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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Sam/Jack & July 4 - Jack could probably get VIP access to the concert on the Mall. Of course he'd grumble about having to wear Service Dress but Sam would remind him it was worth it so they could sit on chairs instead of trying to find a spot way in advance and sit on blankets.

    Maybe not this year with the 4th on a Sunday so Monday's the "official" holiday which gives most people a 3 day weekend, for Sam & Jack probably spent at the cabin. But other years when it's on a weekday or even a weekend when there's some situation keeping him in DC.


      If they manage to be in the same place at the same time, I don't see them as being 'big party throwers'. I can see them either together or with *maybe* a few other people (as in, if Teal'c is around which I rather doubt) going up to the cabin and doing their own fireworks.

      Sam, you know.

      Doing her own explosions.

      Cause she's *Sam.*
      So we agree on this.

      Our heroes are shopping together. Jack looks exquisitely bored as he sits on a bench outside a store. Sam walks out, grinning.

      "Did you buy something?"

      "Oh, just a few fireworks."

      "I didn't know they sold those at the mall--"

      She reaches into a bag and pulls out her purchase.

      "Well, then." He says. "Kaboom."
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by Pol View Post

        Early canoodling (and some sniffing) going on. Can't remember who scanned this originally, but it wasn't me.
        It's from a set of photos auctioned by Legends, wasn't it?
        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
          Answers: 3) Yes. I’d imagine it’s made of a core unit of Mitchell, Daniel, Teal’c and Vala with Carter occasionally joining for the odd off-world op.
          I don't get how he came up with that answer. I could see Mitchell still being on SG1, but not Daniel, Teal'c and Carter. Daniel is likely exploring Atlantis and doing the odd spy job for Jack, as well as doing all sorts of fun archaeological research stuff. And without Daniel on the team, I'm quite sure Vala wouldn't be there either. Teal'c would have no reason to still be there given all the political maneuverings likely still going on with the Jaffa, unless he got fed up with all the political bickering and such and just wanted a nice, quiet job with an exploration team ().

          And Sam would have no reason to ever be a part of SG1 again, not even for an occasional offworld junket (). She's the commander of her own ship, which would be taking up all her time (when she's not with Jack, that is), and she's already offworld exploring lots of places where her ship could take her. When did we ever hear about any ship commander going on an "occasional offworld op"?


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            I don't get how he came up with that answer. I could see Mitchell still being on SG1, but not Daniel, Teal'c and Carter. Daniel is likely exploring Atlantis and doing the odd spy job for Jack, as well as doing all sorts of fun archaeological research stuff. And without Daniel on the team, I'm quite sure Vala wouldn't be there either. Teal'c would have no reason to still be there given all the political maneuverings likely still going on with the Jaffa, unless he got fed up with all the political bickering and such and just wanted a nice, quiet job with an exploration team ().

            And Sam would have no reason to ever be a part of SG1 again, not even for an occasional offworld junket (). She's the commander of her own ship, which would be taking up all her time (when she's not with Jack, that is), and she's already offworld exploring lots of places where her ship could take her. When did we ever hear about any ship commander going on an "occasional offworld op"?
            I agree with everything you said.

            As to the bold, Mitchell probably got into trouble and needed Sam to save his butt, again.


              Originally posted by ddc View Post
              Sam/Jack & July 4 - Jack could probably get VIP access to the concert on the Mall. Of course he'd grumble about having to wear Service Dress but Sam would remind him it was worth it so they could sit on chairs instead of trying to find a spot way in advance and sit on blankets.

              Maybe not this year with the 4th on a Sunday so Monday's the "official" holiday which gives most people a 3 day weekend, for Sam & Jack probably spent at the cabin. But other years when it's on a weekday or even a weekend when there's some situation keeping him in DC.
              Fireworks OT:
              I prefer the Jefferson Memorial. It's much less crowded. There is shelter when it rains (as it often does). You can see the fireworks reflected in the tidal basin. And in the distance you can also see the fireworks on the Virginia side of the Potomac.


                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                a local station here is playing sg1 eps, but i'm just now trying to watch them. prodigy was on first, then entity... entity is my fave ep!!

                just before it started, i started getting excited. when it started, i made sure no one was going to bother me. i haven't felt *that* excited about stargate since... a looooong time.

                entity had everything i wanted (expect one thing i'll mention later). ship, sam focus, sam whump, and did i mention ship!?

                the one and only thing i'd change is the very end. i felt everyone wasn't happy enough that she was back. except janet, and yes, jack, but everyone else were weird.

                if i remember right, the director kind of let everyone react the way they wanted, more than directing them.

                i thought amanda was *wonderful* in that ep!!

                i loved watching this ep. i loved feeling that *squee* again. i miss feeling that with stargate.

                i'm considering buying some eps off hula or itunes, whatever, d/ling them to my computer, and then burning them to cds. i don't want to buy all the dvds, just some specific eps...

                i love and the most, if you can't tell.
                We must be watching the same local station. I love Entity too. At the end, I just want Jack to touch her hand, but he knows that wouldn't be appropriate and he pulls back (but not until he actually moves and catches his movement, which shows me he was full of emotion that distracted him for a brief moment). The act already shows how much he cares, so we know how he feels.

                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                Maybe this will help clarify the current status as much as possible...

                From Joe's Blog, May 19, 2010:

                Michael writes:

                3. During the first season of SG-Universe, is there still an SG-1 team?

                Answers: 3) Yes. I’d imagine it’s made of a core unit of Mitchell, Daniel, Teal’c and Vala with Carter occasionally joining for the odd off-world op.

