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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
    Welcome here! ;DD You're better than me. It took me some weeks after I joined GW to post in this thread even if I had been lurking for months before joining. But Ship Day got the better of me. ^^
    Thanks! Happy to be here. I had to build up my gumption, but then I just tend to dive in. Waiting to get off probie status so I can build a profile and be a bit less anon.

    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    OT Fanfic help:
    I have had to learn how to do this, because I'm most comfortable with fuzzy and fluffy. But I learned that it's like acting for me. (Which I actually have a degree in. Now THAT'S useful.) I have to put myself in character to do the action sequences. I have to try to almost "method-write"--if we're translating acting to writing. I find that my heart beats faster, and I almost have to feel the panic or the excitement when I'm doing action sequences. I also draw diagrams for myself. I'm still struggling to make my action sequences better--I feel that's the weakest part of my writing. But this seems to be adequate until I can figure out another method.

    Hope this helps.
    Ooh. I have to do this too!
    I'm writing something right now, not a fic, but the intimate dialogue scenes are easy while the action and sex scenes are really, really hard. They terrify me a little because I want them to come off as authentic. I can write smutty fic, no probs, but in a script? Yikes!

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      V. Cool! I've only done one SG1 vid, but it's got some strong S/J implication. I'll pimp it tomorrow after I get up. The hospital blocks youtube. Boo. I'm essentially babysitting tonight. Not that I mind.
      Cool and boo for the hospital blocking youtube
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by yessika View Post
        Cool and boo for the hospital blocking youtube
        You know, right after I said that, it became preterm labor night in triage. I should know better than to jinx myself like that! If you are still interested, you can find the vid on youtube here or on LJ here. It may belong more in the Carter/AT thread than here, I don't know, but there's some S/J angst in there.

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          Yes. A Colt .45 is the gun normally used in Western movies. It's kind of the ubiquitous gun from those times.
          See. I knew someone would know if it was a real gun LOL. Must've stuck in my brain from somewhere long long ago LOL


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            would you be the happiest with for sam and jack:

            a- married

            b- in a relationship

            c- (pick your scenario)
            I'm a little late to the party, but my answer would be: Married with kids (or pregnant)! But, I know I won't get the kids/pregnant part, so I would happily settle for married. And, to be realistic, I don't see that being shown either, so I guess I would be satisfied with seeing them in a confirmed, committed relationship, and leaving it open-ended as to whether they are married.

            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
            Hello Sam/Jack folks!

            I'm brand, brand new to posting here at Gateworld though I've been lurking for months. I thought I'd jump into this fandom after all, since I'd met some amazing folks in my first fandom experience with BSG.

            Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
            Guilty as charged! That's me on the right in the green t-shirt. nell and I held the banner and and watched Joe film us with his video camera as he walked slowly up to the fence. Thank goodness he didn't call the police! However, it wouldn't have mattered because no sacrifice is too great if if gets Sam and Jack together, right?

            Joe spoke with us for a while and some other people were milling about. After that the guard at the front gate was really nice and chatted with us and let us take lots of pictures.

            Our trip to Bridge Studios is one of my favorite memories of Gatecon 2008.
            That is absolutely fantastic. You guys were so gutsy to do that. And, so lucky to meet Joe and Marty G. I'd love to meet Joe, Brad, AT, RDA, etc. someday, but I rather doubt that will ever happen.


              i was reading this yahoo news link - - and thought of sam and jack.



                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                OT Fan Fic Help:

                I posted this question on the fanfic help thread, but I know a lot of you are awesome fic writers; so I thought I would look for some advice here to.

                I guess I got an appetite for fic writing from doing my first ever fic for Ship Day and now I have an idea that I'd really like to put on paper.

                My dilemma: The story requires an action sequence and I've never written anything like that before. I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm worried about pacing, being sufficiently descriptive (without going overboard and slowing down the feeling of action), and keeping all of the different characters and their movements straight. I'm worried about confusing myself, let alone my readers.

                So it's an ambush type scenario, with some running and gunning, hiding and stalking; that's the general idea.

                Any sugguestions or advice on how to approach this would be soooo appreciated!

                On topic: + =
                OT Fanfic


                I'm probably going to repeat what others have said but I keep these three things in mind:

                1) It's important to remember your POV. If it is a planned ambush (SG1 ambushing) then its likely your character is going to remember where people are supposed to be in terms of position which you can sketch out quickly, something like:

                Sam went over the plan in her head; Jack was behind the third rock to the left of the Stargate, Daniel directly opposite him closer to the DHD. She couldn't see either of them. Teal'c stirred beside her.

