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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            I do fic write very, very sporatically. I don't personally think I am that great at it. I have good ideas, just hard for me to convey them on paper. That is why I would like to be a creative force on S11 and have others write it

            I am still not all that familiar with LJ and other fic sites, so I wouldn't know the first thing about looking to see if people actually read my stuff or not.
            Don't know about LJ but I think I've read some of your stuff on fanfic, or am I mixing you up with someone else. Anyway, on fanfic net, there's a stats category and it shows you how many hits have been made on your individual stories. Then if you highlight the hits you get a breakdown of individual chapters.

            I've just posted an update on Photograph, blatant plug, Inifintespace junky on K-T section, surprisingly, most of my stuff is on M. It's about Daniel making a cods out of proposing. Last time I looked thirty people had hit the site in a matter of hours and 1 had reviewed. Thanks SpaceG. I mean, do the rest of them all hate it, or what. I actually value constructive criticism because I KNOW it's unwarranted and inspired by envy. No, sorry, that was just my alter ego speaking. THE ONE THAT KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE. Calming down now, I'll do anything to avoid housework.



              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
              Don't know about LJ but I think I've read some of your stuff on fanfic, or am I mixing you up with someone else. Anyway, on fanfic net, there's a stats category and it shows you how many hits have been made on your individual stories. Then if you highlight the hits you get a breakdown of individual chapters.

              I've just posted an update on Photograph, blatant plug, Inifintespace junky on K-T section, surprisingly, most of my stuff is on M. It's about Daniel making a cods out of proposing. Last time I looked thirty people had hit the site in a matter of hours and 1 had reviewed. Thanks SpaceG. I mean, do the rest of them all hate it, or what. I actually value constructive criticism because I KNOW it's unwarranted and inspired by envy. No, sorry, that was just my alter ego speaking. THE ONE THAT KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE. Calming down now, I'll do anything to avoid housework.

              I hear you on the housework. My back is killing me from the vacuuming and the mopping but I must now go and clean the bathroom and then the house will be ready for tomorrow.

              I guess playtime is over. Hopefully I will be able to pop on for a few minutes in the morning. Later!
              Sig made by me


                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                I hear you on the housework. My back is killing me from the vacuuming and the mopping but I must now go and clean the bathroom and then the house will be ready for tomorrow.

                I guess playtime is over. Hopefully I will be able to pop on for a few minutes in the morning. Later!
                Yeah, last message, have to get on. I just saw the great pics from AOT. I think our Season 11 fics should have pics inserted. How great would that be. Stef, Stef, can we do that. Maybe vids as well, I'm incredibly inclusionist and democratic.

                Night DJ.



                  Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                  My mom is being lazy this year and is having me host Easter. It is supposed to be the holiday she hosts for her side of the family, but she didn't want to clean her house so she asked me to do it. Whatever. I would rather be home, then I can stay in my track pants and t-shirt all day.
                  LoL! I hear ya!

                  Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                  I've just posted an update on Photograph, blatant plug, Inifintespace junky on K-T section, surprisingly, most of my stuff is on M. It's about Daniel making a cods out of proposing. Last time I looked thirty people had hit the site in a matter of hours and 1 had reviewed. Thanks SpaceG. I mean, do the rest of them all hate it, or what. I actually value constructive criticism because I KNOW it's unwarranted and inspired by envy. No, sorry, that was just my alter ego speaking. THE ONE THAT KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE. Calming down now, I'll do anything to avoid housework.
                  Mag, sweetie, relax. I've got over 4000 hits for a fic and just over 20 reviews. People generally only leave a message if they really love it or really hate it. Personally those are the only reviews I really want, I turn to betas for constructive criticism because let's face it: criticism from people you don't know or trust is rarely useful.

                  If you want to talk statistics, I usually get maybe 1 review per 10-20 hits UP UNTIL 100 hits, then it dies down.
                  Last edited by Milena_D; 22 March 2008, 04:52 PM.
                  ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                    I agree with Milena. I am a comment whore but I learned long ago to just accept that you're not going to get a million comments, especially not right away. They usually do filter in fairly steadily over time....but if you're expecting a grand burst of reviews, odds are you'll be disappointed. I don't know how many people religiously check for new D/V fics on a regular basis...maybe you should pimp it on the D/V LJ? I find I get more responses when I post things on LJ Communities...


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                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      I agree with Milena. I am a comment whore but I learned long ago to just accept that you're not going to get a million comments, especially not right away. They usually do filter in fairly steadily over time....but if you're expecting a grand burst of reviews, odds are you'll be disappointed. I don't know how many people religiously check for new D/V fics on a regular basis...maybe you should pimp it on the D/V LJ? I find I get more responses when I post things on LJ Communities...

                      i check for new d/v fics all the time...i also read them on LJ as well, but i do check more often on
                      thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                        YT vid called "Stargate Theme (with lyrics)"!!!

                        The Description: "Sung by Joe Mallozzi, Paul Mullie, and Peter DeLuise."

                        I DARE you not to laugh your butt off!!!


                        Stargate, it's a great big whirl with a great big swirl and you step inside to another world.
                        We're talking Stargate, it's a crazy trip, you can go quite far and you don't need a car or even a ship.
                        There's Colonel O'Neill and Carter and Daniel and Teal'c.
                        Look out for that Gogogogogo-gogogogoa'Uld!
                        i'm a little late with this, but i just had to comment!!! omg, that was such a good laugh!!!
                        thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                          Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                          i check for new d/v fics all the time...i also read them on LJ as well, but i do check more often on
                          Well there you go I just know that I personally don't go to very often...I'm more of an LJ gal myself. Then again, I am not a big fic reader in general so...


