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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    I think I've seen Sin City a dozen times or so. Love that movie.

    hah, at least my connection has an excuse

    so, soon as i'm done with dinner, it's back to aasp (hm, another switch around and you get asap )


      *sigh* I guess I'll just have to upload Whispers at another time... it won't finish with my mom keeping Utorrent going...


        Soon though, right?

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          I'm trying to upload it again now: mama has turned off the downloads for now

          So, like, I decided that I shouldn't keep saying Twilight sucked if I hadn't read it...

 I read summaries/parodies of the first 2, skipped the 3rd, and read the 4th... It still blows.... hard.... with glitter

          On the bright side... it gives me hope; if crap like that is a best seller, I could be a freaking LEGEND XD

          and on a reference to an awesome book that none of the Twitards have read: TOM Cullen totally kicks the asses of the Sparkle!Vamp Cullens ANY day. M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen!

          .... I am a total nerd XD


            YAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! It FINISHED!

            Daniel and Vala: Whispers in the Dark

            That first "no!" was TOTALLY accidental.... Placed the wrong clip on the timeline, and somehow pressed play, and there it was, almost perfectly timed....

            I love my lucky accidents XD

            EDIT: Btw, normal screen on Bam! is WAY tiny, so fullscreen is suggested


              Vala was hilarious


                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                YAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! It FINISHED!

                Daniel and Vala: Whispers in the Dark

                That first "no!" was TOTALLY accidental.... Placed the wrong clip on the timeline, and somehow pressed play, and there it was, almost perfectly timed....

                I love my lucky accidents XD

                EDIT: Btw, normal screen on Bam! is WAY tiny, so fullscreen is suggested
                Aaah! Do I need to sign up with Bam? I clicked the link and it asked me to sign in!!

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi



                  *kicks bam*

                  I dunno... I never watched any vids on there before I joined.... Actually... I still don't...

                  *sigh* see, this is why I like YT better.... you can just watch the vids...

                  Well, if you wanted to get an account... It's not as if you actually have to DO anything with it...

                  EDIT: And it's time for me to get going... I have a headache, a legache... an everythingache... I'm off to sleep
                  Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 21 August 2009, 08:15 PM.


                    Hey fruitcakes

                    Just wanted to let you know I've put the voting up for Week 4 up at dv_everyday on Live Journal So don't forget to vote

                    And I put up the next week as well, Week 5- Unending 1/2 I had so many caps that I had to split it into 2 icontests so that's the first round of caps!

                    My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                    Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                      YAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! It FINISHED!

                      Daniel and Vala: Whispers in the Dark

                      That first "no!" was TOTALLY accidental.... Placed the wrong clip on the timeline, and somehow pressed play, and there it was, almost perfectly timed....

                      I love my lucky accidents XD

                      EDIT: Btw, normal screen on Bam! is WAY tiny, so fullscreen is suggested
                      *sigh* Littlemiss, you are gonna force me to get a BAM! account just so I can view your vids! Stupid youtube...*grumble*

             for Daniel and Vala to get together? I always vote something throws them together or some kinda bad stuff happens to make Daniel make a move. Or the Unending argument way, which is how I did things in my FF. Daniel just has so many trust issues and views Vala's advances as playing games and not the real emotion behind them, ya know? I don't see him just waking up one day and deciding "Today is the day I tell Vala how I feel" though I think he had kinda figured it out by the end of Memento Mori, which is why he was such a poohead to her in Unending--his heart was on the line.

                      And yea, been there and read the sparkling vampires. ick. Black Dagger Brotherhood are the kinda vamps I prefer, not the sparkling pedophile-stalker type. I read all 4 books. Woman went against her own canon in the 4th one just to wrap everything up in a nice neat lil bow. But it gives me hope too!

                      And sorry for the newbie fruitcake absence! I'm still around and still working on multiple fanfics...but me and the hubby are closing on our first house this week AND the new semester starts Monday. Insane does not begin to cover things right now
                      Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
                      My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


                        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                        Hey fruitcakes

                        Just wanted to let you know I've put the voting up for Week 4 up at dv_everyday on Live Journal So don't forget to vote

                        And I put up the next week as well, Week 5- Unending 1/2 I had so many caps that I had to split it into 2 icontests so that's the first round of caps!
                        I voted... there were some wonderful icons.

