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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Cute little moment:

    Cam's saying how that's "quitter" talk right before they go off to see the scroll...D/V are in the background looking at each other. They obviously come to some sort of unspoken agreement and both do a head nod thing to turn and leave


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      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      I do think she was just a little more over the top then usual. Especially considering how she comes across in part 2, it almost doesn't seem to flow.

      That aside, I really enjoyed this episode as a whole. It kept me entertained from beginning to end. I love that the team was forced to work with Ba'al. He is one of the best villians the show had. Then they are forced to work with Adria as well...pure gold!!
      It's true. I mean, it's almost as if they made her TOO competent in CoT so they had to dumb her down for this episode. She's like the only one who doesn't solve a riddle. Plus, then you look at her here and then TQ2 and it's almost like a completely different person. Very odd.

      Still, I think that I liked the episode well enough when it first aired. I remember thinking it was a little disappointing though. SGA and SG-1 were constantly fighting it out for my favor. F&B through Counterstrike, SGA was my favorite. MM changed my opinion. Then my favor swung back over to SGA after TQ1. TQ2 brought it firmly back to SG-1, where it remained for the rest of the season

      I loved the whole team + Ba'al + Adria. Such a nice change of pace to have the entire team together...and working with their two biggest villains no less!


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        Originally posted by Toomi View Post
        *begins taking notes in case MS is at the Van con in April*
        Any of you folks going to that one?
        I hope to make it to that one. Hubby wants to go look at some gardens we missed in Van (closed due to a strike) and I can go to the con. Weeee! I am so excited if we can pull it off.
        thanks Stef

        Thanks Wendy


          Some more caps from pt 1. I particularly like Vala sleeping on Sam's shoulder and her holding onto Cam's backpack.

          He's her Lobster!
          LTS: Life's too short


            I love the whole team working on the riddles. The whole episode is just fun.
            thanks Stef

            Thanks Wendy


              Okay...can't keep my eyes open any longer.

              See everyone tomorrow!!

              And I know this isn't D/V but I thought it was cute how Vala was holding on to Cam the whole time through the maze.

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                Originally posted by djay View Post
                A new banner (spoilers for Unending)


                Beautiful Djay!

                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                It's true. I mean, it's almost as if they made her TOO competent in CoT so they had to dumb her down for this episode. She's like the only one who doesn't solve a riddle. Plus, then you look at her here and then TQ2 and it's almost like a completely different person. Very odd.

                Still, I think that I liked the episode well enough when it first aired. I remember thinking it was a little disappointing though. SGA and SG-1 were constantly fighting it out for my favor. F&B through Counterstrike, SGA was my favorite. MM changed my opinion. Then my favor swung back over to SGA after TQ1. TQ2 brought it firmly back to SG-1, where it remained for the rest of the season

                I loved the whole team + Ba'al + Adria. Such a nice change of pace to have the entire team together...and working with their two biggest villains no less!

                You know, on the other hand, Vala has been pretty much the problem solver (acknowledged or not, usually not) for whatever episode she's been in and now that we're halfway through season 10, the writers might have wanted to show that the rest of the team is still the galaxy-saving brainiacs they always were, especially for those fans who believe that Vala kind of took over the show.

                Anyway, I might be wrong since my memory on most days can't be trusted I'm popping in my DVD now and will be back with lots of babble as I seem to be prone to. My apologies in advance.

                EDIT: G'night Wendy!!
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                  Yay for The Quest...even though I didn't care for it much the first time around, maybe I will this time

                  Okay, when Vala comes rushing into Daniel's office he looks pretty tired, he's just putting on his glasses again. He turns his head quickly toward the door where the crashing sound is, lingers for about half a second, then quickly turns his head away, back to his computer and fiddles with his it just me or is that either classic "oops I shouldn't look at that" or classic "no no, let's not let the thoughts stray there"?? Now since she's fully dressed despite the cleavage-y tanktop, I'm going to assume that it wasn't the former but rather the latter snap reaction that we see. And that just makes me go awwwwwwww because in my happy shippy mind, he sees her in her nightwear, hair ruffled from sleep and still a little dazed and the picture strikes him right in the heart. He's so smitten and it's adorable!

                  Not even 6 minutes in and Daniel has looked over to Vala while someone else was talking THREE times so far. It's not even always in "ah ha" revelation moments, it's like mid-speech, as if he's just checking to see she's still there So adorable...granted he's frowning in confusion but I think that could definitely be related to the above paragraph

                  What does Daniel hand Vala before the old man comes off the ladder with the scroll of virtues?

                  And he looks at her again. It looks like he's looking for confirmation or an opinion on what he read from the scroll but he doesn't look at anyone else...not even the old man specialist guy.

                  I love how Vala's the one to protest to the idea that they'd steal the map.
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                    Who else is loving the alien characters lately? Phannis was awesome, I hated that he had to die The blond lady in this episode is sooo rational and hilarious!! "My place is here, I'll be fine. I'll blame everything on you." And I can't remember his name but the uber-helpful hostage in Bad Guys??? I LOVED him! I can't wait to watch it again.

                    Also, isn't it odd that Tomin didn't travel with Adria? I mean I know it would kind of add another storyline to this episode which might be bad but I just found it odd.

                    Also, why is Vala grinning crazily as they approach the frozen people in the field?

                    Sam's plan...though seemingly intelligent/ressourceful could be improved couldn't it? If they just grab handful of sands and pitch it all around, they could actually SEE the corridors and then presto, no problem...

