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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    That obession is the scent du jour
    banner by Stef


      Guess who got inspired by a new bunny and the Muse that likes it. *breath* The WIP folder is growing as I type.
      banner by Stef


        Guys talking about Stardust? I adore that movie and can't wait for it to be out on dvd!!!! Though didn't like the book that much honestly.
        Isa muse equals goodness. WE all love your work.

        Banner by Stef
        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


          Isa muses should equal fear! Lots of fear!
          banner by Stef


            Fear and awe Isa fear and awe. Mymuse is actually on a nice tropical holiday soemwhere in the Pacific. Wish it would come back soon.

            Banner by Stef
            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


              Hey Susan you're not here alone I just didn't notice another page had been added. Nice vid recs!

              Banner by Stef
              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                Ok have ben fic reading and just finished reading A Stolen Moment by Darryl. Most excellent fic writing Darryl and about one of the funniest Strgate episodes ever!

                Banner by Stef
                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                  Susan it is on FF.Net, lots of Devilish goodness and as I said its based off Bad Guys. I love that episode

                  Banner by Stef
                  Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    Heellooooooooo beautiful DeVilish chickiepeas!!!

                    *tackle-glomps Oven*

                    I'm only here to save Stef's name from besmirching since she apparently announced my much anticipated return to happen today I have to say the welcome-back wagon is somewhat lacking, where's are the streamers and balloons and red carpet?? Kidding Fruitcakes!

                    I'm totally psyched to be back, I've missed all of you during my study-time...unfortunately I still have a final essay due but I can see that being done tomorrow or the day after so I'll have lots of time to play then

                    I can see I've got tons to catch up on...some 40-50 pages? But I shall persevere and go through it all!!

                    Quickly: Welcome Newbies and Congratulations Milestoners!!!

                    *one last glomp*

                    G'night beautiful Fruitcakes!!! See you soon!
                    MILENA!! *huggles*
                    Welcome back!!!

                    *tosses confetti on*
                    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                    Sig by Odakota_Rose


                      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                      Video Break:

                      A new video on YT from DanielandVala

                      What You Don't Know

                      DanielandVala also did the wonderful video that I have on my Top Ten D/V Dramatic Video Picks.
                      All We Are
                      I finally got to watch the Pearl Harbor D/V/C vid, I loved it! Great song and the clips got put together nicely..

                      Now let's see, I'd never heard either of these two songs that DanielandVala used for the vids, I liked the second one, "All We Are" better though. It was a combination of the song- because I love music that has a strong guitar and piano melody like that. They were both quite good though
                      Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                      Sig by Odakota_Rose


                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                        A New Video Listed on YT Break:

                        Wow, this is my favorite of all times Daniel and Vala Video ever!!!!!!!! Just listed here today???? Looks very familiar?

                        What about Now

                        Now I bet that this was found on the Stargate Music Video Awards site. This is one of the Daniel and Vala nominations. I'll try and list more nominations tonight.
                        That's one of my favorite Stef!vids, the song's gorgeous and she just has a way of putting things together and making them even more pretty. Oh! That's what I was forgetting, I have to make sure I watch the vids and vote over there before the deadline.
                        Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                        Sig by Odakota_Rose


                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          Ren!!!!!!!, so glad to see you. I haved been trying to keep up with LJ some. Is your headache any better. Did you get some coffee? Love the caffiene.

                          Yes, the Pearl Harbor video is great. I love it and had waited so long for StargateVala to repost it. Did you get to watch the new D/V/C video "Rain" by BudongChow? It is also a good one.

                          I agree with you on the DanielandVala videos. I really like the song on the second one. We have always had such similar taste in music. U2, and also so many of the 80's songs. Love the strong guitar and piano melody songs alot also.

                          Hey to Maeve and Bijjy!!!!!!!!!, I've missed the big night crowd and parties we have had in the past. I was partying with just Cat and Me tonight. We are going to have to plan a night that we get the whole night group to get online at the same time.
                          *hugs* I took a couple motrins a few hours and they seem to have helped most of it go away, it's just in the back of my head now, so I can deal with that.. We did buy coffee though!
                          *dances and twirls*
                          I know, I'm an addict, what can I do?

                          I haven't seen that one yet, but now that I know about it I'll go look. Is it on YT? If it is, it shouldn't too be hard to find..

                          Y'know, I hadn't thought of that until I was halfway through watching it a second time, but it's definitely reminiscent of U2, especially their 80's stuff...
                          We definitely do have similar tastes in music, it's a lot of fun finding the vids we both like usually match up hehe

                          Like this!
                          "Stuck In a Moment"

                          I really miss the night crew, we had some serious fun around here. It would be a lot of fun to round everybody up for a night or two again.
                          Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                          Sig by Odakota_Rose


                            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                            Glad the Headache is some better Ren. Here is the link for Rain by Budong Chow You are going to like this song.

                            So love Stuck In a Moment. Great song and video.

                            We will get everyone together soon.
                            Thank you I was just realizing that it must not be on YouTube

                            Sounds good. I think part of it is definitely how busy everything gets this time of year..
                            Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                            Sig by Odakota_Rose


                              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                              Ren, here is one that I have rec'ed several times but the strong piano made me think of you. This one is by our Chelle(Kami).

                              Feels Like Home

                              We seems to be watching slow sad ones tonight. I love them.

                              Here is one of Kami's Farscape Videos that I love. At the Beginning. (spoilers for all seasons and mini-series)
                              You're so right, I loved "Rain" by the way, that's one of my favorite songs.. I'm really starting to like these AU vids that mix in the Farscape clips.

                              "Feels Like Home" is a pretty song, very soft and sad. The blurring with the clips towards the beginning felt a little strange (though it's entirely possible that that's because of the headache! XD) And the other blended scenes were pretty..

                              Okay, now for the Farscape one *returns to YT*
                              Last edited by Odakota_Rose; 12 December 2007, 12:10 AM.
                              Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                              Sig by Odakota_Rose


                                Susan that's a brillant idea!!! Course we'd ahve to make it so mst of us can watch at the same time
                                Hey Renny How are you?

                                Banner by Stef
                                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2