                        Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                        *sigh* Littlemiss, you are gonna force me to get a BAM! account just so I can view your vids! Stupid youtube...*grumble*

               for Daniel and Vala to get together? I always vote something throws them together or some kinda bad stuff happens to make Daniel make a move. Or the Unending argument way, which is how I did things in my FF. Daniel just has so many trust issues and views Vala's advances as playing games and not the real emotion behind them, ya know? I don't see him just waking up one day and deciding "Today is the day I tell Vala how I feel" though I think he had kinda figured it out by the end of Memento Mori, which is why he was such a poohead to her in Unending--his heart was on the line.

                        And yea, been there and read the sparkling vampires. ick. Black Dagger Brotherhood are the kinda vamps I prefer, not the sparkling pedophile-stalker type. I read all 4 books. Woman went against her own canon in the 4th one just to wrap everything up in a nice neat lil bow. But it gives me hope too!

                        And sorry for the newbie fruitcake absence! I'm still around and still working on multiple fanfics...but me and the hubby are closing on our first house this week AND the new semester starts Monday. Insane does not begin to cover things right now
                        green for your wit...congrats on the house! and yes, I understand about classes starting! Insanity is normal for me

                        As for Daniel and Vala--- I always saw that him getting electrocuted in Atlantis would have mdae him think. he had a three week trip back to the sgc to think about what is important and that "life is too short". He would have invited Vala out to dinner as soon as he got back, and taken her back to his place and seduced her! (or let her seduce him, or....well you get the idea!) nothing like a near death experience to wake a man up! merely IMHO of course!

                        ok joined bam and loved the vid kelly.


                          Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                          *sigh* Littlemiss, you are gonna force me to get a BAM! account just so I can view your vids! Stupid youtube...*grumble*
                          Hahaha, I'm sorry! It wasn't on purpose, I assure you. Besides; I'd much rather have it on YT. Blame the new program they have for scanning new uploads. Ugh... this is going to make uploading ANYthing a *****...

                          Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                 for Daniel and Vala to get together? I always vote something throws them together or some kinda bad stuff happens to make Daniel make a move. Or the Unending argument way, which is how I did things in my FF. Daniel just has so many trust issues and views Vala's advances as playing games and not the real emotion behind them, ya know? I don't see him just waking up one day and deciding "Today is the day I tell Vala how I feel" though I think he had kinda figured it out by the end of Memento Mori, which is why he was such a poohead to her in Unending--his heart was on the line.
                          I'm thinking I'll use a mixture of the thrown together (they'll be stuck together, like they were from Avalon, to Beachhead), and the Unending argument (hehe... have you even stopped to think about that word combination? XD).... Only hopefully I can get a few good hits in there from Vala, instead of having her just sit there and take it.

                          And yeah, I agree that Daniel wouldn't just decide to tell her how he felt. Something has to happen to drag the confession out of him.

                          My thoughts exactly on his reaction in Unending.

                          Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                          And yea, been there and read the sparkling vampires. ick. Black Dagger Brotherhood are the kinda vamps I prefer, not the sparkling pedophile-stalker type. I read all 4 books. Woman went against her own canon in the 4th one just to wrap everything up in a nice neat lil bow. But it gives me hope too!
                          Yeah, ick... Though I admit, I DID have to laugh at "This is the face of a monster" (or something along those lines).... *dramatic pause*.... *SPARKLY!!!*... seriouslyWTF?.... If I'D seen that, my first reaction wouldn't be fear; it'd either be "ooooo shiny!".... or I'd laugh my ass off... Not exactly sure which...

                          Black Dagger Brotherhood? Not ones I've heard of. My mom reads the Anita Blake novels- not ones I like.... I just really can't stand a main character that's drop dead gorgeous, who thinks she's ugly...It makes me want to beat some sense into them- ... I don't think I actually have any vampire novels that I read

                          ... I mean, I have 30 Days of Night: Rumors of the Undead.... but those aren't exactly the usual "sex and seduction" vampires. They really are monsters

                          *does mental scan of book collection*... Beyond that, nope... Vampire novels aren't really my thing... Love the movies- and the shows... Buffy/Angel and True Blood ftw!- but the books never really interest me

                          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                          As for Daniel and Vala--- I always saw that him getting electrocuted in Atlantis would have mdae him think. he had a three week trip back to the sgc to think about what is important and that "life is too short". He would have invited Vala out to dinner as soon as he got back, and taken her back to his place and seduced her! (or let her seduce him, or....well you get the idea!) nothing like a near death experience to wake a man up! merely IMHO of course!