                But things can quickly not go to plan when action happens so you shouldn't feel wedded to where they start out. If SG1 are ambushed then it's likely there will be confusion after the initial attack...

                Sam had a vague idea that the Colonel had dragged Daniel behind the rocks near the Stargate but she couldn't see them and she couldn't risk a radio call to check - she would just give away both their positions. Teal'c stirred beside her.

                Like Akamaimom, I find it useful to get myself in character a little to pretend to be the character - how are they feeling, what are they thinking, what are they hearing, what are they seeing...

                2) I always find it useful to plan out the action sequence so you know the major beats so...

                a. Sam waiting in the ambush for the Jaffa

                b. Teal'c silently signals their approach

                c. Anticipation of the attack

                d. Teal'c moves first

                e. Sam covers with her P90 taking down targets from behind cover

                f. Peripheral vision the status of the others - can't worry about them

                g. Jaffa attempts to surprise her from behind but she hears twig snap

                h. Hand to hand

                i. Sam takes a blow to the head and falls to the ground

                j. Moment of suspense - Jaffa stood over her about to fire/stab her

                k. Jaffa riddled with bullets

                l. Jack suddenly there; 'You OK, Carter?'

                For pacing, I always think each beat is a paragraph - whether one, two or three sentences.

                Her head slammed into the ground. Her breath left her in a rush. Sam blinked back the darkness in her vision.

                Above her, the Jaffa grinned and raised his knife. The sun glinted off the sharp edge.

                Sam's eyes widened; her heart jumped wildly in her chest. She couldn't breathe. Her fingers dug into the dirt of the forest, scrabbling for leverage. She had to get up...she had to get up...

                The knife descended...

                3) Keep to what you know or do research. As Twi said, really.

                I don't do martial arts so I never talk about moves in terms of giving them names just a simple description: Sam spun on her left leg and kicked out with her right. Her boot made solid contact with the Jaffa's chest sending him back a couple of paces - but he didn't go down.

                I keep it simple in terms of guns because I don't know a great deal about them: Jack lowered his P90 and crouched beside her, one hand landing on her arm with reassuring heaviness even as his eyes remained forward. 'You OK, Carter?'

                If you're going to describe something you don't know about, research. For my Airwolf series, I did have to research about MIGs and weaponry but then only ended up using a 1/100th of what I researched, because a lengthy explanation about why a heat-seeking missile would target Airwolf would ruin the pace of the aerial battle...


                My last piece of advice is this: if you're new at writing action sequences a good way to practice is to slip in a DVD/Vid of a SG1 action sequence - say Sam fighting Turghan or the fight scene in The Other Side or SG1 rescuing Lt Tyler!Not in The Fifth Man. And then write what you see.

                Hope that helps!

                And to be vaguely on topic:

                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                  Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                  OT Fanfic


                  I'm probably going to repeat what others have said but I keep these three things in mind:

                  1) It's important to remember your POV. If it is a planned ambush (SG1 ambushing) then its likely your character is going to remember where people are supposed to be in terms of position which you can sketch out quickly, something like:

                  Sam went over the plan in her head; Jack was behind the third rock to the left of the Stargate, Daniel directly opposite him closer to the DHD. She couldn't see either of them. Teal'c stirred beside her.

                  But things can quickly not go to plan when action happens so you shouldn't feel wedded to where they start out. If SG1 are ambushed then it's likely there will be confusion after the initial attack...

                  Sam had a vague idea that the Colonel had dragged Daniel behind the rocks near the Stargate but she couldn't see them and she couldn't risk a radio call to check - she would just give away both their positions. Teal'c stirred beside her.

                  Like Akamaimom, I find it useful to get myself in character a little to pretend to be the character - how are they feeling, what are they thinking, what are they hearing, what are they seeing...

                  2) I always find it useful to plan out the action sequence so you know the major beats so...

                  a. Sam waiting in the ambush for the Jaffa

                  b. Teal'c silently signals their approach

                  c. Anticipation of the attack

                  d. Teal'c moves first

                  e. Sam covers with her P90 taking down targets from behind cover

                  f. Peripheral vision the status of the others - can't worry about them

                  g. Jaffa attempts to surprise her from behind but she hears twig snap

                  h. Hand to hand

                  i. Sam takes a blow to the head and falls to the ground

                  j. Moment of suspense - Jaffa stood over her about to fire/stab her

                  k. Jaffa riddled with bullets

                  l. Jack suddenly there; 'You OK, Carter?'

