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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
    Okay, quick question... Does anyone know where I can find a list of Sg-1 novels sorted by *publish date*? I thought the second book was Sacrifice Moon, but now I'm not sure. I know that they were published out of canonical order, so to speak, but I'd prefer to read them in order of publish date.... *sigh*

    Any one know?

    Here's the Wikipedia list.

    List of Stargate Literature

    It appears accurate.


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      Short excerpt from SG1, "City of the Gods". Sam was separated from the rest of her team while bringing a group of children back to the SGC. For an entire week, she has to deal with the notion that she left her team behind and they're all dead. On the other side of the coin, the rest of the team was rescuing a whole bunch of people and wound up taking a detour to get back to the SGC, and for one reason or another think that Sam and all the children are dead. Sam has turned in her resignation at this point and has been packing up lab, when this happens:
      *shippy sigh*
      The last bit made me laugh... you're happy to see me AND there's a Chihuahua in your pocket!


        Originally posted by picardythirds View Post
        Hello everyone. I was pointed to this particular thread by polrobin after I commented on her recent fic and the whole "who's the first shipper" debate.
        LOL -it was POL that pointed me here, too. I think it's a conspiracy , but it's the kind I want to be in on.

        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        Short excerpt from SG1, "City of the Gods". Sam was separated from the rest of her team while bringing a group of children back to the SGC.
        Thanks for posting, hedwig! That was extremely cool.

        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        That sucks. Might I recommend getting a box of devil's food cake mix and a 15oz can of pumpkin (nothing else needed - mix 'em together and bake yourself twelve chocolately muffins, add in a few chocolate chips if you'd like). Sans chocolate chips, they were (on the old point system) 3 points apiece (and they were soooo gooood).
        That sounds so good...I may have to try that one myself.

        Pol - excellent work on the 302! WOW.

        Aka - ((hugs))... virtual chocolate?
        sig by Ikorni

        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


          Originally posted by Pol View Post

          *whisper* Jack, I just felt the baby move.
          Ooh, lemme! This is my second-favorite place to be!
          You two do know that I am right here.
          quiet daniel
          You know, cribs shouldn't be this hard to put together!
          I think I found a word here that might help us figure out that drawing.[/COLOR]
          Thanks Pol, that made me smile.


            Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
            Welcome to the thread! Have you been to the Sam and Jack shipper lounge and the Jack-Sam-Fic-Recs thread already?
            I go to the Fic-Rec thread all the time but I can't find the shipper-lounge unless it's in a post like this! Oh well, I'll go check it out again, thanks!


              I've never been over to the lounge. I hang out here mostly


                Another song that I heard that made me think of S/J (mostly Jack):


                ...oh, some of the scenes to go with these lyrics are just THERE in my head (like the end of 'The Other Side').
                Last edited by SaraBahama; 14 January 2012, 09:10 AM. Reason: removed IMG tags -the link is sufficient
                sig by Ikorni

                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                  Too many kindnesses to quote, but thanks, all!

                  As for Sam and baby weight--I think she'd be responsible enough not to pack it on during the pregnancy. I see her as kind of forgetting to eat from time to time--or picking at her food like she does when she's not pregnant. I don't get hungry when I'm pregnant as much as I do when I'm nursing. That seems to be when I pack on more of the weight that I've eventually kept on.

                  I do think that she'd breastfeed--but then, I also think that she would be content with finding a way to stay home with her child. In my world, the baby wouldn't come until they've managed to stave off the worst of the attacks, anyway, and she'd figure that her most important responsibility is to protect the life she's brought into the world. Now, if the world was in jeopardy, I'm sure she'd find a way to get in on the action to save it, but I think her days of going off world every week or spending months on a ship somewhere else are over. At least, unless she could take Jack and the baby with her. So, to the original question, I think she'd nurse as long as possible (Around a year, or until the teeth come in. Ouch!)

                  I don't think she'd ever return to the same shape that she was before. She might always be a little heavier than she was before, or thicker. I don't know how to describe it other than that I don't know anyone who wore the same size as before, even if they achieved their pre-birth weight. Except for one person, and I think she was an alien. She rode her bike ten miles IN LABOR in her size ten non-maternity (ZIPPED UP) to the hospital, gave birth within two hours to a nine pound baby boy, and then went home the next day (in a car this time) in her original size eights. But then, she was six feet tall and skinny as a rail. But I don't think Sam would have that kind of luck. She's an older mom, and that makes a difference, believe it or not.

