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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    *evil laughter* And people thought the Ori were bad! Weren't ready for us DVers. See Kales and Stef people didn't even see it coming, and in fact encouraged it *high5s*
    *evil grin* *high 5*

    Well, that was part of the plan, wasn't it? We wanted to take over the world, but not be hated for it... It's so much easier if they just hand us the power


      *nods* Very true, my dear partner in crime. We badas*...
      banner by Stef


        Originally posted by Kales View Post
        Ren, Bones! I've been going stir crazy waiting on the season 2 boxset to come out (october 15.... october 15....) since I've only seen up to mid-s2. But how I love it. And I hope you find something that works for your dad.
        Thanks Kay *hug* And yeah, I absolutely can't wait to get my hands on those dvds..

        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
        Hey everyone, how are we all? I'll be on for awhile tonight so hope that we get lots of chats going. Unfortunately we don't get Eureka here so don't even know what its about. By the way do we have a C2 on FF.Net. If not anyone mind if I create one for all the D/V GW fanfic? Let me know opinons
        Love the C2, Cat, I'm in Fruitcake heaven right now with all the fics to read...

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        Okay, so you know what we need? A website. Why? Um...I think it solidifies the popularity of a couple...and it's a nice place to gather all of the links/vids/art/fics/etc together in one place. Anyone have any idea how to make one (ie codes and such)? I tried many moons ago...but failed miserably. Good times.
        *cheers* A brilliant idea Stef! Unfortunately, I pretty much stink at anything other than basic html, (fonts, tables, imaps, etc) but I'll help out in spirit! I'll be the uh... cheerleader! That's it! I'll cheer you all on to victory! (Or creating a website to convert people, as the case may be..

        Originally posted by Kales View Post
        GW just conked on me for a minute there. Hee hee we could send out invites:

        "The Fruitcakes of the DV thread invite all authors to our shiny new archive, because we think you're great. Please give your permission for your fics to appear if you'd like, and join us when we chat about random wonderful things and Daniel/Vala."

        I smell a GW conversion crusade...
        *evil laughter* We'll get them yet!

        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        We could bribe them with flowers and kisses ...

        ...and if that doesn't work, well we could always break out the

        Milena I sincerely hope I've mentioned that I love the way you think

        Originally posted by isabelqc
        . I like Fruitcakes Unbound. I'll think of more suggestion for later if we need them.
        2. Art, media (vids), fic, discussion thread for episodes.
        I think fic archive, but we could also have a rec section where we post for our fav fic and why we love them so.
        *evil laughter* And people thought the Ori were bad! Weren't ready for us DVers. See Kales and Stef people didn't even see it coming, and in fact encouraged it *high5s*
        And as for the varying Vala uniforms I agree with the leather halter, but can we take away that collar, *nods* to the Dominion suggestions. Oh! and Quetesh's outfit. We'll mix and match
        *happily starts preparing uniforms* They'll never know what hit 'em.
        And I like Fruitcakes Unbound too
        Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

        Sig by Odakota_Rose


          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          x10! Thanks, Milena! And don't worry about Chains *hug*, the chapters for that story are soo fraking long that I know it takes sometime to beta. In fact anybody that has ever/will ever beta a chapter for Chains for me deserves a sweaty scruffy Daniel for their work!
          Ooooh well that does make me quite happy It's not that it's too long it's that my inner multi-tasker doesn't want to shut-off But I'm already halfway through!!

          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          1. I like Fruitcakes Unbound. I'll think of more suggestion for later if we need them.
          2. Art, media (vids), fic, discussion thread for episodes.
          Ooooh YES!! I like that!! Fruitcakes Anonymous for and Fruitcakes Unbound for the motherland of D/V Love!!

          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          And as for the varying Vala uniforms I agree with the leather halter, but can we take away that collar, *nods* to the Dominion suggestions. Oh! and Quetesh's outfit. We'll mix and match
          Oh yeah, that collar has got to go! I don't know what they were doing with that and with Adria's...made them look like suffocating giraffes

          Originally posted by ErinB View Post
          See, I thought if I buttered you up, you'd write me a chapter... I'm so sneaky!
          Oooh *shifty eyes* bery bery shneaky, bery shneaky indeed

          Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
          Thanks Kay *hug* And yeah, I absolutely can't wait to get my hands on those dvds..
          BONES!!!!! Season Premier tonight!! *happy jazzy dance*

          Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
          *cheers* A brilliant idea Stef! Unfortunately, I pretty much stink at anything other than basic html, (fonts, tables, imaps, etc) but I'll help out in spirit! I'll be the uh... cheerleader! That's it! I'll cheer you all on to victory! (Or creating a website to convert people, as the case may be..
          When zuz comes back to GW I'll ask her to add pom-poms to this smiley and then all cheerleaders will have representation!

          Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
          Milena I sincerely hope I've mentioned that I love the way you think
          LoL I'm pretty sure we think on very similar wavelengths Renny, way to be modest
          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

          Banner made by Stef!


            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

            Oh yeah, that collar has got to go! I don't know what they were doing with that and with Adria's...made them look like suffocating giraffes


            BONES!!!!! Season Premier tonight!! *happy jazzy dance*
            Couldn't have said it better myself!!!

            *cries/pouts* It hasn't started over here yet! I guess now I'll know what I'llbe dwnlding tmrw! Le sigh....
            banner by Stef


              Hello again, Fruitcakes!!! I bring an update It's my current fic "Definitely Not in Kansas Anymore" aka "I've Got a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore" gioia helped me streamline it, thanks dear

              Anyhoo, here's chapter 3 at my LJ or at FFN.

              And if you hadn't noticed, I live on comments/reviews. They're like oxygen or water or chocolate...yeah definitely like chocolate



                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                Oh yeah, that collar has got to go! I don't know what they were doing with that and with Adria's...made them look like suffocating giraffes

                BONES!!!!! Season Premier tonight!! *happy jazzy dance*

                LoL I'm pretty sure we think on very similar wavelengths Renny, way to be modest
                *giggles* suffocating giraffes?! Gosh, what a mental picture..
                Hey, I thought you were in California, too Milena? Bones was on last night.. *ponders*
                Of course I could be wrong because sometimes I'm easily confuzzled...

                Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                Hello again, Fruitcakes!!! I bring an update It's my current fic "Definitely Not in Kansas Anymore" aka "I've Got a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore" gioia helped me streamline it, thanks dear

                Anyhoo, here's chapter 3 at my LJ or at FFN.

                And if you hadn't noticed, I live on comments/reviews. They're like oxygen or water or chocolate...yeah definitely like chocolate

                Yay Erin! I'm heading off to read it now.
                Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                Sig by Odakota_Rose


                  Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                  *giggles* suffocating giraffes?! Gosh, what a mental picture..
                  Hey, I thought you were in California, too Milena? Bones was on last night.. *ponders*
                  Of course I could be wrong because sometimes I'm easily confuzzled...
                  LOL Renny...*points to your upper right side where the locations are written* Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Other end of the continent

                  Erin I can't wait to read your fic but I really have to you're third in line though!! close close!
                  ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                  Banner made by Stef!


                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    LOL Renny...*points to your upper right side where the locations are written* Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Other end of the continent

                    Erin I can't wait to read your fic but I really have to you're third in line though!! close close!
                    I knew that!
                    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                    Sig by Odakota_Rose


                      Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                      I knew that!
                      *insert Parisian accent* But of course
                      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                      Banner made by Stef!


                        D:Me thinks its time for Isa head to bed.
                        Isa: yawn! *nods sleepily* I think so too.

                        Night all! Daniel is ushering me to bed .... *small but impish smile*
                        banner by Stef


                          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                          *insert Parisian accent* But of course
                          *g* Yep. Because I'm one smart cookie like that

                          So how's your day going? And is there fic on the way?

                          Lucky Isa!! Somebody'll be having sweet dreams
                          Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                          Sig by Odakota_Rose


                            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                            D:Me thinks its time for Isa head to bed.
                            Isa: yawn! *nods sleepily* I think so too.

                            Night all! Daniel is ushering me to bed .... *small but impish smile*
                            'night Isa, sweet dreams



                              Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                              *g* Yep. Because I'm one smart cookie like that

                              So how's your day going? And is there fic on the way?

                              Lucky Isa!! Somebody'll be having sweet dreams
                              My day is going tiringly, I exercized, she said with disgust There is fic on the way but not mine Need to beta beta then I'll alpha

                              What about you? How ya been?

                              G'night Isa!! Only two pages left btw!
                              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                              Banner made by Stef!


                                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                                My day is going tiringly, I exercized, she said with disgust
                                Ick, why would you do a thing like that... well, you know, other than for the obvious health benefits.

                                hmm, seems quiet here. I guess all the new tv seasons are starting this week.
                                spoilered cuz I went pic-crazy...


