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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    During the wedding scene, didn't they say that RDA shouted "WE'RE GAY!" in out of the outtakes?

    Edit: Kales! *hugs*
    Haven't seen you in a while, moving can definitely be a pain..
    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

    Sig by Odakota_Rose


      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Wait, what about season 9?? Didn't they have the same one they have in season 10 (or did they not have that in the original airing, only adding it for the DVDs and syndication?).

      I thought it was Levant/Lavant. *shrugs* I actually liked this bit, I thought it was funny. It shows that MS was a good sport if he was okay with them including this because it's a pretty direct aim at his exit/return

      Okay, so the minute someone brought up Daniel as the lion meaning something more than the surface, it all clicked. Maybe we're reading too much into this (maybe they just flipped a coin to see who would be who) but I like very much the idea that Vala puts Daniel in the Cowardly Lion role because he's so afraid of opening up and falling in love again. Or more likely, Mitchell's the leader so they can't have him be a coward, and Teal'c is the most stoic so he'd obviously be the Tin that just leaves Daniel with the Lion (or Toto). Still, I like the "deeper meaning" of the scene.

      I'm pretty sure it was season 9 and when it aired here in Canada it had the five second music thingy and then straight into commercials. During the first scene all the actors credits came up with everyone else. It lasted about 5 episodes I think before they canned it. On the DVD's they had all of them with the full credit sequence. Think it might've been TPTB trying to squeeze in a few extra minutes of story but it didn't go down too well.

      Yeah, I figured I was reading way to much into that bit but not watching this ep before from a D/V prespective I didn't think anything of it at the time. Tonight was the first time I thought of that. Now, it really probably is just a coin flip, or perhaps even based on the painting made by that fan all those years ago. I chose to go crazy and psychoanalyze it Just thinking as if it was real and that was Vala's prespective... Yeah, I'm crazy...


        KAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, how you've been missed!!

        I can't wait to read your new stuff


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          Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
          Lol.. How's BF coming along?
          *blinky* Say what now? Just kidding I actually have 7 pages written, just three more and it's done

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          I feel like I've gone a little OT with some of my comments...let's see, how can I relate it all back to D/V??

          Since they teased us with the idea of a D/V wedding, let's all try to imagine an actual wedding between the two. Do you think it would be a big, extravagant event, something similar to the one we saw-small and intimate, or just the two of them and a couple of witnesses on a beach somewhere (or in Vega)...or something else? Time for some conjectures!!

          Ohh Stef you made my brain blow up imagining that! Now I think that although Vala has her more down-to-earth sides, her party side would totally trump all others with the idea of having her closest friends celebrate her marrying the love of her life (yes I said it, I've crossed over to the cheezy side and I like it ). So I think she'd want at LEAST a great reception but Daniel is not the type for big huzzah's so he'd probably try to talk her into something smaller and shorter than whatever she'd have planned. Then it would come down to a battle of wills...that Vala would undoubtedly win because she knows just the right buttons to push So big wedding it is! IMHO of course

          Originally posted by Toomi View Post
          For green giving, you have to give it to 10-15 people before you can re-green someone. Best way to do it if you haven't been able to green for a while or if you don't go to many many threads and green tons of people all the time is to head to the Free Green thread in I believe off topic. You don't even have to post, just donate some green to several posters and leave. Then try again. But don't do too much otherwise you'll run out and be banned for 24 hours.

          *drools at the thought*
          Ah HA! Beautiful!! I'll try to do that! Thanks for the tip Toomi!!
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            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
            Ohh Stef you made my brain blow up imagining that! Now I think that although Vala has her more down-to-earth sides, her party side would totally trump all others with the idea of having her closest friends celebrate her marrying the love of her life (yes I said it, I've crossed over to the cheezy side and I like it ). So I think she'd want at LEAST a great reception but Daniel is not the type for big huzzah's so he'd probably try to talk her into something smaller and shorter than whatever she'd have planned. Then it would come down to a battle of wills...that Vala would undoubtedly win because she knows just the right buttons to push So big wedding it is! IMHO of course
            That is such a dead-on assessment of how it would go. I see Vala wanting a fairy princess, beautiful, extravagant wedding and then Daniel kind of counter offers a smaller one. It would probably be a bit of a back and forth...hilarity would ensue, Vala would have a wild bachelorette party with male strippers, Mitchell would try to get Daniel to loosen up while Jack would rib him about the old ball and chain, and Vala would inevitably get wasted with Sam. Oh wait, we're talking about the wedding? Um...I see it a little bit bigger than the J/S one but more...romantic, because Vala's a romantic at heart (at least I think so)...and I think Daniel would want to give her the wedding she's dreamed about (to an extent).


