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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
    On another note, I wanted to share some of my excitement with you about a Christmas ornament that my husband bought at a Boxing Day sale. It's this one: It was only $5, so my husband bought me two You can press a button and hear Thor's voice, as well as a small snippet of dialogue between Sam and Jack. I have to say that I'm really surprised and pleased that they were selling Stargate ornaments at Carlton Cards stores, after the show has been over for so many years. I only wish that the ornament showed the rest of the team, especially Sam. However, I really love the fact that, out of any dialogue they could have chosen, it was between Sam and Jack
    I saw this ornament before Christmas at Carlton Cards in my mall... unfortunately it was not $5, or I would have bought it! It was around $30, too expensive for me. There was a Stargate ornament with all of SG-1 a few years ago at the same store.


      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      First of all, on the "soft kitty" comments. I can't ever remember the words, and Sheldon would make me start over again if I got any of them wrong.

      Back on topic, I was just reading a fic where Daniel finds out about Sam and Jack being together several months into S9 and he had no idea and was kind of ticked not just about not being told but about them being together.

      It really bothers me when fics have Daniel totally clueless. I know he can be really narrow in his focus and sometimes lose track of what's going on around him, but he's not an idiot. While it's never been as obvious as with Teal'c that Daniel knows and approves of Sam and Jack being together I think he knew for some time about their feelings for each other and would be supportive their relationship.

      So I'm curious what other shippers think. When did Daniel know? How did he put it together? What was his reaction?
      But conversely, I think it's just as bad when Daniel is omniscient. I know he's an anthropologist, who by their very nature are generally very astute. But in some ways we can be very focused, even to the exclusion of things not in the purview of our work. Which you mentioned, hlndncr, but I thought it needed reinforcement.

      I can't remember a specific moment from the show off the top of my head where Daniel explicitly demonstrated his knowledge of the ship. But I do know that in Trial by Fire (the SG-1 novel I just read) he subtly mentioned Sam's concern for a missing Jack, but he wisely dropped it when she refused to take the bait. :shrug: Some might not consider it canon, but at the very least it's an example of fic where there's a nice balance between idiot Daniel and all-knowing Daniel.

      Personally, I think Daniel had his suspicions ever since Season 1. I mean, *hello* he saw them engaged in the AU of "There But For the Grace of God". I think that gave him some idea that maybe they could find happiness together. I think he's certainly wondered. There might have been moments where he doubted they could ever be together, but I don't think he would be at all surprised when he finally did get his confirmation.

      I can just picture his face when he saw the engagement ring... "Oh yeah. There's a surprise." Complete deadpan. And then Teal'c chimes in with an "Indeed" and one of those little Teal'c smiles he does.


        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
        I love this show and do wish there were more Stargate references. There was an episode where Howard was fantasizing about Katie Sackoff of Battlestar Galactica fame, so I can see him with pics of Carter, too! I think it would be hilarious to have Amanda Tapping as herself and Sheldon going up and talking to her about wormhole theory and Amanda saying, Dude I'm not a astrophysicist I just play one on TV!

        Hobbies for me... reading mostly, and coming here to Gateworld. I don't have a lot of time to do much else after work, exercise, hanging with friends and occasional dating.

        What'd be funny about that is that AT could probably hold her own, to an extent. At least, given how she's explained her process for learning her technobabble lines, and learning the material for real, and researching all the topics. So it'd be funny to see Sheldon's reaction if he'd thought she'd pull the "I'm just an actress" card, but she actually corrects him or offers a valid counterpoint or something...

        The topic of discussion should totally be "If Sam Carter can walk through walls while out of phase, why doesn't she fall through the floor?"


          I don't think Daniel is clueless where Sam/Jack are concerned. Especially, during the episode GRACE when he has to deal with the brunt of O'neill's frustration over missing Carter.

          I think Daniel would be happy that they were able to finally be together after so many years of witnessing the quiet longing between the two.

          As for how he finds out... well, I think O'neill and Carter would tell them! They are each other's family. I don't agree with stories where Sam and Jack are "quietly" dating or even getting married and not telling Daniel and T. I can agree that they probably would not talk about it at work, but I don't think they would keep Daniel and T in the dark, imo.


            Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
            What'd be funny about that is that AT could probably hold her own, to an extent. At least, given how she's explained her process for learning her technobabble lines, and learning the material for real, and researching all the topics. So it'd be funny to see Sheldon's reaction if he'd thought she'd pull the "I'm just an actress" card, but she actually corrects him or offers a valid counterpoint or something...
            Haha, that would be wonderful!
            The Return of King Arthur
            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


              Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
              What'd be funny about that is that AT could probably hold her own, to an extent. At least, given how she's explained her process for learning her technobabble lines, and learning the material for real, and researching all the topics. So it'd be funny to see Sheldon's reaction if he'd thought she'd pull the "I'm just an actress" card, but she actually corrects him or offers a valid counterpoint or something...

              The topic of discussion should totally be "If Sam Carter can walk through walls while out of phase, why doesn't she fall through the floor?"
              Yes, I like your idea better! AT to one-up Sheldon!


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                So I'm curious what other shippers think. When did Daniel know? How did he put it together? What was his reaction?
                Oh I used to have this kind of stuff all figured out but I haven't watched the show in so long now it's all slipping away. So I'm just gonna wing it! When I read your question, "Crystal Skull" came to my mind. So I'm going to think some time around there. It's shortly after Urgo when they all were in each other's brain. And it's right before the first fishing invite. As for his reaction, it would have been his usual, unemotional, "makes sense to me."


