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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Yup, I did. Which I was totally cursing about. I rewatched Ark of Truth again last night and is it me or has the chemistry between Daniel and Vala shifted a bit in that movie? Maybe this is just me being a super fruitcake, but I've been pondering the idea of whether or something had happened (good!) between them before the movie takes place. The sexual tension/chemistry was there, but didn't seem so unresolved, ya know? Maybe it's just wishful thinking!
    Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
    My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


      I was cursing it all night too, cuz I was just SURE I was going to wake up this morning, and not have my internet... This always happens XD I warn people that I'll be losing the 'net.... and then it takes WEEKS before it finally gets cut... When I DON'T tell anyone, it happens the day it was supposed to, and then people think I'm dead for several weeks...

      and yeah, I noticed a slight shift in their interactions. The BIG thing I noticed- that my mom caught on to as well- was when Vala's got her arms around Tomin, in his cell, telling him they have to find Daniel... Then when Daniel shows up, she jumps away like a teenage girl, caught in the broom closet with her ex, by her boyfriend

      ...of course, I suppose some would say she was just startled...


        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        Cool! I'm off to check it out. Did you give the links to the people over at the Ronon thunk thread or the Satedan Fire LJ community? They love stuff like this!
        No, only posted it on kawoosh. Probably should post it to the thunk thread now

        Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
        I checked it out, Tonttu... Not really my thing. Music was cool but- and I don't mean this to be offensive- I prefer when the clips match up to the lyrics, even if the lyrics make absolutely no sense XD
        I usually try to match the clips to lyrics but it was getting rather boring to always edit like that so I decided to try something new. This would have worked better with instrumental song but couldn't find any instrumental song that would have been good for it.

        Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
        Did anyone else have any issues with the forum? Cuz all night last night, I was getting "Database Error"- until I tried logging in from my sister's computer- and then this morning I kept getting "Internal Server Error"...
        I was also getting "Internal Server Error" earlier

        There's supposed to be some Stargate comics coming later. Does anyone know anything about them?
        Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...


          Originally posted by Tonttu View Post
          I usually try to match the clips to lyrics but it was getting rather boring to always edit like that so I decided to try something new. This would have worked better with instrumental song but couldn't find any instrumental song that would have been good for it.
          Ahh, I see. My brain won't allow me to edit any other way than "clips follow lyrics"... If they don't, I get this nagging voice in the back of my head that tells me I'm just slapping clips together for the hell of it, with no real point.... Unless I decide to do what I call and "effects video" in which you just happen to find a song with some really nifty beats/sound effects in it, and go nuts with the transitions/cookie cutters/tv similators, etc... But generally, these take a long time to complete, and as such, I don't do them often...

          Yeah, I think that vid would have worked better with an instrumental piece.

          Originally posted by Tonttu View Post
          I was also getting "Internal Server Error" earlier
          Guess Gateworld was having issues then

          Originally posted by Tonttu View Post
          There's supposed to be some Stargate comics coming later. Does anyone know anything about them?
          Sorry, no... I didn't even know there were comics coming out....


            Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
            I rewatched Ark of Truth again last night and is it me or has the chemistry between Daniel and Vala shifted a bit in that movie? Maybe this is just me being a super fruitcake, but I've been pondering the idea of whether or something had happened (good!) between them before the movie takes place. The sexual tension/chemistry was there, but didn't seem so unresolved, ya know? Maybe it's just wishful thinking!
            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
            and yeah, I noticed a slight shift in their interactions. The BIG thing I noticed- that my mom caught on to as well- was when Vala's got her arms around Tomin, in his cell, telling him they have to find Daniel... Then when Daniel shows up, she jumps away like a teenage girl, caught in the broom closet with her ex, by her boyfriend

            ...of course, I suppose some would say she was just startled...
            I think we all noticed by the end of AoT something had shifted. I don't know if we could say for certain that the UST had been completely resolved...but that tone in Daniel's voice in the dungeon when he says "I'm right here." was warm and caring in a way we had never heard before.
            And I don't think Vala was just startled...I'd identify that expression on her face when she kinda jumps away from Tomin as guilt.
            Of course the fact that she elects to stay on Earth has the implication that she has particular reasons to believe that she's 'found her place' on Earth. I might hazard a guess that their relationship was in transition and they were still feeling their way with each other.
            I found the scene in the pub when Tomin introduces Vala as his wife to be interesting. When Tomin says 'Vala, my wife.' Daniel has almost no reaction...he doesn't skewer Vala with any raised eyebrows or look fact he looks away from the exchange between Vala and Tomin...made me wonder if he and Vala had already covered the topic of Tomin and he was content to let her handle that particular conversation with Tomin on her own.


