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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
    The fact that she was so faithful to Tomin is what made me want an explicit, "I divorce you." or "I release you from our marriage." or "Consider yourself free to remarry." at the end of that arc. What we got was a bit nebulous for my taste.

    BTW how long are we going to consider Arc of Truth as spoilers around here?
    You're referring to AoT, right?
    I mean, I think it was laid out pretty clear that the marriage was over and that Tomin and Vala would be going their seperate ways. I personally like that it wasn't explicitly just ended quietly with them both realizing/knowing/accepting that it was over. It made it a lot more poignant for me to see that in their eyes rather than hear it in their words. But I know you've been eager for that kind of "our marriage is over" moment for quite some time, no?

    I have no idea about the spoiler thing. I just don't want to be the first to go outside the spoilers and then have people tear me apart for ruining the movie for them

    Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
    I'm much more conservative and like to think Daniel is too. Plus they didn't have him do any of the movie telltale signs of sex. He may have readjusted hois glasses and had slightly mussed hair but both of those could have been from some serious making out. (That I would believe. I just have a hard time thinking Daniel would up and sleep with someone he just met when isn't married to her. In the movie, though Sha're was clearly throwing herself at him it wasn't until he found out they were married that he returned the favor.)
    Hmm, interesting. I don't remember exactly how it went down but there had never been any doubt in my mind about the implications of the scene until I think you or someone else on this thread brought it up a little while back.

    Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
    Also my definition of promiscuous is anyone who doesn't follow the chastity until marriage and fiedelity unto death rule.
    Geez...well...ouch! That makes for a lot of promiscuous people!

    Last edited by Stef; 06 May 2008, 04:48 AM.

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      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Okay, so I was looking at people's answers to the SG-1 Female Fan Questionaire and I noticed an answer a couple of people listed under their "least favorite qualities" about Vala section, namely that she is "promiscuous." I guess my question for you guys is, is she? Do we really see her sleeping around? The only hint we got that she was "intinimate" with anyone was Arlos (and there was supposedly a deleted scene that debunked the implication that they had slept together). Can anyone think of other people she's slept with? Cause all I am coming up with is her HUSBAND, Tomin...and Daniel - both of whom she had serious relationships with.
      Whether or not she actually slept with men, she speaks and behaves as if she did. Her line in Avalon, "There's a one in...ten chance it's yours", implies something, as does her remarks such as to Teal'c, "Well I'm flattered Muscles but do we have the time?". I wouldn't call her promiscuous, but she has been very free with herself, though I think less than she claims. Implications are just as much as facts to many fans. (As a sidenote, I don't think she sought to be faithful to Tomin consciously, just that her unconscious care for him and Daniel naturally kept her from other relationships.)

      ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
      ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


        So, when is everyone done with their finals, end of school, semester whatever so we can schedule an episode night?

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          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Okay, so I was looking at people's answers to the SG-1 Female Fan Questionaire and I noticed an answer a couple of people listed under their "least favorite qualities" about Vala section, namely that she is "promiscuous." I guess my question for you guys is, is she? Do we really see her sleeping around? The only hint we got that she was "intinimate" with anyone was Arlos (and there was supposedly a deleted scene that debunked the implication that they had slept together). Can anyone think of other people she's slept with? Cause all I am coming up with is her HUSBAND, Tomin...and Daniel - both of whom she had serious relationships with.

          So then I guess my next question is (which is a little touchy, I suppose), why do 2-3 sexual partners (one of which was her husband, the other a man she spend 50 years with) make Vala a slut? Why is it that women viewers get upset about Vala's sex life while they dismiss Jack's or Daniel's or even Teal'c's? Jack has been with AT LEAST 3 women - Daniel the same - Teal'c the same and yet if people were to list their least favorite qualities about any of these men, would "promiscuity" ever be named? Keep in mind that some of these "girlfriends" were one-night stands...none of Vala's were.

          Sorry if that seemed to come out of nowhere, it just bothers me. There is a difference between being sexual and sleeping around. I do concede that Vala isn't against using her sexuality to get what she wants, especially in S9...but how often did she use it in S10? Obviously she used it against Ba'al in "Insiders" and then tried to seduce Daniel in "Unending" but outside of that...where else?

          Just curious But maybe I'm getting a little into the social problem we have between the genders when it comes to sex and sexuality.

          Sometimes when I read this thead I feel as if I've entered the bible belt. Vala was host to a sex goddess. She quite clearly uses her sexuality as part of her tools for the trade, i.e. acquisition and scams. She shows a healthy appreciation of males and was quite ready to jump Daniel's bones after the fight on the Prometheous. It is hinted that she is bi-sexual. Finding herself pregnant, she seduced Tomin. She's a needs must when the devil flies type of girl. She hasn't had the luxury of virtue. She finds it difficult in Unending to approach Daniel without using her usual tricks to seduce a guy.
          She's been used extensively by Qutesh for all sorts of frolics, her reclaiming herself and finding her own worth are her journey. That is the character, why are you trying to defend her past? It's my perpetual moan than Star Trek reduce all their characters to an amorphous clone of squeaky cleanness, Stargate has been slightly better at keeping characters with some identity.
          Don't Trek clone, Vala. I might start a campaign.



            Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
            Sometimes when I read this thead I feel as if I've entered the bible belt. Vala was host to a sex goddess. She quite clearly uses her sexuality as part of her tools for the trade, i.e. acquisition and scams. She shows a healthy appreciation of males and was quite ready to jump Daniel's bones after the fight on the Prometheous. It is hinted that she is bi-sexual. Finding herself pregnant, she seduced Tomin. She's a needs must when the devil flies type of girl. She hasn't had the luxury of virtue. She finds it difficult in Unending to approach Daniel without using her usual tricks to seduce a guy.
            She's been used extensively by Qutesh for all sorts of frolics, her reclaiming herself and finding her own worth are her journey. That is the character, why are you trying to defend her past? It's my perpetual moan than Star Trek reduce all their characters to an amorphous clone of squeaky cleanness, Stargate has been slightly better at keeping characters with some identity.
            Don't Trek clone, Vala. I might start a campaign.

            Vala was taken host by FORCE, AGAINST HER WILL. This is enough good reason to defend her.


              Originally posted by Ladyinred View Post
              Vala was taken host by FORCE, AGAINST HER WILL. This is enough good reason to defend her.
              Yes, I know that. People who have been extensively abused often(not always) have a skewered regard for sexual boundaries or give themselves to others as an expectation for people to like them or gain other advantages. Vala, through Tomin and Daniel has discovered a different kind of man, there are different rules, Unending and other episodes shows you how she stumbles in her understanding of how to express herself to a man she cares for. With Tomin, until she rejoins the fight, she plays the good wife. Even then the villages presume she's a bad girl who has been chased from another village.

              How do you explain Unending if you don't acknowledge the above.


              What is worth defending is character development and getting away from this virgin, madonna and whore type of triad. Vala is a survivor and considering her past and recent history, her ability to bounce back with a smile on her face and try to have genuine relationships is worth applauding not a hasty whitewash of her character and denial of its history.
              Last edited by Magnecite; 06 May 2008, 09:44 AM.


                Vala is promiscuous? Probably. She more than once clued us in that way, that she had very open mind to sex, which is natural for her. But she is loyal too and just sleeping around doesn't make her a slut. No, I believe as long as the all participants know where they stand in that kind of relationship, it's no problem but Vala used sex to con people. She seduced men and also women I personally believe, she made them believe it was more than what it really was to get what she wanted. And THAT made her, yeah, a slut, I'm afraid. The other kind of sex was just fun for her, I reckon. Yeah, she had a terrible past and has enough reasons what she had done, and her obvious problems with relationships and commimnent issues but I believe when she decided to stay at Earth, she was really wanting to change so it was the reason why she had put all of that sexual references behind back. Vala was never a saint neither she was the devil itself. She was a choatic character and her characters motivians not always so pure and simple.

                On other hand, I don't really care what other people call her, really, especially female online fans. I'm terribly sorry the fact but I saw at this site calling Keller from Atlantis a slut for FLIRTING just a little with two men!!!!!So unfair. I don't really understand it sometimes.
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                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                  Originally posted by gioia View Post
                  On other hand, I don't really care what other people call her, really, especially female online fans. I'm terribly sorry the fact but I saw at this site calling Keller from Atlantis a slut for FLIRTING just a little with two men!!!!!So unfair. I don't really understand it sometimes.
                  i really don't she's promiscuous, but that's just my opinion. i mean, she was with Daniel for over 50 years, Tomin was her husband. And like what was stated in "TPTB" she "can't be held responsible for the things she's done while under the control of Quetesh." even though Quetesh (sorry if i spelt it wrong ), it wasn't her that was sleeping with everyone.

                  and i agree with you about the whole Keller thing. She flirted with TWO guys, that doesn't make her a slut, i'm sorry.
                  thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                    Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                    i really don't she's promiscuous, but that's just my opinion. i mean, she was with Daniel for over 50 years, Tomin was her husband. And like what was stated in "TPTB" she "can't be held responsible for the things she's done while under the control of Quetesh." even though Quetesh (sorry if i spelt it wrong ), it wasn't her that was sleeping with everyone.

                    and i agree with you about the whole Keller thing. She flirted with TWO guys, that doesn't make her a slut, i'm sorry.
                    I think it might be an improvement if Keller was a slut.

                    I think Vala survivor mode sees sex as an appetite, which she chooses to indulge when it suits her, sometimes something she uses for gain and influence. How far she takes that, we haven't really witnessed. Arlos, I think we can guess, without the missing scene, she conned.

                    She is undoubtedly a woman of the world. She knows Daniel is serious minded and whatever the outcome of their relationship, I think she wants his respect. Tomin, she conned but she also has a heart and responded to his initial goodness and kindness. Daniel, she has found difficult to con and he intrigues her. She has to win him in other ways because he doesn't respond to the sex-trap either.

