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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    Oh dear! What has become of our thread.

    Sorry...not! Alright I'll put something on. *puts hat on*

    Aw, come on, Sharon, run free!

    Boy, have I missed this thread. One deadline done for work, five more to go. Whew!

    For those of you who don't know the greatest short story ever...See Sam jump, see Sam jump on Jack.
    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


      Originally posted by Treknik View Post
      Sorry...not! Alright I'll put something on. *puts hat on*

      Aw, come on, Sharon, run free!

      Boy, have I missed this thread. One deadline done for work, five more to go. Whew!

      For those of you who don't know the greatest short story ever...See Sam jump, see Sam jump on Jack.

      It's a masterpiece!
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
        Aw hell *runs nekkid*
        You have to try everything once right?
        See, Wild's not as bad as you thought (and resistance is futile).

        *abandons clothing and sprints for the fluff clouds*

        Originally posted by Treknik View Post
        For those of you who don't know the greatest short story ever...See Sam jump, see Sam jump on Jack.
        ...still gives me shippy shivers...every time. Bwahahaha!!

        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        I, for one, won't be running anywhere nekkid for the foreseeable future. I might slap myself silly.
        *inhales soda down my windpipe*

        sig by Ikorni

        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


          Originally posted by Kunoichi View Post
          Off topic season 6 grumble:

          I'm doing the rewatch and am starting to get frustrated with the writing in Season 6. Taken on their own, I'm enjoying the episodes, but taken in the context of the way the show progressed in later seasons, I'm getting annoyed with the writing. Things that annoy me are the introduction of ships (which I felt they relied on too much in later seasons), the undermining or just bad writing of characters to set up plots, e.g. scientists being portrayed as bumbling, incompetent fools (The Other Guys), horrendous mistakes made in security (Prometheus), mad action shots for the sake of 'cool' television (Jack firing at the invisible Ashrak in a 360° ark in Allegiance) plus a number of other small issues. On their own, none of these things would have bothered me much, but I felt these sorts of things cumulatively led to a dumbing down and drop in the quality of the show

          Anyway just my opinion - rant over!
          All good points in your rant.

          they were probably going for humor in 'The Other Guys', but ended up with a message they didn't intend.

          It's hilarious to me that the actor that played Harold on 'The Red Green Show' was a guest star -totally unexpected.

          In 'Allegience' I suppose they were trying to show the frustration and desperation of trying to fight an invisible enemy (but, really?).

          *overlooks nekkid shippers running amok*

          Serious question: where are we in the rewatch? I'm totally lost. I know it's season 6, but what eps were last week and what eps are for the upcoming week?
          sig by Ikorni

          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


            SaraBahama it's pretty awesome actually. AND Borg quotes will always make me smile so it's a double win on a Sunday night.
            Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

            Chapter 1


              Okay. I caved. Twice. I was only supposed to read one SG-1 book a month, but I found a giftcard from Christmas I hadn't touched, and then it was just all downhill from there. And I also broke my rule of getting the books in order of publication. But of course, when we're talking about "Matter of Honor", who can blame me for jumping to "Cost of Honor"? Both are by Sally Malcolm, and both are PHENOMENALLY written.

              So here's my review for "Matter of Honor":
              "A Matter of Honor" by Sally Malcolm is my favorite novel so far. Yes, this marked a recurrence of Jack/Ba'al "Abyss" angst, but this one was done so much better! It's set in early- to mid- season seven, and it had all my favorite parts of a story. Established and consistent characterization, subtle ship of S/J variety, and WHUMP! And it wasn't over-the-top whump! either that is nice to read but totally unrealistic. It was perfect, and the characters suffered quite realistically. Well done.

              Now, for some S/J excerpts.

              There's some subtle Jack jealousy right off the bat, when Sam and the planetary hottie are discussing some technology:
              "The technology interests you?" Quadesh pressed, his strange amber eyes sliding over Carter in a way Jack tried to ignore. Carter, he knew, could take care of herself. Still..."
              What I like about the style of this particular novel, as exemplified in this little gem, is that the ship is not necessarily gratuitous. It reflects the style of the show: Is Jack concerned because he's her CO, or because he has "feelings"? I know the answer, but it's kind of left up to the reader. It's not as overt as the ship moments in "Trial by Fire".

