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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    In my continued attempts to stump all you S/J Ship experts, here's another guess the shippy moment pick (at least I think it's shippy ):

    Fair Game? Season 3. That's my guess.
    My Stories: FFdotNet
    My Stories AO3
    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      I agree with the bolded all the way!

      However. . .I know that Pete and Sam weren't engaged by then--but she was in a physical relationship with him, and in my conventional world--that's pretty committed. But who knows how she would see that? We really didn't get many clues as to her thoughts on that kind of thing on the show. I've read a lot of fic where Sam is pretty "loose" with physical relationships--but none of those read true to me. Chimera "wall scenes" notwithstanding, I just don't see Sam as being easy in that regard. I think that she would have wanted it all ended before starting something that had all the possibility of being important.

      Like how she tries to ask Jack one more time what he thinks before accepting the ring. And he totally fails, the doorknob.

      But they are SOOOOO together now!
      The first bolded part in fanfics is what I find so strange, given that the Sam we saw in the series never even had a physical relationship with anybody until Pete came along (Jonas Hansen doesn't count, since he was pre-series). And I don't consider any of her various "suitors" to be boyfriends or anything remotely like that. I have no doubt they all really wanted that with her, but she didn't feel that way towards any of them beyond caring about them as friends (IMO). But I'm of the opinion that given the emotional intensity of the situation in "Lost City" when Jack resigned there might have been a kiss, regardless of her relationship with Pete - always assuming Daniel didn't interrupt. And had there been a kiss, I'm quite sure that she would have gone straight home after the mission (assuming they all survived) and broken up with Pete. (And I agree with the second bolded part.)


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        Fair Game? Season 3. That's my guess.
        You're just too good. It was Fair Game when Sam is having trouble healing Chronos and Jack goes all Fruedian on her.

        So here's your prize:


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          I agree with the bolded all the way!

          However. . .I know that Pete and Sam weren't engaged by then--but she was in a physical relationship with him, and in my conventional world--that's pretty committed. But who knows how she would see that? We really didn't get many clues as to her thoughts on that kind of thing on the show. I've read a lot of fic where Sam is pretty "loose" with physical relationships--but none of those read true to me. Chimera "wall scenes" notwithstanding, I just don't see Sam as being easy in that regard. I think that she would have wanted it all ended before starting something that had all the possibility of being important.

          Like how she tries to ask Jack one more time what he thinks before accepting the ring. And he totally fails, the doorknob.
          I agree with you.
          I don't think that Sam would ever cheat on a boyfriend for a one night-stand or something like it but for someone she really loves... Jack!
          I could she her doing it. No like an affare over weeks. But I think she would kiss him when she finally realised that he is the ONE and the ONLY ONE she really loves, although she is still in a relationship with some potatohead she tryed to believe she is in love with. But I don't think she would do much more that goes beyond a kiss befor she told the other guy that it is over.
          And especially in Lost City in the cargo I can see her kissing Jack because he is dieing and she thinks it will maybe her last chance.

          But they are SOOOOO together now!
          I have to thank Samantha.Majka for this great banner!


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            The first bolded part in fanfics is what I find so strange, given that the Sam we saw in the series never even had a physical relationship with anybody until Pete came along (Jonas Hansen doesn't count, since he was pre-series). And I don't consider any of her various "suitors" to be boyfriends or anything remotely like that. I have no doubt they all really wanted that with her, but she didn't feel that way towards any of them beyond caring about them as friends (IMO). But I'm of the opinion that given the emotional intensity of the situation in "Lost City" when Jack resigned there might have been a kiss, regardless of her relationship with Pete - always assuming Daniel didn't interrupt. And had there been a kiss, I'm quite sure that she would have gone straight home after the mission (assuming they all survived) and broken up with Pete. (And I agree with the second bolded part.)
            I have to thank Samantha.Majka for this great banner!