                    I think promiscuous is a bit harsh, lusty is kinder. Anyone that free with their cleavage is not one of nature's innocents.

                    Last edited by Magnecite; 06 May 2008, 12:35 PM.


                      I certainly don't think Vala is a slut but she is not innocent either. I really get ticked because if girl is not a virgin she's a slut why is that. I think Vala is someone who has a open mind and she isn't ashamed of herself and very secure with herself.

                      Part of why I love the D&V ship is because Daniel sees Vala not her actions or her past. Why Unending was so keen on me Daniel was not going to get played by her and he was not going to show his feelings for her unless he saw how she really felt about him with no games he got the raw truth.

                      I really think all the sex talk she does is part of the mask Daniel sees beyond it.

                      Do I think she had an active sex life before Daniel yes do I think she did what she had to do to survive I think it was a love em and leave them type of life she had I really don't think there were too many victims I think it was probably a it is what it is kind of relationships where both parties got what they wanted.
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                      poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                        Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                        I certainly don't think Vala is a slut but she is not innocent either. I really get ticked because if girl is not a virgin she's a slut why is that. I think Vala is someone who has a open mind and she isn't ashamed of herself and very secure with herself.

                        Part of why I love the D&V ship is because Daniel sees Vala not her actions or her past. Why Unending was so keen on me Daniel was not going to get played by her and he was not going to show his feelings for her unless he saw how she really felt about him with no games he got the raw truth.

                        I really think all the sex talk she does is part of the mask Daniel sees beyond it.

                        Do I think she had an active sex life before Daniel yes do I think she did what she had to do to survive I think it was a love em and leave them type of life she had I really don't think there were too many victims I think it was probably a it is what it is kind of relationships where both parties got what they wanted.
                        Does Sam get called a slut? If she gets misty eyed with Cam, I think she might come in for a barrage of sluts!!!! If Keller can get called a slut for that awful scene with Ronon and her survivor bond with Rodney, then Sam must be ripe for being called the biggest tart in sci fi. I mean she puts the boys to shame. How many aliens has she bonked, there was Mouthtooth and the one she shared with Torri Higginson, even had Ancient sex(not Jack) the Ancient that turned into the kid, not to mention chipmunk Pete. She's the pin up of the science department with Rodney and Felgar having evil thoughts under the duvet. Well, I prefer to think they're under the duvet ...... get that image right out of my head!

                        Anyway, Poundpuppy, I agree with the general sentiment expressed.


                        I might be entering a huge cultural divide here but hands up who'd rather be called a slut than a virgin.
                        Last edited by Magnecite; 06 May 2008, 02:54 PM.


                          Hmmm, do any of you lot even remember me? it's been a long time since I posted XD

                          as for your question mag: ... considering the second is, at the moment, true... let's speak hypothetically for a moment

                          Say my boyfriend were actually here, with me.... If me sleeping with him, my BOYFRIEND, would get me called a slut: I'd rather be called a slut, thanks...
                          Notice I say boyfriend, and not some random guy...

                          "Anyone that free with their cleavage is not one of nature's innocents. "

                          *cough*... I suppose I don't count as one of those innocents then...

                          As for Vala: I don't think Vala is a slut... Remember that she was host to, as someone else has said, a sex goddess. If something of the host can remain, then surely something of the goa'uld can remain in the host, as well.

                          And there are only a few men that we know VALA slept with (Ba'al is one of Quetesh's conquests)... 3 men. The dude from the Princess Bride, Tomin, and Daniel... beyond that, we don't know.... Daniel's got more women under his belt than that... Sam's got more men. Jack's got a few women too... So, why pick on Vala?

                          Anyway... doesn't seem to be anything more to add on that matter...

                          So... I say hello to you all


                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            And there are only a few men that we know VALA slept with (Ba'al is one of Quetesh's conquests)... 3 men. The dude from the Princess Bride, Tomin, and Daniel... beyond that, we don't know.... Daniel's got more women under his belt than that... Sam's got more men. Jack's got a few women too... So, why pick on Vala?
                            Why Vala? Because she flaunts it, maybe? I dunno, sometimes fandom just doesn't make sense to me. Actually, quite a bit of the time.

                            ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                            ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                              Touche, she does flaunt it...

                              though I don't think you'd hear anyone calling the guys names if they were to flaunt their own activities

                              EDIT: though that's bordering on getting into gender wars...

                              as I've heard someone else say: If you have a penis and you sleep with lord knows how many people, you're a stud, you have a vagina, and you sleep with the same amount, and you're a slut

                              it makes no sense


                                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                                Touche, she does flaunt it...

                                though I don't think you'd hear anyone calling the guys names if they were to flaunt their own activities

                                EDIT: though that's bordering on getting into gender wars...

                                as I've heard someone else say: If you have a penis and you sleep with lord knows how many people, you're a stud, you have a vagina, and you sleep with the same amount, and you're a slut

                                it makes no sense
                                Can I object to the words penis and vagina. In purple prose terms they're his masculine hardness and the delicate well of her womanhood. The youth of today, well really!


