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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RinggoldGate
    One More Recommendation before Bed. It is Vala-centered but plenty of DV. Couldn't find it anywhere to watch so I put it on my YT page.

    Any Other Way

    Goodnight all, Hope to wake up to alot of new video recommendations to check out. Had so much fun.
    Oh, that was a great vid. But if I'm not wrong Briahana25 doesn't want her vids put on YT. I'm remembering reading something like that. But it was a long ago so maybe she changed her opinion now. I dunno, anyway I can give link to her homepage too. This is for Any Other Way.

    Any Other Way

    Night, dear!
    Banner made by Stef

    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


      Okay, well I think that I will head off to bed You might not hear from me for a couple of days...I'm going out of town. I may get on sometime tomorrow before I leave though. Night!


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Ohh, we'll miss you here around, Stef!!
        Come back soon but hope that you'll have a good time out of town
        Banner made by Stef

        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


          Goodnight Stef Hope to see you soon. Love your new J/E banner
          AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! MILENA!!!!!!!!!!!

          Banner by Stef
          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


            G'night Stef - we'll miss you!

            *waves* to Milena and others at the bottom of the screen


              Speaking of random videos, is anyone out there a Sparky fan? I posted a link to 'Almost Here' a very good video for them. Anyway we got any other suggestions for fun videos?

              Banner by Stef
              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                Speaking of random videos, is anyone out there a Sparky fan? I posted a link to 'Almost Here' a very good video for them. Anyway we got any other suggestions for fun videos?
                *raises hand frantically*
                *runs to sparky thread*

                ... *will be back though, since loves this one*



                  *raises hand*

                  Dumb question here... What's Sparky? Is it J/E or J/T or J/R????

                  Sorry, I don't venture into the SGA threads and I think it's one of their names.... not really good at those... BTW, is D/V Vaniel or Dala?


                    Sparky is J/E, Spanky is R/T and Sheyla is J/T. It took me a little while to work that out too don't worry Some people say Dala but I think that we have all universally agreed on Fruitcakes. Correct me if I'm wrong

                    Banner by Stef
                    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                      Oh no, lol, the Dala/DanDoran/Vaniel debate .... hehe

                      Here is a brief summary of the nameness, in true pseudo history geek fashion:

                      From, "Fandom Hearts, a contrived history of internet fansites":
                      On the hottest day of the year in 1999 [possibly a lie], a small, heretical group of SGA fans on the Web 1.75 site 'Livejournal' [possibly a lie], posited the forming of so-called romantic feelings between the fictional characters then Major John Sheppard and Dr. Elizabeth Weir. These 'shippers', feeling that 'Shweir' or 'Johnabeth' were somewhat lacking in dignity, coined the phrase 'Sparky' and 'sparked' (!) debate among the successive waves of fans to flock to their banner about the origin of the name. It was, in fact, utterly random, but the reasons suggested in retrospect give insight into the mind of that strange fan, the 'shipper'. This same group of trend-setters also defined the name 'Spanky' in relation to Teyla Emmagan and Ronon Dex.

                      A further naming debate is the that who gravitate towards the original series, Stargate SG-1. Whilst Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill shippers have been content with 'Sam/Jack' or SJ for almost a decade, many believe that Dr. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran should be christened 'Dala', 'DanDoran' or 'Vaniel'. As with all situations, each term carries a specific meaning. 'Vaniel', given its vampiric tendencies and acoustically unpleasant nature, is used by so-called 'anti-shippers' with vicious glee. 'Dala' and 'DanDoran' stand equally among the 'shippers' as possibilities. No final decision or referendum has been taken, with many preferring the labour-light 'DV'.

                      A second edition will include - Rodney McKay's citrus allergy, the epistemological meaning thereof, and the significance of jello colours in Stargate SG-1.

                      - A. Bored-Historian, ten minutes ago.


                        LMAO That's fantastic Kales.

                        Banner by Stef
                        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                          Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                          LMAO That's fantastic Kales.
                          thanks I figure it makes up for the reading I'm meant to be doing


                            Originally posted by Kales View Post
                            Oh no, lol, the Dala/DanDoran/Vaniel debate .... hehe

                            Here is a brief summary of the nameness, in true pseudo history geek fashion:

                            From, "Fandom Hearts, a contrived history of internet fansites":
                            On the hottest day of the year in 1999 [possibly a lie], a small, heretical group of SGA fans on the Web 1.75 site 'Livejournal' [possibly a lie], posited the forming of so-called romantic feelings between the fictional characters then Major John Sheppard and Dr. Elizabeth Weir. These 'shippers', feeling that 'Shweir' or 'Johnabeth' were somewhat lacking in dignity, coined the phrase 'Sparky' and 'sparked' (!) debate among the successive waves of fans to flock to their banner about the origin of the name. It was, in fact, utterly random, but the reasons suggested in retrospect give insight into the mind of that strange fan, the 'shipper'. This same group of trend-setters also defined the name 'Spanky' in relation to Teyla Emmagan and Ronon Dex.

                            A further naming debate is the that who gravitate towards the original series, Stargate SG-1. Whilst Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill shippers have been content with 'Sam/Jack' or SJ for almost a decade, many believe that Dr. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran should be christened 'Dala', 'DanDoran' or 'Vaniel'. As with all situations, each term carries a specific meaning. 'Vaniel', given its vampiric tendencies and acoustically unpleasant nature, is used by so-called 'anti-shippers' with vicious glee. 'Dala' and 'DanDoran' stand equally among the 'shippers' as possibilities. No final decision or referendum has been taken, with many preferring the labour-light 'DV'.

                            A second edition will include - Rodney McKay's citrus allergy, the epistemological meaning thereof, and the significance of jello colours in Stargate SG-1.

                            - A. Bored-Historian, ten minutes ago.
                            Wow, I was waaay off on the J/R thing... probably good thing I"m not a

                            DanDoran, that's one I"ve never heard before. I like D/V or Fruiticakes better. lol

                            Kales, that was hilarious and I'm eagerly awaiting V2 which will explain the significance of jello.


                              Ooh, I quite like Fruitcakes

                              Or maybe we should just call them LTS and be done with it?


                                THis is waaayy OT but we are on a roll so I found this as a blooper from the season one episode Solitude, this is AT speaking towards RDA, they're trying to figure out a way to power the stargate (in Antartica though they don't know it):

                                "What? You spent seven years on MacGyver and you can't figure this one out? We got belt buckles and shoelaces and a piece of gum. Build a Nuclear Reactor for crying out loud. You used to my MacGyver, McGadget, McGimmick... Now you're Mr. McUseless... Dear God! I'm stuck on a glacier with MacGyver!!!"

                                Banner by Stef
                                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2

