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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RinggoldGate
    This kind of goes with what we were discussing a couple of hours ago but I had heard people speculate the the big two parter in the middle of the season would deal with Tomin coming to SGC and Daniel dealing with his feelings for Vala (And the Ori Stuff also). I think that maybe Tomin would have been killed in battle and Daniel being there for Vala. Have there been any fics you have read on what will happen in the future for them?
    Sorry, I was too lazy to go back and read the pages I

    The only fics I've seen are the two I've done post AoT and the one is only a one shot shortie... I tend to stay away from fics similar to ones I'm writing for fear of stealing/borrowing ideas subconsciously.

    For me, I don't think they'd give any 'resolution' for the ship. Unending still might've happened... it did in Moebius 1 & 2 for the S/J ship. I think that if we'd gotten a season 11 it would've focused on teh Ori storyline, perhaps similar to what may happen in AoT and they may have taken the Shroud arc a little further/more in depth. I hope that if there'd been a season 11 they would've continued the great Vala writing. I really enjoyed her in season 10, especially the latter half. To a lesser extent with Cam also. Think the writers needed a season or two to get 'the hang' of writing those characters and I wish we would've gotten a season 11 to see how much Vala and Cam changed/revealed. Would've loved to see some backstory on Vala/Qetesh.

    SGA season 4

    I think season 11 might've been similar in some aspects to what we're recieving on season 4 of SGA. The eps so far have been great, Doppelganger being the best by far. I like how they had a 'Seteda follow up' so to speak and are taking a darker arc, plus throwing in some of Teyla's back story and including more team scenes when they're not in danger of loosing their lives.



      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      I think that the writing of the Vala and Cam characters was improving and I think that their characters probably wouldn't have peeked untill either next year of the next. Both of them were developing into more then a flirt and a GrandMa story.

      Edit: Qetesh/Vala episode for backstory. Would love to see that.
      Love Doppelganger. Go watch SGA MAD World at Youtube. Perfect for the episode. Travelers, I really disliked. All I could think of was Captaion Kirk.
      Perhaps some of the issue was that some folk were so used to seeing Aeryn and John that seeing them as Cam and Vala they were nervous about what the writers would do, plus I wonder what the writers themselves thought. JM is a Farscape fan. He loaned out his DVD's to the other writers as they wrote 200 for the skit.

      I loved seeing Vala 'mature' (if that's the right word to use....) in season 10 and especially towards the end. If season 11 had happened, I would've liked to see them explore that side of her.

      Plus, just think of all the lovely angsty moments we could've recieved watching an ep or two that dealt with her backstory, Daniel by her side....

      I saw that youtube vid before I saw the ep... The clown still cracks me up. Travellers wasn't too bad... there's been worse (irresistable, irresponsible... really really didn't like Lucious) I'm looking forward to Tabula Rosa, the pics and previews look amazing!!! For some reason I"m looking forward to Trio, no idea why, can't even remember what it's about, but I'm looking forward to


        Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
        ... 3 actually...

        Fifth Race, Quest Part 2, and the Shroud...
        Actually the Ancient Repository is in 4 episodes. (Lost City was the one you forgot.)
        thanks Stef

        Thanks Wendy


          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

          EDIT: By the way, how's the calendar coming? Anyone know? Djay's been away for awhile She was in charge right?
          I have all the pages except for May, June and December. CoughCatStefCough!
          When they are finished I will upload the calendar to the Fruitcakes Photobucket account.

          May: Comfort/Friendship
          June: Heroic moments
          December: Christmas

          He's her Lobster!
          LTS: Life's too short


            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
            How does the Marriage of Vala and Tomin affect the Vala and Daniel Relationship.
            1. What are Vala's feeling for Tomin?
            I think Vala does love Tomin but is not in love with him. I think that it is mostly a friendsip and it has been tarnished by his actions but there is some genuine afection and feelings.

            2. How does Daniel think Vala feels about her husband and does this effect the way he treats Vala?
            I think Daniel is confused about Vala and her feelings for Tomin. I don't think it plays into his treatment of Vala.

            3. Was Tomin Abusive to Vala?
            I think he wasn't until Line in the Sand. AS for his leaving her out in the sun for three days, I thin he truly thought she was guilty of the crime so it wasn't a matter of freeing an innocent but going along with te punishment of te guilty. It took him three days to realize that what Vala was guilty of was not a crime before he acted.

            4. What are the best Vala and Tomin Scenes?
            The Vala/Tomin image I like most is the one of his asking forgiveness with his head on her pregnant tummy. I don't know why but I love that image.

            5. If Tomin and Vala are brought back together what do you think will happen?
            I think that Vala would try to live with Tomin but eventually they'd go teir sepperate ways, but probably not before Daniel permanatly labels her as unavailible.