                          ok joined bam and loved the vid kelly.
                          Rofl! Well, we could all hope, couldn't we?

                          Oh? Coolies! Glad you liked it. What'd you think of the song choice?


                            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                            As for Daniel and Vala--- I always saw that him getting electrocuted in Atlantis would have mdae him think. he had a three week trip back to the sgc to think about what is important and that "life is too short". He would have invited Vala out to dinner as soon as he got back, and taken her back to his place and seduced her! (or let her seduce him, or....well you get the idea!) nothing like a near death experience to wake a man up! merely IMHO of course!
                            Mostly agree here.

                            Despite how I started "Best"
                            (found here:
                            I did always think that the 'life-threatening' aspect of their job would be more likely to get Daniel moving than Vala seeing another man.

                            I have to disagree tho with the idea of him spending the three week trip BACK from Atlantis deciding 'life was too short' my understanding...given the way he seems to have damaged by the electrocution he would've been making the trip back to the SGC via the 'gate.
                            I felt so strongly that the electrocution was what would've tipped his hand once and for all that I started a piece of fic for my mind tho the trip TO Atlantis is when he started thinking about a serious relationship with her...since,as has been said before, it's really been since MM that's he's been well aware of how he feels about her....the electrocution just hurried him along.

                            Here's a taste:

                            He gave her fingers a vague squeeze, flinching only slightly at the tremor of ache that spread up his arm. “Good girl. Now would you please go and get some sleep.”
                            Her head came up again and she frowned. “But, Daniel…,”
                            “Vala,” he interrupted with a scowl that made his face ache, “don’t argue. Just do it”
                            She opened her mouth to say something.
                            He cut her off before she got anything out. “Aah, aah…no arguing.”
                            She nodded hesitantly with a faint frown.
                            He squeezed her hand again and gave her a small smile. “Thank you. Now go. I guarantee I won’t be moving from this bed. I’ll be right here when you come back in the morning.”
                            Returning his smile, she slid off the bed, surprising him with a quick press of her lips against his hair as she turned to leave.
                            He watched her disappear into the corridor. Along with the thrill of finally getting to Atlantis for strictly research purposes, the trip had provided him with much needed time alone to think and reflect on his life and what he wanted, now that the current bunch of galactic bad guys had been dealt with. It had only taken the first week of the three week trip on the Daedelus to know what he didn’t want. He didn’t want to waste anymore time with her. He’d gone on for too long finding reasons for why they couldn’t be together, why they wouldn’t work, why he couldn’t be in love with her. The whole almost-being-electrocuted-to-death thing had reminded him once again that life was short, especially their lives. It was past time for him to act. Given the current state of his health though it would have to be in slow-motion. Which really wasn’t a bad thing. Slowly finding a way into a new type of relationship with her suited him just fine.

                            Will I find a chance to finish this?..who knows...I've got other pieces started too but don't dare give them much time either for fear of getting permanently distracted from finishing "Best".
                            I also started this to find out if I could create a scenario where they DIDN'T get into a big meltdown...but I couldn't do it...they are both too touchy...there are too much trust issues, they say things wrong, they take things the wrong even this one has a war of words.


                            My Fiction:


                              Ohh, nice little taste of ficcy LC.

                              Haha, yeah, WAY too touchy. It would take a major major major MAJOR miracle for them to actually get together without some sort of confrontation, or a catalyst event that shoves 'em together...

                              Alas, I don't think we'll ever see that onscreen -_-

                              Hahaha! I was going through my fic folder, just now, and I found this XD


                              Back-story: Lt. Kenmore becomes infected with an engineered Wraith plague. In their attempts to cure it, the Atlantis Expedition turns him into something in between a Wraith and a human. Despite months of trying to revert him back to his original state, Michael eventually goes insane, and breaks out. He begins to perform his own experiments on both humans and Wraith, trying to create the perfect hybrid.

                              Cause of Current Events: Michael crashes on Earth, after hitching a ride with the Super-hive, as does a Wraith (Todd). He captures Todd, and uses him to start up his experiments again, using humans from Las Vegas, and Henderson, as well.