                  Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                  Oh I used to have this kind of stuff all figured out but I haven't watched the show in so long now it's all slipping away. So I'm just gonna wing it! When I read your question, "Crystal Skull" came to my mind. So I'm going to think some time around there. It's shortly after Urgo when they all were in each other's brain. And it's right before the first fishing invite. As for his reaction, it would have been his usual, unemotional, "makes sense to me."
                  daniel found out when he walked into sam's house and accidently saw sam and jack on the couch, doing...

                  daniel: MY EYES!!

                  sam: *my* house!

                  jack: jeez, daniel, you know about knocking!?

                  daniel: this imagine will be permanently burned into my corneas...

                  jack: i don't particularily like you seeing my girlfriend's goods either!

                  sam: i'm your girlfriend?

                  jack: well what else do you think we are?

                  sam: i just like hearing you say it.

                  sam-jack = grinning

                  daniel: now you're adding nausea to my blindness!?




                    Oh Sally, that's perfect!


                      I think that Daniel knew right from the beginning, but sublimated it because he didn't want to be part of it. Not that he's disapproving--I think that he would be happy if they had found happiness together--but because he wouldn't want to have to deal with the repercussions that his knowledge of their relationship would have. Later, when they are allowed to be together, he'd be a staunch ally and friend and would probably be best man at their wedding, a la "200".

                      I do think, however, that he would question them in the beginning about it--I think he'd believe that Sam was selling herself short. He's not Jack's hugest fan in the beginning, and even seems to feel a little superior to O'Neill. I think he'd wonder why Sam wasn't going for someone less brawny and more brainy. (I'm NOT saying here that Jack is stupid. I think that Daniel would assume that Sam would find a braniac more stimulating that 6'2'' of hunky gray haired hotness. But then, Daniel's a guy, and did we all see Shaur'e? She was fairly fine without the intellectual acuity of--say--Sarah Gardner, who would eventually become Osiris. But who are we kidding? Sarah Gardner was pretty cute, too. Oh, heck. What was I saying?)

                      As for The Big Bang Theory, here's a little shameless self-promotion. The ficlet I wrote that starts with "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock", an episode of TBBT.

                      Controlled Remotely
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
                      My Stories AO3
                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        On another note, I wonder if Sheldon would have been at the "Brainstorm" smart person summit from "Atlantis". He could have gone two falls out of three with Bill Nye the Science Guy for the good dry erase markers.
                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          I do think, however, that he would question them in the beginning about it--I think he'd believe that Sam was selling herself short. He's not Jack's hugest fan in the beginning, and even seems to feel a little superior to O'Neill. I think he'd wonder why Sam wasn't going for someone less brawny and more brainy.
                          I don't get what you mean by this, especially the bolded. I see that Jack and Daniel have always had a different way of approaching things, but they also have a deep respect and love for one another. Even in CotG I think that came through. Jack took Daniel in when he had no where else to go. Daniel never seemed condescending toward Jack and even I think showed a great deal of trust in his judgment and leadership.

                          As for whether Daniel would think Jack is good enough for Sam, I think Daniel wouldn't consider anyone good enough for Sam (and Jack would agree with him). But I'm sure he would think Jack was far superior to any of Sam's other choices, especially !


                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            So I'm curious what other shippers think. When did Daniel know? How did he put it together? What was his reaction?
                            I can never pinpoint when but I'd say gradually pretty early on (after Teal'c knew of course ) and he probably didn't think too much about it until Sam and Jack told him, at which point his reaction was something similar to what selene said:

                            Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                            I can just picture his face when he saw the engagement ring... "Oh yeah. There's a surprise." Complete deadpan. And then Teal'c chimes in with an "Indeed" and one of those little Teal'c smiles he does.

                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            daniel found out when he walked into sam's house and accidently saw sam and jack on the couch, doing...

                            daniel: MY EYES!!

                            sam: *my* house!

                            jack: jeez, daniel, you know about knocking!?

                            daniel: this imagine will be permanently burned into my corneas...

                            jack: i don't particularily like you seeing my girlfriend's goods either!

                            sam: i'm your girlfriend?

                            jack: well what else do you think we are?

                            sam: i just like hearing you say it.

                            sam-jack = grinning

                            daniel: now you're adding nausea to my blindness!?

                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              I don't get what you mean by this, especially the bolded. I see that Jack and Daniel have always had a different way of approaching things, but they also have a deep respect and love for one another. Even in CotG I think that came through. Jack took Daniel in when he had no where else to go. Daniel never seemed condescending toward Jack and even I think showed a great deal of trust in his judgment and leadership.

                              As for whether Daniel would think Jack is good enough for Sam, I think Daniel wouldn't consider anyone good enough for Sam (and Jack would agree with him). But I'm sure he would think Jack was far superior to any of Sam's other choices, especially !
                              I've always viewed their relationship in the beginning as mutual tolerance at best. I don't think that they become the friends until later in the series. I think that they respect each other initially, but I don't see them as great friends for several years.
                              My Stories: FFdotNet
                              My Stories AO3
                              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                I've always viewed their relationship in the beginning as mutual tolerance at best. I don't think that they become the friends until later in the series. I think that they respect each other initially, but I don't see them as great friends for several years.
                                I really don't see that at all. I think they were friends at the end of the movie, maybe not great friends but the foundation was definitely there. I would certainly put their attachment above tolerance. But that's just IMHO.

