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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Memorial Day. . .

    For all of my US friends out there, I urge a minute of remembrance to all of those who have fallen. And a note of thanks to those who serve and those who have served. Thank you. Words can't express, and there is no way to repay the debt. My thoughts are with soldiers, and their families on this day. Thank you.
    My Stories: FFdotNet
    My Stories AO3
    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      And I was just making conversation
      I thought that's what I was doing as well. I'm sorry.


        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

        This was posted by Choo1701 on the fanfic peeves thread the other day. Reposting it here because I love the way it sums up the Sam/Jack relationship here. It just makes me giggle so much.

        The Reduced SFX Company presents Stargate SG1 (season one) in one five-minute script. With all due respect…
        Lol! This is good! Thanks for sharing - made my day!


          Someone says that Facebook is dangerous and maybe he's right!
          First, some time ago one of my friends put the link of this song on her FB page...and I HAD to check it! And then I thought "uhm, I could use it for a vid!"
          Then, since I dedicated my latest vid to my friends Giorgia, Irena and Camilla, Jann and Karine started staking me all the time on FB and MSN to have a vid dedicated to them! So this is the result! I hope you like it! It's dedicated to Jann and Karine (universally known as "stalker twins"!)

          My vids Sig made by me


            Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
            Just a quick question

            Someone mentioned
            Jack and tea

            Does Carter prefer tea to coffee?

            I always amused she drink coffee but then again i could be wrong. I know it might been referenced in some episode but I haven't actually sat down and really watched Stargate in while, currently on a Star Trek Voyager kick, outside of what I video capped earlier this year and seen on syfy.
            I know she's been seen drinking coffee in various episodes - the ones that come to mind immediately are "Urgo" and "Redemption", but I'm sure there have been others where she's drinking coffee. But I bet she likes a nice soothing cup of tea now and then. And while it's not coffee, in "Arthur's Mantle", Dr. Lee brings a tray to their lab with blue jello on it, and there might have been a cup of coffee on the tray too.


              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
              Well, I suppose that I could add this:

              Excerpt from "Air" Novel (Jack/Rush Scene):
              He folded the report closed and dropped it on the seat next to him, before pausing to flick a tiny piece of lint from the front of his uniform jacket. “You’re sure this is the one, Doctor?”

              The man sitting opposite him in the limo made a face. “You saw the report.”

              “I saw that some kid busting the high score on Donkey Kong is apparently a reason to get me out of bed at oh-dark-thirty hours.”

              “It’s a little more complicated than that, General. The decode test requires a unique mindset and no little skill to complete. You read the boy’s academic records. High IQ, low self esteem, intelligent but an under-achiever. Potential without purpose. Just the kind of resource the program needs that gets lost in the cracks.”

              “If you say so. I just thought we had enough brains on board without having to do this whole Sword in the Stone thing.”

              “As I said,” continued the doctor, his tone cooling, “it’s more complicated than that.”

              “It so often is.” The general reached for the door handle. “Wait in the car till I call you,” he said.

              “Uh, sir . . .”

              He ignored the other man, picking up his service cap and setting it squarely on his head. “Don’t worry, the uniform makes a strong first impression.” He tapped the file. “I got a read on this kid. Believe me, I know the type pretty well.”



              {Fast forward through the scene that's already on the episode}

              "Right. I think I want my lawyer to look at it first..."

              “By lawyer,” said O’Neill, “I assume you mean mother?”

              The door was already closing. “Why don’t we just go ahead and agree that I will call you?”

              Then O’Neill and Rush were standing alone on the stoop. “I can see you’ve done this recruiting thing a lot, General,” said the doctor, with no little sarcasm. “Good job.”

              “Just priming him, is all,” he replied, reaching into his pocket for an encrypted cell phone. “Now we make with some shock and awe.” He tabbed the speed dial for a number that did not and would never exist in any kind of public record, and waited a moment.

