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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    I have been watching The Big Bang Theory lately. For anyone not familiar with the show, it's about a group of nerdy scientists, and it's really funny. (Although some of it is not for younger or more sensitive viewers.) I caught one episode a while ago on reruns and thought it was humorous enough that it spawned a ficlet, but hadn't really watched more until lately, when both my husband and I started watching all the episodes. I got all four seasons on DVD for Christmas. He and I have both decide that Sam would think the show was hilarious!

    Because I'm new to the series, I started watching them in order, and to my surprise, came across an episode recently that made me squee. There's a Stargate reference in an episode called, "The Cushion Saturation". Although it isn't clear which episode they are referring to, it's still great to hear!

    I don't know if I'm smart enough to link videos, but I'll try. . .


    Ah, the ambiguous Stargate reference! This caused a lot of confusion for my friends and me, I admit I searched the Internet, but it seems that no one knows which ep they are referring to. This might actually be one of the few inaccurate references they made in the show. And that from Sheldon…poorly done Dr. Cooper, poorly done. I absolutely love “The big bang theory” btw! Bazinga!


      Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
      Ah, the ambiguous Stargate reference! This caused a lot of confusion for my friends and me, I admit I searched the Internet, but it seems that no one knows which ep they are referring to. This might actually be one of the few inaccurate references they made in the show. And that from Sheldon…poorly done Dr. Cooper, poorly done. I absolutely love “The big bang theory” btw! Bazinga!
      Some people seem to think that he's referring to "Brief Candle", but I think he's really talking about "Broca Divide", where the culture there is based on the Minoans, who were located in Crete, which was part of the early Greek empire, of which Athens and Sparta were a part. In "Brief Candle" there is no fighting, but in "Broca Divide", there is, and the team does make a sort of strategic retreat when they decide to leave the dark part to go to the Light. I might be reaching here, but that's how I saw it.

      Having said that, I wish they'd made a more obvious reference to Stargate, since there were many more instances they could have used, and Sheldon should have known better than to be so vague.

      But hey--so many years after the fact, it's still pretty cool.

      I don't think that Sheldon would be a shipper, but I wonder if he would see the attraction between Carter and O'Neill? I'm thinking that Raj and Leonard are definitely shippers. Howard would have all the hottie pictures of Carter up on his ceiling. . .
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        Hey shippers. I've got some RL personal stuff that for those of you who are the praying types (and I'll take good thoughts too)...

        Egads. My grandfather that I'm closest to is in the final stages of Parkinson's. Today is his birthday and he's turning 80. We've been waiting for this point in the disease, and it's painful to watch the deterioration of such a brilliant, vibrant man. Unfortunately, yesterday, my grandmother unexpectedly fell ill (vomiting blood) and was taken to the hospital for some type of internal bleeding - she drinks heavily (although she's a functioning alcoholic - long, long story about Catholic orphanages and such). They have her scheduled for more risky surgery today but it doesn't look good - even if it did, she'd only have 6-12 months. Adding to all that my husband's younger stepbrother died suddenly from complications with an appendectomy last night so we're scrambling to get him a ticket to GA. It's...intense.
        Not religious, but I do wish you strength in this difficult time.

        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post

        OT update on my dad

        He's still in ICU with a respiratory and chest tubes. He's stable and making small improvements each day. I still can't say when he'll be well enough to leave the hospital. I'm trying to decide if and when I should consider taking a flight to Utah to be with him. But he's likely to need more help after he returns home; so I'm holding off for now. (And since I'm still sick at the moment I wouldn't be allowed near him right now anyway.)

        I appreciate all the love and prayers. They do make a big difference. So thank you!
        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        Thanks everyone - I think I just feel blah because it all happened at one time!

        RL Update
        It doesn't look good for my grandmother. That's the one that's unexpected - we've been thinking it was my grandfather that was going first and worrying about how she was going to handle it when he was gone. In the end, they both have always talked about wanting to go together, so I suppose they won't miss each other but by a few months tops. I think the hard part is that I'm in Minnesota and my family is down south. I'm used to being far away - military brat - but there are days when it sucks. I want to support them, but I'm here.