            My Fiction:


              Originally posted by Tonttu View Post

              There's supposed to be some Stargate comics coming later. Does anyone know anything about them?
              Yeah I've heard about them. I believe they're supposed to be set in Season 11. I remain skeptical. Whether or not the 'fruitcakes' will like them will depend on how the authors view Vala.
              I started reading that virtual S11 that's been writing online and haven't gone back to it after reading the first chapter. Vala was being written for comic relief as the flighty air-head. I was thoroughly like I said I didn't go back to read anymore. I fear that she'll be written the same way in the comics.
              If I'm proven wrong then I'll be thrilled.


              My Fiction:


                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                I think we all noticed by the end of AoT something had shifted. I don't know if we could say for certain that the UST had been completely resolved...but that tone in Daniel's voice in the dungeon when he says "I'm right here." was warm and caring in a way we had never heard before.
                And I don't think Vala was just startled...I'd identify that expression on her face when she kinda jumps away from Tomin as guilt.
                Of course the fact that she elects to stay on Earth has the implication that she has particular reasons to believe that she's 'found her place' on Earth. I might hazard a guess that their relationship was in transition and they were still feeling their way with each other.
                I found the scene in the pub when Tomin introduces Vala as his wife to be interesting. When Tomin says 'Vala, my wife.' Daniel has almost no reaction...he doesn't skewer Vala with any raised eyebrows or look fact he looks away from the exchange between Vala and Tomin...made me wonder if he and Vala had already covered the topic of Tomin and he was content to let her handle that particular conversation with Tomin on her own.
                Oh, I don't think it was fully resolved, but something in it seemed to suggest that they were on their way to resolving it... Ah, if only Continuum had covered that resolution...

                *now must skim through AoT, to find the wife scene, and the cell scene, and listen carefully to voices/ watch expressions carefully*

                There's "This is Vala, my wife". Yeah, you're right. Almost no reaction.... almost. His head snaps towards her for a second, then he looks away.

                And there's the cell. Definitely guilt coming from Vala. And yeah, Daniel's voice does seem all soft, doesn't it?

                Ahh, if only they had gotten together in AoT... but the damn SG writers have commitment issues. If someone mentions being interested in someone/seeing someone, names are rarely used (such as Teyla, mentioning her interest in a certain member of the expedition, with her friend, yet names are conveniently avoided... b@stards....) D/V finally getting together in Unending, only to lose all memory of it.... Sam and Jack finally getting a kiss in season 4, only to have time reset a second later.... The mentions of honeymoons, and maternity leave in season 9, yet still with no names named (but we all know it was Jack).... It seems most of the 'ships are meant to be in every universe but our own

                ....speaking of season 9, and the AUness of Ripple Effect: wouldn't it have been awesome if there had been an SG-1 team that came through with Vala already a part of it?.... And with at least hints of that Daniel, and that Vala already having worked through there issues? (maybe see Alt!Vala perched on Alt!Daniel's lap in what ever room they got shoved in XD)


                  I get busy for the past few days and end up in multi-quote limbo here:

                  Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                  Mostly agree here.

                  Despite how I started "Best"
                  (found here:
                  I did always think that the 'life-threatening' aspect of their job would be more likely to get Daniel moving than Vala seeing another man.

                  I have to disagree tho with the idea of him spending the three week trip BACK from Atlantis deciding 'life was too short' my understanding...given the way he seems to have damaged by the electrocution he would've been making the trip back to the SGC via the 'gate.
                  I felt so strongly that the electrocution was what would've tipped his hand once and for all that I started a piece of fic for my mind tho the trip TO Atlantis is when he started thinking about a serious relationship with her...since,as has been said before, it's really been since MM that's he's been well aware of how he feels about her....the electrocution just hurried him along.