              When the line connected, he spoke a terse codeword and gave his orders. “Walter? Contact Carter. Tell her she has a go.”

              Excerpt from "Air" Novel (Jack/Rush Scene):
              Scene where Rush (in Telford’s body) is explaining the situation to Jack:


              “Jackson’s out with Vala chasing up her former contacts in the Alliance. Mitchell and Teal’c are sharing what intel we have with the Free Jaffa Nation. In the meantime, Carter’s on station at the moon base with the Hammond while we patch it up. I know she’s already talked to McKay and his people about ideas for getting you all back, but don’t get your hopes up.
              First, thanks so much for doing the actual write-ups! I was on my iPad and was so not going to do that on here! That and I was already home without the book.

              RE: First two bolded bits. Awesome, I missed those parts entirely!

              RE: last bolded bit....HA!!! Awesome! Moonbase! Yes! Okay, I'm thrilled to bits and find that incredibly shippy for no other reason than it was mentioned at the end of Continuum.

              Golly, I really am a geek.
              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                I think I might buy the Air novelization, I really like those excerpts

                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  So for those excerpts from the air novelization there Actually is a moon base? Cool! Love the excerpts except the last one it was actually colonel young in air part 3 who switch bodies with Telford. Rush switched bodies with Dr. Lee in air part 2.
                  Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 31 May 2010, 11:58 PM.


                    This is the extended scene of where Rush is in Dr. Lee's Body and speaks to General O'Neill.

                    General O'Neill. I am reporting to you from onboard an Ancient Spaceship. Somewhere far beyond our known...*

                    Just slow down, back up. Who's with you? *

                    Several Dozen, I'm not sure, but the point is I did it. I succesfully made the connection to the ninth chevron address.
                    O'Neill: *
                    You were supposed to be evacuating non-combat personnel to Earth!*

                    Rush: *
                    Colonel Young gave that order, yes. I overrode that decision. *

                    Did you, now?*

                    If you'd let me explain, sir. Dialing Earth was not an option. The core of the planet P4X-351 bad become unstable, and if the resulting blast had transferred through the wormhole to Earth, the effect would have been catastrophic.

                    So Let me get this straight. Instead of dialing up any one of a number of other planets in our galaxy, you took a bunch of people halfway across the universe?!

                    I took what I thought was our last chance to dial the ninth and final chevron. I was successful. At that point, the gate couldn't be shut down again.*

                    Oh, my God. Rush, get those people home. * * **


                      Originally posted by Pol View Post

                      RE: last bolded bit....HA!!! Awesome! Moonbase! Yes! Okay, I'm thrilled to bits and find that incredibly shippy for no other reason than it was mentioned at the end of Continuum.
                      I hadn't read that bit either. Was great to see it mentioned.
                      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                        Originally posted by yessika View Post
                        I think I might buy the Air novelization, I really like those excerpts

                        Really? I didn't find them at all anything special.

                        The extended scene with pissed off Jack and Rush are far more interesting. But I have no intention of buying the SGU box set for it.
                        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          I do hope you'll still be participating in the rewatch discussions when we get to that season because I'll be sure to give you that episode so you can elaboarte further on those comments of AT's.

                          The Reduced SFX Company presents Stargate SG1 (season one) in one five-minute script. With all due respect…

                          Will do my utmost to participate - as long as that darned RL thing doesn't get involved!

                          Hah - that script made me laugh - thanks for sharing


                            Season 1 in 5 minures *lol* that's funny!
                            (and half of it contains S/J or am I being stupid?^^)

                            soo.. testing my new random-sig.. hope it works


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post

                              Happy Memorial Day, Shippers!

                              *Crankies by zuz

                              and thx for birthday wishes...


                                Oh.. I just stumbled over a few questions.. yeah, I still have to lean a lot
                                But.. What's up with the broccoli???
                                And how did you come up with the Hippie bus? (just fot the record, i love old (volkswagen) buses and think the idea is great!)