        We're sending my husband to his family to go to the funeral (thank you to my mom and dad for buying the ticket because God knows we couldn't afford it). Me and the kiddo will be here by ourselves for a few days, but we have a great little community.

        I'm just drained. I've never been the overly emotional type - I think I feel things differently, more physical in a sense that I just get more tired, but I don't tend to feel overwhelmed. It just all sort of hit at once. Life is life. It's never without it's afflictions.
        Wish you both the best.

        At times like these I'm very happy I live in such a small country;

        My father suffered a stroke a few weeks back and I could just hop on the train the next day to visit, stay over at my sister's and go back home the next day after a morning visit and then come back again at the end of the week and stay for a few days. Have done that a few times since.

        Same for my grandmother who's suffering from Alzheimer's but just seems to hang in there (she's very stubborn) when it was her 85th birthday; we've all been afraid every birthday will be her last for oh... about seven years now, but she's the only from her original group at the care home who's still alive even though she's deteriorating fast now. At least I could be there a few weeks ago even though she's practically blind now and was in a very bad mood and in the end we brought her back to her room because she kept falling asleep at the table and then nearly hitting someone when they tried to wake her or just talk to her.

        My aunt, who lives on the other side of the country, was admitted to hospital just before New Year's Eve because of lymphangitis and they were afraid she might become septic so again I hopped into the train to visit her (I'd just come back from second Christmas Day at her place a few days before) a day later. Luckily she's fine and back home now, but it was quite a scare and she'd been very panicked too so it was great I could visit her and see for myself that she was doing better.

        I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you to have to sit at home and wait for news when you just want to go over there and see how they're doing, offer support or in Nynaeve506's (husband's) case just attend a funeral.

        Originally posted by hedwig View Post

        Spare time OT:
        I'm curious to know what others do with any spare time they may have.

        Personally, I have been quilting for at least 10 years. (big quilts, little quilts, lap quilts, baby quilts, wallhangings). I've done some arts and crafts stuff. I learned how to do marbling some years back, and have done lots of it on paper as well as fabric. I've been known to take some really good photos now and then. And I LOVE spending time outdoors - though I much prefer dry, somewhat warmer weather than what we have now.
        Quilting is more of an American thing these days, isn't it? I've never heard of anyone I know who quilts or even has quilts.

        I take it that takes up a lot of time! I'm not very creative - the only marbling I do is water marbling for my nails - and writing is probably the only creative thing I do. Although I used to draw a lot too, but I got over that a few years ago (and now my mother has discovered it and is crazy about it).

        I usually write fic, read (fics/books), listen to music, socialize/shop/lunch/dine/hang out with friends, work out or watch TV shows in my spare time (not necessarily in that order).
        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
        On FFnet or AO3

        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


          Okay--let's try this again.

          Quilting is no longer just an American craft. In fact, it probably has its roots in all cultures--but the Americans made it into a hobby as well as a necessary survival skill (Patchwork quilting rose out of taking scraps from old clothing and other textiles and piecing them together to make bed coverings. It has grown from there into an art form). I actually make my business out of quilting, so I'm not sure I'd consider it a pastime for me anymore, but I do know quilters in the UK, Spain, France, Austria, Philippines, The United Arab Emirates, Japan, Korea, Africa, Indonesia, Argentina, Mexico, New Zealand, and Australia. Every year the Japanese quilters take honors at the Houston International Quilt Festival. There are quilt festivals and shows all over the world. In fact, I just read this morning about one that is being held in Dubai.

          And to bring this back to Stargate, I have been wanting to write a story FOREVER that I've had in my head about Sam and Janet taking a quilting class together. I think it would be hilarious.
          Last edited by Akamaimom; 05 January 2012, 08:38 AM.
          My Stories: FFdotNet
          My Stories AO3
          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


            What's with all the empty posts these days?
            Last edited by Lilac736; 05 January 2012, 10:20 AM.


              Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
              What's with all the empty posts this days?
              I actually had typed something in there. What happened to it?
              My Stories: FFdotNet
              My Stories AO3
              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                I actually had typed something in there. What happened to it?
                The GW post eater is very hungry these days


                  about the blank posts: It's a GW problem, and it's being worked on, but it could take awhile to get it fixed. There's a thread on the moderators page (I think) that addresses this issue.

