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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    1: When you have a Stargate WMP skin... AND the visulization that looks eerily like the event horizon....
    2. You consider getting a new tattoo and integrating something Stargateish...
    3. When you are sitting in an Oven talking to a bunch of Fruitcakes.
    4. The first thing you want to do when you wake up is catch up at GW.
    5. When you can recite more than one episode line-for-line
    6. Hearing a song on the radio and instantly thinking of your favorite SG fan vid.
    7. when you work bits of Sam's technobabble into everyday conversation
    8. Chuckling everytime you hear someone say "Indeed"
    9. The first thing that comes to your mind when you watch a Star Wars movie is Teal'c, or Stargate in general
    10. Hearing "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" and visualizing the whole montage from Unending
    11. During random converstations you interrupt with "Oh! That reminds me of this stargate episode, where-"
    12. You can tell which episode it is by name within the first 10 seconds of the show.
    13. You refer to your house as a gate address.
    14. when you can come up with a stargate quote for any occasion
    15. You refer to everyone by both their names every time
    16. When you name one of your pet's after a character
    17. You can accurately recite Daniel's rant in Unending
    18. The "error" sound on your computer is not a beeping sound but general Jack O'Neill saying "Please tell me you know what's going on around here" (THAT is embarassing when it goes off in a silent university library)
    19. Your password at work is 'fishing'
    20. You use terms like "Wonko" and "Packed full of jam" any time you can
    21. You refuse to eat any other jello but blue.
    22. You find a light that looks like an ascended being and stare at it for hours thinking it's Daniel Jackson
    23. When you see bit part actors on other shows and say, "I know him. He an episode of SG1."
    24. When listening to music, the only thing going through your mind is "I could do a video to this!"
    25. Your own mother bought you a shirt that says Home Sweet Stargate. and you wear it.
    26. In Yahoo Shopping Search you enter "Pink Handcuffs"
    27. You know exactly what season it is just from looking at Daniel
    28. You sit through some of the worst movies to see a teeny bit of arm porn, tongue porn, eye porn etc.
    29. An entire wall of your room is plastered with stargate pictures. well and farscape. Ok let's be honest - I have a shrine to claudia black on my wall.
    30. When you arrive late you blame "time dilation".
    31. When someone tells you they watched an ep of SG1, you get all giddy and start quizing them over the episode
    32. You can name several Ancient Egyptian gods, and know what they ruled over... (and begin talking about it while touring a museum with an Ancient Egyptian display)
    33. Every time your computer crashes, or you have a power failure, you blame it on the Replicators.
    34. Your sister firmly believes that there really is a Stargate program in Cheyenne mountain and the show is there for plausible deny ability.
    35. You refer to batteries as Zed PM's, ZPM's, or Zero-Point Modules.
    36. Your friends call you long distance to tell you they found a Stargate application on Facebook.
    37. You have clones of your favorite characters.
    38. You're convinced your boss is a Goa'uld.
    39. You're convinced Mr. Burns is a Goa'uld
    40. You claim that nobody else but you can use your laptop because only you have the Ancient Gene needed to activate it.
    41. While watching another show with their main characters in a complicated situation, you think, Sam would be able to get them out of this.
    42. Instead off sleeping you prefer to meditate.
    43. You life would be much easier if you could just use Asgard technology and beam from place to place.
    44. In difficult situations you often ask yourself "What would Vala do?"
    45. You become an ambassador to find an end in the need for weapons proliferations by brokering treaties, Just like Dr. Weir.
    46. You replace your touch tone phone with an old rotary phone and loudly inform every one when each 'chevron' has locked.
    47. You couldn't wait to get Photoshop, just so you could make SG wallpapers, banners and icons
    48. You can't help but laugh when reading certain parts of your psychology textbook.
    49. You call your bed "your sarcophagus".
    50. You started watching Farscape after you had seen Claudia Black on SG1(and that goes for BB too)
    51. When your telephone starts ringing you scream out "Close The Iris".
    52. One of the ringtones on your cell phone is the SG1 theme
    53. You approach every bald man with glasses and tell him to "dial it up."
    54. You don't remember what life was like before you started watching SG1
    55. You stand on a round man hole cover and waiting for the rings to appear and takes you off.
    56. When people talk about the "little green men," you say, "They're CALLED ASGARD. And they're GREY, not GREEN."
    57. When you've assigned your family members names of characters from SG-1.. and what's more, they sort of work
    58. You stay up past your self imposed bedtime to finish fics/vids/artwork etc.

