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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    More more!!!! psssst ever...should we cuff her to her keyboard so she can get these written?
    Speaking of which.....when are we getting the rest of Seduction!!?
    I Believe
    My FanFiction


      when I get over my writers block.


        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
        when I get over my writers block.
        Oh no that's never good. Get watching some shippy episodes....might give you some inspiration.
        I Believe
        My FanFiction


          yep that is my weekend plan-- memento mori, unending , flesh and blood, and quest 1 & 2 followed by TAoT


            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
            yep that is my weekend plan-- memento mori, unending , flesh and blood, and quest 1 & 2 followed by TAoT
            That sounds like a good plan! I hope you get over our writers block soon, or we'd have to poke you until you get the next chapter written!
            Sig by Everlovin


              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
              More more!!!! psssst ever...should we cuff her to her keyboard so she can get these written?

              On the discs - the menu for each ep says "Language selection" the commentaries are there... you have the choice of language then it will say commentary and who is doing them.
              np took me a bit to find them myself.
              I figure we'll chain LC to her desk the same time we chain you to yours!

              Originally posted by Mis.Understood View Post
              Speaking of which.....when are we getting the rest of Seduction!!?
              Seriously! We need more of Seduction. I know you're back to school, but really, it can't all be boring text books.

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Lucy, I'm hoooome!

                Ah, it's so nice to have the 'net back!... You never really notice how much you use it till it's gone XD


                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  More more!!!! psssst ever...should we cuff her to her keyboard so she can get these written?
                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  I figure we'll chain LC to her desk the same time we chain you to yours!
                  Heh,heh...ya'll won't hafta do the chaining of me to my desk/keyboard...
                  That's gonna happen in about a week as I return to school...for the first time in about 30 years,lol.

                  And because ya'll seemed to like the beginning of my 'Lost Tribe' tag, here's the next paragraph. The scene is still the infirmary

                  The next time he surfaced, the only sound was the heart monitor. Even the usual background clump of military boots on concrete, the PA system paging people and the soft-soled shuffle of the nurses moving around the infirmary were missing. He managed to crack open his eyes to take in his surroundings. Definitely the base infirmary, but it was obviously late. The only lights on were the ones lit behind occupied beds and the lamp attached to the desk at the back of the room where his myopic eyesight could discern the figure of a nurse. He let his eyes scan the oh-too-familiar room. He would’ve much preferred being in his own quarters or even better, being in his own bed in his own apartment, but if he was going to be stuck in an infirmary for awhile, this one was preferable to the one in Atlantis. At least he didn’t feel so alone here. Exhaling a shallow breath that wouldn’t hurt and his eyelids beginning to droop again, he felt a surge of affection as he registered the figure half draped against the side of his bed. He shifted his hand to touch the satiny mass of dark hair. She stirred, but didn’t wake. Staring at her for a long moment, the affection became a warm glow of comfort. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back into the pillow, and let himself drift back to sleep, his hand splayed across the surface of her hair.


                  My Fiction:


                    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                    Heh,heh...ya'll won't hafta do the chaining of me to my desk/keyboard...
                    That's gonna happen in about a week as I return to school...for the first time in about 30 years,lol.

                    And because ya'll seemed to like the beginning of my 'Lost Tribe' tag, here's the next paragraph. The scene is still the infirmary

                    The next time he surfaced, the only sound was the heart monitor. Even the usual background clump of military boots on concrete, the PA system paging people and the soft-soled shuffle of the nurses moving around the infirmary were missing. He managed to crack open his eyes to take in his surroundings. Definitely the base infirmary, but it was obviously late. The only lights on were the ones lit behind occupied beds and the lamp attached to the desk at the back of the room where his myopic eyesight could discern the figure of a nurse. He let his eyes scan the oh-too-familiar room. He would’ve much preferred being in his own quarters or even better, being in his own bed in his own apartment, but if he was going to be stuck in an infirmary for awhile, this one was preferable to the one in Atlantis. At least he didn’t feel so alone here. Exhaling a shallow breath that wouldn’t hurt and his eyelids beginning to droop again, he felt a surge of affection as he registered the figure half draped against the side of his bed. He shifted his hand to touch the satiny mass of dark hair. She stirred, but didn’t wake. Staring at her for a long moment, the affection became a warm glow of comfort. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back into the pillow, and let himself drift back to sleep, his hand splayed across the surface of her hair.
                    oh that just gets better and better....


                      Loving the LT tag so far, LC.

