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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

    Yes they do.

    Jack's txt to Sam: What's tall, decorated and blue?

    Sam's txt: IDK. Our nxt C/mas tree?

    Jack's txt: Me - Missing you.

    Sam's txt: I luv u

    that's lovely and *so* them to me!



      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      aw, shucks. thanks!

      Earthquake OT:

      I live in an area that has seismic activity, but we generally don't experience a 5.5. That was pretty big for us. I was pretty startled when the windows began to rattle, and then the house shook. For a brief moment, I thought it was the furnace, and that it was going to blow... LOL!

      I live in Arizona for a reason! Sure, we get horrid heat (112 degrees today!). But I'm safe from pretty much every other disaster. While living in Hawaii, we had three hurricanes, two volcanic eruptions, four tsunami evacuations--although never an actual wave, and two major floods. In Argentina I got to ride out another volcano, and two earthquakes. My husband says I'm prone to natural disasters, and we'll stick to the middle of the desert where all that is more unlikely!
      We felt it in Brooklyn NY!


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        So, in light of this tweet. . .

        Sam and Jack. Do they text each other?
        You know, until recently, I'd say no, as I wouldn't have seen Jack as the texting type. But my dad (not exactly a techie gadget guy), since getting a new phone with texting, texts my mom constantly! It cracks me up. So yes, I could see it.

        Watcha doing?
        You're in a meeting aren't you.
        They think Im checking the status of important missions over my blackberry. I love this thing. I can play solitare!
        ; )

        Oh, and on the discussion of whether Daniel would have a "talk" with Jack about Sam, I actually think it would be the other way around. Daniel is best friends with Jack, so I could actually see him warning Sam not to hurt Jack. But that's just me.


          Originally posted by Seahen View Post
          You know, until recently, I'd say no, as I wouldn't have seen Jack as the texting type. But my dad (not exactly a techie gadget guy), since getting a new phone with texting, texts my mom constantly! It cracks me up. So yes, I could see it.

          Watcha doing?
          You're in a meeting aren't you.
          They think Im checking the status of important missions over my blackberry. I love this thing. I can play solitare!
          ; )

          Oh, and on the discussion of whether Daniel would have a "talk" with Jack about Sam, I actually think it would be the other way around. Daniel is best friends with Jack, so I could actually see him warning Sam not to hurt Jack. But that's just me.
          LOL, love the texts.

          I have to say, I'd disagree with the part about Daniel. He knows and loves Sam and he knows and loves Jack. I think he'd see her as a good thing for Jack.

          I do, however, feel that Daniel would struggle with some sense of betrayal. SG1 is the only family he has (other that his Abydonian family). Forgive the comparison to Harry Potter, but just as Harry struggled with things when the dynamic changed between Ron and Hermione (in the books, not the movies), Daniel would, too. It's only natural. There's some jealousy in that he'll now be a 3rd wheel. He will, by nature of the relationship, be left out.

          Now, that said, if (as we believe) the "real" relationship began after Season 8, Daniel had his hands full (ahem) with Vala, point is now moo (as Joey would say).
          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


            Originally posted by Pol View Post
            I do, however, feel that Daniel would struggle with some sense of betrayal. SG1 is the only family he has (other that his Abydonian family). Forgive the comparison to Harry Potter, but just as Harry struggled with things when the dynamic changed between Ron and Hermione (in the books, not the movies), Daniel would, too. It's only natural. There's some jealousy in that he'll now be a 3rd wheel. He will, by nature of the relationship, be left out.
            I think Daniel's reaction would be more along the lines of either, "Gawd, about time!" or "Really?... Oh... Kay.... Cool, I guess." I can't see an adult really being overly jealous about a male friend starting a relationship (especially as I don't think SG1 did a *whole* lot of off duty things together - I got the impression everyone dropping by in Lost City was unusual), or about a female friend he's *not* secretly in love with doing so either. Just thinking about situations like that from RL I've known in which two people in a group of friends hooked up, it was generally considered a good thing by the rest of us because we didn't really lose time with either of them to another group of people the way you tend to if someone is dating someone 'outside'. I think the Harry Potter scenario was very different in that I think those three were far closer together - not necessarily in real feelings or commitment to each other but the kids in Harry Potter literally lived together and spent nearly every waking moment together and were each others family. As I've said, I never got the feeling SG1 spent very much time off-duty together regardless of how close they were as a team and didn't really consider each other 'family' in quite the same way.

            If Sam and Jack had gotten together when they were still on SG1 I think it would have been more of an issue and there would have been a sense of harming the sense of *team* and a resulting sense of betrayal. But of course, they didn't and couldn't have done that because it's against regulations partly because it would unbalance the team. Getting together was only possible after they were no longer working directly together so there was no longer really any 'team' to be hurt in that way.

            So I think in general Daniel would simply be happy his two friends were happy ... though find it a bit weird to think of them *that way*... but sort of shrug and hope for the best for both of them and eventually stop finding any Public Displays of Affection between them a bit creepy.



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                Originally posted by trupi View Post
                Well not so OT. If MGM can find the right partner and recapitalize then we have new hope of the 3rd SG1 movie going forward. And with RDA back to work and looking good, it could just be kismet.

                And of course we all know what we want from Movie 3:




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                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi




                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Ah, I've always loved that pic, but can't recall which ep it's from.
                        The Return of King Arthur
                        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                          Just lov'this scene!


                            EVERLOVIN'--caption for that picture.

                            Carter: Um--what was that, sir?

                            O'Neill: Nothin'.

                            Carter: Did you just--

                            O'Neill: Nope.

                            Carter: Then what was--

                            O'Neill: Don't worry about it too much.

                            Carter: But--

                            O'Neill: Carter.

                            Carter: Yes, sir.

                            Pause. Daniel is pontificating about some bit of historical something.

                            Carter: (Whispers) Sir.

                            O'Neill: Yeah, Carter?

                            Carter: Would you mind doing it again?
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
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                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              OMG! I was just going to type something similar! Lol.

                              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                              EVERLOVIN'--caption for that picture.

                              Carter: Um--what was that, sir?

                              O'Neill: Nothin'.

                              Carter: Did you just--

                              O'Neill: Nope.

                              Carter: Then what was--

                              O'Neill: Don't worry about it too much.

                              Carter: But--

                              O'Neill: Carter.

                              Carter: Yes, sir.

                              Pause. Daniel is pontificating about some bit of historical something.

                              Carter: (Whispers) Sir.

                              O'Neill: Yeah, Carter?

                              Carter: Would you mind doing it again?
                              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."



                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