    With that said... chapter 10 of Familiar Faces, Familiar Places is updated.

    I'm off to bed.. have a great night!


      You stay up past your self imposed bedtime to finish fics/vids/artwork etc.

      How Ironic... *points below*

      Watching an episode of Twilight Zone, and I had to write this... It pretty much sucks... but it was one of those that if I didn't at least write it, it would never go away... I won't be posting it anywhere else, so, read while you can, even though it makes little sense

      Midnight Sun

      They are arguing, as usual, when Sam brings them the news. It is a moment they will never forget.... Vala says she's getting fat, Daniel agrees, Vala insults Daniel, and the rest of the team just watches, never knowing that this will be the last little banter about Vala's pregnancy they will witness . Sam, now Brigadier General Samantha Carter, simply blurts out the words. In less than a year, earth will be gone. The planet's on a collision course with the sun, and there is nothing that can be done. No alien allies, to get them out of a jam; the Asgaard are dead. No miracle fix Sam can cook up; she's already tried everything.

      No one wants to believe it.

      No one wants to hear it.

      They're doomed. They have no way off the planet. The stargate is gone, destroyed in the last Ori attack on earth. Their ships are gone, too, destroyed with the stargate. The victory over the Ori had come at great cost. Atlantis can't send help. They don't know what's going on. They don't have the resources, to help.

      All the planets they've saved, earth included, all the enemies they've defeated, and earth is to be destroyed because of a freak one-in-a-million event. Daniel finds it ironic. Vala finds it terrifying. Both wonder what's to come, yet are afraid to find out.


      A month after the news comes, things are going bad. The days get longer, nights get shorter, and everything gets hotter. Everything is going to hell in a handbasket faster than expected. They only get worse. Vala is six months pregnant by now, and the heat begins to get to her... Daniel holds her as she cries that all she wants is a breezy day, to ease the discomfort, and all the while, Daniel prays that this will all be a nightmare, and he will wake in a cool room, with Vala cuddled next to him. It never happens.


      Three months, and the heat gets worse. Cities are emptied, as people rush to anywhere with water... Lakes, rivers, ponds, anything. But water is drying up, like everything else on the planet. People die by the dozens each day, most by suicide, some from heat exaustion. Anything drinkable becomes precious, something worth killing for. Sam is unlucky enough to get caught in the crossfire over a fight concerning several crates of bottled water. She dies in her home in Colorado Springs, in the company of her team... The hospitals that are even open anymore are too full to take what seems like a simple concussion, and minor bruising. No one ever knows that a simple examination could have revealed the internal bleeding, and her life could have been saved...


      Four months, and Daniel and Vala's daughter is born. They name her Sam.


      Five months, and there's no such thing as night anymore, no such thing as a lake, or a river... No such thing as an ocean... Five months, and Samantha Jackson is gone, unable to last in the heat. The day her daughter dies, Vala lashes out at Daniel, screams and shouts at him. Her screams turn to pleas, as she falls against him, clutching her baby girl to her chest. She begs him to make it all go away, to turn back time, and make everything alright. Daniel simply takes her in his arms, holding her, and the lifeless body of their little girl, wishing he could do what she asked. Turn back the clock to the day Vala discovered she was pregnant, the day the Ori attacked, and just leave earth then...


      Six months, and they are all alone in the city. There's no one left. Everyone is dead, or have gone on to other cities, in hope of a cooler climate. The silence is maddening. Daniel is sure that both he and Vala are more than a little insane by then. He finds he doesn't care.