                      Hm, I had hoped to return from my days of no internet with a video for everyone, or at least enough of my fic written to start posting- after it was gone over by my Beta (speaking of which, Ever, I finished chapter 2, halfway through 3. Will likely just send them at the same time)- but I wasn't without the 'net for as long as I thought I would be...

                      anything new with anyone?

                      EDIT:.... Hah... I just realized XD Reading over what I have of chap 3 for AASP... Get to a section about Jonas' now-deceased wife, Jaina, and it suddenly hit me what I got her name from; Star Wars. Or, the novels anyway.... Han and Leia's daughter, Jaina Solo....

                      ...thankfully the hitting wasn't literal, though had it happened yesterday, it might have been, cuz I did get hit in the head with one of my dad's SW books.

                      .... now I'm torn between either changing her name, or saying she had a brother named Jacen, just to complete the plagiarism
                      Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 28 August 2009, 02:21 PM.


                        *cries* Post after post after post, and I STILL can't find what I'm looking for...

                        Does anyone on here remember the Jonas/Vala manips that Stef did? And does anyone HAVE them? Cuz I have ideas for wallpapers, and they won't go away, and I've spent all day looking through photobucket, through Stef's LJ... nothing...

                        EDIT: Speaking of LJ... I finally have an LJ account


                        and for tonight I'm gone
                        Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 28 August 2009, 07:48 PM.


                          *crawls out of lurkdom to drop off music video*

                          Hey....Cakes! Found this D/V music video on YouTube. Thought you gals might like this one.

                          Daniel/Vala Music Video
                          Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                            Originally posted by Sue_Jackson View Post
                            *crawls out of lurkdom to drop off music video*

                            Hey....Cakes! Found this D/V music video on YouTube. Thought you gals might like this one.

                            Daniel/Vala Music Video
                            I love it! Amazing song. Thanks for sharing! ~


                              Wheeeee! I found 4 of the pictures I was looking for.... Turns out my problem was that they weren't done by Stef XD

                              Messaged the actual artist... hope to hear something soon...

                              Anyway... So yesterday, I'm going through my favorites on youtube, and I decide to re-watch the Sylar/Claire/Peter video to Cry Me a River (the cliks version, not justin timberlake, cuz that one's crap), and it got the song stuck in my head....

                              So I'm lying awake last night, wishing I could go to sleep, but I have this song stuck in my head, and when I get a song stuck, I mentally vid to it... Since I have SG-1 on the brain, that's what I vidded.

                              So, now I reckon I'm gonna have to do a triangle vid to it, only I can't decide WHICH triangle... It'd be Vala, and Daniel, obviously, but the third needs to be there... I'm trying to decide between Cam or Jonas.... Cam would be easier, and I wouldn't have to download MORE footage.... BUT, Jonas would be more fun, and it would be a hell of an accomplishment if I could make it work....

                              Any suggestions?

                              Song lyrics- or at least the one's I'd keep when I cut the song-, to help out:

                              You were my sun
                              You were my earth
                              But you didn't know all the ways that I loved you, no
                              So you took a chance
                              You made other plans
                              Bet didn't know that your would would be crumblin down, no

                              You don't have to say
                              what you did
                              I already know
                              I found out from him
                              Now there's just no chance for you and me
                              There'll never be
                              and don't it make you sad about it

                              You told me you loved me
                              Why did you leave me all alone?
                              You told me loved me
                              When you called me on the phone
                              Girl I refuse, you must have me confused with some other guy
                              Your bridges are burned, and now it's your turn
                              To cry, cry me a river
                              Cry me a river

                              I know that they say some things are better left unsaid
                              It wasn't like you only talked to him
                              and you know it (don't act like you don't know it)
                              All of these things people tell me keep messin with my head
                              You should have picked honesty
                              Then you may not have blown it

                              You don't have to say what you did
                              I already know
                              I found out from him
                              Now there's just no chance for you and me
                              There'll never be
                              And don't it make you sad about it



                                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                                Lucy, I'm hoooome!

                                Ah, it's so nice to have the 'net back!... You never really notice how much you use it till it's gone XD
                                I know what you mean, my internet goes screwy all the time! All of the pages start timing out and I can't get anything done. Good to have you back!

                                Originally posted by Sue_Jackson View Post
                                *crawls out of lurkdom to drop off music video*

                                Hey....Cakes! Found this D/V music video on YouTube. Thought you gals might like this one.

                                Daniel/Vala Music Video
                                Ooh, yay, a new vid! *runs off to watch*
                                Sig by Everlovin