              And there's the silent communication they do so well, with a sprinkle of UST:
              "Sir?" Carter's voice startled him out of the quicksand memories. She met his gaze with a silent question. Everything okay, sir?

              Avoiding her eyes, and the question, he moved to sit next to Daniel. "Like I said, this sucks."

              Carter nodded dutifully, but he wasn't entirely convinced she shared his sentiment. Her attention drifted and she absently gazed up at the tops of the buildings that surrounded them. A speculative light danced through the shifting greens and blues of her eyes, lending them a luster that was-- Not something he should be noticing. He cleared his throat. "Carter?"

              She blinked, startled. "Sir?"

              "You're thinking."

              Eyebrows rose in surprise. "Well, I-- I was just--"

              "Thinking. About what?"
              The distraction lasted for barely a moment, but it was enough for me to be grinning like a damn idiot. I mean, let's face it.... It's subtle (which I love) and it combines here with the silent communication that makes them such a good team. And it's got a hint of that humoring-the-technobabble thing that Jack does, except here in the field he recognizes it as the resource it is. At this point in the series, they know each other well enough to see the nuances in their behavior. "Sacrifice Moon" didn't have any of that. But this one had it in spades!

              And there's the allusion to Jack strongly disliking the ranks they hold (though this could possibly be because of the fact that Sam hid something from Jack and he reacted accordingly-- i.e. not well):
              "She'd only wanted to protect him and he'd bitten her head off like he was dealing with a raw recruit on the parade ground.

              Just do your job.

              Except, he knew he'd have done the same thing for her. For any of them. And so would she. Which was exactly the problem. What was okay for Daniel or Teal'c didn't wash for Colonel O'Neill or Major Carter. There had to be a distance between them, they had to be careful. They had always been so careful, especially Carter. But this...? He'd had no choice but to yank her back into line, however hypocritical he felt."
              Okay, so this one is a tad more overt. But it's appropriate, given the circumstances and the raw emotions of their situation. And of course, this is where Ba'als influence is made known, which jumpstarts Jack on the razor's edge of angst. Unfortunately, Sam catches most of the flack on this one.

              And here's an example of some Sam!whump following a terrorist bomb blast, and Jack's reaction as seen through Teal'cs first-shipper gaze.
              "The dust was falling like soft rain now, clearing his view. The sight it revealed was grisly. The Kinahhi Council lay stricken, white robes dirty and bloodied. Amid their ranks Teal'c saw two of his own; O'Neill was groggily pushing himself to his hands and knees, head swaying from side-to-side. Major Carter, who had been much closer to the blast, sprawled motionless some feet away.

              He ran to her, stepping over the motionless soldier at her side, and dropped into a crouch. The blood trickling from her nose and left ear was disturbing. "Major Carter?" He shook her gently by the shoulder. "Major Carter, can you hear me?" There was no response.

              Lowering his cheek to her lips he felt a faint puff of breath against his face. As he straightened he saw O'Neill, frozen halfway to his feet, staring at them with scarcely concealed panic. "She lives," Teal'c said.

              O'Neill surged back into motion. "Where's Daniel?"

              "In need of assistance." He gestured toward the wall.

              "Get Carter home," was all the colonel said as he strode through the devastation toward his friend."
              Single-minded concern for Carter, and then he asks about Daniel. Heheheheh... As much as I love Daniel, I love how this played out. And it only got better from there, but we won't get into that just now.

              And there's the infirmary scene we always love:
              "Slipping the penlight back into her pocket, Janet stepped back and cocked an eyebrow. "Okay Sam. Go get some breakfast. I want you back in two hours, though, for a follow-up CAT scan. There's no fracture, but you took a nasty blow yesterday. I just want to make sure it's not a concussion. Okay?"

              Sam smiled, sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Okay. Thanks Janet."