                              Current Events: When interrupted while disposing of several bodies, Michael's dumpsite is discovered, and the LVPD begins to look for what they believe is a serial killer. As news of their investigation gets out, the homicide detectives, along with everyone involved with them, or the case, begin to notice that they are being followed. The conspiracy theorists among them think it's the FBI.

                              End Story: The SGC, Homeworld Security, and the Atlantis Expedition have been looking long and hard for a year to find Michael, as well as his Wraith prisoner. In the end, they are forced to rely on the skills of the LVPD homicide crew to stop Michael from releasing a virus that will turn all of earth's population into Hybrids.

                              SGA/CSI Cast

                              Lt. Col. John Sheppard= Detective John P. Sheppard

                              Teyla Emmagen= Detective Teyla Emmagen

                              Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay= Dr. Rodney McKay (head of computer forensics)

                              Dr. Jennifer Keller= Dr. Jennifer Keller-McKay (assistant M.E.)

                              Dr. Carson Beckett= Dr. Carson Beckett (Chief Medical Examiner)

                              Richard Woolsey, IOA= ADA Richard Woolsey

                              Colonel Samantha Carter= Captain Samantha O'Neill (LVPD)

                              Major E. Lorne= CSI Evan Lorne

                              Sergeant Amelia Banks= Officer Amelia Banks

                              Ronon Dex= Dexter Ronon (Club owner; Sateda)

                              Dr. Radek Zelenka= CSI Radek Zelenka (Supervisor)

                              Lt. Cadman= CSI Laura Cadman (Ballistics/Explosives expert)

                              Dr. Allison Porter= CSI Allison Porter

                              Dr. Elizabeth Weir= Dr. Elizabeth Weir (Head of Atlantis Expedition)

                              Todd, The Wraith= Todd Michaelson (disguised wraith)

                              Mr. Coolidge= Bill Coolidge (criminal defense lawyer)

                              Major General Jack O'Neill= Lt. General Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill (Head of HWS)

                              Dr. Daniel Jackson= Detective Daniel Jackson

                              Vala Mal Doran= Detective Vala Doran

                              Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell= Detective Cameron Mitchell

                              Dr. Heighmeyer= Dr. Kate Heightmeyer, LVPD Psychiatrist


                              Colonel Jason Sharpe (Team leader; SGA-1)

                              Mikala Emmera (member; SGA-1, former leader; Athosians)

                              Dr. Rebecca Kayne (member; SGA-1, head of Science department)

                              Jonas Quinn (former member; SG-1, current member SGA-1; historian/linguist)

                              Lt. Michael Kenmore (former member; SGA-1; gone rogue)


                              Detective Sheppard x Detective Emmagen
                              started dating after being partnered together for several months.

                              Detective Jackson x Detective Doran
                              love/hate thing. Betting pools about when they'll kill each other/hook up are common.

                              Dr. McKay x Dr. Keller-McKay
                              married for 4 months

                              Dr. Beckett x CSI Porter

                              Captain O'Neill x General O'Neill
                              married for 10 years

                              Officer Banks x Dexter R.

                              CSI Lorne x CSI Cadman

                              Col. Sharpe x Mikala
                              in "secret" relationship

                              Man.... wrote that up after I the last 2 episodes of SGA... Vegas was awesome XD

                              However, I was annoyed at the lack of say, Ronon, or Teyla... So my mind started thinking up all kinds of AUs where they could have been born on earth... Then I thought; hey, why not make 'em all LVPD personnel.... Then the SG-1 cast managed to work their way in (because how awesome would a Detective!Daniel, and a Detective!Vala be?

                              ....Never did find a way to work Teal'c in.... Or a way to change Teyla's name, like I did with Ronon's XD

                              Heh, still have the start of the first chapter I wrote, too XD Maybe I'll finish it sometime, just for fun...


                                Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                                *sigh* Littlemiss, you are gonna force me to get a BAM! account just so I can view your vids! Stupid youtube...*grumble*

                       for Daniel and Vala to get together? I always vote something throws them together or some kinda bad stuff happens to make Daniel make a move. Or the Unending argument way, which is how I did things in my FF. Daniel just has so many trust issues and views Vala's advances as playing games and not the real emotion behind them, ya know? I don't see him just waking up one day and deciding "Today is the day I tell Vala how I feel" though I think he had kinda figured it out by the end of Memento Mori, which is why he was such a poohead to her in Unending--his heart was on the line.

