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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by starlover View Post
    *whistles innocently*


    The muse is on a roll...
    OMG that's awesome! Do you make all these?!
    My tumblr


      Now I'm off to eat dinner and I wonder... what kind of toppings would Sam and Jack eat on their pizzas? Would they be like me and my husband - where I like lots 'o stuff and he's just pepperoni... or the opposite? Or weird?
      they probably go half and half on what jack likes and what sam likes.


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        I will comment further on this:I agree (?!?) that Sam would have come to the realization she wasn't happy with or without Grace *specifically* but I do think *something* had to happen that brought out that realization specifically. I think she was repressing the feelings for so long - which is why she was so shocked and in denial when Jacob suggested she wasn't happy - that she really consciously *hadn't* thought about the fact she was unhappy and lonely. As hallucination!Jacob says about Sam's missing something vital in her life, "And the sad thing is, you don't even realize it." If she had been mulling over it, that sentence makes no sense to me. So I do think she had to have an epiphany event (or moment) in which she suddenly realized she needed more in her life than what she had before she would start dating Pete and that she hadn't been mulling over the thoughts for awhile.

        In fact, I think one of the meanings of 'Grace' in this episode is that, through the events in it, Sam is given a rare chance to change the course of her life she might otherwise not have had. A chance to change from the loneliness of the life she'd had - which she hadn't even realized - to a more full and complete life. So, as I said, I do think it was a true epiphany event for her, and she almost did (though not in the moment in the infirmary necessarily)quite suddenly realize "Hey. I'm not happy. I need a life."

        And, to self-pimp (if anyone's not read it) my thoughts on Sam's thought-process during the scene are here

        EDIT: And, no, I don't expect to change your mind. I'm just stating a counter-argument Like I said, our interpretations are so vastly different we might be discussing two different characters . But at least we see the ship lol
        You should know by now I'm not gonna change my mind.

        What I was meaning about having the episode or not was that it was done for the viewer's sake, not Sam's. The PTB could have just thrown Pete into the mix with no warning, but they chose to show us the inside of Sam's mind first. Because they hadn't been showing us soapy scenes of Sam wondering if there is more to life, then burying the thoughts and running off to save the world.

        She wouldn't have had those hallucinations unless those thoughts had been lurking in there for a while. Proof of that, for me, is what you quoted, hallucination!Jacob telling her, "And the sad thing is, you don't even realize it." That quote is Sam thinking, not Jacob speaking. Sam is now realizing that she has been reflecting on what is what in her life, but she's not been paying attention, not been letting it matter, or as you said, "she was repressing the feelings for so long." So... I think we are thinking the same thing here. But maybe not.


          Originally posted by UhSir1 View Post
          She wouldn't have had those hallucinations unless those thoughts had been lurking in there for a while. Proof of that, for me, is what you quoted, hallucination!Jacob telling her, "And the sad thing is, you don't even realize it." That quote is Sam thinking, not Jacob speaking. Sam is now realizing that she has been reflecting on what is what in her life, but she's not been paying attention, not been letting it matter, or as you said, "she was repressing the feelings for so long." So... I think we are thinking the same thing here. But maybe not.

          We are.

          On that.

          As long as you're not saying Sam *had* soapy scenes in which she was sitting around wondering if there was more to life. As I've said on the other thread, I think Sam has been unhappy for some time - essentially at her core - but I don't think she'd ever even remotely consciously realized it. So, as you say, it wasn't the events of Grace which made her unhappy, but the events which forced the realization out into the open. She'd been content with the status quo before.

          Sadly, I think Sam actually managed to completely miss the essential point of Grace in that it wasn't simply 'a life' she needed but a life 'with Jack.' Or, in other words, while admitting she needed to confront and overcome her fears of loss, in the end she failed to do so and, in failing to confront Jack about her feelings because she feared losing what they had, she in fact failed to achieve Grace.


          (and, yes, I know you disagree with that last paragraph. I'm just restating my position cause I have to when we discuss Grace )

          In fact, I think Sam is one of those rather intelligent people who, in arranging her life, never even thought to factor in her own happiness. Her decisions were based on reason and thought instead. I don't think it was until 'Jacob' told her she wasn't happy that she even thought to ask herself if she was (of course, that *was* her asking herself if she was.) And she doesn't actually stop doing it after Grace, but even Replicarter calls her on the fact she's still not going after what she really *wants*.



            Now I'm off to eat dinner and I wonder... what kind of toppings would Sam and Jack eat on their pizzas? Would they be like me and my husband - where I like lots 'o stuff and he's just pepperoni... or the opposite? Or weird?
            - Pepperoni, onions, mushrooms, olives, pineapple (one of my favorites), cheese (of course).
            - Pepperoni, onions, mushrooms, olives, sweet pickles (yes, ... I said sweet pickles; it really is good), artichoke hearts, peppers.


              at the fishing conversation *giggles*

              Why oh why do I miss so many guttery conversations?

              Jann, keep this up and I might be stealing your muse
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                Now I'm off to eat dinner and I wonder... what kind of toppings would Sam and Jack eat on their pizzas? Would they be like me and my husband - where I like lots 'o stuff and he's just pepperoni... or the opposite? Or weird?
                I think most of the time, she'd probably eat the kind that Jack likes - just to make him happy. Remember in New Order when she told Teal'c that she packed a lot of turkey because she knew it was his favorite. I'd guess that Jack's a guy who likes meat on his pizza and not a lot of veggies - so I'd say definitely pepperoni and maybe sausage, maybe peppers, but not much else.


                  I am not saying Sam spent her off-duty time blubbering "woe is me." I am saying that she did think about getting a life, but would not let herself dwell on it.

                  For me, the point of Grace with respect to Sam's personal life was that she had to decide if she needed someone in her life and if that someone was Jack.

                  I wouldn't expect her to make that decision or even to begin working toward it only a few minutes after waking up with a massive concussion (or after, I'm not sure how concussions work). When she woke up she wasn't even where she last remembered.
                  Last edited by UhSir; 20 April 2010, 02:19 PM. Reason: typo



                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      that pic never gets old...





                        *stares and sighs*
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          can you imagine the *new* pics we'll have, when we finally get to see the 3rd sg1 movie?!



                            Oh, fluff. I need fluff! Thanks!


                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              can you imagine the *new* pics we'll have, when we finally get to see the 3rd sg1 movie?!
                              I hadn't even thought of that! *goes off daydreaming*
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                that pic never gets old...

                                I concur...

