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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
    Continuty is important to me...ALWAYS!. The lack of continuity of Daniel's glasses drives me especially nuts...but hey I've done that rant and I shan't revisit it again(thank God eh?).
    Lol, I said sometimes... I guess Daniel's Glasses was not one of those "sometimes"... It never really bugged me until recently, when watching the episodes following the Ties That Bind...He still has the round ones, AFTER Vala has broken them... But then, he could have an extra pair, I suppose... I know, whenever I get a new pair of glasses, I keep my last pair around, just in case, because I quite literally can not see more than 3 feet in front of me, without them...

    Just about everyone else I know that wears glasses also always keeps a second pair around, in case something happens. (Matter of fact, my cousin Mike has 3 that he keeps handy, cuz he's forever misplacing them)


      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      And X-Files at the end.

      Kelly, I really liked the transitions you made with the extended black screen.
      Hehe, ain't that a cool version of that song?... I dunno if it really is by her, but according to the song info, that version is by Enya as well...

      That was one of those that wouldn't go away unless I did it... The transitions included...


        Morning Fruitcakes!!! Dudes I fiiiiiiiinnally slept well Happy is me

        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        You really have a smiley for everything don't you?
        Of course, I wouldn't deserve my self-assigned title of Smiley Queen otherwise now would I? I just have to figure out where the damn Smilies folder for my msn is so that I can steal them and use them here...

        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
        My "baby" started graduate school at IU this year, she graduated from BYU in the spring. (she is 25 and coming home this weekend! (she is a d/v & s/j shipper too!) It is so nice to have her close) I am actually from Maine , my better half is from boston and we met in utah. long way to go to find a good kisser eh?

        You go to testicle tech eh? when we first moved to Purdue and I heard the locals call ball state that I about died! I took my LSAT at ball state... oh and don't use a credit card at the Red Lobster in Muncie.... we did and week later it went shopping without us in San Diego. Luckily the bank caught it!

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        Yeah. WMM sucks in that it is very delicate and lacks A LOT of effects. But what it's missing, it makes up for in simplicity. I've tried out dozens of editors, and it still ranks as the easiest to use for me. Besides, like you's the editing, the flow, etc that make a video....not necessarily the fancy techniques. I mean, the effects I added to Gravity of Love, Milena hated...she preferred the simple WMM version
        Thank you, for once you don't paint me as a Stefs-stuff-hating basher And if I wasn't so easily distracted by moving light...why do I remind myself of cats chasing laser pointers on the wall?

        Originally posted by Stef View Post I've made....some progress on the website with the help of Darryl and Milena. We will achieve this! Heck, Darryl even knows what PHP is!! Surely that's a good sign?!

        Oh, and failure as a human being Milena says goodnight. She was too lazy to come onto the thread and do it herself.
        ...sooooo the last time I ask you to do something for me

        Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
        Just popping in to say I'm going to be insanely busy until Monday or Tuesday so if you don't hear from me till then everything is fine. I have not left for the Pegasus Galaxy or anything lie that. I hope everyone has a good weekend.
        Have a good weekend Maeve! Come back soon

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        CURSES!!! WHY must he continue to draw breath!?!? ....and CURSES to him for coming up with yet another super interesting-sounding show...and CURSES to him for using Eliza Dushku, I totally love her...*grumble*curses*grumble*

        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        Whisper99 posted some more AoT promotional images. Still no Vala *pouts* , but damn do they look good!!

        Thanks for the link Isa!! ...LoL, the S/D fans are happy with that last picture, yay for them Now where the "expletive of your choice" is Vaaaaala

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        They do look good....but *grumbles* Where's Vala??????????? Someone said there were only like 3 or 4 team pics....this makes 3 (I'm including the smaller strip) and not a smidge of Vala in any of them Even if they are saving Vala for last, shouldn't she have at least one team picture??? There are four individual shots of each character, so we already have two of every one now (Daniel has 3). All I can think of is that, like Isa said, they are saving the Vala stuff for the end and focusing on her they'll have individual shots of her, maybe one of her with Tomin or Adria, a full team one, and maybe *crosses fingers* a D/V one. I can hope at least that they are saving the best for last!
        Amen, sister!

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        Hey's not THAT big of a stretch!
        Yeah! Stef being an angel isn't that much of a stretch!! Honestly, just look at her perfect twin

        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        You all would be very ashamed of Me. I have been Obsessed with everything Farscape since Last night and Have Totally Ingnored our Daniel and Vala. I can't help myself. It has been long enough, and I have a horrible memory, that I think I can have a farscape Marathon this weekend and totally enjoy the whole experience. Husband and Son are going off for quite a bit of the weekend so I think It will be Long fall walks (It is beautiful here now), junk food, and Farscape DVD's. I so wish that there was an episode discussion group like we had here in the Oven.

