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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Can't speak for everyone but I'm good especially after the pics on the previous page *grins widely* I see you Milena

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    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


      Originally posted by Dr,jackson View Post
      Good day Lovely shippers how's everyone?
      Great, still laughing about that DC video You?


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        My mother made a liar out of me...I promised I'd actually attend the discussion overnight and I just took a tiny little nap thinking I'd wake up at midnight (when she came back from Vancouer) but she came and said hi, turned off my alarm clock and used her voodoo-mother-magic to convince me to sleep...

        But TONIGHT!! She's gone again for the weekend so nothing will deter me! She's taking my banana cream pie with her *sobs*

        And geeeez the Talion discussion took up like...a page in total That's okay, I'm here to contribute with analyses and subtle catches and I'll try to refrain from the words "Teal'c went ape****." I'll try...don't know how well I'll succeed

        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        More DragonCon Info:

        Found a little part of the Saturday Stargate Panel where Michael Shanks talks about working with Claudia Black.
        This is one of the panels Claudia was not in. That day she had her Solo Panel. Someone was suppose to send me a copy but they are putting off making copies till they find out of someone puts it up on Youtube first. If not, she will send it to me later.
        Thanks so much Susan!! And thanks for the other link too, I forgot to MQ it.

        Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
        Don't know that drink but I will file away the info for then next party.=)

        I'm not fond of Teal'c episodes in general and The Free Jaffa in particular.

        My favorite scene is Daniel waiting by Bra'tac's side and Bra'tac is talking about Arrkaad. I like the little look Daniel gives Dr. Lam. (I'm a fan of Lexa Doig's and think it is cool any time she shares the screen with her husband.)
        Spoilers for the off topic nature of the pic

        This is my favorite picture:

        (I love how Daniel is casually playing with a really big knife.

        Favorite quote:
        Daniel:Bra'tac sends his regards as well. I don't think he'll mind me speaking for him when I say he'd love to stab you in the eye with a really big knife.
        (Daniel's face after he delivers this threat is priceless).
        LOL I do not remember that line, can't wait to hear it again.

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        Go to the "characters and relationships" page and then click on the "posts" for the D/V thread.

        Now people may say that this look...
        ...doesn't really mean anything, and normally I might agree. But the fact is that neither of the two were talking, nobody was talking to them, and nothing was going on that would warrant them to look (and smile) at each other leads me to believe differently. The director took seconds away from the conversation holders to show us this moment. Why?

        I totally agree that it's important but I'm gonna say (before having rewatched the episode) that they were called into the meeting in the middle of...playing chess It's a look of promise that it'll continue later

        Originally posted by djay View Post
        Ok, here I go.
        It's my favourite shot of DV. (Try taking a guess before you look what my fave would be.)

        YAY, ME!
        Congratulations on 1000 posts!!!
        Do you feel any different?

        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
        I could do with something sweet, shall search the pantry. BTW finally got to 500! Congrat again to djay my fellow Aussie Will also be watching the footy, hate both teams don't know who I want to lose *grins*
        Congratulations on 500 posts!!!

        Originally posted by djay View Post
        I found an interesting quote in the book by Vala:

        "I'm saving myself for Daniel."

        Djay you guys have got me intrigued, I'm gonna have to read an actual printed book now aren't I?

        Okay, Talion...going.
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          I promise on my D/V shippier heart that I will read that book by the time I log on tomorrow night. Then I can tease you all with my knowledge *cue evil laughter*

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          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Great, still laughing about that DC video You?

            LoL I'm so lame but I'm with CJ on this one: What? I never saw the CSI episode.
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              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Great, still laughing about that DC video You?


              yes ahhahahaa! now you started it again hahaha chris: WHAT!


                Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                Can't speak for everyone but I'm good especially after the pics on the previous page *grins widely* I see you Milena
                Hi Cat!!! You online? It's...12:30am over there eh?
                ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                  Oh yeah I'll be in bed in about 20 minutes, damn work tomorrow, on a Saturday? It inhumane especially because there's a SG1 marathon on sci-fi. My only consolation is more money mean more Stargate box sets

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                  Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                    Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                    Oh yeah I'll be in bed in about 20 minutes, damn work tomorrow, on a Saturday? It inhumane especially because there's a SG1 marathon on sci-fi. My only consolation is more money mean more Stargate box sets

                    Nice way to see the positive! Have some shippiness:
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                      Thank you *grabs them greedily* Better sign off though I'll be on tomorrow at about 3.30am your time. Bye everyone can't wait for FT discussion.*waves*

                      Banner by Stef
                      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                        I totally agree that it's important but I'm gonna say (before having rewatched the episode) that they were called into the meeting in the middle of...playing chess It's a look of promise that it'll continue later
                        And what a wonderful time they had...playing chess. I wonder if they were playing chess in that part I was speculating about in BG. They must really love to play the game!

                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                        LoL I'm so lame but I'm with CJ on this one: What? I never saw the CSI episode.
                        Me neither...but I was a little quicker on the uptake than he was. I put two and two together when they wouldn't talk about it...and when they mentioned people in animal costumes

                        A little OT, but have you all seen the LD and MS con videos from the Toronto Trek up on YT? Those two are hilarious and so cute together. It's broken up into's PART 1

                        Okay, now it's time to go to bed.


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                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Me neither...but I was a little quicker on the uptake than he was. I put two and two together when they wouldn't talk about it...and when they mentioned people in animal costumes
                          See, I thought I was putting two and two together until they mentioned people in animal costumes...after that I don't think I want to know anymore

                          Okay, Talion.