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                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            LoL! I hear ya!

                            Mag, sweetie, relax. I've got over 4000 hits for a fic and just over 20 reviews. People generally only leave a message if they really love it or really hate it. Personally those are the only reviews I really want, I turn to betas for constructive criticism because let's face it: criticism from people you don't know or trust is rarely useful.

                            If you want to talk statistics, I usually get maybe 1 review per 10-20 hits UP UNTIL 100 hits, then it dies down.
                            Just 4000. Oh, well, now I feel better. I used to read stuff on fanfic and not be signed in, so I do understand all that. I mean, I read All Daniel regularly and I'm not signed in on there so I occasionally reflect to LC on PM. Sorrel Rowan, if you ever come onto this site, I've read all that stuff too. Like your style matey. I haven't got a beta, perhaps it shows but who wants another person to argue with.

                            Another thing, I've noticed, I'm in the mood for noticing, is that on fanfic net. the M section is like a backwater. In what other fanfic site do you get PG13+ and NC17 in that category! Dear oh me, is everyone reading SG1 fic still in school.

                            Rant over. Shouldn't ever attempt spring cleaning. The dust bunnies you know, strangely hallucingenic.

                            There's no smiley with rolling , rainbow eyes. Oh, do the smileys talk to you on fanfic net because I find that very disturbing.



                              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                              Just 4000. Oh, well, now I feel better. I used to read stuff on fanfic and not be signed in, so I do understand all that. I mean, I read All Daniel regularly and I'm not signed in on there so I occasionally reflect to LC on PM. Sorrel Rowan, if you ever come onto this site, I've read all that stuff too. Like your style matey. I haven't got a beta, perhaps it shows but who wants another person to argue with.
                              4000 hits was for my very first posted fic so it was a long time ago, lots of time for people to read Actually it was just over a year ago so don't base your fics hits on that until it's been a year I just wanted to show you my hit:review ratio.

                              On the signing in point, I'm not sure I understand but I assume you mean that people who aren't signed in can't leave you messages? If so, that's something you can fix:
                              Go into your Profile Area (where you can check how many hits your fic got. Then find the "Reviews" tab in the left-hand menu. Once there, you'll see some written guidelines on the page, look to the right of that and above it, you should see four options: "Reviews Main", "Anonymous", "History", "Delete". Choose the "Anonymous" option, and on that page, select to ENABLE the Anonymous reviews. That way, even if people aren't signed in, you can still receive their reviews.

                              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                              Another thing, I've noticed, I'm in the mood for noticing, is that on fanfic net. the M section is like a backwater. In what other fanfic site do you get PG13+ and NC17 in that category! Dear oh me, is everyone reading SG1 fic still in school.
                              LoL, still not quite sure what you mean here but is kind of seen as the more common source. Anyone and everyone can post there and they do. A LOT of the people there are underage though and a lot of fans in general are pretty young. I mean just look around this thread, most of us are just entering our 20's now. And I can't speak for everyone, but when I'm posting a fic, since I know that a lot of the readers will be young, I tend to stay cautious and go to a higher rating even if I wouldn't classify it as such for myself.

                              EDIT: Omg Wendy! I'm sorry, I meant to thank you for the great AoT caps before!! So beautiful!
                              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                              Banner made by Stef!


                                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                                Don't know about LJ but I think I've read some of your stuff on fanfic, or am I mixing you up with someone else. Anyway, on fanfic net, there's a stats category and it shows you how many hits have been made on your individual stories. Then if you highlight the hits you get a breakdown of individual chapters.

                                I've just posted an update on Photograph, blatant plug, Inifintespace junky on K-T section, surprisingly, most of my stuff is on M. It's about Daniel making a cods out of proposing. Last time I looked thirty people had hit the site in a matter of hours and 1 had reviewed. Thanks SpaceG. I mean, do the rest of them all hate it, or what. I actually value constructive criticism because I KNOW it's unwarranted and inspired by envy. No, sorry, that was just my alter ego speaking. THE ONE THAT KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE. Calming down now, I'll do anything to avoid housework.


                                My $0.02:
                                Yeah the review thing sucks sometimes. Sometimes it can really ruin my day, if I'm expecting some sort of reaction and I get nothing.
                                I've never posted on FF. Most of my reviews come from 'alldaniel' and are mainly from others here in the Oven...and I consider it a victory if I get something from someone that has no connection to the Oven.

                                I've garnered a few from posting in my LJ...originally to the DV community and now from the people that have friended me from those first postings, but again most are from 'Cakes. I have had two or three people from outside the Oven friend me...but they didn't say anything to the last chapter I posted(note to self; never did get around to posting it to the actual DV LJ community...must do that before I post the next chapter).I hope the next chapter (it'll kill me if I'm wrong)will get me huge responses because of the content (Mag, you oughta love it, even if most of this story isn't your cup of tea).
                                And yes alot of the readers are still below 17(we've got a few here)...and a lot of the writers are (people who are our age are actually doing productive things with their spare time,lol) in the same age range.

                                BTW Mag, 'Photograph" is great. Looking forward to how this ends. And I have to agree with one of your reviewers('spacegypsy' I think)...he's definitely got the charm to pull it off, IF he digs deep enough and she listens.


                                My Fiction:

