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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by mad_gater
    LOL...and all the churches in shippertown are ringing their bells in celebration, chanting whatever "we have ship" is in liturgical latin....

    I would say it's "habemus relationem amoris", but though I'm pretty sure that "relatio" is a noun of third declension, I'm not sure if "amor" has to be in genitive here, so no guarantee!!!

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, I suck in Latin grammar!!! LOL


      Originally posted by shipper hannah
      what was his answer? i cant seem to find anything in the ask joe thread.

      A few pages back, someone quoted it:

      A fan asked JM if there will be any shippy indications in Season 9 and he replied "Maybe. checkout EDM" or something to that effect.


        Originally posted by nell
        Hi Galaxy!!!! Our show to love for Sam and Jack angst and ship is on this Friday night on SciFi's special, 6 favorite episodes, ***2010***. This time I'm taping it and keeping it. The cabin scene needs some serious play/rewind, play/rewind, play/ get the point!!! It needs my complete attention!! Hee, hee!!

        Hi nell!!
        I know! I voted too! (even though I can't watch them)

        The cabin scene...*sigh*. Love the expressions on their faces.
        Especially Jack's, when he comes around the corner and sees Sam.
        He tries so hard to keep a neutral expression and to sound as if he doesn't care, but you can see all the anger, disappointment, frustration, pain, sorrow and LOVE he feels, when he looks at her!
        If that's not an angsty scene, then I don't know what it is!


          Wow, everyday I come on here there are about 6 more pages for me to read…can keep up with it all lol…
          Thank you for all the welcomes ♥

          Tuesday 18th October?? That seems so far away
          Oh well… I hope they continue with the subtleness, with hints here and there. Obviously I want it to end with a confirmation that they are together… but maybe if they do it slowly, and keep it similar to they have done in the past (by that I mean, not forcing it at us; we all know that S/J are not ones for saying how they actually feel ), maybe… even the anti’s will want them to kiss in the end …



            Hey Gang...

            Droping in to say farewell... for a few days at least. Gonna be losing the net for a bit, so I won't be able to come and play for a while...

            In the meantime, I've got a random stupid question...
            Is there anyone out there who could send me a clip of Jack's second appearance in season nine? I missed it, unfortunately, and haven't the time to hunt it down. I'd really really appreciate it, and I'll evensend you a Jack or Sam clone (your choice, of course) as thanks! If you've got it, PM me, or email me outside of GW at [email protected]. Thanxs in advance!

            Sam & Jack ARE Together, and nothin nobody says is gonna convince me otherwise!

            (((((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))))))))))

            I'm gonna miss you guys!
            Love and hot fudge,
            Bren Ren
            My stories!



              Originally posted by majorsal
              i don't think the names are silly really (they're meant in fun), it's just that sam/jack doesn't need a gimmick or hook. we just 'are'.

              if this were some kind of vote, i'd pick to not give ourselves a nickname. we don't 'need' it.
              Seeing as though our options are "Jam" or "Sack" I think that's a wise choice.
              Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                Originally posted by BrenRen
                Hey Gang...

                Droping in to say farewell... for a few days at least. Gonna be losing the net for a bit, so I won't be able to come and play for a while...

                In the meantime, I've got a random stupid question...
                Is there anyone out there who could send me a clip of Jack's second appearance in season nine? I missed it, unfortunately, and haven't the time to hunt it down. I'd really really appreciate it, and I'll evensend you a Jack or Sam clone (your choice, of course) as thanks! If you've got it, PM me, or email me outside of GW at [email protected]. Thanxs in advance!

                Sam & Jack ARE Together, and nothin nobody says is gonna convince me otherwise!

                (((((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))))))))))

                I'm gonna miss you guys!
                We'll miss you too!!!
                Come back soon, BrenRen!


                  Internet Cafe!!! I can't saty away for more than a few days
                  I heard about Hurricane Katrina and I really just wanted to pop in to see how everyone in the US is, I hope you are all ok!!((((((((((((((((HUgs)))))))))))))))))))))))

                  I can't wait to see Ex Deus Machina, Suekay has given me a little spoiler and it sounds good!

                  I've got to go now, Take care everyone

                  @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                  ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                    Internet Cafe!!! I can't saty away for more than a few days
                    I heard about Hurricane Katrina and I really just wanted to pop in to see how everyone in the US is, I hope you are all ok!!((((((((((((((((HUgs)))))))))))))))))))))))

                    I can't wait to see Ex Deus Machina, Suekay has given me a little spoiler and it sounds good!

                    I've got to go now, Take care everyone

                    (((((Sam o Neill)))))

                    Glad you could manage to pop in!

                    I also hope everyone is okay!

                    And for EDM: *squeeeeeeeeeeee*
                    The only word that fits.


                      Originally posted by shipper hannah
                      that's a good choice of episodes...pretty shippy too.. i wish they'd do that over here
                      they did it once but we had to choose between red sky and the fifth man!

                      Wow, big selection! Boring or....more boring.