              Her feet hadn't even touched the ground before the doctor added, "And you're officially off-duty. Make sure you tell Colonel O'Neill."

              "The colonel? Why?"

              "Make sure you tell him," Janet insisted, waving vaguely toward the door. "He's been... hovering." The doctor lifted an eyebrow and Sam found herself studying the weave of the hospital blanket. Hovering?"
              Heheheh... Hovering. Wonderful thing, that. So understated, and yet our favorite MD noticed. I also love this bit because it has Janet-freaking-Frasier. I miss her. *sigh*

              And this is just the first half of the novel. The rest of it is just as juicy. I think my only complaint is the following (major spoilers ahead):
              The mission eventually takes them to Ba'al's abandoned fortress from "Abyss" and amid the Jack angst and residual PTSD, Sam is captured by the small contingent of Jaffa still there and they take her to be tortured in the same gravity-field Jack had been-- which I know I'm not alone in wondering how that would have played out -- and Jack conveniently rescues her (to which she shoots off a Star Wars quip that made me laugh out loud). But in the short time she was tortured, she goes more off the rails with thoughts of revenge than Jack ever did, when Jack had been there for how long? It struck me as odd, and a little out of character. But I think it might be residual resentment for what they did to Jack than what they did to her... which is a delightful thought in and of itself...

              And while there's a healthy dose Jack saving Sam, Sam saves his six just as much-- and her efforts are much cooler than Jacks, IMHO. She's a regular John McClane in some parts. And let's face it, I was so impressed with this book that I went straight back to read the final installment of the story "Cost of Honor".

              I couldn't get enough of the story, and that's EXACTLY what I look for in anything I read, whether it's a fanfiction or a vetted novel. If it doesn't grab my attention, then I'll never look at it again. But this one, my friends, would be a novel I recommend to any SG-1 fan. In fact, even though I haven't read the other novels besides these four, I would recommend that this is the book every shipper should have on their bookshelves. It's absolutely perfect. I can't say enough good things about it!


                Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                For those of you who don't know the greatest short story ever...See Sam jump, see Sam jump on Jack.
                I'd just remove that pesky little word "on"...


                This nekkidness must be affecting my angst levels. The gutter is seeping into my brain >.<


                  Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                  I'd just remove that pesky little word "on"...


                  This nekkidness must be affecting my angst levels. The gutter is seeping into my brain >.<
                  so our plan worked!!!
                  My vids Sig made by me


                    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                    so our plan worked!!!
                    I'm going to have to go back to my cavern. :: grabs clothes and hrmphs ::

                    All this glee is too much. I need my dark little corner...


                      Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                      All good points in your rant.

                      they were probably going for humor in 'The Other Guys', but ended up with a message they didn't intend.

                      It's hilarious to me that the actor that played Harold on 'The Red Green Show' was a guest star -totally unexpected.

                      In 'Allegience' I suppose they were trying to show the frustration and desperation of trying to fight an invisible enemy (but, really?).

                      Serious question: where are we in the rewatch? I'm totally lost. I know it's season 6, but what eps were last week and what eps are for the upcoming week?
                      On their own, each of those episodes wouldn't have bothered me. I laughed at and enjoyed The Other Guys, and thought Jack looked cool in Allegiance, but with hindsight and the way the show went, I find a lot of the funny/cool stuff in season 6 a depressing prediction of some of the farcical storylines, character assassinations, 'cool' visuals and seriously dodgy 'humour' that crept into later shows

                      This week should be:

                      Unnatural Selection
                      Sight Unseen
                      Smoke and Mirrors
                      Paradise Lost
                      The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


                        Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                        Okay. I caved. Twice. I was only supposed to read one SG-1 book a month, but I found a giftcard from Christmas I hadn't touched, and then it was just all downhill from there. And I also broke my rule of getting the books in order of publication. But of course, when we're talking about "Matter of Honor", who can blame me for jumping to "Cost of Honor"? Both are by Sally Malcolm, and both are PHENOMENALLY written.