                                And yea, been there and read the sparkling vampires. ick. Black Dagger Brotherhood are the kinda vamps I prefer, not the sparkling pedophile-stalker type. I read all 4 books. Woman went against her own canon in the 4th one just to wrap everything up in a nice neat lil bow. But it gives me hope too!

                                And sorry for the newbie fruitcake absence! I'm still around and still working on multiple fanfics...but me and the hubby are closing on our first house this week AND the new semester starts Monday. Insane does not begin to cover things right now
                                Yeah, I had to get the account too. Loved the vid, Kelly! Left a comment over there too.

                                How did Daniel/Vala get together? I like the idea of them being thrown together for whatever reason. Although, grievous injury works to get them together as well. Wait!!! I'm not a whumper! What am I saying???

                                Sounds like you're busy, dearheart! Very busy. Keep at it. I remember what it's like. Never fear! We'll keep the Oven going if you should need some nice warm DeVilishness.

                                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                                Mostly agree here.

                                Despite how I started "Best"
                                (found here:
                                I did always think that the 'life-threatening' aspect of their job would be more likely to get Daniel moving than Vala seeing another man.

                                I have to disagree tho with the idea of him spending the three week trip BACK from Atlantis deciding 'life was too short' my understanding...given the way he seems to have damaged by the electrocution he would've been making the trip back to the SGC via the 'gate.
                                I felt so strongly that the electrocution was what would've tipped his hand once and for all that I started a piece of fic for my mind tho the trip TO Atlantis is when he started thinking about a serious relationship with her...since,as has been said before, it's really been since MM that's he's been well aware of how he feels about her....the electrocution just hurried him along.

                                Here's a taste:

                                He gave her fingers a vague squeeze, flinching only slightly at the tremor of ache that spread up his arm. “Good girl. Now would you please go and get some sleep.”
                                Her head came up again and she frowned. “But, Daniel…,”
                                “Vala,” he interrupted with a scowl that made his face ache, “don’t argue. Just do it”
                                She opened her mouth to say something.
                                He cut her off before she got anything out. “Aah, aah…no arguing.”
                                She nodded hesitantly with a faint frown.
                                He squeezed her hand again and gave her a small smile. “Thank you. Now go. I guarantee I won’t be moving from this bed. I’ll be right here when you come back in the morning.”
                                Returning his smile, she slid off the bed, surprising him with a quick press of her lips against his hair as she turned to leave.
                                He watched her disappear into the corridor. Along with the thrill of finally getting to Atlantis for strictly research purposes, the trip had provided him with much needed time alone to think and reflect on his life and what he wanted, now that the current bunch of galactic bad guys had been dealt with. It had only taken the first week of the three week trip on the Daedelus to know what he didn’t want. He didn’t want to waste anymore time with her. He’d gone on for too long finding reasons for why they couldn’t be together, why they wouldn’t work, why he couldn’t be in love with her. The whole almost-being-electrocuted-to-death thing had reminded him once again that life was short, especially their lives. It was past time for him to act. Given the current state of his health though it would have to be in slow-motion. Which really wasn’t a bad thing. Slowly finding a way into a new type of relationship with her suited him just fine.

                                Will I find a chance to finish this?..who knows...I've got other pieces started too but don't dare give them much time either for fear of getting permanently distracted from finishing "Best".
                                I also started this to find out if I could create a scenario where they DIDN'T get into a big meltdown...but I couldn't do it...they are both too touchy...there are too much trust issues, they say things wrong, they take things the wrong even this one has a war of words.
                                Ok, so you have to hurry up and finish "Best" and then get right to work on this and others that you have started! Seriously. I love the way you write Daniel/Vala.

                                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                                Ohh, nice little taste of ficcy LC.

                                Haha, yeah, WAY too touchy. It would take a major major major MAJOR miracle for them to actually get together without some sort of confrontation, or a catalyst event that shoves 'em together...

                                Alas, I don't think we'll ever see that onscreen -_-

                                Hahaha! I was going through my fic folder, just now, and I found this XD


                                Back-story: Lt. Kenmore becomes infected with an engineered Wraith plague. In their attempts to cure it, the Atlantis Expedition turns him into something in between a Wraith and a human. Despite months of trying to revert him back to his original state, Michael eventually goes insane, and breaks out. He begins to perform his own experiments on both humans and Wraith, trying to create the perfect hybrid.