                  Here's a taste:

                  He gave her fingers a vague squeeze, flinching only slightly at the tremor of ache that spread up his arm. �Good girl. Now would you please go and get some sleep.�
                  Her head came up again and she frowned. �But, Daniel�,�
                  �Vala,� he interrupted with a scowl that made his face ache, �don�t argue. Just do it�
                  She opened her mouth to say something.
                  He cut her off before she got anything out. �Aah, aah�no arguing.�
                  She nodded hesitantly with a faint frown.
                  He squeezed her hand again and gave her a small smile. �Thank you. Now go. I guarantee I won�t be moving from this bed. I�ll be right here when you come back in the morning.�
                  Returning his smile, she slid off the bed, surprising him with a quick press of her lips against his hair as she turned to leave.
                  He watched her disappear into the corridor. Along with the thrill of finally getting to Atlantis for strictly research purposes, the trip had provided him with much needed time alone to think and reflect on his life and what he wanted, now that the current bunch of galactic bad guys had been dealt with. It had only taken the first week of the three week trip on the Daedelus to know what he didn�t want. He didn�t want to waste anymore time with her. He�d gone on for too long finding reasons for why they couldn�t be together, why they wouldn�t work, why he couldn�t be in love with her. The whole almost-being-electrocuted-to-death thing had reminded him once again that life was short, especially their lives. It was past time for him to act. Given the current state of his health though it would have to be in slow-motion. Which really wasn�t a bad thing. Slowly finding a way into a new type of relationship with her suited him just fine.

                  Will I find a chance to finish this?..who knows...I've got other pieces started too but don't dare give them much time either for fear of getting permanently distracted from finishing "Best".
                  I also started this to find out if I could create a scenario where they DIDN'T get into a big meltdown...but I couldn't do it...they are both too touchy...there are too much trust issues, they say things wrong, they take things the wrong even this one has a war of words.
                  ummm WRITE IT!!!! wanna read that story!

                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  Yeah, I had to get the account too. Loved the vid, Kelly! Left a comment over there too.

                  How did Daniel/Vala get together? I like the idea of them being thrown together for whatever reason. Although, grievous injury works to get them together as well. Wait!!! I'm not a whumper! What am I saying???

                  Sounds like you're busy, dearheart! Very busy. Keep at it. I remember what it's like. Never fear! We'll keep the Oven going if you should need some nice warm DeVilishness.

                  Ok, so you have to hurry up and finish "Best" and then get right to work on this and others that you have started! Seriously. I love the way you write Daniel/Vala.

                  Yeah. I had issues with Vegas and how they didn't want Jason or Ronon in the ep. Heard that Jason would play the wraith but they said no.

                  Love the idea of Radek and others being CSI!

                  Totally forgot to add that one of the best ways that I saw them getting together - by someone not in the Oven - was by Kelleth Metheus. Letters from Cam
                  Oh man that is one of my absolute favorite writers. she is very very good.

                  Originally posted by Risti View Post

                  So, umm... long time no see?

