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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
    LOL!! Unfortunately, she doesn't watch SG, although she does like SF shows. We grew up watching Star Trek, Space 1999 (does anybody else remember this show??), and other SF shows, but alas, not SG. But, that's OK, my brother introduced me to SG, so when I feel the need to discuss it, I can always count on him
    We will just be sisters from another mother (and father), like nell and me. Nope, never heard of Space 1999.
    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


      my birthday episode 10/7 - Counterstrike has no reference to shippy what's so ever but my Year episode 1989 (89 - Enemies) is a some what shippy when Sam tells Jack she is having a good when they are onboard apophis mothership. And that whole "welcome to my life" bit afterwards but other than that I got jiped big time.


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        EDIT2: Though this question does open up a rather interesting idea of a position Sam could get promoted to that's NOT back on Earth. Assuming, of course, we can manage to avoid getting ships blown up almost as fast as we can make them.
        Forget ships. Just don't let Sam near any more planets....



          Originally posted by Treknik View Post
          We will just be sisters from another mother (and father), like nell and me. Nope, never heard of Space 1999.
          LOL, sounds good!

          Space 1999 was an old British (I think) show back in the 70s. Among other things, they had an alien female crew member who was telepathic, and who was in a romantic relationship with the ship's 2IC.... hmm.... does it sound suspiciously similar to another show?


            Originally posted by Treknik View Post
            Yes, it is. How funny is that. We also share a birthday with nell, but not the same year. She's a lot younger.

            You cracked me up on that one. Maybe I am. Nope, sorry, I have three sisters and none of them are named IggyMing.
            Treknik, you are sweet! Hee, hee, hee! Well, I bet I've got most of ya'll beat birthday-wise (Sheesh, but I'm not ancient). So, elder Shipper here is just skipping over the formula and choosing Paradise Lost as her birthday episode! Sam is full of shippy angst in that one!


              Originally posted by nell View Post
              Treknik, you are sweet! Hee, hee, hee! Well, I bet I've got most of ya'll beat birthday-wise (Sheesh, but I'm not ancient). So, elder Shipper here is just skipping over the formula and choosing Paradise Lost as her birthday episode! Sam is full of shippy angst in that one!
              Good choice! I love that episode. Lots of wonderful shippy Sam angst, as you said, but I also really like the way it was directed, which had a very different feel from other eps (but with good reason).


                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                So, I'm leaving tomorrow for a 16 day tour of Europe as part of a Music Ambassadors program. I'm super excited (we're going to England, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, and Germany), though I'm not sure how I'll react to 16 days away from GateWorld and LOL, I'll probably start going through withdrawls! Though I can only imagine the thread and fanfic overload that I'll have to look forward to when I get back in two and a half weeks!

                Anyway, I'll got time for one last SG-1 episode while I'm still packing. Any suggestions? I'm looking for an angst overload, but I've already exhausted the "Entity" option, which is the first one I turn to when I need an angst fix.
                That sounds awesome!!! I'm sure you'll have tons of fun and not feel the withdrawal effects

                Originally posted by nell View Post
                Treknik, you are sweet! Hee, hee, hee! Well, I bet I've got most of ya'll beat birthday-wise (Sheesh, but I'm not ancient). So, elder Shipper here is just skipping over the formula and choosing Paradise Lost as her birthday episode! Sam is full of shippy angst in that one!
                You cheater! Good choice
                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  Originally posted by nell View Post
                  Treknik, you are sweet! Hee, hee, hee! Well, I bet I've got most of ya'll beat birthday-wise (Sheesh, but I'm not ancient). So, elder Shipper here is just skipping over the formula and choosing Paradise Lost as her birthday episode! Sam is full of shippy angst in that one!
                  Right, you love that episode because Jack looks so hot in it.

                  Here is my most recent sig I made for the thunk challenge on the art thread with Jack from PL: THUNK WARNING

                  I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                    Forget ships. Just don't let Sam near any more planets....

                    Or suns!
                    Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                      You blow up one sun....


                        Okay, I know I'm late for the birthday episode, but again I don't have one based on the season, 1/26, but my birthday year is 1972 so my episode would be Window of Opportunity. Perfect, since I myself am a little WACKO!

                        Jess, glad you posted all the Stargate Movie Campaign websites. What a true supporter.

                        Pol, love the backstory (I learned that word from nell) you created for the episode tag to Beachhead.

                        Now I will resume my previous activities of laying around in the kiddie pool, since it is over 90 degrees here.
                        So, I'm 27 days older than you are!

                        And kiddie pool? It was 107 degrees here, and I spent most of the day in my 9 1/2 foot deep pool. It was wonderful! So sorry you couldn't join me!

                        And you all know what I miss about SG-1 being off the air? I miss the ever-so-slight possibility that something new and wonderful will pop up in a new episode. I don't know why, but I've really been missing this lately. It kind of makes me sad.

                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                          You blow up one sun....
                          Two planets...

                          Half a dozen ships...


                          Where was I?


                            Two planets...

                            Half a dozen ships...


                            Where was I?
                            These days, if she's lucky, all she's blowing up is an inflatable raft so she can float around in a small, fish-less lake.
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                              These days, if she's lucky, all she's blowing up is an inflatable raft so she can float around in a small, fish-less lake.
                              Aww...yeah. I love this! Fluff is so great! Jack is fishing...Sam is floating. There will be a romantic sunset later and cuddling.!!


                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                These days, if she's lucky, all she's blowing up is an inflatable raft so she can float around in a small, fish-less lake.

                                What you mean is...

                                ...I mean that...



                                it's impossible for me to respond to that statement in any way shape or form that doesn't send the thread nosediving to the deep end of the gutter.

                                While I'm here, APA I just about wet myself laughing when I read your first comment that started all this blowing up thing. Don't know why; it just tickled me at the right moment.