                  One way around it is to copy your entire post before you click the post button. That way, if your post disappears, you can paste it back in and try again.


                    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                    I hang out here...LOL

                    Updates and spare time
                    No news on my grandmother yet. My parents are headed down there because my uncle said that it wasn't looking good. Just dropped hubby off at the airport so he could go to the funeral for his brother in AL.

                    Spare time - I usually write. I'm revising my first novel (no word on if it'll ever see the light of day). I write fanfic. I write a blog. I write. I write. I write. LOL I run a writing comm on LJ. So I write more.

                    I also do digital scrapbooking, something new I discovered this past year since all my RL srapbooks are languishing. So much easier. SO MUCH EASIER. And less messy.

                    I also play video games, watch tv, read books, the usual stuff. Plus I'm a pastor's wife, so I spend some time meeting with people and the like.

                    My life isn't very exciting, but that's okay. I grew up a military brat and lived all over the world - I'm ready for a little boring.
                    So, I take it you like to write, then?

                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    And Hedwig--you're funny. What's spare time????

                    Originally posted by yessika View Post
                    I hang out in here, in LJ, in YT. I make videos, gifs and banners. I watch tv, listen to music, and go dancing
                    I dance around my living room when there's some music on the radio that makes my feet want to start jumping around.

                    Originally posted by fems View Post
                    I take it that takes up a lot of time! I'm not very creative - the only marbling I do is water marbling for my nails - and writing is probably the only creative thing I do. Although I used to draw a lot too, but I got over that a few years ago (and now my mother has discovered it and is crazy about it).
                    Marbling on nails? That sounds interesting.

                    And I agree with Akamaimom about quilting; she just said it better than I would have.

                    I play at writing. And it's always in short stories, since I don't seem able to write anything really long and detailed. And it's usually humorous, since I can't deal well with angsty (emotional) stuff. Although I wrote one short piece awhile back that made everybody who read it cry. I even made myself cry when writing it. I wrote an alternate piece to it that hasn't been posted, and I'm not sure it will be because I can't figure how to get myself from one place to another in it. Ah well.


                      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                      Okay--let's try this again.

                      Quilting is no longer just an American craft. In fact, it probably has its roots in all cultures--but the Americans made it into a hobby as well as a necessary survival skill (Patchwork quilting rose out of taking scraps from old clothing and other textiles and piecing them together to make bed coverings. It has grown from there into an art form). I actually make my business out of quilting, so I'm not sure I'd consider it a pastime for me anymore, but I do know quilters in the UK, Spain, France, Austria, Philippines, The United Arab Emirates, Japan, Korea, Africa, Indonesia, Argentina, Mexico, New Zealand, and Australia. Every year the Japanese quilters take honors at the Houston International Quilt Festival. There are quilt festivals and shows all over the world. In fact, I just read this morning about one that is being held in Dubai.
                      I know quilting was brought to the States but these days I don't really hear anyone about it anymore except Americans. It doesn't have the same name as knitting for example; I know lots of people who can still knit even though in these days it's not really necessary anymore (unless you look at the high prices of hip scarfs or something).

                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      Marbling on nails? That sounds interesting.

                      And I agree with Akamaimom about quilting; she just said it better than I would have.

                      I play at writing. And it's always in short stories, since I don't seem able to write anything really long and detailed. And it's usually humorous, since I can't deal well with angsty (emotional) stuff. Although I wrote one short piece awhile back that made everybody who read it cry. I even made myself cry when writing it. I wrote an alternate piece to it that hasn't been posted, and I'm not sure it will be because I can't figure how to get myself from one place to another in it. Ah well.
                      There are plenty of tutorials on YT about water marbling; it's very simple and last much longer than regular nail polish. It usually takes about a week before it chips (?) and that's done with the cheapest nail polish I could find! It also looks far more complicated than it really is.

                      Well, I'm not very good at writing short stories and basically need angsty stuff, I don't think I can write just fluff and/or humorous; to each their own, eh?

                      And to bring it back on topic; I should probably start working on my new S/J fic now that I still have a few hours left.

