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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Oh, and throughout the episode I'll be looking for the Vala's reaction to Ba'al and vice versa, pretty much just for personal curiosity since I'm not sure it has much to do with D/V, more to do with Vala's personal development but I used their 'relationship' big time in both Being Found and Misappropriation of Lives so I'd like to see if my assumptions were actually valid A little late to be checking yes...but it'll serve for the future no doubt
    What are you looking for specifically?

    I like those two together, some potentially steamy nights Notice that he does give her a lot of looks..some that seem to suggest he's checking her out. So, I guess her "seduction" makes sense...maybe she knows their history (remember that Ba'al is the goa'uld in conflict with Qetesh in TPTB play the villagers put on) and can tell he's still into her . Am I the only one who wanted to see some serious action on that table?? *fans self at prospect* Just imagine Daniel's jealousy when he saw that tape

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    And another thing! (sorry for rambling) Why isn't CB walking up the ramp with them at the end of the credit sequence yet??? She's in the main credits and I know she walks through it toward the end of the season with Daniel...does anyone know which episode they started that in?
    My guess is because she's not a full-fledged member yet. Notice that they only put her in there after MM...when she gets her badges. It bugged me for awhile, but I suppose it makes some sense.


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      Huh...starting to get worried now...I know Vala and Ba'al (*sigh and swoon over CS btw*) have a more personal scene later when she tries to trick him but so far she seems very comfortable in his presence and he doesn't look at her any differently than he does the rest of the team...

      LOL...and I just noticed they're all back in the blue BDU's

      Oooooh, so far Favourite Quote:

      Landry: You sure you want to bring her [Vala] along on this one?
      Cameron: Jackson says she'll be usefull, now's her chance to prove it.
      Landry: But Dr. Jackson isn't here and it seems to me he's the only one she ever listens to.

      It's such a pro for the D/V shippers And OT but I love Cam's admission that he doesn't "control" anyone on the team since Sam's the same rank, Teal'c's an alien and Daniel's a just seems nice is all
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        Oh, I definitely think Ba'al looks at her differently...let me try to get some caps.


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          Aaaand they're all back in the green BDU's Geez they must waste a lot of time changing...

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          What are you looking for specifically?

          I like those two together, some potentially steamy nights Notice that he does give her a lot of looks..some that seem to suggest he's checking her out. So, I guess her "seduction" makes sense...maybe she knows their history (remember that Ba'al is the goa'uld in conflict with Qetesh in TPTB play the villagers put on) and can tell he's still into her . Am I the only one who wanted to see some serious action on that table?? *fans self at prospect* Just imagine Daniel's jealousy when he saw that tape

          My guess is because she's not a full-fledged member yet. Notice that they only put her in there after MM...when she gets her badges. It bugged me for awhile, but I suppose it makes some sense.

          That makes sense, we'll have to see if MM's the point of origin for her inclusion in the credit sequence ending

          And I was actually looking for more discomfort on her part and more glee on his because I have to assume that Ba'al would be one of the many gods/guys Qetesh hooked up with (seriously she'd be retarded not to ) but that would mean that Ba'al is one of the gods/guys by whom Vala's body was used without her consent (ie one of the guys involved in her probably long list of rapes (rape by both Qetesh and the guys she slept with))...if that makes any sense. Unless she really repressed all of those memories which I don't believe she did because she recognized him and remembered their times together when she tries to trick him later...

          And how brilliant is Vala at getting them into the mothership?? Genius girl!! Is anyone keeping score of how many times Vala's saved the day or contributed hugely to its saving?

          EDIT: And when Vala whispers "You can thank me later, by the way." Why do Cam and Sam look so annoyed? She seriously came through for them and they should acknowledge that, they'd at least say something like "Good thinking." or "Nice job." to each other for such brilliant planning...*scowls at screen*
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            Okay new Favourite Quotes

            Vala: I guess some Ba'als are bigger than others.

            Cam: Chief, got a full count. Two strikes, three Ba'als. (so lame )
            Walter: Oh ho ho...that's...that's clever, sir.

            Hey, ethical question. I was watching the scene where the geneticist is telling Sam how they took DNA samples from both the hosts and the symbiotes and it hit me...when they have a Goa'uld in captivity, wouldn't they be responsible for freeing the host? I mean we have here a situation where someone is being held prisoner and if SG-1 ran across that in almost any other setting they wouldn't hesitate to help, they obviously don't think twice about removing the symbiote when it's one of their own (Skaa'ra, Sarah Gardner) why haven't they contacted the Tok'ra to free Ba'al's host?
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              Okay, so when they first enter the room, notice that Ba'al pauses before he says Qetesh...and he says it in a very different tone than the rest. She of course makes that little comment about how she always did go by Vala. A small but important character moment I think.