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              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              That is such a dead-on assessment of how it would go. I see Vala wanting a fairy princess, beautiful, extravagant wedding and then Daniel kind of counter offers a smaller one. It would probably be a bit of a back and forth...hilarity would ensue, Vala would have a wild bachelorette party with male strippers, Mitchell would try to get Daniel to loosen up while Jack would rib him about the old ball and chain, and Vala would inevitably get wasted with Sam. Oh wait, we're talking about the wedding? Um...I see it a little bit bigger than the J/S one but more...romantic, because Vala's a romantic at heart (at least I think so)...and I think Daniel would want to give her the wedding she's dreamed about (to an extent).

              Honestly! That's exactly what I was thinking, I just blabbed around it more Daniel would definitely want to give her this day (to an extent like you said) because he's often...he has, on occasion, pointed out how she's lived along so long and he knows she hasn't had a great life. And Vala would definitely personalize everything to them, at least I think she would. She has so many different cultural backgrounds that I doubt she has a standard 'wedding' idea. She'd go with the North American/European wedding style because she really wants to fit in and become one of them but she'd fine tune all the details to reflect herself and Daniel (to a lesser extent ).

              I don't know about the male strippers though...if she was holding a bachelorette party for Sam I've no doubt she'd go for them but for herself? I dunno...*ponders*
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                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                Honestly! That's exactly what I was thinking, I just blabbed around it more Daniel would definitely want to give her this day (to an extent like you said) because he's often...he has, on occasion, pointed out how she's lived along so long and he knows she hasn't had a great life. And Vala would definitely personalize everything to them, at least I think she would. She has so many different cultural backgrounds that I doubt she has a standard 'wedding' idea. She'd go with the North American/European wedding style because she really wants to fit in and become one of them but she'd fine tune all the details to reflect herself and Daniel (to a lesser extent ).
                Yeah, I also think that Daniel really would be a sweetheart about it. He might bicker with her about it, might haggle with her, get frustrated by her, but I think he would still want her to be happy. I just picture him in the Christmas scene, how sweet and attentive he was towards her there...looking like he really enjoyed giving her things, seeing her happy Maybe I'm just being a gooey, sentimental weirdo right now...but that's what I envision.

                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                I don't know about the male strippers though...if she was holding a bachelorette party for Sam I've no doubt she'd go for them but for herself? I dunno...*ponders*
                Oh, I'm assuming that SHE will call and order them...not Sam. I'm picturing Sam throwing this really classy, girly party and then suddenly some cops show up...but they're not really cops...I'm getting too caught up in my own fantasies now Seriously though, I think Vala would be curious. I mean, men dressed up in various outfits taking off their clothes for her? She's got to immerse herself in the local offerings, after all


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                  For the wedding, I'm thinking on the Gate like Jack's promotion ceromony, of Sam's or Janet's funeral. And the IOA and SGC would invite the remains of our Allies to party. (as part of good diplomatic relations)
                  thanks Stef

                  Thanks Wendy


                    Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                    For the wedding, I'm thinking on the Gate like Jack's promotion ceromony, of Sam's or Janet's funeral. And the IOA and SGC would invite the remains of our Allies to party. (as part of good diplomatic relations)
                    Really? Hmmm...I guess I'm a romantic because I always picture it somewhere else. I mean, Vala spends 90% of her time on the base, I guess I just assume that she'd want to get out of there when given the chance. Of course, at that point she would probably either be living with Daniel or getting ready to live with Daniel.


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                      Okay have caught up and just want to sat I LOVE 200! Got to be one of the funniest episodes I've seen in ages.

                      Okay random quotes:

                      Daniel: Who makes a movie out a series that lasted three episodes?
                      Tealc: It allegedly preformed well on DVD

                      Sam: Sir are you there?
                      Jack: .....No

                      Cam: Can you reverse the...polarity?
                      Sam: I'll do my best *blink* *blink*

                      Daniel: Okay one that's star trek and two its ridiculous.

