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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Mis.Understood View Post
    Hey Mag. Don't forget to post the link. Need something to read by the pool
    Sniffs, don't know how to post links.



      Heres the link for Mags ficWhat not to do on a date Enjoy
      Its been far to long since I was last here, I've missed this place. Damn computers breaking on me Glad to see people are still coming here and keeping the oven warm


        Originally posted by TishTash View Post
        Heres the link for Mags ficWhat not to do on a date Enjoy
        Its been far to long since I was last here, I've missed this place. Damn computers breaking on me Glad to see people are still coming here and keeping the oven warm
        Nice to see you Tish and thanks for the link.



          WooHoo what a great page of Fruticakes. *waves* to Misi, Sue, Rac, Kelly, LC, Mis.Understood, Tash, and my buddy Mag.

          I came with a gift. Lookie... a new video on YT. This one is by star8rocks. Just watching it now. This is one of my favorite songs.

          Fix You

          Sig by Toomi


            Hey fruitcakes!

            Just dropping in to let you guys know that Week 6- Unending 2/2 on dv_everyday on Live Journal is through this friday, I'd love to see some more of you guys join in!

            And Week 5- Unending 1/2 voting is up as well and is through Thursday!

            My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
            Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


              Originally posted by Mis.Understood View Post
              Hey Mag. Don't forget to post the link. Need something to read by the pool
              Well, I was going to post the link for you - I usually try to for Mag's links, don't know where my brain was the other day - but Tish got to it first.

              Welcome back to the Oven Tish!

              Amanda! Still waiting for my bribe fics! I've gotten some mojo back from among my currently hectic life. I'll see if I can get any icons done.

              Susan! I missed you again! Come back more often!

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
                WooHoo what a great page of Fruticakes. *waves* to Misi, Sue, Rac, Kelly, LC, Mis.Understood, Tash, and my buddy Mag.

                Hello, oh elusive one. Waves.



                  Oy, this sucks... Writer's Block, fyi...

                  I knew limiting myself to only 3 POVs would make things difficult, but I'm determined not to break the rule. The only problem is, I've tried writing the beginning of this chapter three different ways, but I can't really seem to get it to work. I suppose I should just give up on this particular scenario, and come up with something different, and use the opening bit somewhere else...


                    WooHoo!!! another new Daniel and Vala Video.

                    *waves back at you Misi and Mag* Hope to be around more, especially while there is new fice and there are new videos.

                    This one is by HaleyJS74

                    Even Angels Fall

                    Sig by Toomi


                      Hello Fruitcakes

                      My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                      poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                        FL "I wonder where the Fruitcakes are"
                        WC " I don't know"
                        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                          I'm here PP... Looks like everyone else has vanished though... 'cept for a lurker *waves at Laurel*

                          I would have been here, likely complaining about writer's block, but my dad left new shows behind when he left a few days ago, and my mom decided to put one in... Supernatural has stolen my soul...

                          In fact, it's the REASON for my writer's block... Well, so's a sudden Mary/Marshall obsession... but Supernatural is the most to blame... It's hard to write, when my brain's operating on the "Occult, and creepy crawlies" (which Warehouse 13 has also had a hand in), wavelength, and not the SciFi one...I shall have to go on a binge of D/V fic to get my muse back, I think

                 far as Supernatural goes: While I was enjoying the show in the first place, what REALLY won me over was when they corrected a common misconception:

                          Sam: *to girl* I like your necklace. Pentagram, right?
                          Girl: Thanks. My boyfriend gave it to me. Mostly to freak out my parents; y'know, 'cause of the whole evil, satanist thing.
                          Sam: Actually, a pentagram is the exact opposite. It's protection against evil.

                          I was like "FINALLY SOMEONE GOT IT FREAKING RIGHT!!!"... You don't know how much it irks me to see the pentagram/pentacle associated with evil, and such... It is a symbol for protection, meant to ward off evil... I blame the hardcore obsessive-scary-freak christians for that (please note that I said hardcore obsessive-scary-freaks)...