                        So here's my review for "Matter of Honor":
                        "A Matter of Honor" by Sally Malcolm is my favorite novel so far. Yes, this marked a recurrence of Jack/Ba'al "Abyss" angst, but this one was done so much better! It's set in early- to mid- season seven, and it had all my favorite parts of a story. Established and consistent characterization, subtle ship of S/J variety, and WHUMP! And it wasn't over-the-top whump! either that is nice to read but totally unrealistic. It was perfect, and the characters suffered quite realistically. Well done.

                        Now, for some S/J excerpts.

                        There's some subtle Jack jealousy right off the bat, when Sam and the planetary hottie are discussing some technology:
                        "The technology interests you?" Quadesh pressed, his strange amber eyes sliding over Carter in a way Jack tried to ignore. Carter, he knew, could take care of herself. Still..."
                        What I like about the style of this particular novel, as exemplified in this little gem, is that the ship is not necessarily gratuitous. It reflects the style of the show: Is Jack concerned because he's her CO, or because he has "feelings"? I know the answer, but it's kind of left up to the reader. It's not as overt as the ship moments in "Trial by Fire".

                        And there's the silent communication they do so well, with a sprinkle of UST:
                        "Sir?" Carter's voice startled him out of the quicksand memories. She met his gaze with a silent question. Everything okay, sir?

                        Avoiding her eyes, and the question, he moved to sit next to Daniel. "Like I said, this sucks."

                        Carter nodded dutifully, but he wasn't entirely convinced she shared his sentiment. Her attention drifted and she absently gazed up at the tops of the buildings that surrounded them. A speculative light danced through the shifting greens and blues of her eyes, lending them a luster that was-- Not something he should be noticing. He cleared his throat. "Carter?"

                        She blinked, startled. "Sir?"

                        "You're thinking."

                        Eyebrows rose in surprise. "Well, I-- I was just--"

                        "Thinking. About what?"
                        The distraction lasted for barely a moment, but it was enough for me to be grinning like a damn idiot. I mean, let's face it.... It's subtle (which I love) and it combines here with the silent communication that makes them such a good team. And it's got a hint of that humoring-the-technobabble thing that Jack does, except here in the field he recognizes it as the resource it is. At this point in the series, they know each other well enough to see the nuances in their behavior. "Sacrifice Moon" didn't have any of that. But this one had it in spades!

                        And there's the allusion to Jack strongly disliking the ranks they hold (though this could possibly be because of the fact that Sam hid something from Jack and he reacted accordingly-- i.e. not well):
                        "She'd only wanted to protect him and he'd bitten her head off like he was dealing with a raw recruit on the parade ground.

                        Just do your job.

                        Except, he knew he'd have done the same thing for her. For any of them. And so would she. Which was exactly the problem. What was okay for Daniel or Teal'c didn't wash for Colonel O'Neill or Major Carter. There had to be a distance between them, they had to be careful. They had always been so careful, especially Carter. But this...? He'd had no choice but to yank her back into line, however hypocritical he felt."
                        Okay, so this one is a tad more overt. But it's appropriate, given the circumstances and the raw emotions of their situation. And of course, this is where Ba'als influence is made known, which jumpstarts Jack on the razor's edge of angst. Unfortunately, Sam catches most of the flack on this one.

                        And here's an example of some Sam!whump following a terrorist bomb blast, and Jack's reaction as seen through Teal'cs first-shipper gaze.
                        "The dust was falling like soft rain now, clearing his view. The sight it revealed was grisly. The Kinahhi Council lay stricken, white robes dirty and bloodied. Amid their ranks Teal'c saw two of his own; O'Neill was groggily pushing himself to his hands and knees, head swaying from side-to-side. Major Carter, who had been much closer to the blast, sprawled motionless some feet away.

                        He ran to her, stepping over the motionless soldier at her side, and dropped into a crouch. The blood trickling from her nose and left ear was disturbing. "Major Carter?" He shook her gently by the shoulder. "Major Carter, can you hear me?" There was no response.

                        Lowering his cheek to her lips he felt a faint puff of breath against his face. As he straightened he saw O'Neill, frozen halfway to his feet, staring at them with scarcely concealed panic. "She lives," Teal'c said.