      Seven months, the end of it all, according to Sam... Seven months, and there is not a living soul left on earth. Seven months, and everyone has succumbed to the heat, and insanity. Seven long months Daniel and Vala had stayed alive, and for what? The hope that somehow, some way, they might get help? They had known they were going to die since that day seven months before.

      Now they lay together, in the remains of the SGC, the only place where either had ever really felt at home, not a mark on them, but they were dead all the same.... They had finally let go, finally ended the nightmare, finally made everything alright...

      And now, from somewhere in the complex, comes a sound, not a minute after husband and wife have taken their last breath: This is Jan'ek of the Tok'ra... Any survivors, please respond...


        Okay, so it looks like I might finally get this holiday exchange thing off the ground. Here's my question....when does everyone want to the deadline to be for entering? Right now I have it set for the 10th of November (yes, I realize that that is two weeks away) but I want to give everyone who participates at least a month to work on things.


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          Alright, that makes sense for the vids Susan

          I'm unusually tired tonight, I'm gonna get to bed early and come back in the morning. Night Fruitcakes!
          Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

          Sig by Odakota_Rose


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            Nope....never done that one before....have no idea what you mean......*giggles and winks*
            um*cough*megasnake*cough* *Whistlesinocently*
            thanks Stef

            Thanks Wendy


              1: When you have a Stargate WMP skin... AND the visulization that looks eerily like the event horizon....
              2. You consider getting a new tattoo and integrating something Stargateish...
              3. When you are sitting in an Oven talking to a bunch of Fruitcakes.
              4. The first thing you want to do when you wake up is catch up at GW.
              5. When you can recite more than one episode line-for-line
              6. Hearing a song on the radio and instantly thinking of your favorite SG fan vid.
              7. when you work bits of Sam's technobabble into everyday conversation
              8. Chuckling everytime you hear someone say "Indeed"
              9. The first thing that comes to your mind when you watch a Star Wars movie is Teal'c, or Stargate in general
              10. Hearing "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" and visualizing the whole montage from Unending
              11. During random converstations you interrupt with "Oh! That reminds me of this stargate episode, where-"
              12. You can tell which episode it is by name within the first 10 seconds of the show.
              13. You refer to your house as a gate address.
              14. when you can come up with a stargate quote for any occasion
              15. You refer to everyone by both their names every time
              16. When you name one of your pet's after a character
              17. You can accurately recite Daniel's rant in Unending
              18. The "error" sound on your computer is not a beeping sound but general Jack O'Neill saying "Please tell me you know what's going on around here" (THAT is embarassing when it goes off in a silent university library)
              19. Your password at work is 'fishing'
              20. You use terms like "Wonko" and "Packed full of jam" any time you can
              21. You refuse to eat any other jello but blue.
              22. You find a light that looks like an ascended being and stare at it for hours thinking it's Daniel Jackson