            6. How will Daniel feel when he sees them together?
            I think Daniel would be hurt but feel it wasn't his place to speak up. He'd probably try not to be around them much. He'd be glad someone finally got reunited with their spouse.

            7. What where Daniel's thoughts as he watched the tape of Vala dicussing her time with Tomin?
            I think he was probably glad she had found another target. Until it came to the part with her left out in the sun then he was probably as outraged as many of us are. I'm not sure about his over all feelings but probably relief that she was alive and that she seemed ok.
            thanks Stef

            Thanks Wendy


              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
              8. Do you think Daniel's reactions to Vala (such as her advances in Unending) have anything to do with Tomin and the fact that she is still technically married? If so, how do you see it affecting their relationship in Unending?
              I'd like to think it does. I'm pretty sure that is why he convinced himself that the dinner out in MM was just a friendly dinner and not a date. We know that in the past that Daniel had started to develop feelings for a married woman before he knew she was married and the moment the word "Husband" was mentioned he did all he could to fight those feelings.
              I think that the fact that Vala was still married had to be amoung the issues Daniel was dealing with in Unending. It was probably in the back of his mind that if she claimed affection for Tomin (and if he saw the Crusade tape I don't see how he could think she hadn't had affection for Tomin) and then tried to get in Daniel's pants why wouldn't she betray him when someone better came along. I think it might have contributed to the idea that she was just using him to relieve her boredom.

              9. Daniel often tries to get Vala to open up about her daughter, but never Tomin. Why do you think that is? Can he not handle what she might say...or does the proper moment never arise?
              I think that most of the time Adria is more front and center so he concentrates on dealing with Vala's feelings for her. Also there probably is a reluctance to pry into someone else's marriage. And knowing Vala, he probably assumes that if she doesn't want to talk she'll turn the tables and ask about his mariage with Sha're and he really doesn't want to talk about that.

              10.Does Vala herself even take her marriage to Tomin all that seriously?
              I think for the first time she does. I think her flippant reply to Cameron at the end of Bounty was a defense mechanism. She has affection for Tomin, but I think it might be like Jack's feelings for Sara, a remembered love but a realization that the people they are today just won't work.

              Personally, in order for me to feel that Vala and Daniel have a true chance there needs to be resolution to Vala/Tomin. (and by resolution I mean a clear statement of divorce or Tomin must die. Anything else is too ambiguous.)
              thanks Stef

              Thanks Wendy



                CONGRATS MILENA ON 2000!!!

                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                Okay, at 66 now, still rolling high...relatively speaking

                And no custom avis for me yet I wish Isa or someone was on to tell me how this thing works...I don't want to sleep before seeing it in action
                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                Aw!!! CrudMUFFIN! With burnt butter!...*huffs*

                All the icons I have from Isa and Stef are too large for the avatar to take...I can't use them until they're resized and I think my ineptitude with image manipulation is a legendary fact by now no?

                *sigh* Oh well, I'll just wait till they wake up I could wait for Stef to come back but that might take forever, she's feasting!!!

                Oh well At least I can have know...if I could
                I know the same happened to me! If you want just send me the ones you want as the custom avi and I'll resize them for you.

                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                It isn't very nice, you know, starving a prisoner to death. Come on, you've seen me naked. The least you could do is cook me dinner.

                Have you seen all of Farscape?

                I wish that CB had been on Stargate for at least 4 years.
                Every year of Farscape she seemed to get better. I loved in the last year how she let her vulnerable side open for John to see. It wasn't often but it was beautiful. I like her alot as Vala but my favorite character will always be Aeryn. Farscape was very dark and this gave the actors so many diffferent things to show. Every time something good was given, something was taken away. Not idealistic tv at all.
                I couldn't agree with you MORE!!! Gah! Four years of CB/Vala on SG1 would have been a DREAM! I love Farscape and I've only watched a handful of episodes - I'm hoping to get the entire series for Xmas *fingers crossed* And that's in a way my kind of show. Dark. Angsty. Sexy, with just the right touch of humour and sweetest. I love it. And John and Aeryn! *thud* Dude, I fangirl Vala like crazy, as well as Devilish, but J/A, especially Aeryn, are amazing as well.

                EDIT: I might do the Tomin questions, but still to early for my brain and everybody already brought all the points I probably would have.
                banner by Stef


                  Originally posted by djay View Post
                  I have all the pages except for May, June and December. CoughCatStefCough!
                  When they are finished I will upload the calendar to the Fruitcakes Photobucket account.

                  May: Comfort/Friendship
                  June: Heroic moments
                  December: Christmas

                  I know I'm sorry *wails* My photoshop cd is still being burnt by a friend.

                  Banner by Stef
                  Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                    Good morning Fruitcakes! I'd love to stay, but unfortunatly I must go to work. Will no doubt see you all later
                    Banner by Stef.

                    The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                    HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                      I am not a shipper but I have 2 pics of Daniel and Vala together, I thought you might enjoy.