                  For pacing, I always think each beat is a paragraph - whether one, two or three sentences.

                  Her head slammed into the ground. Her breath left her in a rush. Sam blinked back the darkness in her vision.

                  Above her, the Jaffa grinned and raised his knife. The sun glinted off the sharp edge.

                  Sam's eyes widened; her heart jumped wildly in her chest. She couldn't breathe. Her fingers dug into the dirt of the forest, scrabbling for leverage. She had to get up...she had to get up...

                  The knife descended...

                  3) Keep to what you know or do research. As Twi said, really.

                  I don't do martial arts so I never talk about moves in terms of giving them names just a simple description: Sam spun on her left leg and kicked out with her right. Her boot made solid contact with the Jaffa's chest sending him back a couple of paces - but he didn't go down.

                  I keep it simple in terms of guns because I don't know a great deal about them: Jack lowered his P90 and crouched beside her, one hand landing on her arm with reassuring heaviness even as his eyes remained forward. 'You OK, Carter?'

                  If you're going to describe something you don't know about, research. For my Airwolf series, I did have to research about MIGs and weaponry but then only ended up using a 1/100th of what I researched, because a lengthy explanation about why a heat-seeking missile would target Airwolf would ruin the pace of the aerial battle...


                  My last piece of advice is this: if you're new at writing action sequences a good way to practice is to slip in a DVD/Vid of a SG1 action sequence - say Sam fighting Turghan or the fight scene in The Other Side or SG1 rescuing Lt Tyler!Not in The Fifth Man. And then write what you see.

                  Hope that helps!

                  Great thoughts Rachel!

                  On topic... how about I link to my "Out of Mind" pic spam again



                    You know when you're looking for something and you just can't find it? (and when you're not that thing is just right there staring at you all the time?)

                    Someone once had a list with all the shippy moments over the course of the complete series (possibly compiled by one of you lovely people here, though I think I'd just joined when I first saw it and can't recall who it was). Can anyone send me a link to said list or discussion? I thought I saw it on the ship day thread as well but I couldn't find it and found myself getting easily distracted again



                      Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                      You know when you're looking for something and you just can't find it? (and when you're not that thing is just right there staring at you all the time?)

                      Someone once had a list with all the shippy moments over the course of the complete series (possibly compiled by one of you lovely people here, though I think I'd just joined when I first saw it and can't recall who it was). Can anyone send me a link to said list or discussion? I thought I saw it on the ship day thread as well but I couldn't find it and found myself getting easily distracted again

                      I think it was Rachel - I don't have a link, but I know it's easy enough to find - someone here must have it bookmarked


                        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                        I think it was Rachel - I don't have a link, but I know it's easy enough to find - someone here must have it bookmarked

                        You mean this?



                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                          You mean this?

                          Oh thank you! Totally bookmarked it now...


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                            You mean this?

                            Ohhhhhhh this is sooooo good... it's getting the Muse started!

                            Thank you!


                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              OT Fan Fic Help:

                              I posted this question on the fanfic help thread, but I know a lot of you are awesome fic writers; so I thought I would look for some advice here to.

                              I guess I got an appetite for fic writing from doing my first ever fic for Ship Day and now I have an idea that I'd really like to put on paper.

                              My dilemma: The story requires an action sequence and I've never written anything like that before. I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm worried about pacing, being sufficiently descriptive (without going overboard and slowing down the feeling of action), and keeping all of the different characters and their movements straight. I'm worried about confusing myself, let alone my readers.

                              So it's an ambush type scenario, with some running and gunning, hiding and stalking; that's the general idea.

                              Any sugguestions or advice on how to approach this would be soooo appreciated!

                              On topic: + =
                              Just getting round to proper catching up.


                              Might I suggest you read some examples of how action is done well. One Fandemonium book is particularly good - the Cost Of Honor and Matter of Honor (ok, that's two but they're a continuation of the same story). In both books there's a couple of really good action sequences - the one near the end of the first is particularly good - that will give you some idea if what good looks like. In any case, the more of it you read, the better you will become and spotting what works well and what doesn't.


                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                Yes. A Colt .45 is the gun normally used in Western movies. It's kind of the ubiquitous gun from those times.
                                Guns OT:

                                and used in strange sci-fi movies like Westworld starring Yul Brynner....