              23. When you see bit part actors on other shows and say, "I know him. He an episode of SG1."
              24. When listening to music, the only thing going through your mind is "I could do a video to this!"
              25. Your own mother bought you a shirt that says Home Sweet Stargate. and you wear it.
              26. In Yahoo Shopping Search you enter "Pink Handcuffs"
              27. You know exactly what season it is just from looking at Daniel
              28. You sit through some of the worst movies to see a teeny bit of arm porn, tongue porn, eye porn etc.
              29. An entire wall of your room is plastered with stargate pictures. well and farscape. Ok let's be honest - I have a shrine to claudia black on my wall.
              30. When you arrive late you blame "time dilation".
              31. When someone tells you they watched an ep of SG1, you get all giddy and start quizing them over the episode
              32. You can name several Ancient Egyptian gods, and know what they ruled over... (and begin talking about it while touring a museum with an Ancient Egyptian display)
              33. Every time your computer crashes, or you have a power failure, you blame it on the Replicators.
              34. Your sister firmly believes that there really is a Stargate program in Cheyenne mountain and the show is there for plausible deny ability.
              35. You refer to batteries as Zed PM's, ZPM's, or Zero-Point Modules.
              36. Your friends call you long distance to tell you they found a Stargate application on Facebook.
              37. You have clones of your favorite characters.
              38. You're convinced your boss is a Goa'uld.
              39. You're convinced Mr. Burns is a Goa'uld
              40. You claim that nobody else but you can use your laptop because only you have the Ancient Gene needed to activate it.
              41. While watching another show with their main characters in a complicated situation, you think, Sam would be able to get them out of this.
              42. Instead off sleeping you prefer to meditate.
              43. You life would be much easier if you could just use Asgard technology and beam from place to place.
              44. In difficult situations you often ask yourself "What would Vala do?"
              45. You become an ambassador to find an end in the need for weapons proliferations by brokering treaties, Just like Dr. Weir.
              46. You replace your touch tone phone with an old rotary phone and loudly inform every one when each 'chevron' has locked.
              47. You couldn't wait to get Photoshop, just so you could make SG wallpapers, banners and icons
              48. You can't help but laugh when reading certain parts of your psychology textbook.
              49. You call your bed "your sarcophagus".
              50. You started watching Farscape after you had seen Claudia Black on SG1(and that goes for BB too)
              51. When your telephone starts ringing you scream out "Close The Iris".
              52. One of the ringtones on your cell phone is the SG1 theme
              53. You approach every bald man with glasses and tell him to "dial it up."
              54. You don't remember what life was like before you started watching SG1
              55. You stand on a round man hole cover and waiting for the rings to appear and takes you off.
              56. When people talk about the "little green men," you say, "They're CALLED ASGARD. And they're GREY, not GREEN."
              57. When you've assigned your family members names of characters from SG-1.. and what's more, they sort of work
              58. You stay up past your self imposed bedtime to finish fics/vids/artwork etc.
              59. You'd rather talk to people online than your family, because your family just doesn't "get it."