                      No, actually I like Red Sky! I think it's underrated...shipwise and in general!
                      Jack is hilarious in this episode!

                      I think it's so funny, when he talks to the Agard Council, but he just appears as a hologram to the asgard and it actually looks like he is talking to the wall.
                      Sam and Danny are standing behind him and Jack tries to convince the Asgard to help them and says: "...but we also saved your little grey butts from the Replicators, and now we want your help....."
                      It's so funny how Sam bows her head when he says that and the expression on Daniel's face...and he repeats: "little grey butts?" and Sam says: "Yeah..." So funny!

                      Plus, there is A LOT of cute Jack and Sam banter!!!

                      For example:

                      Daniel: Okay, what was that?

                      Jack: Carter?

                      Sam: I don't know, Sir. Margin of error in calculating planetary shift used to cause the rough ride, but we fixed it.

                      Jack: Carter!?! (poor Jack, he is so confused )

                      or this:

                      Jack: Carter? What just happened?

                      Sam: Some sort of shift in the light frequency.

                      Jack: Good. I thought I was having a stroke.

                      and later at the end of the ep, when the sun returns to normal:

                      Jack: (touching Sam's arm) Am I having a stroke? (Sam shakes her head)


                      and this scene:

                      Sam: Sir, I've been thinking.

                      Jack: I'd be SHOCKED if you EVER stopped, Carter!

                      or this:

                      Sam: Well, this is all very theoretical, Sir.

                      Jack: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and ... confuse Hammond. (I like it how he emphasises that he has confidence in her. Sweet. )

                      and this:

                      Hammond: I thought the odds of success in this scenario was one in a million, Major?

                      Sam: Yes, Sir. But I now believe we can increase that chance to 1%.(Looks at Hammond, who looks at Jack)

                      Jack: It's your call, General. I only understand about 1% of what she says half the time anyway. (Sam smiles)

                      (if that's not the optimal basis for a marriage! LOL )

                      and the last one:

                      Sam: (lots of techno babble) that the MacClarean stops short of reaching the planet and actually ends up IN their sun.

                      Jack: I thought when something was IN a wormhole, it existed only as ... energy. That you needed another stargate to turn it back into solid matter.
                      (oooooooohhh!!!! LOL )

                      Sam: Actually, you absolutely correct, Sir!

                      Jack: (Seconds later, amazed) I AM?!?

                      Sam: Yes. (smiles) You see? It's the stargate on the other side that actually reintegrates the matter (Jack looks back at Hammond a HUGE grin on his face) into it's pre organized form. (Jack can't stop smiling) Without it the energy in the wormhole would not rematerialize in it's base form. Now, in the case of a person, that would be very bad, but in the case of an element, it shouldn't be a problem.

                      Jack: (still smiling) I was right!

                      Hahahaha He is so proud!
                      I think I have to watch that episode again. It's too funny!


                        Originally posted by galaxy
                        Wow, big selection! Boring or....more boring.

                        No, actually I like Red Sky! I think it's underrated...shipwise and in general!
                        Jack is hilarious in this episode!

                        I think it's so funny, when he talks to the Agard Council, but he just appears as a hologram to the asgard and it actually looks like he is talking to the wall.
                        Sam and Danny are standing behind him and Jack tries to convince the Asgard to help them and says: "...but we also saved your little grey butts from the Replicators, and now we want your help....."
                        It's so funny how Sam bows her head when he says that and the expression on Daniel's face...and he repeats: "little grey butts?" and Sam says: "Yeah..." So funny!

                        Plus, there is A LOT of cute Jack and Sam banter!!!

                        For example:

                        Daniel: Okay, what was that?

                        Jack: Carter?

                        Sam: I don't know, Sir. Margin of error in calculating planetary shift used to cause the rough ride, but we fixed it.

                        Jack: Carter!?! (poor Jack, he is so confused )

                        or this:

                        Jack: Carter? What just happened?

                        Sam: Some sort of shift in the light frequency.

                        Jack: Good. I thought I was having a stroke.

                        and later at the end of the ep, when the sun returns to normal:

                        Jack: (touching Sam's arm) Am I having a stroke? (Sam shakes her head)


                        and this scene:

                        Sam: Sir, I've been thinking.

                        Jack: I'd be SHOCKED if you EVER stopped, Carter!

                        or this:

                        Sam: Well, this is all very theoretical, Sir.

                        Jack: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and ... confuse Hammond. (I like it how he emphasises that he has confidence in her. Sweet. )

                        and this:

                        Hammond: I thought the odds of success in this scenario was one in a million, Major?

                        Sam: Yes, Sir. But I now believe we can increase that chance to 1%.(Looks at Hammond, who looks at Jack)

                        Jack: It's your call, General. I only understand about 1% of what she says half the time anyway. (Sam smiles)

                        (if that's not the optimal basis for a marriage! LOL )

                        and the last one:

                        Sam: (lots of techno babble) that the MacClarean stops short of reaching the planet and actually ends up IN their sun.