                        O'Neill surged back into motion. "Where's Daniel?"

                        "In need of assistance." He gestured toward the wall.

                        "Get Carter home," was all the colonel said as he strode through the devastation toward his friend."
                        Single-minded concern for Carter, and then he asks about Daniel. Heheheheh... As much as I love Daniel, I love how this played out. And it only got better from there, but we won't get into that just now.

                        And there's the infirmary scene we always love:
                        "Slipping the penlight back into her pocket, Janet stepped back and cocked an eyebrow. "Okay Sam. Go get some breakfast. I want you back in two hours, though, for a follow-up CAT scan. There's no fracture, but you took a nasty blow yesterday. I just want to make sure it's not a concussion. Okay?"

                        Sam smiled, sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Okay. Thanks Janet."

                        Her feet hadn't even touched the ground before the doctor added, "And you're officially off-duty. Make sure you tell Colonel O'Neill."

                        "The colonel? Why?"

                        "Make sure you tell him," Janet insisted, waving vaguely toward the door. "He's been... hovering." The doctor lifted an eyebrow and Sam found herself studying the weave of the hospital blanket. Hovering?"
                        Heheheh... Hovering. Wonderful thing, that. So understated, and yet our favorite MD noticed. I also love this bit because it has Janet-freaking-Frasier. I miss her. *sigh*

                        And this is just the first half of the novel. The rest of it is just as juicy. I think my only complaint is the following (major spoilers ahead):
                        The mission eventually takes them to Ba'al's abandoned fortress from "Abyss" and amid the Jack angst and residual PTSD, Sam is captured by the small contingent of Jaffa still there and they take her to be tortured in the same gravity-field Jack had been-- which I know I'm not alone in wondering how that would have played out -- and Jack conveniently rescues her (to which she shoots off a Star Wars quip that made me laugh out loud). But in the short time she was tortured, she goes more off the rails with thoughts of revenge than Jack ever did, when Jack had been there for how long? It struck me as odd, and a little out of character. But I think it might be residual resentment for what they did to Jack than what they did to her... which is a delightful thought in and of itself...

                        And while there's a healthy dose Jack saving Sam, Sam saves his six just as much-- and her efforts are much cooler than Jacks, IMHO. She's a regular John McClane in some parts. And let's face it, I was so impressed with this book that I went straight back to read the final installment of the story "Cost of Honor".

                        I couldn't get enough of the story, and that's EXACTLY what I look for in anything I read, whether it's a fanfiction or a vetted novel. If it doesn't grab my attention, then I'll never look at it again. But this one, my friends, would be a novel I recommend to any SG-1 fan. In fact, even though I haven't read the other novels besides these four, I would recommend that this is the book every shipper should have on their bookshelves. It's absolutely perfect. I can't say enough good things about it!
                        Oh, I've been looking for some recs regarding SG1 novels, and I think I've found one Thanks


                          Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                          Okay. I caved. Twice. I was only supposed to read one SG-1 book a month, but I found a giftcard from Christmas I hadn't touched, and then it was just all downhill from there. And I also broke my rule of getting the books in order of publication. But of course, when we're talking about "Matter of Honor", who can blame me for jumping to "Cost of Honor"? Both are by Sally Malcolm, and both are PHENOMENALLY written.

                          So here's my review for "Matter of Honor":
                          "A Matter of Honor" by Sally Malcolm is my favorite novel so far. Yes, this marked a recurrence of Jack/Ba'al "Abyss" angst, but this one was done so much better! It's set in early- to mid- season seven, and it had all my favorite parts of a story. Established and consistent characterization, subtle ship of S/J variety, and WHUMP! And it wasn't over-the-top whump! either that is nice to read but totally unrealistic. It was perfect, and the characters suffered quite realistically. Well done.

                          Now, for some S/J excerpts.