              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                1: When you have a Stargate WMP skin... AND the visulization that looks eerily like the event horizon....
                2. You consider getting a new tattoo and integrating something Stargateish...
                3. When you are sitting in an Oven talking to a bunch of Fruitcakes.
                4. The first thing you want to do when you wake up is catch up at GW.
                5. When you can recite more than one episode line-for-line
                6. Hearing a song on the radio and instantly thinking of your favorite SG fan vid.
                7. when you work bits of Sam's technobabble into everyday conversation
                8. Chuckling everytime you hear someone say "Indeed"
                9. The first thing that comes to your mind when you watch a Star Wars movie is Teal'c, or Stargate in general
                10. Hearing "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" and visualizing the whole montage from Unending
                11. During random converstations you interrupt with "Oh! That reminds me of this stargate episode, where-"
                12. You can tell which episode it is by name within the first 10 seconds of the show.
                13. You refer to your house as a gate address.
                14. when you can come up with a stargate quote for any occasion
                15. You refer to everyone by both their names every time
                16. When you name one of your pet's after a character
                17. You can accurately recite Daniel's rant in Unending
                18. The "error" sound on your computer is not a beeping sound but general Jack O'Neill saying "Please tell me you know what's going on around here" (THAT is embarassing when it goes off in a silent university library)
                19. Your password at work is 'fishing'
                20. You use terms like "Wonko" and "Packed full of jam" any time you can
                21. You refuse to eat any other jello but blue.
                22. You find a light that looks like an ascended being and stare at it for hours thinking it's Daniel Jackson
                23. When you see bit part actors on other shows and say, "I know him. He an episode of SG1."
                24. When listening to music, the only thing going through your mind is "I could do a video to this!"
                25. Your own mother bought you a shirt that says Home Sweet Stargate. and you wear it.
                26. In Yahoo Shopping Search you enter "Pink Handcuffs"
                27. You know exactly what season it is just from looking at Daniel
                28. You sit through some of the worst movies to see a teeny bit of arm porn, tongue porn, eye porn etc.
                29. An entire wall of your room is plastered with stargate pictures. well and farscape. Ok let's be honest - I have a shrine to claudia black on my wall.
                30. When you arrive late you blame "time dilation".
                31. When someone tells you they watched an ep of SG1, you get all giddy and start quizing them over the episode
                32. You can name several Ancient Egyptian gods, and know what they ruled over... (and begin talking about it while touring a museum with an Ancient Egyptian display)
                33. Every time your computer crashes, or you have a power failure, you blame it on the Replicators.
                34. Your sister firmly believes that there really is a Stargate program in Cheyenne mountain and the show is there for plausible deny ability.
                35. You refer to batteries as Zed PM's, ZPM's, or Zero-Point Modules.
                36. Your friends call you long distance to tell you they found a Stargate application on Facebook.
                37. You have clones of your favorite characters.
                38. You're convinced your boss is a Goa'uld.
                39. You're convinced Mr. Burns is a Goa'uld
                40. You claim that nobody else but you can use your laptop because only you have the Ancient Gene needed to activate it.
                41. While watching another show with their main characters in a complicated situation, you think, Sam would be able to get them out of this.
                42. Instead off sleeping you prefer to meditate.
                43. You life would be much easier if you could just use Asgard technology and beam from place to place.
                44. In difficult situations you often ask yourself "What would Vala do?"
                45. You become an ambassador to find an end in the need for weapons proliferations by brokering treaties, Just like Dr. Weir.
                46. You replace your touch tone phone with an old rotary phone and loudly inform every one when each 'chevron' has locked.
                47. You couldn't wait to get Photoshop, just so you could make SG wallpapers, banners and icons
                48. You can't help but laugh when reading certain parts of your psychology textbook.
                49. You call your bed "your sarcophagus".
                50. You started watching Farscape after you had seen Claudia Black on SG1(and that goes for BB too)
                51. When your telephone starts ringing you scream out "Close The Iris".
                52. One of the ringtones on your cell phone is the SG1 theme
                53. You approach every bald man with glasses and tell him to "dial it up."
                54. You don't remember what life was like before you started watching SG1
                55. You stand on a round man hole cover and waiting for the rings to appear and takes you off.
                56. When people talk about the "little green men," you say, "They're CALLED ASGARD. And they're GREY, not GREEN."
                57. When you've assigned your family members names of characters from SG-1.. and what's more, they sort of work
                58. You stay up past your self imposed bedtime to finish fics/vids/artwork etc.
                59. You'd rather talk to people online than your family, because your family just doesn't "get it."
                60. You painted enough sayings in Ancient on your pottery to almost be able to read it without the cheat sheet.

