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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
    So, as I was cutting my lawn I had scenes from SG-1 going through my head to pass the time(this is nothing new since it happens all the time and it dawned on me: Do you think one of the things on Jack's "list" (the one he mentions to Weir) was to get permission to date/marry Carter? I realize he may have been just saying it to be funny but I think deep down he has a wish list(as we all do) and that is probably at the top of it. Thoughts?
    I think "Have Carter to myself at the cabin for at least a month" is definitely at the top of Jack's list of fitting rewards for saving the world . . . again!


      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      You know what? As much as I like hearing them call each other by their first names, I think that there's a certain intimacy that has arisen out of the "Carter" and "Sir" that they use. In many ways, she uses "sir" almost as other women would use "dear", and he uses "Carter" like a shield--like he uses it to remind himself not to call her something else. It has thence become her first name to him. Let's not forget that he's the only one that calls her that. That assures him a level of intimacy that other people can't have with her. I think that they will lapse into those names even when they're allowed to use their actual names. I think it's sweet.
      Jack was the only one, but in seasons 9-10 Cam called her Carter a few times, which really cheezed me off! But I think it will always have special meaning with Jack, no matter who else may say it.


        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
        Jack was the only one, but in seasons 9-10 Cam called her Carter a few times, which really cheezed me off! But I think it will always have special meaning with Jack, no matter who else may say it.
        I seem to recall Daniel calling Sam "Carter" once or twice, though he may have been referring to her when talking to somebody else rather than speaking to her personally at the time.

        I think it was "In the Serpent's Grasp" when Daniel was ranting about why they should do something about a possible impending invasion, he was talking about stuff in the other reality, and said something like "Carter, your whole family was dead..."
        Last edited by hedwig; 21 May 2011, 08:52 PM.


          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
          Not at all. The backstory in my head is that Sam had a thing for Jack even before she actually met him in the briefing room. I'm sure Colonel Jack O'Neill had some sort of larger than life rep in the airforce.

          That's my story.... and I AM sticking to it .
          Ooooh...that's good! Surely there's a good fic in that? I can see it in my head as she comes into the room and he fixes her with that first look...what must that have felt like?? I'm telling ya...good fic material...
          sig by Ikorni

          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


            Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
            Thanks for the compliment! They are so fun to write about.
            sig by Ikorni

            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


              Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
              Jack was the only one, but in seasons 9-10 Cam called her Carter a few times, which really cheezed me off! But I think it will always have special meaning with Jack, no matter who else may say it.
    're kidding! I missed that entirely! ( I gotta go back and watch seasons 9-10 again). Yeah...that would kinda tick me off too. I can imagine a domestic scene where he slips into 'Carter' and her not even cute.
              sig by Ikorni

              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
                So, as I was cutting my lawn I had scenes from SG-1 going through my head to pass the time(this is nothing new since it happens all the time and it dawned on me: Do you think one of the things on Jack's "list" (the one he mentions to Weir) was to get permission to date/marry Carter? I realize he may have been just saying it to be funny but I think deep down he has a wish list(as we all do) and that is probably at the top of it. Thoughts?
                Others have speculated that since he said:
                "a hot shower, hot toddy,..."
                That the next thing on the list would be something else hot...his best girl! That idea plays well for those of us that think they either were married by this point, or well on their way.

                Here's the link to Jenniferjf's Evidence that Jack and Sam are Together
                And her comment: "In The Return II on SGA, Jack tells Weir he's going home at the end to "a shower, hot toddy, and...." then he trails off smugly and suggestively. Many of us saw that as implying female type companionship, which would be the first time Jack has ever openly admitted to that without embarassment, because he's actually proud of his relationship with Sam. And he obviously has someone waiting for him at home, since he assumes all this coziness "
                Her other points are cute/sweet also.
                sig by Ikorni

                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                  Brilliant link!! Very cute.
                  "We still commit murder because of greed and spite and jealousy, and we still visit all of our sins upon our children. We refuse to accept the responsibility for anything we've done. [...] Its not enough to survive... One has to be worthy of survival."
                  ~William Adama

                  All this has happened before. All this is happening again.