                  I have to say, even I'm a little bit surprised that I wrote fic. The title is "Mistake", and yes, it is a WIP, but it's been so long, I didn't think you all would mind... (Also - a link for those who prefer it.)
                  lovely lovely stories.
                  Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                  Yup, I did. Which I was totally cursing about. I rewatched Ark of Truth again last night and is it me or has the chemistry between Daniel and Vala shifted a bit in that movie? Maybe this is just me being a super fruitcake, but I've been pondering the idea of whether or something had happened (good!) between them before the movie takes place. The sexual tension/chemistry was there, but didn't seem so unresolved, ya know? Maybe it's just wishful thinking!
                  YES!!!! I am so glad to know I am not the only one who "saw" that... I saw those scenes and screamed they're sleeping together! (or atleast thinking about it!) hubby gave me such a weird look.
                  Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                  I think we all noticed by the end of AoT something had shifted. I don't know if we could say for certain that the UST had been completely resolved...but that tone in Daniel's voice in the dungeon when he says "I'm right here." was warm and caring in a way we had never heard before.
                  And I don't think Vala was just startled...I'd identify that expression on her face when she kinda jumps away from Tomin as guilt.
                  Of course the fact that she elects to stay on Earth has the implication that she has particular reasons to believe that she's 'found her place' on Earth. I might hazard a guess that their relationship was in transition and they were still feeling their way with each other.
                  I found the scene in the pub when Tomin introduces Vala as his wife to be interesting. When Tomin says 'Vala, my wife.' Daniel has almost no reaction...he doesn't skewer Vala with any raised eyebrows or look fact he looks away from the exchange between Vala and Tomin...made me wonder if he and Vala had already covered the topic of Tomin and he was content to let her handle that particular conversation with Tomin on her own.
                  Yep my impression too, he didn't feel a need to "stake out his territory" as the saying goes, they had already settled everything between them. I always felt a bit sorry for tomin... sweet guy, but no daniel!

                  Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                  Oh, I don't think it was fully resolved, but something in it seemed to suggest that they were on their way to resolving it... Ah, if only Continuum had covered that resolution...

                  *now must skim through AoT, to find the wife scene, and the cell scene, and listen carefully to voices/ watch expressions carefully*

                  There's "This is Vala, my wife". Yeah, you're right. Almost no reaction.... almost. His head snaps towards her for a second, then he looks away.

                  And there's the cell. Definitely guilt coming from Vala. And yeah, Daniel's voice does seem all soft, doesn't it?

                  Ahh, if only they had gotten together in AoT... but the damn SG writers have commitment issues. If someone mentions being interested in someone/seeing someone, names are rarely used (such as Teyla, mentioning her interest in a certain member of the expedition, with her friend, yet names are conveniently avoided... b@stards....) D/V finally getting together in Unending, only to lose all memory of it.... Sam and Jack finally getting a kiss in season 4, only to have time reset a second later.... The mentions of honeymoons, and maternity leave in season 9, yet still with no names named (but we all know it was Jack).... It seems most of the 'ships are meant to be in every universe but our own

                  ....speaking of season 9, and the AUness of Ripple Effect: wouldn't it have been awesome if there had been an SG-1 team that came through with Vala already a part of it?.... And with at least hints of that Daniel, and that Vala already having worked through there issues? (maybe see Alt!Vala perched on Alt!Daniel's lap in what ever room they got shoved in XD)
                  there is a great fanfic here that is very well done on just that topic.

                  I have spent the last five days shopping, for food, clothing, and shoes. I am so whacked right now! but I am also beginning season 9 of SG1 -- can't stay away from sg1 it seems. Now a few days to rest and relax before the semester starts. so my dears, write loads of fanfic for me to read.


                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    there is a great fanfic here that is very well done on just that topic.
                    If that's the one I'm thinking it is, I've already read it... I'd actually have to click the link to be sure, but I read a ficlet taking place during Ripple Effect, with D/V...

                    Funny thing.... It'd been a while since I watched Ripple Effect, so I'm watching, waiting for the D/V... and when I got none, I'm like "wait I sec... I KNOW there was.... Oh, right... Fanfic... dammit."

                    ....Sadly, that is not the only such incident... read one taking place after The Quest pt 2 in which Sam asks Cam how he knew the underbelly was the most vulnerable spot on a dragon, and he admits to having been an RPer in his highschool days... Then I re-watch the episode, and the discussion wasn't there, like I KNEW it had to be.... then I realized "fic, moron" XD

                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    I have spent the last five days shopping, for food, clothing, and shoes. I am so whacked right now! but I am also beginning season 9 of SG1 -- can't stay away from sg1 it seems. Now a few days to rest and relax before the semester starts. so my dears, write loads of fanfic for me to read.
                    5 days shopping eh? Damn.

                    Well, I'll be writing, but it's debatable whether or not I get enough written to post any of it before I lose the 'net.