                Seriously, Monday I painted "If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked along time ago" on a plate and Tuseday I painted, "How deep is the river if you cannot see the bottom" on another plate. I've also done "thank you", "Frell" and (as Wendy can atest) "Spacemonkey".
                thanks Stef

                Thanks Wendy


                  1: When you have a Stargate WMP skin... AND the visulization that looks eerily like the event horizon....

                  2. You consider getting a new tattoo and integrating something Stargateish...
                  3. When you are sitting in an Oven talking to a bunch of Fruitcakes.
                  4. The first thing you want to do when you wake up is catch up at GW.
                  5. When you can recite more than one episode line-for-line
                  6. Hearing a song on the radio and instantly thinking of your favorite SG fan vid.
                  7. when you work bits of Sam's technobabble into everyday conversation
                  8. Chuckling everytime you hear someone say "Indeed"
                  9. The first thing that comes to your mind when you watch a Star Wars movie is Teal'c, or Stargate in general
                  10. Hearing "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" and visualizing the whole montage from Unending
                  11. During random converstations you interrupt with "Oh! That reminds me of this stargate episode, where-"
                  12. You can tell which episode it is by name within the first 10 seconds of the show.
                  13. You refer to your house as a gate address.
                  14. when you can come up with a stargate quote for any occasion
                  15. You refer to everyone by both their names every time
                  16. When you name one of your pet's after a character
                  17. You can accurately recite Daniel's rant in Unending
                  18. The "error" sound on your computer is not a beeping sound but general Jack O'Neill saying "Please tell me you know what's going on around here" (THAT is embarassing when it goes off in a silent university library)
                  19. Your password at work is 'fishing'
                  20. You use terms like "Wonko" and "Packed full of jam" any time you can
                  21. You refuse to eat any other jello but blue.
                  22. You find a light that looks like an ascended being and stare at it for hours thinking it's Daniel Jackson
                  23. When you see bit part actors on other shows and say, "I know him. He an episode of SG1."
                  24. When listening to music, the only thing going through your mind is "I could do a video to this!"
                  25. Your own mother bought you a shirt that says Home Sweet Stargate. and you wear it.
                  26. In Yahoo Shopping Search you enter "Pink Handcuffs"
                  27. You know exactly what season it is just from looking at Daniel
                  28. You sit through some of the worst movies to see a teeny bit of arm porn, tongue porn, eye porn etc.
                  29. An entire wall of your room is plastered with stargate pictures. well and farscape. Ok let's be honest - I have a shrine to claudia black on my wall.
                  30. When you arrive late you blame "time dilation".
                  31. When someone tells you they watched an ep of SG1, you get all giddy and start quizing them over the episode
                  32. You can name several Ancient Egyptian gods, and know what they ruled over... (and begin talking about it while touring a museum with an Ancient Egyptian display)
                  33. Every time your computer crashes, or you have a power failure, you blame it on the Replicators.
                  34. Your sister firmly believes that there really is a Stargate program in Cheyenne mountain and the show is there for plausible deny ability.
                  35. You refer to batteries as Zed PM's, ZPM's, or Zero-Point Modules.
                  36. Your friends call you long distance to tell you they found a Stargate application on Facebook.
                  37. You have clones of your favorite characters.
                  38. You're convinced your boss is a Goa'uld.
                  39. You're convinced Mr. Burns is a Goa'uld
                  40. You claim that nobody else but you can use your laptop because only you have the Ancient Gene needed to activate it.
                  41. While watching another show with their main characters in a complicated situation, you think, Sam would be able to get them out of this.
                  42. Instead off sleeping you prefer to meditate.
                  43. You life would be much easier if you could just use Asgard technology and beam from place to place.
                  44. In difficult situations you often ask yourself "What would Vala do?"
                  45. You become an ambassador to find an end in the need for weapons proliferations by brokering treaties, Just like Dr. Weir.
                  46. You replace your touch tone phone with an old rotary phone and loudly inform every one when each 'chevron' has locked.
                  47. You couldn't wait to get Photoshop, just so you could make SG wallpapers, banners and icons
                  48. You can't help but laugh when reading certain parts of your psychology textbook.
                  49. You call your bed "your sarcophagus".
                  50. You started watching Farscape after you had seen Claudia Black on SG1(and that goes for BB too)
                  51. When your telephone starts ringing you scream out "Close The Iris".
                  52. One of the ringtones on your cell phone is the SG1 theme
                  53. You approach every bald man with glasses and tell him to "dial it up."
                  54. You don't remember what life was like before you started watching SG1
                  55. You stand on a round man hole cover and waiting for the rings to appear and takes you off.
                  56. When people talk about the "little green men," you say, "They're CALLED ASGARD. And they're GREY, not GREEN."
                  57. When you've assigned your family members names of characters from SG-1.. and what's more, they sort of work
                  58. You stay up past your self imposed bedtime to finish fics/vids/artwork etc.
                  59. You'd rather talk to people online than your family, because your family just doesn't "get it."
                  60. You painted enough sayings in Ancient on your pottery to almost be able to read it without the cheat sheet.
                  61. You go up to you front door and text somebody in you family sending SG1 code to open the iris.
                  62. Your entire wardrobe consists of black shirts and green pants.

                  63. You request the next disc in a serries by saying "Ego indeo nauvo discuss" Heck when you need anything you start the sentence "Ego indeo . . . "
                  thanks Stef

                  Thanks Wendy


                    Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                    Sorry Stef but I am probably not the person to ask. I cannot participate because I don't make anything. I will have fun just seeing all the things that people make. Maybe everyone will feel sorry for me and send me all the fics etc. for me to read. Could I have made myself sound any more pitiful.
                    Therein lies the beauty. Even if you don't participate, you can still enjoy the lovelies Win-win for all!!