              Anyway, from what I can see during that scene it totally looks like Ba'al is checking her her more interested looks than the others. Maybe it's just the way it's shot though...

              (he is totally not looking at her face!!)

              For her part, like you said, I don't feel like Vala is uncomfortable around him. In some strange way, it almost seems like she's being with him...the way she leans in, the ways she talks, her voice. I don't know, am I the only one who thinks her demeanor here is very different than normal??


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                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                Hey, ethical question. I was watching the scene where the geneticist is telling Sam how they took DNA samples from both the hosts and the symbiotes and it hit me...when they have a Goa'uld in captivity, wouldn't they be responsible for freeing the host? I mean we have here a situation where someone is being held prisoner and if SG-1 ran across that in almost any other setting they wouldn't hesitate to help, they obviously don't think twice about removing the symbiote when it's one of their own (Skaa'ra, Sarah Gardner) why haven't they contacted the Tok'ra to free Ba'al's host?
                In this case it's probably because the clones are suspicious and they have information that the SGC needs. I'm imagining that they are under a lot of pressure from higher up, and this isn't really the same kind of scenario as the others. They're not only dealing with Ba'al but also with clones.


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                  Originally posted by Stef View Post

                  (he is totally not looking at her face!!)

                  For her part, like you said, I don't feel like Vala is uncomfortable around him. In some strange way, it almost seems like she's being with him...the way she leans in, the ways she talks, her voice. I don't know, am I the only one who thinks her demeanor here is very different than normal??

                  Oh no he definitely was not looking at her face and I was thinking the exact same thing! She did seem different, especially the obvious leaning in...

                  But now I'm pissed...I wish I had a *Vala is infuriated* icon...

                  I just saw Vala's scene with Ba'al where she tries to trick him and here I definitely see her feeling uncomfortable. Her sexy smile doesn't go full blast and there a point where she even looks like she's shaking a tiny bit...maybe because now she's in a room alone with him? BUT, my dear friends, BUT where the hell were the guys when Ba'al started getting physical? She even had to slap him away and then she grabbed her throat and Landry was just f****ing watching from a screen and then he turned away!! (Sorry for the language I'm just more than slightly irked) I'm hoping that it was a recorded interrogation and he was watching it wayyyyy after the fact because holy hell!! She might not be his favourite person but she was seriously in danger there, Ba'al has superior strength and no moral...

                  *cleansing sigh*

                  I agree that I'd love to write/read a fic about Daniel watching that...oooh actually that might work well in the sequel I'm thinking of...

                  And I agree Stef, this is definitely a different situation because they're clones and because they need information, I was just thinking in general terms, they must have had other Goa'ulds in captivity before right? Or maybe not, and it wouldn't be right for them to attack the ones they invited to the SGC for truce talks and treaties...
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                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    Oh no he definitely was not looking at her face and I was thinking the exact same thing! She did seem different, especially the obvious leaning in...

                    I just saw Vala's scene with Ba'al where she tries to trick him and here I definitely see her feeling uncomfortable. Her sexy smile doesn't go full blast and there a point where she even looks like she's shaking a tiny bit...maybe because now she's in a room alone with him? BUT, my dear friends, BUT where the hell were the guys when Ba'al started getting physical? She even had to slap him away and then she grabbed her throat and Landry was just f****ing watching from a screen and then he turned away!! (Sorry for the language I'm just more than slightly irked) I'm hoping that it was a recorded interrogation and he was watching it wayyyyy after the fact because holy hell!! She might not be his favourite person but she was seriously in danger there, Ba'al has superior strength and no moral...
                    Yes, I think Vala is uncomfortable more in that situation than in the group setting. I think it's partly because she's trying to trick him but also because she does have a history with him, so it may have drudged up some memories or reminded her of her years as host to Qetesh. On a side note, apparently CB had a lot of problems with this scene...director said she was really uncomfortable with it (he also said she pulled it off beautifully).

                    As for Landry watching, I can only assume that it happened so quickly and he never actually hurts Landry didn't do anything about it. I mean, he really just pushes her on the desk (Landry could be assuming that she's still in control and doesn't want to blow her cover). Only after she slaps him and he grabs her neck would I have expected Landry to step in. But it was a pretty brief moment, and Ba'al does move away from her...I think if he had kept his hand on her neck any longer or had tried to do anything else Landry would have had someone step in.


