you


                        Have you tried the Daniel/Vala Archive?
                        thanks Stef

                        Thanks Wendy


                          It's hard to believe that there is only what- 4 more episodes left? *sigh* Then we'll be regulated to D/V like once or twice a year... *tear* ...I just hope that we get them in excess and something canon in Undending would make me very happy.
                          Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                          |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            Ooh, a new recruit....

                            As for fanfic....have you tried the DV Livejournal site? That's where the most recent fics are posted (and you could just keep scrolling back).

                            also has some archived stuff.

                            Hope that helps I look forward to seeing more posts from you in the future!


                            wow, thanks for the banner, it's really cool. and thanks for the links

                            in general, thanks everyone for the warm welcome, i know I'm looking forward to something more concrete for these two


                              Welcome to the ship CColdwell the more the merrier. I hope we get something concrete between D&V too. I think we will TPTB like us.
                              My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                              poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                                I forgot to say this in my previous post Congrats on 500 posts Stef and I forgot to say

                                Happy Valentine's Day
                                Daniel & Vala
                                Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post
                                I forgot that everyone had valentines day a day late. He he, well for us anyways. So silly, can't believe I forgot that.

                                First of all I'm just going to say this once Stef, stay away from things that make you feel negative. This sounds like a great episode to me and I can't wait to see it. Who cares what all the episode thread people are saying, I mean, to they have their own banners. We have Daniel/Vala shipper ones, so we count, they don't!! Ha ha, anger burst over with. But yeah, never liked going there myself, so I don't.

                                Oh and why is it that Teal'c/Vala have 5 stars on their thread and we only have 4, LOL. Even Sheppard/Weir only have 4 and I had always considered them the Sam/Jack of Atlantis. Hmmmm, weird.

                                And Kales ... I made a vid To Evermore's running! Lol, I didn't know you liked the song. And thanks so much, I'm so glad you liked the vid. It's been so long since I've actually made one and it's so good to hear people still like to watch.

                                Parthenos "Three Little Pigs" is still my fav vid ever. One of the first I ever made and I love it like a child, lol. Let me know if the link is dead though cause I'll fix it for you.

                                Nice piccy Djgirl. And HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!

                                For everyone today.

                                And it's my 100th post! WOOT!
                                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                                I can hope can't I. I don't see it as snarky I see it as flirty banter. Congrats on 300 posts Kales.

                                Congratulations on all your Milestones!

                                Originally posted by CColdwell View Post
                                hello fellow daniel/vala shippers,

                                Since I am in dire need of some good fics, I was hoping that someone could point the way to a good archive of daniel/vala fics? I normally use, alas it seems that I may have read anything d/v related already... soo... yeah... thank you


                                Welcome to the Thread!

                                In regards to going to the episode threads (((Stef))). There's a reason why I only go to the ship threads (and the thunk threads to snurch piccies when I'm in class -- my teacher lets me as long as I also do my work; which I have been doing.)