        Who else in the Oven has seen Farscape?

        Of course, if I did have some D/V Project that I was needed for I would drop the Farscape for another Weekend. I ammmm that easy.
        I watch the first 20 episodes but then I stopped...I was recently conned by Stef to pick it up again, I'm gonna marathon it during the Xmas break

        Okay, and now I'm off to finish ALL my schoolwork in the next FOUR or FIVE hours and then WOO!!! Fics + my website
        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

        Banner made by Stef!


          Okay another vid. Not bad, not the best. Interesting combo. It's the 300 trailer, but for Stargate. Intriguing.

          Why do I seem to all the OT trailers/vids? Seriously, someone, tell me to stop.
          banner by Stef


            I don't have any of the DVDs, Susan, sorry!

            Mama and Daddy watched when new episodes were still airing... I'll have to start buggin Papa and Uncle Mitch, to see if they can get me the series... Mini Series included...


              And now with an OnT vid!!! Damn, I thought this day would never come. Of course this has probably already been found and recced, but it's a very sweet very romantic vid.

              You're Still You
              banner by Stef


                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                Of course, if I did have some D/V Project that I was needed for I would drop the Farscape for another Weekend. I ammmm that easy.
                Is that supposed to be a subtle nudge for me to get to work on my vid so that you can help? Or am I just reading into things?

                I'll work some more on it tonight....but I'm going to see American Gangster in a little bit, so I probably won't crack open the ole WMM until after.

                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                Oh I love those! And did you see her Jack/Vala one? Dude!

                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                Hey Susan. I've only seen a handful of episodes, but I know several of the Cakes have. I've been saving up to buy all 4 seasons and PKWars, but I love it! I love J/A and Aeryn! Gah! I could have a shrine to her!

                Heh, well come on people, give her a project!
                Well, if I recall correctly...she was in LIFE before she had to drop out because of the pregnancy. BUT I remember that the writers said that any time she wanted to come back, they'd write a part for her. Clearly she develops love everywhere she goes Is that show still on the air though? I have no idea how the new fall shows are doing...I haven't watched any except for "Samantha Who?"

                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                Lol, I said sometimes... I guess Daniel's Glasses was not one of those "sometimes"... It never really bugged me until recently, when watching the episodes following the Ties That Bind...He still has the round ones, AFTER Vala has broken them... But then, he could have an extra pair, I suppose... I know, whenever I get a new pair of glasses, I keep my last pair around, just in case, because I quite literally can not see more than 3 feet in front of me, without them...

                Just about everyone else I know that wears glasses also always keeps a second pair around, in case something happens. (Matter of fact, my cousin Mike has 3 that he keeps handy, cuz he's forever misplacing them)
                I always imagine Daniel being like Marge on "The Simpsons." She has like 50 copies of the same green dress. Daniel probably has a giant drawer full of 50 pairs of the same glasses.

                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                Thank you, for once you don't paint me as a Stefs-stuff-hating basher And if I wasn't so easily distracted by moving light...why do I remind myself of cats chasing laser pointers on the wall?
                That's because I saved it for later....

                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                ...sooooo the last time I ask you to do something for me
                Aw, you know I had to do it! I love ya're family, afterall!

                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                CURSES!!! WHY must he continue to draw breath!?!? ....and CURSES to him for coming up with yet another super interesting-sounding show...and CURSES to him for using Eliza Dushku, I totally love her...*grumble*curses*grumble*
                Not to be negative, buuuut......Joss Whedon + New Show + FOX = CANCELLED (+ ANGRY FANS)

                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                Yeah! Stef being an angel isn't that much of a stretch!! Honestly, just look at her perfect twin

                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                I watch the first 20 episodes but then I stopped...I was recently conned by Stef to pick it up again, I'm gonna marathon it during the Xmas break
                Yes, yes....excellent

                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                Why do I seem to all the OT trailers/vids? Seriously, someone, tell me to stop.
                STOP! No, wait....send me the link to the Jack/Vala vid first!


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Well, if I recall correctly...she was in LIFE before she had to drop out because of the pregnancy. BUT I remember that the writers said that any time she wanted to come back, they'd write a part for her. Clearly she develops love everywhere she goes Is that show still on the air though? I have no idea how the new fall shows are doing...I haven't watched any except for "Samantha Who?"

                  STOP! No, wait....send me the link to the Jack/Vala vid first!