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                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Yes, I think Vala is uncomfortable more in that situation than in the group setting. I think it's partly because she's trying to trick him but also because she does have a history with him, so it may have drudged up some memories or reminded her of her years as host to Qetesh. On a side note, apparently CB had a lot of problems with this scene...director said she was really uncomfortable with it (he also said she pulled it off beautifully).

                      As for Landry watching, I can only assume that it happened so quickly and he never actually hurts Landry didn't do anything about it. I mean, he really just pushes her on the desk (Landry could be assuming that she's still in control and doesn't want to blow her cover). Only after she slaps him and he grabs her neck would I have expected Landry to step in. But it was a pretty brief moment, and Ba'al does move away from her...I think if he had kept his hand on her neck any longer or had tried to do anything else Landry would have had someone step in.

                      Uncomforable how? And I love how the directors are always complimenting her work

                      And I suppose that Landry's reaction is somewhat justified...very slightly, but I know that if the guys had been watching an interrogation where Sam was in Vala's place and things happened as they did, they would have been out the door and on their way to save her before even having time to see Ba'al back away...and I'm almost positive that even at this point in their relationship, Daniel would have rushed head first into that room the moment Ba'al laid a hand on her.

                      <-- I just felt there was too much negativity in my comments (though I stand by them), my post needed some cheering up

                      All in all, I think this was a great episode for Vala in relation to the team (even though they didn't acknowledge any of her contributions), but she was still pretty serious throughout. She had two small moments of playfulness (one in the first meeting where she leans over to Mitchell to say they need to try to get the other Ba'als; the second when she's trying to pull down Teal'c's arm (yes I have officially forgotten all terminology ) after the interrogations) so I'm starting to wonder where exactly I got the overall impression that Vala was a bouncing and flirting ball of must come later, still 16 episodes to go

                      EDIT: Ah ah!! Arm wrestling...that's the term I'd forgotten...yes my brain is a sad mush of nothingness

                      And with this I'll shut up now
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                        Okay, time for my favorites:

                        FAVORITE SCENE:

                        Vala tries to trick Ba'al. It's a slightly disturbing, yet strangely hot scene. Maybe it's because I'm attracted to danger in Ba'al or maybe it's because I'm interested in the history between Qetesh and Ba'al, but this scene was very interesting to me...and remains to be the most memorable part of the episode.

                        FAVORITE PICTURE:



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                          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                          Uncomforable how? And I love how the directors are always complimenting her work
                          I can't remember exactly. He just said how she struggled with it, wasn't comfortable with the scene. It's on the Insiders commentary, I'll have to go back and listen to what he says again.

                          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                          And I suppose that Landry's reaction is somewhat justified...very slightly, but I know that if the guys had been watching an interrogation where Sam was in Vala's place and things happened as they did, they would have been out the door and on their way to save her before even having time to see Ba'al back away...and I'm almost positive that even at this point in their relationship, Daniel would have rushed head first into that room the moment Ba'al laid a hand on her.
                          That is true, I can see Daniel rushing in there. On the other hand, I don't think he would have approved of Vala's "seduction" plan in the first place. The saving grace for me in this scene in terms of Landry is that Vala probable already discussed this idea with him before she ever went they knew it would be a tricky situation. I can hear Vala convincing the team that she could handle him, that they just needed to trust her and give her plan a chance. If that were the case, Landry would be hesitant to rush in there at the first sign of trouble. As for Sam/Cam/Teal'c, I think all three would be sufficiently POd about the whole ordeal if they had been watching it...but I'm not quite so sure they would have run down there ASAP unless it had progressed beyond what it did. Just my take though.

                          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                          All in all, I think this was a great episode for Vala in relation to the team (even though they didn't acknowledge any of her contributions), but she was still pretty serious throughout. She had two small moments of playfulness (one in the first meeting where she leans over to Mitchell to say they need to try to get the other Ba'als; the second when she's trying to pull down Teal'c's arm (yes I have officially forgotten all terminology ) after the interrogations) so I'm starting to wonder where exactly I got the overall impression that Vala was a bouncing and flirting ball of must come later, still 16 episodes to go
                          I agree. I think this was a good episode in showing that Vala could be a productive part of the team, and that she could interact with everyone outside of Daniel. Although I would have liked to have seen the team give Vala more credit for her ingenuity in getting aboard the ship, they did allow her to "interrogate" Ba'al which displays some trust in her. They also considered her theory about what Ba'al was planning on doing with the gates. Sam seemed especially receptive to her theory. Those two had some nice little beats throughout the episode...and at least Cam wanted her to come with. He was offering her up a chance to prove herself which suggests that he does want her on the team as long as she contributes something.