                      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                      On FFnet or AO3

                      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post

                        Quilting is no longer just an American craft. In fact, it probably has its roots in all cultures--but the Americans made it into a hobby as well as a necessary survival skill (Patchwork quilting rose out of taking scraps from old clothing and other textiles and piecing them together to make bed coverings. It has grown from there into an art form). I actually make my business out of quilting, so I'm not sure I'd consider it a pastime for me anymore, but I do know quilters in the UK, Spain, France, Austria, Philippines, The United Arab Emirates, Japan, Korea, Africa, Indonesia, Argentina, Mexico, New Zealand, and Australia. Every year the Japanese quilters take honors at the Houston International Quilt Festival. There are quilt festivals and shows all over the world. In fact, I just read this morning about one that is being held in Dubai.
                        Count Germany in, my mother does quilting, and some of her friends, too. And there are festivals all over the country.

                        I for myself don't like quilting and knitting (which my mother does, too) I'm more for outside work and stick to gardening. And I have a horse, I do a lot of horseback riding, but that's going a bit in business direction for me.


                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          Okay--let's try this again.

                          Quilting is no longer just an American craft. In fact, it probably has its roots in all cultures--but the Americans made it into a hobby as well as a necessary survival skill (Patchwork quilting rose out of taking scraps from old clothing and other textiles and piecing them together to make bed coverings. It has grown from there into an art form). I actually make my business out of quilting, so I'm not sure I'd consider it a pastime for me anymore, but I do know quilters in the UK, Spain, France, Austria, Philippines, The United Arab Emirates, Japan, Korea, Africa, Indonesia, Argentina, Mexico, New Zealand, and Australia. Every year the Japanese quilters take honors at the Houston International Quilt Festival. There are quilt festivals and shows all over the world. In fact, I just read this morning about one that is being held in Dubai.

                          And to bring this back to Stargate, I have been wanting to write a story FOREVER that I've had in my head about Sam and Janet taking a quilting class together. I think it would be hilarious.
                          Quilting/sewing/knitting/tatting/crocheting all elude me. I've given it all a decent shot and it ends badly, with me wanting to gouge my eyes out with whatever needle/hook I'm using. It's a shame because my great-grandmother made lace that was very lovely. Different personalities though

                          Somehow I feel like Sam would end up like me with any of those frustrated at the long periods of sitting and doing. Unless of course she's working equations in her head while doing it.


                            Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                            Quilting/sewing/knitting/tatting/crocheting all elude me. I've given it all a decent shot and it ends badly, with me wanting to gouge my eyes out with whatever needle/hook I'm using. It's a shame because my great-grandmother made lace that was very lovely. Different personalities though

                            Somehow I feel like Sam would end up like me with any of those frustrated at the long periods of sitting and doing. Unless of course she's working equations in her head while doing it.
                            That's exactly what I was thinking of with that fic I have in mind. It makes me laugh just to think of it. I taught a class once with a woman who was SO determined that her quilt blocks be perfect that she ran out of the class in tears. The funny thing is that the particular method I was teaching was a folk art piecing method where the blocks are purposefully imperfect. I kind of see Sam being just as retentive.
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Sam's definitely a perfectionist and I doubt she'd take failing anything well...
                              Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                              Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                              On FFnet or AO3

                              My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                I have been watching The Big Bang Theory lately. For anyone not familiar with the show, it's about a group of nerdy scientists, and it's really funny. (Although some of it is not for younger or more sensitive viewers.) I caught one episode a while ago on reruns and thought it was humorous enough that it spawned a ficlet, but hadn't really watched more until lately, when both my husband and I started watching all the episodes. I got all four seasons on DVD for Christmas. He and I have both decide that Sam would think the show was hilarious!

                                Because I'm new to the series, I started watching them in order, and to my surprise, came across an episode recently that made me squee. There's a Stargate reference in an episode called, "The Cushion Saturation". Although it isn't clear which episode they are referring to, it's still great to hear!

                                I don't know if I'm smart enough to link videos, but I'll try. . .

                                We love that show! In fact, I got us VIP tix to a taping in February for Sher for Christmas (courtesy of a GW pal).
                                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."