                          Of course, they DID get the name wrong... when it's drawn, it's a pentagram, when it's a solid object, like a pendant, it's a pentacle.... But since they got the meaning right, I'll forgive that

                          ...Maybe soon they'll address the issue of the trinity symbol- which DOES NOT represent Father-Son-Holy Ghost-... It's the symbol of the Maiden-Mother-Crone, the 3 faces of the Goddess, and was used as such long before it was "adopted" *coughStolencough* by other religions...

                          ...Whoah. Sorry. I didn't mean to rant...

                          .... I think I'll just go back to my show now... Will pop back again when this episode (*shudders* it's about bugs this time...) is over...


                            the semester has started so I am drowning in classwork! but still finding time to pop into the oven!


                              Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                              I'm here PP... Looks like everyone else has vanished though... 'cept for a lurker *waves at Laurel*

                              I would have been here, likely complaining about writer's block, but my dad left new shows behind when he left a few days ago, and my mom decided to put one in... Supernatural has stolen my soul...

                              In fact, it's the REASON for my writer's block... Well, so's a sudden Mary/Marshall obsession... but Supernatural is the most to blame... It's hard to write, when my brain's operating on the "Occult, and creepy crawlies" (which Warehouse 13 has also had a hand in), wavelength, and not the SciFi one...I shall have to go on a binge of D/V fic to get my muse back, I think

                     far as Supernatural goes: While I was enjoying the show in the first place, what REALLY won me over was when they corrected a common misconception:

                              Sam: *to girl* I like your necklace. Pentagram, right?
                              Girl: Thanks. My boyfriend gave it to me. Mostly to freak out my parents; y'know, 'cause of the whole evil, satanist thing.
                              Sam: Actually, a pentagram is the exact opposite. It's protection against evil.

                              I was like "FINALLY SOMEONE GOT IT FREAKING RIGHT!!!"... You don't know how much it irks me to see the pentagram/pentacle associated with evil, and such... It is a symbol for protection, meant to ward off evil... I blame the hardcore obsessive-scary-freak christians for that (please note that I said hardcore obsessive-scary-freaks)...

                              Of course, they DID get the name wrong... when it's drawn, it's a pentagram, when it's a solid object, like a pendant, it's a pentacle.... But since they got the meaning right, I'll forgive that

                              ...Maybe soon they'll address the issue of the trinity symbol- which DOES NOT represent Father-Son-Holy Ghost-... It's the symbol of the Maiden-Mother-Crone, the 3 faces of the Goddess, and was used as such long before it was "adopted" *coughStolencough* by other religions...

                              ...Whoah. Sorry. I didn't mean to rant...

                              .... I think I'll just go back to my show now... Will pop back again when this episode (*shudders* it's about bugs this time...) is over...
                              *waves back at Kelly* Hi! That sounds like a good show. I'll try to watch it sometime... And I promise I'm not lurking here all the time - I just keep a tab up for the oven on my internet so I check it more often!

                              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                              the semester has started so I am drowning in classwork! but still finding time to pop into the oven!
                              I know what you mean! Fortunately the workload has lessened recently, so hopefully I'll get to pop in more often!
                              Sig by Everlovin


                                Originally posted by LKS358 View Post
                                *waves back at Kelly* Hi! That sounds like a good show. I'll try to watch it sometime... And I promise I'm not lurking here all the time - I just keep a tab up for the oven on my internet so I check it more often!
                                It is a good show; especially if you're into... well, the supernatural

                                Most of the episodes so far have been based on urban legends, and old myths... Most notably, there was the Bloody Mary myth (c'mon, who hasn't heard THAT one? Who hasn't dared a friend to do it?), the Vanishing Hitchhiker/White Woman, and the Hookman.

                                Haha, I do to... which is why I often forget that I have it open, and end up leaving it sitting for hours, all the while, it says I'm in the thread