                    And when they're stuck in the chest-bubble place and Daniel's recounting what the scroll told them they would need to find the treasure, he looks at Vala the whole time...again

                    And when Ba'al tells them that they need him, again, Daniel looks over to Vala
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                      Fave Scene: I'm really not sure... nothing really jumped out and smacked me on this one.

                      Fave Quote:

                      Ba'al (In caves trying to rescue the kid): He's tiny, let him squeeze through the bars.
                      Teal'c: Assist us or I will squeeze you through the bars.

                      Cam: Oh For Cryin Out Loud. ( I wonder if that was scripted.... coz it's funny hearing it from him)


                        I see this ep as a complete team ep and it's a good one. They all stay together (which is kinda rare esp in season 10) and the banter with Adria and Ba'al there as well is great.

                        I love the bit where Vala comes flying into Daniel's office half asleep. Makes me giggle....

                        The bit where Adria reveals herself and points at Vala as the first to die, Daniel immediatly agrees to her terms. Even Cam looks at him with a bit of surprise.



                          Ugh, do not appreciate this line from Daniel to Ba'al:

                          "You know the word 'allies' symbolizes some kind of partnership and that just isn't the case here. See, we are going after the San Graal while you are just tagging along for the ride."

                          I don't mind him not being nice to Ba'al cuz, honestly he deserves it, BUT those are pretty much the EXACT words Cam told Vala in MM...and I'm so not appreciating the comparison of Vala's contributions and belonging to SG-1 to that of Ba'al's... And I know that Daniel wouldn't know that Cam said that but the writers what the heck?

                          Did they know the old man was Adria or did they only know it was someone working for the Ori? Because Vala is smirking with joy at SG-1 discovering the ruse until Adria is actually revealed. And they don't raise weapons until they see that it's maybe they thought it was a Prior or something? And why why why do they keep putting huge chokers around Adria's neck?? It's got to be the most unflattering thing I've ever seen...*sigh*
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                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            Also, isn't it odd that Tomin didn't travel with Adria? I mean I know it would kind of add another storyline to this episode which might be bad but I just found it odd.
                            Didn't she say in Counterstrike that she's been dividing her time up among the fleet? Tomin is part of a regiment, so unless he's her bodyguard, he can't just leave them to go off with Adria...and she probably can't draft them for every mission she goes on.

                            Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                            I see this ep as a complete team ep and it's a good one. They all stay together (which is kinda rare esp in season 10) and the banter with Adria and Ba'al there as well is great.

                            The bit where Adria reveals herself and points at Vala as the first to die, Daniel immediatly agrees to her terms. Even Cam looks at him with a bit of surprise.
                            I agree, I liked the fact that this was a true team episode. It's nice to see everyone together...makes a pretty picture. Plus, them and their two greatest villains working together is great. It's definitely the best aspect of this episode for me.

                            Wait, does Adria mean Vala or Sam? I always assumed she meant Sam. I guess it's because I never believed Adria would kill her mother...unless there truly was no other option (and even then I'm not so sure she would). But if she was referring to Vala, I like Daniel's protectiveness.

                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            Did they know the old man was Adria or did they only know it was someone working for the Ori? Because Vala is smirking with joy at SG-1 discovering the ruse until Adria is actually revealed. And they don't raise weapons until they see that it's maybe they thought it was a Prior or something? And why why why do they keep putting huge chokers around Adria's neck?? It's got to be the most unflattering thing I've ever seen...*sigh*
                            Um...I'd say they probably just thought it was someone who was in leagues with the Ori soldiers. I think if they knew it was Adria they would have been a little more cautious, and a tad more smart about confronting him/her.


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                              Oh I feel bad for Vala when Cam shoots at Adria, did anyone else see her face? She looked panicked and then shaken up when she saw that the bullets had no effect.

                              I just read your post Toomi where you said Daniel agrees after Adria threatens Vala's life but does she really? I'm pretty sure she's looking at Daniel when she says it whereupon it would make sense that she threatens Vala for the reaction he has (and would make sense because she's addressing him the same way she addressed Vala in Counterstrike when she said she wouldn't kill Daniel). But somehow I can't see her going for Vala first, she doesn't have the animosity toward her that she'll have in Dominion right? And if it was Vala that she treatened, wouldn't the word 'mother' have come up in the threat?

                              Then again, Daniel does look at Vala when he says "Alright." And it looks like Vala's elbow jerking when Daniel yells at Adria, and Cam does shoot a glance back with Vala in sight so it could be a nod to that...

                              OOOOH nevermind, I just saw that Sam is far to the left of her line of sight so when Adria says "I'll start killing off members of your team" she's talking to Cam and then her eyes shift only slightly to look at Vala and threaten her (again which seems odd though maybe she knew she was attacking the person Daniel most cared for?).

                              I suddenly love this episode a lot more

                              (wait, then why does the camera pan to Sam's semi-distraught face before cutting the scene...I'm so confused)
                              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                                FAVORITE QUOTE:

                                VALA: Hey! We wouldn't dream of trying to steal it!

                                INT—VILLAGE TAVERN

                                VALA: We have to steal it!
                                CARTER: We are not stealing the map!
                                VALA: Nightfall. Sneak in under cover of darkness.
                                DANIEL: Maybe if I can just talk to Osric and convince him that our cause is virtuous.
                                VALA: Oh, that's brilliant. And while you're distracting him, the rest of us can steal it.

                                FAVORITE PICTURE/SCENE:

                                Just a nice little beat, and I like Daniel's expressions.

                                Not a scene, but a cute moment.


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