                          There's some subtle Jack jealousy right off the bat, when Sam and the planetary hottie are discussing some technology:
                          "The technology interests you?" Quadesh pressed, his strange amber eyes sliding over Carter in a way Jack tried to ignore. Carter, he knew, could take care of herself. Still..."
                          What I like about the style of this particular novel, as exemplified in this little gem, is that the ship is not necessarily gratuitous. It reflects the style of the show: Is Jack concerned because he's her CO, or because he has "feelings"? I know the answer, but it's kind of left up to the reader. It's not as overt as the ship moments in "Trial by Fire".

                          And there's the silent communication they do so well, with a sprinkle of UST:
                          "Sir?" Carter's voice startled him out of the quicksand memories. She met his gaze with a silent question. Everything okay, sir?

                          Avoiding her eyes, and the question, he moved to sit next to Daniel. "Like I said, this sucks."

                          Carter nodded dutifully, but he wasn't entirely convinced she shared his sentiment. Her attention drifted and she absently gazed up at the tops of the buildings that surrounded them. A speculative light danced through the shifting greens and blues of her eyes, lending them a luster that was-- Not something he should be noticing. He cleared his throat. "Carter?"

                          She blinked, startled. "Sir?"

                          "You're thinking."

                          Eyebrows rose in surprise. "Well, I-- I was just--"

                          "Thinking. About what?"
                          The distraction lasted for barely a moment, but it was enough for me to be grinning like a damn idiot. I mean, let's face it.... It's subtle (which I love) and it combines here with the silent communication that makes them such a good team. And it's got a hint of that humoring-the-technobabble thing that Jack does, except here in the field he recognizes it as the resource it is. At this point in the series, they know each other well enough to see the nuances in their behavior. "Sacrifice Moon" didn't have any of that. But this one had it in spades!

                          And there's the allusion to Jack strongly disliking the ranks they hold (though this could possibly be because of the fact that Sam hid something from Jack and he reacted accordingly-- i.e. not well):
                          "She'd only wanted to protect him and he'd bitten her head off like he was dealing with a raw recruit on the parade ground.

                          Just do your job.

                          Except, he knew he'd have done the same thing for her. For any of them. And so would she. Which was exactly the problem. What was okay for Daniel or Teal'c didn't wash for Colonel O'Neill or Major Carter. There had to be a distance between them, they had to be careful. They had always been so careful, especially Carter. But this...? He'd had no choice but to yank her back into line, however hypocritical he felt."
                          Okay, so this one is a tad more overt. But it's appropriate, given the circumstances and the raw emotions of their situation. And of course, this is where Ba'als influence is made known, which jumpstarts Jack on the razor's edge of angst. Unfortunately, Sam catches most of the flack on this one.

                          And here's an example of some Sam!whump following a terrorist bomb blast, and Jack's reaction as seen through Teal'cs first-shipper gaze.
                          "The dust was falling like soft rain now, clearing his view. The sight it revealed was grisly. The Kinahhi Council lay stricken, white robes dirty and bloodied. Amid their ranks Teal'c saw two of his own; O'Neill was groggily pushing himself to his hands and knees, head swaying from side-to-side. Major Carter, who had been much closer to the blast, sprawled motionless some feet away.

                          He ran to her, stepping over the motionless soldier at her side, and dropped into a crouch. The blood trickling from her nose and left ear was disturbing. "Major Carter?" He shook her gently by the shoulder. "Major Carter, can you hear me?" There was no response.

                          Lowering his cheek to her lips he felt a faint puff of breath against his face. As he straightened he saw O'Neill, frozen halfway to his feet, staring at them with scarcely concealed panic. "She lives," Teal'c said.

                          O'Neill surged back into motion. "Where's Daniel?"

                          "In need of assistance." He gestured toward the wall.

                          "Get Carter home," was all the colonel said as he strode through the devastation toward his friend."
                          Single-minded concern for Carter, and then he asks about Daniel. Heheheheh... As much as I love Daniel, I love how this played out. And it only got better from there, but we won't get into that just now.

                          And there's the infirmary scene we always love:
                          "Slipping the penlight back into her pocket, Janet stepped back and cocked an eyebrow. "Okay Sam. Go get some breakfast. I want you back in two hours, though, for a follow-up CAT scan. There's no fracture, but you took a nasty blow yesterday. I just want to make sure it's not a concussion. Okay?"