                      Absolutely love the nod to serenity/firefly. Also the invisible Jack and his entry in the episode. Wizard of Oz and Farscape was hysterically funny as was the teen SG1. Love the whole scene with Cameron and Jack as his Dad very funny. Of course i love the wedding and little throw to J/D slashers. I've seen an interview with MS talking about Jack and Daniel and their relationship and how much chemistry they had. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Also the whole ending scene was nice
                      Thought that the puppet but went for too long though. About my only complaint in this whole most excellent episode.

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                      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Really? Hmmm...I guess I'm a romantic because I always picture it somewhere else. I mean, Vala spends 90% of her time on the base, I guess I just assume that she'd want to get out of there when given the chance. Of course, at that point she would probably either be living with Daniel or getting ready to live with Daniel.

                        I have to agree. I think a lot of ceremonies should be held at the SGC because it's such a 'large family' environment so it adds to whatever's being celebrated but I'm not sure it'd make a great place for a wedding, it's too gray Maybe on the mountain surface? Forest wedding? I have to say I couldn't see them getting married at Town Hall, or in a church, or on the beach, or in the forest actually I see a garden, indoors or outdoors...yep that's what I see I'll have to think about the have no idea how badly I want to write this all down in fic format

                        EDIT: I realized why the SGC setting bothered me! It's because the ceremonies that were held there (promotions and funerals) were directional related to the Stargate Program itself. Janet gave her life on a mission through the Gate so it's appropriate and Sam and Jack were promoted for their actions in missions or discoveries revolving around the stargate. A D/V wedding on the other hand...though Daniel found Vala on a mission through the gate, I associate the SGC more with a 'work' environment than a 'how we met' reminder. That's just my opinion though.
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                          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                          I have to agree. I think a lot of ceremonies should be held at the SGC because it's such a 'large family' environment so it adds to whatever's being celebrated but I'm not sure it'd make a great place for a wedding, it's too gray Maybe on the mountain surface? Forest wedding? I have to say I couldn't see them getting married at Town Hall, or in a church, or on the beach, or in the forest actually I see a garden, indoors or outdoors...yep that's what I see I'll have to think about the have no idea how badly I want to write this all down in fic format
                          ITA. While I think Daniel might be okay with the SGC, I don't see that for Vala. But I'm also in an insanely romantic mood right now after watching The Painted Veil. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. It's been a loooong time since I've been swept away by a period piece (aside from ones based on Jane Austen ). But back to the topic, yes, I think a garden or somewhere outdoors (not a forest or beach, I agree) would be perfect for them. Someone wrote a fic a little while back that I loved where Daniel takes Vala to...Greece, I think, and they get married there. It was beautifully done Wow...I need to stop getting so sentimental. Darn movie and Edward Norton!


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                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            ITA. While I think Daniel might be okay with the SGC, I don't see that for Vala. But I'm also in an insanely romantic mood right now after watching The Painted Veil. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. It's been a loooong time since I've been swept away by a period piece (aside from ones based on Jane Austen ). But back to the topic, yes, I think a garden or somewhere outdoors (not a forest or beach, I agree) would be perfect for them. Someone wrote a fic a little while back that I loved where Daniel takes Vala to...Greece, I think, and they get married there. It was beautifully done Wow...I need to stop getting so sentimental. Darn movie and Edward Norton!

                            I think I read that fic too, I remember thinking it actually wasn't cheesy, it surprised me

                            Hey btw's that fic coming along?
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                              I'd love a garden wedding and honestly even though Vala's exuberant I think she'd be happy for a small wedding. Besides she doesn't know that many people. Bet that she'd go shopping with Sam for her wedding night outfit lol. All in all I picture simple but elegant traditional wedding. Though the reception would be a huge party

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                              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                                Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                                I'd love a garden wedding and honestly even though Vala's exuberant I think she'd be happy for a small wedding. Besides she doesn't know that many people. Bet that she'd go shopping with Sam for her wedding night outfit lol. All in all I picture simple but elegant traditional wedding. Though the reception would be a huge party
                                Okay, I realized I'm offering myself up for the Lamest Fan of the Year award but my bus passes by two wedding dress stores on my way to Uni so I've actually been pondering on Vala's gown for...oh...say a year? The first store had a dress that was off-white, body fitting but with little details that just screamed Vala

                                I'll go bury myself somewhere now
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