                        Tra la la.... *waiting for Heroes*

                        *posting the drabbles from before over at my LJ, cuz ..... waiting for Heroes...*

                        Tra la la...

                        Maybe I'll make pretties..... *ponders*
                        banner by Stef


                          Good Morning Fruitcakes!!

                          I am feeling much better today, so hopefully I will be around to play more today.

                          Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                          I can't get starburst as they are region 1 and I am region 4 (I think that's right). Have 'obtained' the first 2 seasons and am able to 'obtain' the other 2 and I won PKW so all is well.
                          PU is just comedy gold
                          VALA: I'm not going to hurt you
                          DANIEL: Thank god
                          VALA: Much I hope
                          I can't find the season 1 starbursts anywhere in the States. I have all the other seasons and PKWars. Someone was kind enough to get me the first half of season 1 but I still don't have the last half. I really don't want to pay the ridiculous amount of money they charge for the full seasons of this show, but I may break down and do it.

                          Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                          Hiya *waves enthusiasticly* <realises I can't spell tonight...

                          I was pondering today at work... had SG-1 not been cancelled what would've happened? Would they have kept the D/V ship afloat similar to what they did with S/J????
                          I think Unending still would have been the finale of Season 10. Like someone else said, it would be like Moebius all over again. I don't think they would have changed much with writing D/V. The chemistry is so obviously there that it is hard to ignore but I think they would have waited until the end of Season 11 if at all to actually get them together in real time.

                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          I think that the writing of the Vala and Cam characters was improving and I think that their characters probably wouldn't have peeked untill either next year of the next. Both of them were developing into more then a flirt and a GrandMa story.

                          Edit: Qetesh/Vala episode for backstory. Would love to see that.

                          Love Doppelganger. Go watch SGA MAD World at Youtube. Perfect for the episode. Travelers, I really disliked. All I could think of was Captaion Kirk.
                          SGA Travellers
                          I re-watched Travellers last night and I am with you Susan, it really wasn't one of my favorite episodes. Besides the fact that it was pretty much PU all over again, the Kirk factor was definitely there.

                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          Here is the list of Questions for everyone. Hope that everyone enjoys the discussions today. We started this topic last night at 8 PM Eastern Time.

                          How does the Marriage of Vala and Tomin affect the Vala and Daniel Relationship.

                          1. What are Vala's feeling for Tomin?
                          2. How does Daniel think Vala feels about her husband and does this effect the way he treats Vala?
                          3. Was Tomin Abusive to Vala?
                          4. What are the best Vala and Tomin Scenes?
                          5. If Tomin and Vala are brought back together what do you think will happen?
                          6. How will Daniel feel when he sees them together?
                          7. What where Daniel's thoughts as he watched the tape of Vala dicussing her time with Tomin?
                          8. Do you think Daniel's reactions to Vala (such as her advances in Unending) have anything to do with Tomin and the fact that she is still technically married? If so, how do you see it affecting their relationship in Unending?
                          9. Daniel often tries to get Vala to open up about her daughter, but never Tomin. Why do you think that is? Can he not handle what she might say...or does the proper moment never arise?
                          10.Does Vala herself even take her marriage to Tomin all that seriously?

                          Going to go to bed now. I have cancelled all my work for this week and hope I can get out of Bed. I am rapidly falling lower and lower. Maybe I won't end up in the Hospital. I hate this. I appreciate everyone around here. Several times you have keep me from my downward plunge. Hope to see everyone soon. Susan

                          Sending lots and lots of hugs your way. (((((((Susan))))))))

                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

                          CONGRATS MILENA ON 2000!!!

                          I know the same happened to me! If you want just send me the ones you want as the custom avi and I'll resize them for you.

                          I couldn't agree with you MORE!!! Gah! Four years of CB/Vala on SG1 would have been a DREAM! I love Farscape and I've only watched a handful of episodes - I'm hoping to get the entire series for Xmas *fingers crossed* And that's in a way my kind of show. Dark. Angsty. Sexy, with just the right touch of humour and sweetest. I love it. And John and Aeryn! *thud* Dude, I fangirl Vala like crazy, as well as Devilish, but J/A, especially Aeryn, are amazing as well.

                          EDIT: I might do the Tomin questions, but still to early for my brain and everybody already brought all the points I probably would have.

                          Hi Isa *huggles* It is a little early for me as well to answer all the questions. I may get to them.

                          Greytop, thanks for dropping off the piccies.
                          Sig made by me


                            Wendy! *hugs* Morning!
                            banner by Stef


                              morning guys... No "good" in front of it, cuz it's been a crap morning...


                                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                                Wendy! *hugs* Morning!
                                How's it going today Isa?

                                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                                morning guys... No "good" in front of it, cuz it's been a crap morning...
                                Awww...what's wrong Kelly?
                                Sig made by me