                        Jack: I thought when something was IN a wormhole, it existed only as ... energy. That you needed another stargate to turn it back into solid matter.
                        (oooooooohhh!!!! LOL )

                        Sam: Actually, you absolutely correct, Sir!

                        Jack: (Seconds later, amazed) I AM?!?

                        Sam: Yes. (smiles) You see? It's the stargate on the other side that actually reintegrates the matter (Jack looks back at Hammond a HUGE grin on his face) into it's pre organized form. (Jack can't stop smiling) Without it the energy in the wormhole would not rematerialize in it's base form. Now, in the case of a person, that would be very bad, but in the case of an element, it shouldn't be a problem.

                        Jack: (still smiling) I was right!

                        Hahahaha He is so proud!
                        I think I have to watch that episode again. It's too funny!
                        I'm drawing a complete blank on Red Sky. Obviousely I need to go back and watch it again as I have apparently missed quite a bit.

                        Hope everyone is ok for this great Monday following EDM! Ahh...nothing like a great Friday night to make your week sweet.


                          Ok.. this is a little off topic.. but...Sam_o_Neill
                          I checked out the link in your sig.. LOLLL what the hell is the song thing in the background?! ITS GREAT!!



                            Originally posted by smea
                            Ok.. this is a little off topic.. but...Sam_o_Neill
                            I checked out the link in your sig.. LOLLL what the hell is the song thing in the background?! ITS GREAT!!

                            That are TPTB trying to sing!
                            Hilarious, isn't it?
                            Since I've heard it for the first time, I can't watch the (old) intro anymore without singing their lyrics...they are nuts!


                              Originally posted by galaxy
                              Wow, big selection! Boring or....more boring.

                              No, actually I like Red Sky! I think it's underrated...shipwise and in general!
                              Jack is hilarious in this episode!

                              I think it's so funny, when he talks to the Agard Council, but he just appears as a hologram to the asgard and it actually looks like he is talking to the wall.
                              Sam and Danny are standing behind him and Jack tries to convince the Asgard to help them and says: "...but we also saved your little grey butts from the Replicators, and now we want your help....."
                              It's so funny how Sam bows her head when he says that and the expression on Daniel's face...and he repeats: "little grey butts?" and Sam says: "Yeah..." So funny!

                              Plus, there is A LOT of cute Jack and Sam banter!!!

                              For example:

                              Daniel: Okay, what was that?

                              Jack: Carter?

                              Sam: I don't know, Sir. Margin of error in calculating planetary shift used to cause the rough ride, but we fixed it.

                              Jack: Carter!?! (poor Jack, he is so confused )

                              or this:

                              Jack: Carter? What just happened?

                              Sam: Some sort of shift in the light frequency.

                              Jack: Good. I thought I was having a stroke.

                              and later at the end of the ep, when the sun returns to normal:

                              Jack: (touching Sam's arm) Am I having a stroke? (Sam shakes her head)


                              and this scene:

                              Sam: Sir, I've been thinking.

                              Jack: I'd be SHOCKED if you EVER stopped, Carter!

                              or this:

                              Sam: Well, this is all very theoretical, Sir.

                              Jack: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and ... confuse Hammond. (I like it how he emphasises that he has confidence in her. Sweet. )

                              and this:

                              Hammond: I thought the odds of success in this scenario was one in a million, Major?

                              Sam: Yes, Sir. But I now believe we can increase that chance to 1%.(Looks at Hammond, who looks at Jack)

                              Jack: It's your call, General. I only understand about 1% of what she says half the time anyway. (Sam smiles)

                              (if that's not the optimal basis for a marriage! LOL )

                              and the last one:

                              Sam: (lots of techno babble) that the MacClarean stops short of reaching the planet and actually ends up IN their sun.

                              Jack: I thought when something was IN a wormhole, it existed only as ... energy. That you needed another stargate to turn it back into solid matter.
                              (oooooooohhh!!!! LOL )

                              Sam: Actually, you absolutely correct, Sir!

                              Jack: (Seconds later, amazed) I AM?!?

                              Sam: Yes. (smiles) You see? It's the stargate on the other side that actually reintegrates the matter (Jack looks back at Hammond a HUGE grin on his face) into it's pre organized form. (Jack can't stop smiling) Without it the energy in the wormhole would not rematerialize in it's base form. Now, in the case of a person, that would be very bad, but in the case of an element, it shouldn't be a problem.

                              Jack: (still smiling) I was right!

                              Hahahaha He is so proud!
                              I think I have to watch that episode again. It's too funny!
                              I really love that last bit. I think it has to be one of my all-time favourite SG moments (of which there are loads and 99% are shippy!)
                              always and forever
                              My LJ
                              My History Website


                                Originally posted by galaxy
                                That are TPTB trying to sing!
                                Hilarious, isn't it?
                                Since I've heard it for the first time, I can't watch the (old) intro anymore without singing their lyrics...they are nuts!
                                Oh yes, I came across that by accident. I was nearly crying with laughter!! My husband was most concerned about my mental health!
                                always and forever
                                My LJ
                                My History Website