                    EDIT: Okay, that fic was ONE of the ones I'd read. The one that had me going "hey, where's that scene" was D/V, AND J/S and C/C... (J/S was something about Sam overhearing the other!Sams talking about who'd kept "Carter" as her name, and who'd gone with O'Neill, C/C; Cam listening to the others talk about "Henry" being great about them dating Carolyn, and I THINK the D/V was General Landry thinking Daniel might have been cheered up by seeing Vala, even if it wasn't HIS Vala)

                    EDIT: I see people lurking. Yes, you Nat .... Will a snippet of fic entice anyone to come out and play?
                    Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 24 August 2009, 02:48 PM.


                      Oh I sooo thought that too with the cell scene! And his smile is EXACTLY like the one he gave her in Unending ("You better not be messing with me")! It really grates my cheese that they didn't continue with those little things in Continuum. It seemed like things went right back to Season 10 for them, maybe even a step behind.

                      Came up with an idea for a fic that is total fruitcake/fangirlish in its origin. This will make it the fourth one I am currently working on. It's revisiting what happened with Jack and Sam when they had their personalities replaced in that dingy place I think in Season 4, where they all had no idea (except for Teal'c) as to who they really were other than workers really, but Sam and Jack were still drawn together. The team goes through the gate to an as yet unexplored planet, only to have their memories wiped completely the instant they step through. Since Teal'c is Jaffa and his DNA is different, he is unaffected. But it is basically an experimentation with utopian societies and sort of a social experiment. If people had no memories of who they were and their issues, would they coexist peacefully sort of thing. And of course, Daniel and Vala are drawn together. Whatcha think?
                      Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
                      My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


                        Oh dear god no!.... Wait. Sorry. Not a reaction to your fic idea.... I'll get back to the "no" part in a sec.

                        Fic: Sounds cool to me, but then, I'm a sucker for anything that gets Daniel and Vala together... As long as it's well written. That, and I think memory wipes may be one I haven't come across yet, for D/V. You just have to get it written

                        Now to the "oh dear god no":.... Oh dear god no! PLEASE tell me Pika did NOT just have Edward frikking Cullen in her comic....

                        Okay.... done being a drama queen now. Ah well. At least Jareth is back now, and there can be a glitter-smackdown, because NO ONE can out-glitter the Goblin King.... No one's allowed to creep Sarah out, except his Nibs, either...

                        .... So that this might actually make sense:
                        Girls Next Door
                        It's basically one big bowl of Fandom shaken up, and tossed into the real world, the main characters being Sarah Williams, of Labyrinth, and Christine Daae, of Phantom of the Opera, and their respective stalkers; Jareth and Erik (other appearances include James Norrington, Lizzie Swann, Westley and Buttercup, Inigo Montoya, ROUSes, Nanny Ogg, Aziraphale and Crowely, The White Witch, the Prince of Darkness, Maleficent, Ursula, Legolas, Sweeney Todd, and Mrs. Lovett.... and many many many more)


                          LOL That strip is awesome! I was trying to find one that a friend of mine had shown me totally ripping on Twilight that you would probably enjoy, but I can't find it anywhere! Hrmph.

                          And yea, it's a matter of getting it written. I think hilarity could ensue in that one though, so I might abandon the others for this one. Especially if they do the sha-boink-boink while they have no memories. Awkward for when they get their memories back!
                          Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
                          My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


                            haha, glad you enjoyed (or are enjoying?)

                            oh there are favorites are the 2 Head Trip strips, aptly titled "Twilight sucks", and "Breaking Dawn, Breaking Brains".

                            Oh, and there was one that someone showed me about wanting to 'go Buffy' on the Twitards that were at the San Diego comicon this year... apparently they ruined it...

                            Hahaha, awkwardness is always entertaining! especially if Teal'c either keeps or regains his memories (quicker than everyone else) and they want to know why he didn't try to stop them....


                              Geez, everyone was here earlier and I missed it! Stupid school. Anyone still lurking?

                              As far as AoT goes, I completely agree that something (definitely good and happy) has changed between Daniel and Vala. Every time I watch it I analyze it for nice fruitcake moments, and then anyone who's around gives me weird looks when I scream "see! see! they're together! I knew it!"
                              Sig by Everlovin


                                I'm still about, LSK. I see Rac lurking too

                                I was just away for a bit, writing.

