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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Clintonio is down. Like the third time in the year + I've been using it. Of course, the image rotate that I used to use went down every month or so.

    Click here daily to give free mammograms

    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Ahh, okay... Hopefully it'll be up and running again soon

      Welp, I'm off to watch SGA. Enjoy that chap of fic


        Shall do.

        Enjoy SGA!

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          just posted my icons for the contest (finally!!) and made a promotion post for the contest on my lj


            Morning folks.... I'd say good, but no morning is good when you wake up at 5:30 in the morning, and end up tearing your own shirt off, cuz you've got a freaking spider crawling on your chest...

            ...and somehow another ended up UNDER the shirt on your shoulder....

            ...No, as a matter of fact, I did NOT have a pleasant waking-up experience...

            anywho... Anyone about?... anyone?

            Ever; still eagerly awaiting a return email


              Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
              Morning folks.... I'd say good, but no morning is good when you wake up at 5:30 in the morning, and end up tearing your own shirt off, cuz you've got a freaking spider crawling on your chest...

              ...and somehow another ended up UNDER the shirt on your shoulder....

              ...No, as a matter of fact, I did NOT have a pleasant waking-up experience...

              anywho... Anyone about?... anyone?

              Ever; still eagerly awaiting a return email
              ewwwwwwww, not a nice way to wake up in the morning.
              i got woken up by my cellphone today, so i sleepily rush over to it to answer and tada nobody answers and hangs up. of course i couldnt sleep anymore then. great way to start the day too


                Ew indeed.... At least it woke me up from the weird dream about armies of kittens, and baby rattlesnakes...

                Hah, I know the feeling with the phone thing... I've been woken up by the "hang up" calls so many times it's not even funny... and no matter what time it is, you can NEVER get back to sleep


                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  Off to read as soon as possible. What do you mean you're pulling all of your stories off the web? I need! Honest!
                  Thank you for your enthusiasm. I just thought everyone who wanted to had read them. I'm writing a couple of novels at the moment so busy busy .....

                  I haven't got the finished versions downloaded myself cos I'm rubbish at that sort of thing. I'm glad you've enjoyed them.



                    Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                    Ew indeed.... At least it woke me up from the weird dream about armies of kittens, and baby rattlesnakes...

                    Hah, I know the feeling with the phone thing... I've been woken up by the "hang up" calls so many times it's not even funny... and no matter what time it is, you can NEVER get back to sleep
                    they are so annoying really. usually get them in the night, but this time it was morning fo a change, either way they're annoying.


                      That they are, that they are.

                      ...... I had something D/V related that I was going to say... and now I've forgotten what it was... I hate when that happens.


                        Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                        Morning folks.... I'd say good, but no morning is good when you wake up at 5:30 in the morning, and end up tearing your own shirt off, cuz you've got a freaking spider crawling on your chest...

                        ...and somehow another ended up UNDER the shirt on your shoulder....

                        ...No, as a matter of fact, I did NOT have a pleasant waking-up experience...

                        anywho... Anyone about?... anyone?

                        Ever; still eagerly awaiting a return email
                        Yikes! You have my complete sympathy!

                        I'm working on it now. It'll get back to you soon!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Haha, thanks for that

                          Yeah, got your email already

                          Well, as of this past friday, I have a new cousin to add to my long list of cousins... Her name is Silence. Silence Marie.

                          ...The moment I heard her name, my brain started conjuring up all the ways that name could be abused...

                          EDIT: and on that line of thought, something D/V came to mind: in the event that D/V babies were ever brought into the world; what names to do you think Daniel and Vala might choose?.... And do any of us think they would agree on one?

                          ...Me? No. I think they'd argue back and forth about names until the day actually came....
                          Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 17 August 2009, 01:46 PM.


                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            Haha, thanks for that

                            Yeah, got your email already

                            Well, as of this past friday, I have a new cousin to add to my long list of cousins... Her name is Silence. Silence Marie.

                            ...The moment I heard her name, my brain started conjuring up all the ways that name could be abused...
                            Congrats on the new cousin!

                            Silence, hm? That's an interesting name. It's kinda pretty...
                            Sig by Everlovin


                              hearkens back to the colonial era when we got names like Patience, Silence, Mercy, etc...


                                Originally posted by LKS358 View Post
                                Congrats on the new cousin!

                                Silence, hm? That's an interesting name. It's kinda pretty...

                                Haha, yeah it is... But still... It's a name with great potential to be misused... Likely by siblings, should she ever get any

                                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                                hearkens back to the colonial era when we got names like Patience, Silence, Mercy, etc...
                                Hah, I have another cousin named Mercy.... Well, Mercedes... Most everyone calls her Mercy, though.

                                ...My family uses odd names XD

                                EDIT: and Ever, just got your reply email, and I say: Thanks!... I've been told that many many times, but I never seem to get the hang of it ... I'd be replying by email, but it took like 5 minutes just to send the last one... 'net connection is really slow today
                                Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 17 August 2009, 02:14 PM.