                And from his June 14, 2010 blog:

                Michael Jones writes: “

                1.) Is the SGC still in operation on Earth, or has the Stargate been moved to Homeworld Command in the Pentagon?

                Answers: 1) All indications suggest it has been moved.

                And finally, from the June 18, 2010 blog:

                Ian Z. writes: “

                In Continuum I think. Carter says (off the cuff) something about a Moon base. Was this ad-lib? Or did you guys really mean to portray that there is a moon base and/or it is wanted to come up at some point down the road?”

                Answer: It was scripted. And, yeah, it may come in the (hopefully) not too distant future.

                Thanks for this, since I don't have the patience to read through every question on his blog to find the SG-1 ones or just Sam/Jack ones.
                I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                  Regarding entity: my least favorite moment probably because when I saw it on showtime the first time in 2001 was when Jack has to shoot Sam twice with a zat and I was like to my dad "is she dead" and he's like "let's watch and find out."
                  Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 28 June 2010, 11:40 AM.


                    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                    Maybe this will help clarify the current status as much as possible...

                    From Joe's Blog, May 19, 2010:

                    Michael writes:

                    3. During the first season of SG-Universe, is there still an SG-1 team?

                    Answers: 3) Yes. I’d imagine it’s made of a core unit of Mitchell, Daniel, Teal’c and Vala with Carter occasionally joining for the odd off-world op.

                    And from his June 14, 2010 blog:

                    Michael Jones writes: “

                    1.) Is the SGC still in operation on Earth, or has the Stargate been moved to Homeworld Command in the Pentagon?

                    Answers: 1) All indications suggest it has been moved.

                    So if the sgc has been moved to the pentagon does that mean Jack is in command of it again? And regarding the Core unit of SG-1 not that I'm dissing mitchell's sg-1 but sometimes there is nothing like the original team.
                    Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 28 June 2010, 11:40 AM.


                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      3. During the first season of SG-Universe, is there still an SG-1 team?

                      Answers: 3) Yes. I’d imagine it’s made of a core unit of Mitchell, Daniel, Teal’c and Vala with Carter occasionally joining for the odd off-world op.
                      Where's the resident scientist....they need a scientist, and I don't mean the archaeological kind!

                      1.) Is the SGC still in operation on Earth, or has the Stargate been moved to Homeworld Command in the Pentagon?

                      Answers: 1) All indications suggest it has been moved.
                      That makes me sad... But then again, if they've moved it, much easier now for the third movie, right? They don't have to reconstruct the SGC.

                      In Continuum I think. Carter says (off the cuff) something about a Moon base. Was this ad-lib? Or did you guys really mean to portray that there is a moon base and/or it is wanted to come up at some point down the road?”

                      Answer: It was scripted. And, yeah, it may come in the (hopefully) not too distant future.
                      Oh, we all know what moonbase means!

                      And hi, APA.


                        Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                        Thanks for this, since I don't have the patience to read through every question on his blog to find the SG-1 ones or just Sam/Jack ones.
                        Aw. But JM's blog is the most entertaining thing you can do each day. Far better than almost anything on TV Is it sad that when I type 'j' in my browser window it brings up his blog automatically?



                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          I recently watched that ep and I thought the same thing. Teal'c, yeah he's stoic, but Daniel could have shown a little more emotion!

                          It's kinda like 2001 when Sam flys through the gate and is obviously hurt and they all just stand around. :confused: I think we discussed this once...long ago!

                          I like Sam whump as much as the next person, but the main reason I like it is so, you know...Jack can be all concerned!
                          I thought the guys could have showed somewhat more concern in that part from "2001". Instead, they all looked kind of bored and were waiting for somebody to announce that lunch was served, rather than watching a good friend and teammate lying on the floor in extreme pain.


                            I thought the guys could have showed somewhat more concern in that part from "2001". Instead, they all looked kind of bored and were waiting for somebody to announce that lunch was served, rather than watching a good friend and teammate lying on the floor in extreme pain.
                            If you listen to the commentary for that, the director actually wanted them to go to her and show concern, but they all said,"Meh--no."
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                              If you listen to the commentary for that, the director actually wanted them to go to her and show concern, but they all said,"Meh--no."
                              Yeah. I remember something like that. It was filmed at the end of a busy day and they were all tired, and didn't want to wait around another hour or more while cameras were moved around and people were moved around, etc., so the guys all chose to just stand there and stare. I still thought though they could have at least showed more concern for Sam than they did. Sam would have done it for any of them. (Or perhaps they were all too tired to show anymore concern than they did.)

                              OT stuff:
                              How's the little one doing? And you?


                                *waves at Jena*

                                As for the scientists...

                                I'm thinking they were all pulled off SG teams to work on Icarus Base.

                                And we know what happened to them....


                                (Spoilered for 3rd movie speculation)

                                I think some of us, when SGU began, thought that the "moonbase" reference was explained by Icarus, but it would seem that that is not the case. And since I hardly expect that the Stargate would actually be installed at the Pentagon, or anywhere near DC, for that matter, for security reasons, it does make one ponder....*eyes sig*

                                As for whether or not Joe's outline of the current status of an SG-1 team is valid or not,
                                I would respectfully suggest that there are few people who know any better than he does exactly which parts of the SG1 "story gap" we haven't seen yet; and unless he was yanking the questioner's chain (and from reading the Q/A religiously on Joe's blog, it's quite evident when snark is in full gear....and, imho, in this case, it wasn't), I'd say his summary is probably fairly well on-target.

                                And finally, trust me, it's not one of my best works-far from it, I'd say (it was my early S/J years... ), but my take on certain Fourth of July activities.... Fireworks