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Okay, guys and gals....I finally finished up the layout and summary for the The Devilish Playground community. I posted a summary of what exactly "The Holiday Fruitcake Exchange" is and how to participate. I've also posted a poll/sheet that you'll need to fill out. If you have LJ, make sure you're logged in before you try to fill it out. If you don't have an LJ, you can't fill out the sheet but I have provided an alternative way for you to contact me with the information.


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Morning Fruitcakes!

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Okay, guys and gals....I finally finished up the layout and summary for the The Devilish Playground community. I posted a summary of what exactly "The Holiday Fruitcake Exchange" is and how to participate. I've also posted a poll/sheet that you'll need to fill out. If you have LJ, make sure you're logged in before you try to fill it out. If you don't have an LJ, you can't fill out the sheet but I have provided an alternative way for you to contact me with the information.

                        Joined, but not signing up, I'm crap with making stuff, but you know where I am if you need help with admin and what not
                        Banner by Stef.

                        The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                        HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                          Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                          Morning Fruitcakes!
                          Joined, but not signing up, I'm crap with making stuff, but you know where I am if you need help with admin and what not
                          You know ever since Bad Guys every time someone says what not I flash to Daniel saying, "There's going to be killing and whatnot." I always wonder just what he thinks is whatnot.
                          thanks Stef

                          Thanks Wendy


                            Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                            Joined, but not signing up, I'm crap with making stuff, but you know where I am if you need help with admin and what not
                            You say that, but have you tried? Really? You'll have a whole month to make something...I could help you!! Anyway, if you reeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllllly don't want to do that, then I will probably need someone to help me pair off people. Although, I'm a little nervous because there seem like A LOT of fic writers asking for art....and not many people offering up art....*looks around nervously*

                            Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                            You know ever since Bad Guys every time someone says what not I flash to Daniel saying, "There's going to be killing and whatnot." I always wonder just what he thinks is whatnot.
                            You know...the torturing and....stuff I have started using "whatnot" a lot more since seeing that episode. Damn you and your hilarity, Daniel/MS!!!


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                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              You say that, but have you tried? Really? You'll have a whole month to make something...I could help you!! Anyway, if you reeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllllly don't want to do that, then I will probably need someone to help me pair off people. Although, I'm a little nervous because there seem like A LOT of fic writers asking for art....and not many people offering up art....*looks around nervously*
                              Believe me, I've tried. I've ben trying to write a DV story since before the summer, and even with Kales' help it's going nowhere. And working six days a week doesn't help. But organising I can do. Just tell me what needs done, and it'll be done
                              Banner by Stef.

                              The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                              HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                                1: When you have a Stargate WMP skin... AND the visulization that looks eerily like the event horizon....