                                Cause of Current Events: Michael crashes on Earth, after hitching a ride with the Super-hive, as does a Wraith (Todd). He captures Todd, and uses him to start up his experiments again, using humans from Las Vegas, and Henderson, as well.

                                Current Events: When interrupted while disposing of several bodies, Michael's dumpsite is discovered, and the LVPD begins to look for what they believe is a serial killer. As news of their investigation gets out, the homicide detectives, along with everyone involved with them, or the case, begin to notice that they are being followed. The conspiracy theorists among them think it's the FBI.

                                End Story: The SGC, Homeworld Security, and the Atlantis Expedition have been looking long and hard for a year to find Michael, as well as his Wraith prisoner. In the end, they are forced to rely on the skills of the LVPD homicide crew to stop Michael from releasing a virus that will turn all of earth's population into Hybrids.

                                SGA/CSI Cast

                                Lt. Col. John Sheppard= Detective John P. Sheppard

                                Teyla Emmagen= Detective Teyla Emmagen

                                Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay= Dr. Rodney McKay (head of computer forensics)

                                Dr. Jennifer Keller= Dr. Jennifer Keller-McKay (assistant M.E.)

                                Dr. Carson Beckett= Dr. Carson Beckett (Chief Medical Examiner)

                                Richard Woolsey, IOA= ADA Richard Woolsey

                                Colonel Samantha Carter= Captain Samantha O'Neill (LVPD)

                                Major E. Lorne= CSI Evan Lorne

                                Sergeant Amelia Banks= Officer Amelia Banks

                                Ronon Dex= Dexter Ronon (Club owner; Sateda)

                                Dr. Radek Zelenka= CSI Radek Zelenka (Supervisor)

                                Lt. Cadman= CSI Laura Cadman (Ballistics/Explosives expert)

                                Dr. Allison Porter= CSI Allison Porter

                                Dr. Elizabeth Weir= Dr. Elizabeth Weir (Head of Atlantis Expedition)

                                Todd, The Wraith= Todd Michaelson (disguised wraith)

                                Mr. Coolidge= Bill Coolidge (criminal defense lawyer)

                                Major General Jack O'Neill= Lt. General Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill (Head of HWS)

                                Dr. Daniel Jackson= Detective Daniel Jackson

                                Vala Mal Doran= Detective Vala Doran

                                Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell= Detective Cameron Mitchell

                                Dr. Heighmeyer= Dr. Kate Heightmeyer, LVPD Psychiatrist


                                Colonel Jason Sharpe (Team leader; SGA-1)

                                Mikala Emmera (member; SGA-1, former leader; Athosians)

                                Dr. Rebecca Kayne (member; SGA-1, head of Science department)

                                Jonas Quinn (former member; SG-1, current member SGA-1; historian/linguist)

                                Lt. Michael Kenmore (former member; SGA-1; gone rogue)


                                Detective Sheppard x Detective Emmagen
                                started dating after being partnered together for several months.

                                Detective Jackson x Detective Doran
                                love/hate thing. Betting pools about when they'll kill each other/hook up are common.

                                Dr. McKay x Dr. Keller-McKay
                                married for 4 months

                                Dr. Beckett x CSI Porter

                                Captain O'Neill x General O'Neill
                                married for 10 years

                                Officer Banks x Dexter R.

                                CSI Lorne x CSI Cadman

                                Col. Sharpe x Mikala
                                in "secret" relationship

                                Man.... wrote that up after I the last 2 episodes of SGA... Vegas was awesome XD

                                However, I was annoyed at the lack of say, Ronon, or Teyla... So my mind started thinking up all kinds of AUs where they could have been born on earth... Then I thought; hey, why not make 'em all LVPD personnel.... Then the SG-1 cast managed to work their way in (because how awesome would a Detective!Daniel, and a Detective!Vala be?

                                ....Never did find a way to work Teal'c in.... Or a way to change Teyla's name, like I did with Ronon's XD

                                Heh, still have the start of the first chapter I wrote, too XD Maybe I'll finish it sometime, just for fun...
                                Yeah. I had issues with Vegas and how they didn't want Jason or Ronon in the ep. Heard that Jason would play the wraith but they said no.

                                Love the idea of Radek and others being CSI!

                                Totally forgot to add that one of the best ways that I saw them getting together - by someone not in the Oven - was by Kelleth Metheus. Letters from Cam

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