                          Sam smiled, sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Okay. Thanks Janet."

                          Her feet hadn't even touched the ground before the doctor added, "And you're officially off-duty. Make sure you tell Colonel O'Neill."

                          "The colonel? Why?"

                          "Make sure you tell him," Janet insisted, waving vaguely toward the door. "He's been... hovering." The doctor lifted an eyebrow and Sam found herself studying the weave of the hospital blanket. Hovering?"
                          Heheheh... Hovering. Wonderful thing, that. So understated, and yet our favorite MD noticed. I also love this bit because it has Janet-freaking-Frasier. I miss her. *sigh*

                          And this is just the first half of the novel. The rest of it is just as juicy. I think my only complaint is the following (major spoilers ahead):
                          The mission eventually takes them to Ba'al's abandoned fortress from "Abyss" and amid the Jack angst and residual PTSD, Sam is captured by the small contingent of Jaffa still there and they take her to be tortured in the same gravity-field Jack had been-- which I know I'm not alone in wondering how that would have played out -- and Jack conveniently rescues her (to which she shoots off a Star Wars quip that made me laugh out loud). But in the short time she was tortured, she goes more off the rails with thoughts of revenge than Jack ever did, when Jack had been there for how long? It struck me as odd, and a little out of character. But I think it might be residual resentment for what they did to Jack than what they did to her... which is a delightful thought in and of itself...

                          And while there's a healthy dose Jack saving Sam, Sam saves his six just as much-- and her efforts are much cooler than Jacks, IMHO. She's a regular John McClane in some parts. And let's face it, I was so impressed with this book that I went straight back to read the final installment of the story "Cost of Honor".

                          I couldn't get enough of the story, and that's EXACTLY what I look for in anything I read, whether it's a fanfiction or a vetted novel. If it doesn't grab my attention, then I'll never look at it again. But this one, my friends, would be a novel I recommend to any SG-1 fan. In fact, even though I haven't read the other novels besides these four, I would recommend that this is the book every shipper should have on their bookshelves. It's absolutely perfect. I can't say enough good things about it!
                          Hmm, yes those two were the only Stargate novels I'd read if someone were to offer them to me from what I read in the previews. But again the writing style felt very fanfic-ish to me (e.g. stuff like the silent communication is not something I'd appreciate in a book when written like that) instead of a real book. Sally Malcolm is a great fic writer though and a very good Sam/Jack shipper so I'll bet all her novels are pretty good too. At least with her you know where she stands on the ship and what you can expect from her writing, unlike some of the other names when you only have a summary to go on. Unless they also still have fanfics that I've never come across or realized was theirs...
                          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                          On FFnet or AO3

                          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                            Originally posted by Kunoichi View Post
                            On their own, each of those episodes wouldn't have bothered me. I laughed at and enjoyed The Other Guys, and thought Jack looked cool in Allegiance, but with hindsight and the way the show went, I find a lot of the funny/cool stuff in season 6 a depressing prediction of some of the farcical storylines, character assassinations, 'cool' visuals and seriously dodgy 'humour' that crept into later shows

                            This week should be:

                            Unnatural Selection
                            Sight Unseen
                            Smoke and Mirrors
                            Paradise Lost
                            Thanks Kunoichi -much obliged. I wasn't quibbling with your made good points.
                            sig by Ikorni

                            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                              Since I'm going to be missing Valenship, I'll let my shippy streaking out now...

                              **runs nekkid**

                              Also, in celebration of the Ravens win! (Tho, it's way to cold to run *nekkid* through downtown Baltimore!)


                                OT Nook/Kindle/smartphone + FFN:
                                I had FFN working perfectly on my smartphone just this afternoon -the format was similar to the NOOK on my phone, but then this evening it tries to display the whole webpage on the little screen, making for awkward scrolling. I'm not sure what I did to get it right the first time and so I can't figure out how to get back to that formatting. Grrr.
                                sig by Ikorni

                                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3