                    ::wandering in::

                    Hey y'all!

                    Another possible proof they are together - Sam's longer hair. After Sam's first ep of Atlantis, when I told my British friend Sam had long hair, she said "She is so shagging him." LOL


                    ::wandering out::
                    It failed to qualify as a cave, technically speaking, but Jack called it one anyway.
                    He'd never been one for speaking technically.

                    Jaunt to Paradise - Spiletta42


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      Well, in a way we did, even though she's talking to him before she gets re-tested.. When she leaned over him at the 2d testing, she reminded him of what "'we' can't admit, given our military ranks", etc. For me, that pretty much says she is admitting she feels the same way about him.

                      I sort of think he may look bewildered because of how confused it all got because of that machine, and the fact that other people are already milling around them, and there's no way in you-know-where that he'd be willing to talk about "feelings" at a time like that. Too much going on, so he's looking a little bewildered.

                      But that's just my opinion ... and I'm sticking to it.
                      Just re-watched it, Hedwig. She DOES say "something NEITHER ONE OF US can admit...".

                      So my earlier devil's advocate that she could have just omitted from her statement how upset Jack was, and that her confession may have not had anything to do with her having feelings for him flies out the window. YAY! look how upset I am.

                      Also on this episode I was rivited durin the re-testing at Jack's unflinching gaze into Sam's eyes when he says "a lot more than I'm supposed to" (you can see his eyes flick up to hers right before that phrase and at the same moment she opens her eyes -she had closed them momentarily at his confession- and gazes right back into his).

                      Feeling shippy tonight
                      sig by Ikorni

                      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        I seem to recall Daniel calling Sam "Carter" once or twice, though he may have been referring to her when talking to somebody else rather than speaking to her personally at the time.

                        I think it was "In the Serpent's Grasp" when Daniel was ranting about why they should do something about a possible impending invasion, he was talking about stuff in the other reality, and said something like "Carter, your whole family was dead..."
                        Really? I really don't remember Daniel ever calling her Carter. I'll have to check it out! It's been a while since I've watched the earlier episodes.


                          Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                're kidding! I missed that entirely! ( I gotta go back and watch seasons 9-10 again). Yeah...that would kinda tick me off too. I can imagine a domestic scene where he slips into 'Carter' and her not even cute.
                          I think the times Cam called her Carter were mostly in combat situations. Casually, I think he called her Sam for the most part, which I didn't mind. They are the same rank so, thankfully, she never called him Sir... that would have been wrong on so many levels!

                          I can definitely see Jack still calling her Carter, it's like an endearment, imo.


                            Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                            Ooooh...that's good! Surely there's a good fic in that? I can see it in my head as she comes into the room and he fixes her with that first look...what must that have felt like?? I'm telling ya...good fic material...
                            Then get to it and write that fic girl. That's an order.

                            Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                            I think the times Cam called her Carter were mostly in combat situations. Casually, I think he called her Sam for the most part, which I didn't mind. They are the same rank so, thankfully, she never called him Sir... that would have been wrong on so many levels! :

                            Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                            I can definitely see Jack still calling her Carter, it's like an endearment, imo.
                            Can you think of any instances where she would insist that he call her Sam.
                            sig by Mada
                            As a matter of FIC


                              Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                              Then get to it and write that fic girl. That's an order.
                              *Scrabbling madly for pen & paper, googling the script, etc* ...aaand she's off! Research begun. No promises how soon it'll be done! When's your birthday (lol). Ack! plot bunnies multiply like tribbles!!
                              sig by Ikorni

                              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                                *Scrabbling madly for pen & paper, googling the script, etc* ...aaand she's off! Research begun. No promises how soon it'll be done! When's your birthday (lol). Ack! plot bunnies multiply like tribbles!!
                                ... or Nubbins.

