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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Touch #33

    At first it’s just a frantic grabbing and holding her close so she won’t cry out and give away their position, but then Jack continues to hold Sam, and she him, as their bodies press together. It’s almost as if the heightened sensations triggered by the devices go beyond mere memories.


      Touch #34

      When Jack is zatted, Sam goes to him (while Daniel just stands there) lays her palm against his chest and holds it there. It’s like she’s trying to help him through the pain. Throughout the years they will be one another’s strength.


        Touch #35

        Sam places her hand on Jack’s chest (she really likes doing that, and who wouldn’t?) as the pod first opens to make that connection. It is clearly a loving touch of comfort and security. Then she reassures herself that he is not possessed by a goa’uld by gently cradling his head very reminiscent of how Jack caresses Sam’s head when she was possessed by Jolinar.


          Touch #36

          Jack pulls Sam up with great force and holds tight as he looks her over. There is a desperate sort of fear in the way he clutches her shirtsleeves in his fists as Sam places her hands on his arms like a lifeline.


            Touch #37

            Jack pulls Sam to him and clasps her tightly. He almost looks like he’s trying to hold in his emotions. Sam returns the hug fully. Then it loosens slightly, but they remain locked in one another’s arms for a very loooooong time.


              Touch #38

              Even after they pull apart from the hug they remain connected. Jack holds Sam’s shoulders with Sam’s hands encircling his biceps. They don’t even let go when the Tok’ra speaks to them, as if the touch is both necessary and unconscious. They remain connected even as they stand and only release one another when they are back on their feet and back to the mission.


                Touch #39

                After killing Seth Sam brushes past Jack, bumping his shoulder. She doesn’t even look at him, and she’s not in the mood for his quips. It leaves them both a little off balance. Sam was horrified by what she had done and she needed empathy and support, but didn’t get it from Jack who was a little stunned himself. Was the shoulder bump a subconscious smack for being so terrible at the emotional stuff?


                  Touch #40

                  Jack pinning the oak leaves on Sam’s shoulder and then shaking her hand is a professional touch, but looking at their faces there are definitely personal overtones of genuine respect and friendship.


                    Touch #41

                    When Jack finds Carter passed out he first checks for a pulse, but does not remove his hand even after she wakes. These two do not touch often and when they do it is both subtle and sustained, much like their relationship over the years.


                      Touch #42

                      At first Jack is fanning Sam gently to try and wake her from a faint but he gets impatient and abruptly grabs her face and taps her cheek. When she wakes he continues to rest a hand on her arm. This is so much like Jack. He can be kind and gentle; he can also be impatient and abrupt. But once he’s made a connection he is fiercely loyal and protective.


                        Touch #43

                        Sam doesn’t hesitate to grab Jack’s hands and yank them from his ears when he’s trying to pretend not to hear what she has to say and then she unconsciously continues to hold his wrists as they converse. This not only demonstrates the high level of comfort between them but also the power dynamics in their relationship at this time. Jack is the boss, but Sam is clearly in charge and it’s obvious that they are both enjoying the playfulness between them.


                          Touch #44

                          Jack reaches for Sam automatically in his appeal for her to fix things for him. (Are we sure taste and smell are only senses that were heightened?)


                            Touch #45

                            This comes after a very rough patch between Jack and Sam. Jack has been stranded on another planet where he engaged in an intimate relationship with another woman while Sam nearly killed herself to bring him back. Then Jack had to push Sam away to go undercover. These experiences definitely created a chill between them. For the first time in a while it seems they have been able to both literally and figuratively close the distance between them and reconnect. In fact, for all they went through they seem to be closer and more attracted to one another than ever, unable to even maintain a discreet distance between them during a briefing, with Hammond in the room.


                              Touch #46

                              When Sam passes out, Jack is immediately tuned in to her needs and takes hold of her before she can even begin to fall to the ground. There is no hesitation in Jack’s single-minded focus to save her as he pick her up and carries her through the stargate with no regard to his own failing strength.


                                Touch #47

                                You can’t really see it in the stills, but he reaches out and touches her shoulder before turning away. His words are those of a military commander ordering a junior officer to focus, “Not your fault Carter. Move on.” The touch softens his statement. It isn’t her fault and he doesn’t want her to take that burden on herself. Whereas, Jack must carry that burden when he makes the decision to close the iris on Alar. Part of Sam must have wanted to reach out to him and relieve some of his burden.