              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
              Chimera "wall scenes" notwithstanding, I just don't see Sam as being easy in that regard.
              Too jump from this to a slightly different idea, I think, not to be too explicit, the Chimera "wall scene" was the way it was precisely because Sam wasn't easy in that regard (to use your euphemism ). I think we were seeing the results of 7 years of UST. As I think we learn in Grace, Sam had rather put that part of her life on hold and Pete is her first real attempt to have a real relationship of any kind in years. So I tend to think not only any 'physical' relationship but, really, any serious dating relationship Sam is shown as having before Pete is fairly well contradicted by canon. Not explicitly, but if Sam had been involved in dating relationships serious enough to get physical (however serious that would have to be for Sam), I don't think Grace, specifically the conversation she has with "Jacob", makes a lot of sense.

              As for a kiss in Lost City, to get back on track, I can't see it happening but not because Sam was with Pete. Rather, I don't think Jack would have done it. As we learn with Daniel's death (and I think with Charlie's as well), Jack tends to withdraw emotionally when facing death and more than most understands the pain of it. So I can't see him starting a relationship with Sam at that point when he really believed he was likely to be dying soon. I just can't see him as being willing to put her through that.


                Need help to refresh my memory of Jack's fishing invites.

                We have the first in Nemesis, then the repeat in Small Victories. He invites her again in The Curse, and then in Sight Unseen.

                Am I missing any (that we see)?


                  Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                  Need help to refresh my memory of Jack's fishing invites.

                  We have the first in Nemesis, then the repeat in Small Victories. He invites her again in The Curse, and then in Sight Unseen.

                  Am I missing any (that we see)?
                  Well, there's the one which is implied but we never see, which she finally accepts. And then, of course, there's the way he ultimately gets her to come fishing:


                    I would like to venture that Sam had a physical relationship with ... agh... I can't remember the character's name... the ascended being who descended and built a SG in Sam's basement? To me, that was why they were so very awkward with each other when he came back later as a child. Sorry my memory is being uncooperative ATM, lol.

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                      I would like to venture that Sam had a physical relationship with ... agh... I can't remember the character's name... the ascended being who descended and built a SG in Sam's basement? To me, that was why they were so very awkward with each other when he came back later as a child. Sorry my memory is being uncooperative ATM, lol.
                      It's Season 5, "Ascension", and his name was Orlin. And I think maybe the awkwardness was due to the energy sharing thing that she and Orlin shared, rather than a sexual physical relationship. I just can't see her having a physical relationship with a formerly ascended being who came back to the physical plane because he was "in love" with her after seeing her on that other planet; it just seems so un-Sam-like for her to go that far given the circumstances. Plus, while she didn't know it for sure (she tried to talk to Jack about it and he pretty much dismissed her because he was in a hurry to get to the men's room), there were still those surveillance cameras in her home the whole time Orlin was there, and I have no doubt Colonel Simmons would have brought that up to Hammond when he showed him the pictures of Orlin in Sam's house. In my own mind, I'm positive there was nothing beyond that energy sharing thing, which in many ways would have been far more intimate than physical sex, just because of how much they must have learned about each other.

                      (*and I frequently have those uncooperative memory moments ... *)


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        It's Season 5, "Ascension", and his name was Orlin. And I think maybe the awkwardness was due to the energy sharing thing that she and Orlin shared, rather than a sexual physical relationship. I just can't see her having a physical relationship with a formerly ascended being who came back to the physical plane because he was "in love" with her after seeing her on that other planet; it just seems so un-Sam-like for her to go that far given the circumstances. Plus, while she didn't know it for sure (she tried to talk to Jack about it and he pretty much dismissed her because he was in a hurry to get to the men's room), there were still those surveillance cameras in her home the whole time Orlin was there, and I have no doubt Colonel Simmons would have brought that up to Hammond when he showed him the pictures of Orlin in Sam's house. In my own mind, I'm positive there was nothing beyond that energy sharing thing, which in many ways would have been far more intimate than physical sex, just because of how much they must have learned about each other.

                        (*and I frequently have those uncooperative memory moments ... *)
                        I can agree with that. It makes sense.

                        I still don't think Sam was a nun for 7 years. We just weren't necessarily privy to this info.

                        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          I agree with the bolded all the way!

