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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    Really cute fic:

    Subtle Clues
    Just red the fic and it's so cute.. and funny to guess what she forgot to "hide" (my first thought were "O'Neill"-dog tags or a ring at her dogtags..
    but the fish is way cooler XD

    Happy 4th of July over there!!


      Hey, shippers!

      I'm rewatching some random Season 10 epsiodes and was wondering if anyone had a good fanfic dealing with "Company of Thieves" full of S/J shipiness.
      The Return of King Arthur
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
      acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


        Four Dragons the new SG-1 novel by Diana Botsford was given the ok by MGM and will definitely be out by August and the shippy parts were not editored from the book. WOOHOO! If you are interested to know what the book is about, here's the link to Diana's blog:


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          I can still see Sam and Jack lying on a quilt, cooler at the ready. She's resting her head on his chest, and one of his arms is wrapped around her body, the other resting under his head. They're far enough away from the crowd that they're alone, yet close enough to hear the booms of the fireworks. And when the show is over, they continue to lay there, wrapped in each other, just because they can.
          I see Jack lying on a blanket, cooler at the ready, trying to coax Sam over into his arms and away from the fireworks's she's setting up. She, on the other hand, is bent over in concentration and seems immune to all his demands that she 'be done already!'. As he watches her stretch a bit to reach another rocket he realizes, and not for the first time, that the current situation does have certain advantages. Then, though, when she finally does join him, instead of immediately settling back into his arms as he'd hoped, she reaches for her laptop and plugs in the cable she's stretched out from the display she's just assembled. It's then Jack starts to have some serious second - or are those third? - thoughts. Maybe next year he really should consider taking the President up on that offer to spend the fourth at the White House, after all...

          And he sure as heck hopes 'firework damage' is included in his insurance.


            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
            It's a good thing I was FAR away from all the bases where I grew up. I've ALWAYS been a sucker for military uniforms. Yowza!

            And to all my American friends:

            Happy 4th of July!

            I can still see Sam and Jack lying on a quilt, cooler at the ready. She's resting her head on his chest, and one of his arms is wrapped around her body, the other resting under his head. They're far enough away from the crowd that they're alone, yet close enough to hear the booms of the fireworks. And when the show is over, they continue to lay there, wrapped in each other, just because they can.

            The fireworks in Washington DC was televised tonight and it made me think about Jack & Sam there somewhere watching... perhaps at the White House with the president. But I enjoyed your scenerio just as well!!


              Originally posted by trupi View Post
              Four Dragons the new SG-1 novel by Diana Botsford was given the ok by MGM and will definitely be out by August and the shippy parts were not editored from the book. WOOHOO! If you are interested to know what the book is about, here's the link to Diana's blog:
              I read the blog and it sounds interesting! Where did you hear about the "shippy" parts?

              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              I see Jack lying on a blanket, cooler at the ready, trying to coax Sam over into his arms and away from the fireworks's she's setting up. She, on the other hand, is bent over in concentration and seems immune to all his demands that she 'be done already!'. As he watches her stretch a bit to reach another rocket he realizes, and not for the first time, that the current situation does have certain advantages. Then, though, when she finally does join him, instead of immediately settling back into his arms as he'd hoped, she reaches for her laptop and plugs in the cable she's stretched out from the display she's just assembled. It's then Jack starts to have some serious second - or are those third? - thoughts. Maybe next year he really should consider taking the President up on that offer to spend the fourth at the White House, after all...

              And he sure as heck hopes 'firework damage' is included in his insurance.
              Okay, I demand a rather extended version of this little tale on FF very soon! My shippy fix must be met!
              Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                I read the blog and it sounds interesting! Where did you hear about the "shippy" parts?

                I'm friends with the author


                  (img tags kept in on purpose).

                  Huh. Can I just say, that's the most sh!$-eatingest grin I have ever, EVER seen Sam Carter sport? Think about it, she was reporting to a new CO whom we assume she has not met. In fact...

                  Sam thanked the Captain who'd picked her up from Peterson and, stopping to gather the bag he'd pulled from the trunk before he'd opened her door, stepped up to the once oh-so-familiar security station. Juggling her phone and her identification, she gave a grateful smile to the Sergeant who stepped forward to take her small briefcase. "Jack..." she tried again. Finally, after dropping her ID a second time, she'd had enough. "Jack! I'm at the top sign-in and have to let you go."

                  "I figured." He paused and said quietly, "I miss you already, you know."

                  "I know. I miss you too." She nodded to both MP's and, retrieving her briefcase, finished her call. "I'll help with whatever they need and be back before you know it."

                  I know, I– wait, I've got another call. Oh, this is too good, it's Landry on my other line."

                  Unconsciously, Sam straightened. "Really? Tell him I'll be down in–"

                  "Oh, no way. He's stealing my favorite LC, my...Sam, he's gonna pay."

                  Sam jabbed the button for the first bank of elevators and sighed. "Jack, c'mon. Be nice." She knew as she said it that it was a fruitless request, but knew she had to try.

                  "Nope. Look Sam, I know you're gonna disappear into that mountain in a second. Let me have my fun."

                  Despite the humor in his voice, Sam heard the underlying pain behind it. She, as much as did he, hated to go backward, to tread over old ground, and that's what this was. She hated leaving him, Area 51...Cassie, just as much as they hated it. She was only returning because Landry had called everyone he knew to pull her in. And only because she'd gotten them to agree that she could return on her terms. As the doors of the elevator slid open, she took a deep breath. "I know, Jack. Just...go easy on him, okay? And remember, I love you. Nothing will ever change that."