                          It starts off really powerfully in my opinion. The first scene has the feel of a battlefield in war, not just a view of it but as if we were actually there ourselves. Fantastic directing from whoever directed it. I got really scared when I saw Bray'tac on the floor when Daniel found him. He's a secondary character so seeing him amongst all those bodies made me believe he was truly dead...until we saw Teal'c on the field too.

                          The ranting Jaffa in the scene after the credits = hot. The Jaffa woman behind Bray'tac when he comes in is also gorgeous! I'm starting to think they recruited Jaffa with the same mentality as they recruit Police Officers, Mall Security, Males Nurses and Doctors in Ottawa because it's rare you find someone in those fields who wouldn't qualify to walk down a runway

                          And I really like Teal'c Jaffa outfit, looks so comfy

                          Dr. Lam mentions two weeks of unconsciousness and 3 rounds of surgery to stop the bleeding and repair his spine...where was Vala with the hand device?

                          And for the Cam/Lam fans, when Carolyn is telling Sam and Cameron about how Teal'c was conscious for a few moments; Cam squeezes her arm like 3 times as he's leaving. *hint hint from the producers?*

                          And they haven't mentioned who yet but Carolyn said one person in particular had rarely left Teal'c's side, anyone think it was Sam? Although I doubt it was, I really think the T/S relationship was a by-product of the 50 years on Unending as opposed to an attraction before hand, I think they were just great friends before, but that's just my take on things

                          And then we see half-dead Bray'tac all covered in burns...again, why didn't they have Vala use the Goa'uld healing device? They did in Uninvited, right?

                          Is it just me or is Landry really touchy in his meeting with Teal'c? I would think he would be a little more sympathetic and understand of Teal'c's request. Not that he would allow it but he would let him down a little more gently...though maybe this isn't the first time they have this conversation...
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                            Oh, I think whoever was doing the soundtrack for LITS was doing it for this episode too because there's the LotR-like music, love it!

                            HUGE SIGN of how loyal Vala is to the people she cares about:

                            The gate is dialing for Teal'c to leave
                            Cam: So I was thinking, we could zat him, toss him in a holding cell until he comes to his sense.
                            Vala: I was thinking it's not too late to go with him.
                            Daniel: I offered, he doesn't want us to.

                            This tiny passage also shows what you guys were saying about Daniel and Vala being on the same wavelength throughout this episode. But to get back to Vala, her first instinct is to leave the place where she's made a home to back up and support one of her friends, I think that's beautiful and the perfect summary of her personality. So many people (not here) think she's fundamentally selfish but I marvel at that thinking, are they blind to everything she's done?? She opportunistic there's no doubt but she never thinks of personal gain before her friends, not even in season 9, and that's why I always bristle when I watch that scene in CoT where Daniel basically accuses her of scamming them on their rescue mission...

                            Weirdness...they don't actually see him off at the ramp? Odd.

                            Little Jaffa daughter (aka RCC's munchkin) is soo adorable! And I just remembered that I so envy CJ for his abnormally long and beautiful eyelashes...random but they were just profiled in the light

                            Ah, now I think it's Daniel who sat with Teal'c all the time (and not Sam like I thought earlier) because he's the one sitting with Bray'tac.
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                              I love Teal'c's meeting in the bar with that angry guy. It gives a whole new dimension to the background stories of the series. It's the first time (that I witness anyway) where the Jaffa aren't the poor people enslaved by the Goa'uld, now I know there are people who hate and resent the Jaffa for enslaving them! It's fascinating. And then the angry guy forgets his deep resentment and hatred when the idea of making money comes into play, that's the typical life in the Milky Way Galaxy for anyone left hanging by the downfall of the Goa'uld and Jaffa isn't it (ie. Vala's former life)?

                              It's also interesting how Cam and Sam always seem to be together in this episode and Daniel and Vala also, or just Daniel alone. I haven't seen them mix it up yet without actually having the whole team together.

                              ...*wide WTF eyes*...

                              He the guy's stomach...Somehow it seemed funnier in Pirates of the Caribbean 1...

                              Weird how Vala gives the impression that she knows less about the Jaffa then the rest of the team...

                              Vala: I thought Jaffa were all about honour and meeting their opponents on the battle-field.

                              ...has she forgotten that she used to host a Goa'uld and thus owned many Jaffa herself?

                              Love Arqaad's accent and Daniel seems redder in this episode...makes me think they filmed this one before Bad Guys where the tan would have set in if it was truly the product of a sunburn
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                                This is the third time I see this arrangment and it's making me frown...Whenever the team is all together, it's Cam then Sam then Daniel bunched together with Vala off to the side, why this distance?

                                Arqaad's posture is so weird. He's sitting in the hair, almost hunched over with his hands hidden. He looks meek and shy...a direct contrast to his words...

                                Speaking of postures, ever notice how Beau Bridges never seems to know what to do with his hands at the briefing table? He's got a standard pose of splaying his hands on the table, directly aligned with his shoulders and his elbows just a little out to the side...he never completely lifts his fingerpads from the tabletop Oh, his other standard pose is having one hand in the other, he uses that in the next meeting.

                                The glances between D & V in the meeting are so aww-worthy, especially the one where Vala stares at Daniel for like a whole half-minute after he stopped talking

                                Ooooh got to the forest conversation! Beautiful! And I think it was during the Shroud that I was going on and on about Daniel's looking directly at Vala and that being a sign of his deepening affection? Well voila round 2 of the gazes!! In the previous scenes it's kind of hard to tell whether he's looking straight at her or just turning halfway but here you can't think otherwise. He's looking and her and with such an admiring look while she's detailing her theory and a sweet look when she says 'chicks in a row' and the rest of their banter is so heart-melting too. How many times have we heard Daniel thank Vala for anything (not counting the non-date scene in MM)??
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