                  Anyhoo--there is my two cents' worth.
                  My Stories: FFdotNet
                  My Stories AO3
                  Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                    Aren't the SG-1 books numbered?
                    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                      Originally posted by Pol View Post
                      Aren't the SG-1 books numbered?
                      Yes. They are. However, when they take place doesn't follow any particular order.

                      01 - Trial by Fire - not quite sure when it takes place, but it's a few years into the series
                      02 - Sacrifice Moon - takes place 4 days after Kawalsky dies in "The Enemy Within"
                      03 - A Matter of Honor (1st of 2) - takes place in Season 7, but mostly relates to rescuing Henry Boyd's team from "A Matter of Time" in Season 2
                      04 - City of the Gods - takes place in Season 5
                      05 - The Cost of Honor (2nd of 2) - takes place in Season 7
                      06 - Survival of the Fittest - takes place in late Season 5
                      07 - ?
                      08 - Alliances - takes place in early Season 4
                      10 - Relativity - takes place in late Season 7
                      14 - Valhalla - takes place mid-season 7
                      17 - Sunrise - takes place right after Beneath the Surface
                      18 - Transitions - takes place early Season 9
                      ? - Roswell - takes place late Season 10


                        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                        *shippy sigh*
                        The last bit made me laugh... you're happy to see me AND there's a Chihuahua in your pocket!
                        I almost didn't include the bit about the Chihuahua.


                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          I don't think she'd ever return to the same shape that she was before. She might always be a little heavier than she was before, or thicker. I don't know how to describe it other than that I don't know anyone who wore the same size as before, even if they achieved their pre-birth weight. Except for one person, and I think she was an alien. She rode her bike ten miles IN LABOR in her size ten non-maternity (ZIPPED UP) to the hospital, gave birth within two hours to a nine pound baby boy, and then went home the next day (in a car this time) in her original size eights. But then, she was six feet tall and skinny as a rail. But I don't think Sam would have that kind of luck. She's an older mom, and that makes a difference, believe it or not.

                          Anyhoo--there is my two cents' worth.
                          I actually managed to get skinnier, but it took a lot of work. I was nearly 200lbs after kiddo (oops...) and I managed to get down to 145 (my pre-baby weight was like 160-165).

                          She might have breastfed, but speaking from my own experience, I worked just a high stress office job and I stopped producing fairly quickly despite regular expressing. I can't imagine Sam doesn't run into the same issue (especially since *if* she manages to have a baby, according to the show she's on the Hammond). I'm not saying it's not possible, but realistically...that's a lot of stress on the body - especially if the baby isn't a good nurser, or if her schedule is erratic. But I suppose in fanfiction people can write whatever they want LOL I avoid baby!fic like the plague so I'll never know.


                            Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                            <snip> But I suppose in fanfiction people can write whatever they want LOL I avoid baby!fic like the plague so I'll never know.
                            You and me both!


                              Not me... I love baby!fic. To each his own....


                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                I actually managed to get skinnier, but it took a lot of work. I was nearly 200lbs after kiddo (oops...) and I managed to get down to 145 (my pre-baby weight was like 160-165).

                                She might have breastfed, but speaking from my own experience, I worked just a high stress office job and I stopped producing fairly quickly despite regular expressing. I can't imagine Sam doesn't run into the same issue (especially since *if* she manages to have a baby, according to the show she's on the Hammond). I'm not saying it's not possible, but realistically...that's a lot of stress on the body - especially if the baby isn't a good nurser, or if her schedule is erratic. But I suppose in fanfiction people can write whatever they want LOL I avoid baby!fic like the plague so I'll never know.
                                If they had a baby together (which I think would be totally accidental because I really don't think they would particularly want to have a baby. IF it happened, I think it would be a "Whoops" baby. . .), I just have this idea that Sam would choose to stay closer to home. I worked in one of those "up and comer" jobs when I found out I was pregnant the first time. I had my college degrees and was planning on using them! Well, once my baby was born, that was it. I cancelled the plans for the babysitters/daycare and we became a one-income family. I just think that Sam and Jack would take the blessing for what it is and focus on raising the kid. I can see Sam deciding that it's time for someone else to save the universe. I know that my opinion is really not the most popular, but IF it were to happen, that's my take on what would come next. Stay at home mom Sam--with a hint of kick-butt Sam on the side when really necessary. **shrugs** Not that it really matters, right? We can see it however the heck we want to since there was no real confirmation.

                                Ah, the unintended consequences/blessings of ambiguity!

                                Regardless, they're happily ever after somewhere. Babies, dogs, or big space ships--does it matter? We know that they are SO MARRIED! (Or together--or whatever. . .)

                                My Stories: FFdotNet
                                My Stories AO3
                                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!