                          However. . .I know that Pete and Sam weren't engaged by then--but she was in a physical relationship with him, and in my conventional world--that's pretty committed. But who knows how she would see that? We really didn't get many clues as to her thoughts on that kind of thing on the show. I've read a lot of fic where Sam is pretty "loose" with physical relationships--but none of those read true to me. Chimera "wall scenes" notwithstanding, I just don't see Sam as being easy in that regard. I think that she would have wanted it all ended before starting something that had all the possibility of being important.

                          Like how she tries to ask Jack one more time what he thinks before accepting the ring. And he totally fails, the doorknob.

                          But they are SOOOOO together now!
                          i'm of two minds on this matter...

                          see, i see sam as IN a relationship with jack already, even though she was seeing pete. jack came first, literally, *in her heart and soul*... to me, in some ways, pete was 'the other'.

                          i wouldn't have had any probs with sam kissing jack, while still with pete, for the reasons i stated above. and i use those same reasons for not having any probs if she and jack had slept together, while still serving together too. for me, *for me*, in their hearts, they were in love and were supposed to be acting on it. they were denying their true feelings, they were denying the truth and their impulses. it was a true love.

                          i think i've read too much fanfiction, and it's embedded into the canon-like of the show and characters.



                            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                            I can agree with that. It makes sense.

                            I still don't think Sam was a nun for 7 years. We just weren't necessarily privy to this info.
                            Yes. I do find that a bit hard to accept. Especially when all of the guys had one or two "dalliances" or whatever one wants to call them over the same number of years.


                              I never associated Sam and Orlin as having got physical with each other but, hmm, yes I can see how it might have been.

                              Just to be a bit retro here and skip back to the kiss discussion, my order is:

                              Broca DividePOVWOOGraceMoebuis

                              No I didn't accidentally forget the spaces; I'm just putting them all on equal footing. Why? well...

                              Broca Divide: Because I so didn't see that coming and because, as feral as it is, and as uncomfortable as it might be... oh Jack so kisses her right back. He does, I swear!

                              POV: Because Jack gets his first taste of Sam's lips. And that's got to have go him thinking "I like that, I want more!"

                              WOO: because it proves without a doubt that Jack's "caring for her more than he's supposed to" includes fantasies of waking up in bed nekkid with her.

                              Grace; because it's beautifully angsty and hot and a little bit fluffy. So what if it happene din Sam's mind only; she's imagining kissing him in an incredibly hot-make-my-tummy-tingle-watching-it way. And what else? Well her even thinking this removes any doubt whatsoever that the feelings Jack demonstrated were romantic in WOO are totally reciprocated in exactly the same way). And did I mention that it's just damn hot? Yeah. that too.

                              Moebius: Sparkage. Come on sparkage! And, of course, because it's impossible to watch that episode without grinning every time Jack's hand accidentally rubs against Sam's or every time Sam gets all girlfriend-like of Jack (which she so does) and to know that no matter how badly they screw up reality, they still go fishing in the end.

                              But, actually, I have to confess, there is actually a favourite of mine. It's this one:

                              Made, just because I can. Want me to do the rest of the kisses?


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                The first bolded part in fanfics is what I find so strange, given that the Sam we saw in the series never even had a physical relationship with anybody until Pete came along (Jonas Hansen doesn't count, since he was pre-series). And I don't consider any of her various "suitors" to be boyfriends or anything remotely like that. I have no doubt they all really wanted that with her, but she didn't feel that way towards any of them beyond caring about them as friends (IMO). But I'm of the opinion that given the emotional intensity of the situation in "Lost City" when Jack resigned there might have been a kiss, regardless of her relationship with Pete - always assuming Daniel didn't interrupt. And had there been a kiss, I'm quite sure that she would have gone straight home after the mission (assuming they all survived) and broken up with Pete. (And I agree with the second bolded part.)
                                re the bold: i thought sam 'still' should have broken up with pete, seeing as any kind of doubts she had (about hers or jack's feelings) were erased by 'lost city'. that's one of the reasons i was so when 'new order' aired, and she was still seeing pete after everything we saw in 'lost city'. oy x 10.