                                2. You consider getting a new tattoo and integrating something Stargateish...
                                3. When you are sitting in an Oven talking to a bunch of Fruitcakes.
                                4. The first thing you want to do when you wake up is catch up at GW.
                                5. When you can recite more than one episode line-for-line
                                6. Hearing a song on the radio and instantly thinking of your favorite SG fan vid.
                                7. when you work bits of Sam's technobabble into everyday conversation
                                8. Chuckling everytime you hear someone say "Indeed"
                                9. The first thing that comes to your mind when you watch a Star Wars movie is Teal'c, or Stargate in general
                                10. Hearing "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" and visualizing the whole montage from Unending
                                11. During random converstations you interrupt with "Oh! That reminds me of this stargate episode, where-"
                                12. You can tell which episode it is by name within the first 10 seconds of the show.
                                13. You refer to your house as a gate address.
                                14. when you can come up with a stargate quote for any occasion
                                15. You refer to everyone by both their names every time
                                16. When you name one of your pet's after a character
                                17. You can accurately recite Daniel's rant in Unending
                                18. The "error" sound on your computer is not a beeping sound but general Jack O'Neill saying "Please tell me you know what's going on around here" (THAT is embarassing when it goes off in a silent university library)
                                19. Your password at work is 'fishing'
                                20. You use terms like "Wonko" and "Packed full of jam" any time you can
                                21. You refuse to eat any other jello but blue.
                                22. You find a light that looks like an ascended being and stare at it for hours thinking it's Daniel Jackson
                                23. When you see bit part actors on other shows and say, "I know him. He an episode of SG1."
                                24. When listening to music, the only thing going through your mind is "I could do a video to this!"
                                25. Your own mother bought you a shirt that says Home Sweet Stargate. and you wear it.
                                26. In Yahoo Shopping Search you enter "Pink Handcuffs"
                                27. You know exactly what season it is just from looking at Daniel
                                28. You sit through some of the worst movies to see a teeny bit of arm porn, tongue porn, eye porn etc.
                                29. An entire wall of your room is plastered with stargate pictures. well and farscape. Ok let's be honest - I have a shrine to claudia black on my wall.
                                30. When you arrive late you blame "time dilation".
                                31. When someone tells you they watched an ep of SG1, you get all giddy and start quizing them over the episode
                                32. You can name several Ancient Egyptian gods, and know what they ruled over... (and begin talking about it while touring a museum with an Ancient Egyptian display)
                                33. Every time your computer crashes, or you have a power failure, you blame it on the Replicators.
                                34. Your sister firmly believes that there really is a Stargate program in Cheyenne mountain and the show is there for plausible deny ability.
                                35. You refer to batteries as Zed PM's, ZPM's, or Zero-Point Modules.
                                36. Your friends call you long distance to tell you they found a Stargate application on Facebook.
                                37. You have clones of your favorite characters.
                                38. You're convinced your boss is a Goa'uld.
                                39. You're convinced Mr. Burns is a Goa'uld
                                40. You claim that nobody else but you can use your laptop because only you have the Ancient Gene needed to activate it.
                                41. While watching another show with their main characters in a complicated situation, you think, Sam would be able to get them out of this.
                                42. Instead off sleeping you prefer to meditate.
                                43. You life would be much easier if you could just use Asgard technology and beam from place to place.
                                44. In difficult situations you often ask yourself "What would Vala do?"
                                45. You become an ambassador to find an end in the need for weapons proliferations by brokering treaties, Just like Dr. Weir.
                                46. You replace your touch tone phone with an old rotary phone and loudly inform every one when each 'chevron' has locked.
                                47. You couldn't wait to get Photoshop, just so you could make SG wallpapers, banners and icons
                                48. You can't help but laugh when reading certain parts of your psychology textbook.
                                49. You call your bed "your sarcophagus".
                                50. You started watching Farscape after you had seen Claudia Black on SG1(and that goes for BB too)
                                51. When your telephone starts ringing you scream out "Close The Iris".
                                52. One of the ringtones on your cell phone is the SG1 theme
                                53. You approach every bald man with glasses and tell him to "dial it up."
                                54. You don't remember what life was like before you started watching SG1
                                55. You stand on a round man hole cover and waiting for the rings to appear and takes you off.
                                56. When people talk about the "little green men," you say, "They're CALLED ASGARD. And they're GREY, not GREEN."
                                57. When you've assigned your family members names of characters from SG-1.. and what's more, they sort of work
                                58. You stay up past your self imposed bedtime to finish fics/vids/artwork etc.
                                59. You'd rather talk to people online than your family, because your family just doesn't "get it."
                                60. You painted enough sayings in Ancient on your pottery to almost be able to read it without the cheat sheet.
                                61. You go up to you front door and text somebody in you family sending SG1 code to open the iris.
                                62. Your entire wardrobe consists of black shirts and green pants.
                                63. You request the next disc in a serries by saying "Ego indeo nauvo discuss" Heck when you need anything you start the sentence "Ego indeo . . . "
                                64.You keep telling your shrink that you're not schizophrenic, you're a To'kra.

                                65. You are at a sporting game (AFL), here the player name Daniel Jackson and immediately think of our beloved archaeologist

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                                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2