                  Actually from what I hear Life is doing pretty good, I don't really know, but I don't think she would have major role in the show - it's very 'cop show/drama' like and it looked like she would have been playing a housewife. But yeah, I love how everybody enjoys working with her

                  Here's the Jack/Vala vid. It was on her old account or something so you have to get it from off site: Jack/Vala

                  Oh, an another OnT vid!
                  Poor old broken hearted me
                  banner by Stef


                    Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                    Isa, I was wondering when someone would recommend that one. My Husband loves Josh Groban and plays his stuff all the time. This is not normal but I cringe every time. His voice is better but is exactly the voice of a creepy old man that sings Solos at Church at least once a month. Everyone thinks he is wonderful but he gives me the creeps. He must be reminding me of some weird hidden childhood memory. Or he is just Creepy.

                    Someone need to go list this at Fruitcakesanonymous in the Favoritesa and in the two D/V romantic Video Playlist. I can't do it. I am glad that others will enjoy it but for me I we have to skip over this one.
                    I actually cringe when I hear this song too. Not for your reasons, and not for the editing....I just....the song seems too....I don't know. It makes me uncomfortable watching a DeVilish vid to it

                    EDIT: Thanks for the link, Isa


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Life... as in Charlie-Crews-in-prison-for-12-years-now-he's-back-on-the-force-and-more-than-a-little-crazy Life?

                      I love that show... Charlie's the greatest....


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        I'll work some more on it tonight....but I'm going to see American Gangster in a little bit, so I probably won't crack open the ole WMM until after.
                        Dude!! American Gangster??? I SOOOO wanna see that!!! *bouncy* I might be seeing it this weekend

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Well, if I recall correctly...she was in LIFE before she had to drop out because of the pregnancy. BUT I remember that the writers said that any time she wanted to come back, they'd write a part for her. Clearly she develops love everywhere she goes Is that show still on the air though? I have no idea how the new fall shows are doing...I haven't watched any except for "Samantha Who?"
                        Life? The show about the cop who was falsely imprisonned and then acquitted and returns to a life of cop-dom?

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Not to be negative, buuuut......Joss Whedon + New Show + FOX = CANCELLED (+ ANGRY FANS)
                        Joss Whedon + Any Show + NOT cancelled = All your fave characters dying or become whiny saps that drain the life out of the, I'm not bitter...nope...*******...
                        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                        Banner made by Stef!


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          I always imagine Daniel being like Marge on "The Simpsons." She has like 50 copies of the same green dress. Daniel probably has a giant drawer full of 50 pairs of the same glasses.
                          Not just the glasses, 50 pairs of any item of clothing we've seen him in obviously, Seasons 9 and 10 are proof of that

                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          DUDE!!! Ya RIGHT!!! I watch that show against my will!! Something good is actually gonna come out of it!?!?!? *bouncy bouncy*
                          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                          Banner made by Stef!


                            Interesting... Very interesting...

                            little laugh for everyone... Cam with an OC Jaffa:
                            "They are being held on Chulak, as well as the few warriors who surrendered without a struggle," Nak'ti said, speaking for the first time since her arrival, in a clear, almost musical voice. "After the priors were no longer priors, some of the soldiers surrendered... The ones that didn't were painfully easy to be dealt with... It would seem that with no leaders, they are useless in battle." A slightly cruel smile flitted across her lovely features for a moment. The smile vanished, when she noticed that a certain male colonel was staring at her.

                            Cam, whom was already having a hard time removing his eyes from their guest's clothing- or lack thereof- suddenly found himself being given what could only be described as one of the most frightening, and threatening looks Cameron Mitchell had ever recieved... From anyone... That included his grandma, when he smart-mouthed her about religion. Cam gave Nak'ti the most boyishly innocent grin he could muster, and averted his eyes to somewhere that was not the pale flesh of the Jaffa's ample, and decidedly pleasing cleavage, while the others discussed the Priors, and why they might have landed on Chulak, of all places.

                            Nak'ti continued to glare icily at the young colonel, but said nothing of the matter.

                            Boys will be boys


                              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                              Joss Whedon + Any Show + NOT cancelled = All your fave characters dying or become whiny saps that drain the life out of the, I'm not bitter...nope...*******...
                              DUDE! The last season of Angel was awesome!! And Firefly is gold from start to finish (but both of those were cancelled.....). Are you just talking about Buffy then?? If so...what characters?


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                DUDE! The last season of Angel was awesome!! And Firefly is gold from start to finish (but both of those were cancelled.....). Are you just talking about Buffy then?? If so...what characters?

                                I think she's talkin about Buffy... I believe it was Milena that said she hated the Buffster...

                                And on that note, I am off for a while... Need to hop in the shower, then clean up my room a bit, just in case Diamond decides to grace me with her presence this evening... (Her showing up in one of those things of: if she shows up, y'know she's comin... if she doesn't, guess her ride ditched her)