                          Oh, forgot my FAVORITE QUOTE:

                          VALA: How do I look?
                          CAM: Turn around. Yeah, you look great.
                          VALA: (pointing to Teal'c) A little more enthusiasm from you next time!

                          He He, I thought that was cute.


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                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            That is true, I can see Daniel rushing in there. On the other hand, I don't think he would have approved of Vala's "seduction" plan in the first place. The saving grace for me in this scene in terms of Landry is that Vala probable already discussed this idea with him before she ever went they knew it would be a tricky situation. I can hear Vala convincing the team that she could handle him, that they just needed to trust her and give her plan a chance. If that were the case, Landry would be hesitant to rush in there at the first sign of trouble. As for Sam/Cam/Teal'c, I think all three would be sufficiently POd about the whole ordeal if they had been watching it...but I'm not quite so sure they would have run down there ASAP unless it had progressed beyond what it did. Just my take though.

                            I agree. I think this was a good episode in showing that Vala could be a productive part of the team, and that she could interact with everyone outside of Daniel. Although I would have liked to have seen the team give Vala more credit for her ingenuity in getting aboard the ship, they did allow her to "interrogate" Ba'al which displays some trust in her. They also considered her theory about what Ba'al was planning on doing with the gates. Sam seemed especially receptive to her theory. Those two had some nice little beats throughout the episode...and at least Cam wanted her to come with. He was offering her up a chance to prove herself which suggests that he does want her on the team as long as she contributes something.

                            Oh, forgot my FAVORITE QUOTE:

                            VALA: How do I look?
                            CAM: Turn around. Yeah, you look great.
                            VALA: (pointing to Teal'c) A little more enthusiasm from you next time!

                            He He, I thought that was cute.

                            Ooh definitely, I love that little add-in she directed to Teal'c This was actually a good Vala/Teal'c episode too with their two little moments Yay V/T'c frienship!!

                            And I can see your point about Daniel having a problem with the idea of Vala trying to seduce Ba'al but the way I see that scene, since it's the last interrogation scene and from the little exchange between Landry and Barrett, I see it as being a last ditch effort. Like they weren't happy with it but they were desperate (especially with the NID pushing them) to get Ba'al talking so, if Daniel were there, I'm sure he would have sighed and frowned but he wouldn't have protested that much so late in the game and with so much at stake.

                            And I agree, also a great Sam/Vala episode in the small, subtle moments.

                            EDIT: And wow Stef, you have any idea why we're all by our lonesome here tonight? Not that you aren't fabulous company but I see the others are online but staying silent...c'mon know you wanna share your thoughts with the rest of the class
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                              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                              Ooh definitely, I love that little add-in she directed to Teal'c This was actually a good Vala/Teal'c episode too with their two little moments Yay V/T'c frienship!!

                              And I can see your point about Daniel having a problem with the idea of Vala trying to seduce Ba'al but the way I see that scene, since it's the last interrogation scene and from the little exchange between Landry and Barrett, I see it as being a last ditch effort. Like they weren't happy with it but they were desperate (especially with the NID pushing them) to get Ba'al talking so, if Daniel were there, I'm sure he would have sighed and frowned but he wouldn't have protested that much so late in the game and with so much at stake.

                              And I agree, also a great Sam/Vala episode in the small, subtle moments.

                              EDIT: And wow Stef, you have any idea why we're all by our lonesome here tonight? Not that you aren't fabulous company but I see the others are online but staying silent...c'mon know you wanna share your thoughts with the rest of the class
                              True. I guess I kind of always imagined that since the rest of the team wasn't there watching, and Landry was watching all of those monitors, that everyone was doing their own thing at the the same time. But you're right, it might have been a last ditch effort. I guess that I'm just a little more optimistic about things There are a few moments in the episode that I'm not too keen on so I choose to ignore those and focus on what I do like. Makes the episodes more enjoyable...but it also may give me a skewed perspective.

                              Yeah, the S/V were really just subtle moments. I really liked how Sam spoke up and told Ba'al that she goes by Vala now. I know it's not a big thing, but I thought it was a nice moment that showed that at least Sam cared about Vala, and didn't appreciate her being called someone she's not.

                              Yeah, I don't know what's with the silence from everyone else. I see you viewing down there!! Come on, join in the fun!!


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                                Hey Milena, hey Stef
                                I don't have this episode, I'm trying to get ahold of it now, so I've been lurking in the meantime. I haven't seen this episode since it's original airing in the US..
                                Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                                Sig by Odakota_Rose