                  "I know. I love you too." The pause was longer this time. "Please take care of yourself."

                  "I will. And you, too." As the doors slid shut she promised to call him that evening. The ride down to the first stop-level was silent, nobody else was going this direction at this hour. As she stepped into the more secured elevators and headed even deeper into the mountain, Sam wondered what sort of torture Jack was putting Landry through.

                  When she got to the command level, Sam stepped out confidently, smiling at those she knew and noting the faces of those she didn't. Nobody stopped her as she made her way along the familiar corridors until she was in Landry's outer office. She could see him on the phone, pacing back and forth in front of his desk.

                  "Jack…Jack, Jack! She practically invented the Mark IX and you're the one who thinks we should use the damned thing. Why are you wasting valuable time saying no?" He paused for a moment, then jumped in again, "I've read enough of your SG-1 mission reports to know that there were times when no one else but Samantha Carter could have pulled your ass out of the fire. Well, this is one of those ti—"

                  Sam couldn't help herself. The look on Landry's face as he turned and spotted her in the doorway was truly priceless. For one tiny moment she regretted not having a camera. "Reporting as ordered, sir."

                  "Yeah. She's standing right here. You're a funny man, Jack. Very funny."

                  Sam's grin slipped just a bit. Yes, Jack was a funny man and she knew this little niggle at Landry was his way of coping. Just as she was certain that Landry had gotten an earful and a laundry list of thing that had "better not happen to Carter." If she knew anything about the man whom she'd loved for more years that was sensible, she knew that for certain. She nodded as Landry waved her into his office. Time to get it done. She had better things to do now and more important people with whom to spend her time.

                  It was her time now, their time. This was just a tiny bump in their road.


                  Edit. Wow. That snuck up on me. Guess it's time for another Campfire, eh? And, it's almost "Pi Approximation Day!"
                  Last edited by jasminaGo; 05 July 2010, 04:40 AM. Reason: removing IMG tags
                  Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                    Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                    Hey, shippers!

                    I'm rewatching some random Season 10 epsiodes and was wondering if anyone had a good fanfic dealing with "Company of Thieves" full of S/J shipiness.
                    Holy crap I was just watching that episode this morning. LOL


                      Yes I know, it's been a year. *looks warily at others* So I've missed out on all the news, but just seen that Stargate Revolution has the green light? Details, details, details!

                      ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                      I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                      Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                        Hmmm. Not sure it's been green-lighted per se. I know there's a fair amount of confidence expressed by JM that it will get made and if things go as they hope it will either be between S2 and a hoped-for S3 of SGU or during the (again, hoped-for) S3 SGU hiatus. But the last time someone asked JM...which was only a couple of days ago...he said there would be no announcement any time soon. (Someone had asked specifically if there would be an announcement before, during or after Comic-con and Joe said no.) So...optimistic, yes. quote Sam..."Not exactly..."


                          Huh. Can I just say, that's the most sh!$-eatingest grin I have ever, EVER seen Sam Carter sport? Think about it, she was reporting to a new CO whom we assume she has not met. In fact...
                          Love the scenario!

                          And Pol:
                          I hope that everything went well at the doctor's office!

                          I see Jack lying on a blanket, cooler at the ready, trying to coax Sam over into his arms and away from the fireworks's she's setting up. She, on the other hand, is bent over in concentration and seems immune to all his demands that she 'be done already!'. As he watches her stretch a bit to reach another rocket he realizes, and not for the first time, that the current situation does have certain advantages. Then, though, when she finally does join him, instead of immediately settling back into his arms as he'd hoped, she reaches for her laptop and plugs in the cable she's stretched out from the display she's just assembled. It's then Jack starts to have some serious second - or are those third? - thoughts. Maybe next year he really should consider taking the President up on that offer to spend the fourth at the White House, after all...

                          And he sure as heck hopes 'firework damage' is included in his insurance.
                          And yeah, Jennifer, THAT'S probably a LOT more like it.
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                            Yes I know, it's been a year. *looks warily at others* So I've missed out on all the news, but just seen that Stargate Revolution has the green light? Details, details, details!
                            It had been greenlit waaay back when it was being talked about (a year and a half ago?), and that Brad Wright had written a script or script idea for the movie. But it then stalled completely when MGM started having their financial problems, and it has stayed that way ever since. And perhaps the "green lighting" has been turned off for the time being. MGM's financial troubles have gotten so much worse since then, and everything is on hold and it isn't even known for sure if it will get made. But we can all hope and keep our fingers crossed and light candles and burn incense and do prayer ceremonies or whatever else a person thinks might help.


                              I know that considering the economy, and MGM's future in particular, anything that we do likely won't have much effect. However, you can get involved with the Stargate Movie Fan Campaign. It's something that may or may not have any kind of pull when it comes to the movies, but it's better than sitting around doing nothing. At least pop in and make it known on the thread that you support the Stargate Movies.

                              You can also subscribe on Facebook, and I believe there is one on Twitter, though I'm not sure.

                              We often have art contests for videos, banners, sigs, and avatars when they are needed, so if you are into that, show your support in that regard!

                              Edit: Wait! Got the links!
                              Campaign Website -
                              Last edited by SamJackShipper93; 05 July 2010, 09:41 AM.
                              The Return of King Arthur
                              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                                Does anyone have the link to Brad Wright's interview in which he said that there would be a romantic scene in Stargate: Revolution? I lost it after MGM changed their site.
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

