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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
    But wouldn't that be just like Daniel to go and get himself shot... to death... again?

    Yes, it has permeated mine as well. Every time I hear "Shanahan" I can only think of Pete and I have an immediate cringe. :: headdesk ::
    I saw David DeLuise on an episode of "Bones" the other evening (a rerun that had to do with a dead Santa, of all things). He turned out to be the culprit, and I found myself thinking "oh, Pete, you poor thing; how low you've sunk after being dumped by Sam ...."


      what do you mean seduce him back thing? with pete?
      You know--trying to get Jack jealous with another man. . .

      And I like that Bones ep, Hedwig! For that exact reason.
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        FYI SGU
        The actress that play TJ is really pregnant and why they wrote it into the script. I still can't stand how it was written but I guess they had to do something without killing her off.


          Originally posted by trupi View Post
          FYI SGU
          The actress that play TJ is really pregnant and why they wrote it into the script. I still can't stand how it was written but I guess they had to do something without killing her off.
          I knew that. There was mention of it last fall, and she had her baby in early December, so they pretty much had to write around her pregnancy or write it into the storyline.


            I knew that. There was mention of it last fall, and she had her baby in early December, so they pretty much had to write around her pregnancy or write it into the storyline.
            I wonder how many babies end up on TV shows because the lead actress decides she wants a baby?
            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
              I wonder how many babies end up on TV shows because the lead actress decides she wants a baby?
              Baby/Acting OT
              Not as many as we think... they have tricks - both Gates McFadden and Roxanne Dawson (Dr. Crusher, Lt. B'Elanna Torres) were preggers and they used wardrobe and camera angles to hide the pregnancy (and hey, AT was pregnant) - hilariously enough they later had the character B'Elanna Torres get pregnant and had to put a prosthetic on Dawson.


                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                here's a question to ponder...

                what if jack had been the one to have a girlfriend instead of sam going to petesville; how do you think sam would have coped? do you think she would have went looking for a bf then, kind of like jack ending up going with carrie?
                Good question.

                I think Sam definitely would have been more emotional about it. Not crying at work or anything but it would have affected her. She'd try to be brave and put up a front about it but I don't think she would bf up until she felt it was serious between Jack and 'X'.

                She wouldn't do it to get him jealous either, Sam's never been that person. She'd do it in recognition (in her mind) of moving on.

                I can also see some of the same lines used in their 'ring' conversation reversed and not actually being the carefree/funny banter they made it originally.

                Just MHO

                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                But wouldn't that be just like Daniel to go and get himself shot... to death... again?

                Yes, it has permeated mine as well. Every time I hear "Shanahan" I can only think of Pete and I have an immediate cringe. :: headdesk ::
                sig by Mada
                As a matter of FIC


                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  *hops in*

                  *drops off*


                  SGU: loving it more and more... I'm allowed to say that outside of spoilers right?
                  *runs out*
                  Squeeeee great wallpaper!! You are very talented.
                  My tumblr


                    Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
                    ahh but he wasn't really infected. remember the ending?
                    and I quote..

                    Capt. Carter: [uncomfortably] About my earlier behavior... I wasn't myself, and—
                    Col. O'Neill: Oh, Carter, I don't even remember your earlier behavior.
                    Capt. Carter: You don't?
                    Col. O'Neill: No, I was infected too, remember?
                    Capt. Carter: [relieved] Right! Good, I'm—I'm glad.
                    Col. O'Neill: By the way, how's the wound?
                    Capt. Carter: Wound?
                    Col. O'Neill: I understand you got stabbed in the stomach?
                    Capt. Carter: Oh, yeah, that—that was nothing. With any luck, there won't even be a scar.
                    Col. O'Neill: Well, good. I was concerned.
                    Capt. Carter: You were?
                    Col. O'Neill: Sure. [smiles] If it doesn't heal properly, you'll never wear that sweet little tank top number again.
                    [She stops in her tracks at that, and he keeps on walking.]

                    ...he remembered so therefore he knew what happened.
                    I maintain that he was already showing signs during that thing with Daniel. His brow ridge was subtly bigger, his eyes shadowed a bit more. I've always felt that he was already there. Either, spit...with Sam accelerated things, or it was already affecting him.

                    I know he told Sam he didn't remember, but I'd bet he did. He was trying to give her an 'out' of an embarrassing situation.

                    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! <g>
                    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                      Baby/Acting OT
                      Not as many as we think... they have tricks - both Gates McFadden and Roxanne Dawson (Dr. Crusher, Lt. B'Elanna Torres) were preggers and they used wardrobe and camera angles to hide the pregnancy (and hey, AT was pregnant) - hilariously enough they later had the character B'Elanna Torres get pregnant and had to put a prosthetic on Dawson.
                      OT and spoilers for SGU:
                      Yes, but almost every major plot or character arc on Stargate has been a result of someone's kid.


                      Think about it.

                      Last half-season I actually said to hubs, "What this show needs is a good pregnancy. Did wonders for the other series." And I don't read spoilers so I had no idea. And look what happened!


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        here's a question to ponder...

                        what if jack had been the one to have a girlfriend instead of sam going to petesville; how do you think sam would have coped? do you think she would have went looking for a bf then, kind of like jack ending up going with carrie?
                        I think if Jack had moved on and had a girlfriend it would either have completely altered the sort of person he was or been the result of some unknowable character arc/growth which would result in such an essentially different *Jack* that to predict Sam's reaction is nearly impossible.

                        In other words, the Jack I believe we see onscreen would *never* have done that - IMHO - without a whole lot of changes to his character which would make his and Sam's relationship wildly different and thus I can't begin to guess what Sam would have done in that 'AU' because she'd be a different person, too.

                        EDIT: In general though, given I think the whole reason Sam attempted to move on with Pete was because she doubted Jack still loved her or at least wanted a relationship with her beyond the professional, I think she would likely have gotten a boyfriend as we saw her do with Pete. However, what I can't imagine is the loyal and essentially monogamous Jack I believe I saw on screen doing that himself. And it's that Jack Sam loved.


                          Originally Posted by Cagranosalis
                          Ah but, but, you won't like the re-write.

                          As a huge fan of angst I'd probably have Sam sacrificing herself Spock-like and Jack carrying around her dead body wailing and looking ansgt ridden as he defies direct orders from the president to hunt high and low for a sarcophagus deep in dangerous enemy territory to revive.

                          Of course being The Hero and having his awesome team of boys backing him up, he'd succeed, but only to be fatally wounded as he lowers her into the sacophagus... which then takes a hit and is damaged just as she is climbing out to find Jack, bleeding and dying at its feet...

                          You still want to hire me?
                          Oh for cryin'...Carrie! You have got to lay off the angst-juice sometimes! Too much is bad for you! Don't make me stage an intervention!

                          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post


                          On local news tonight a guy named Daniel Jackson got shot. When I heard the name I got interested in the story and then thought but that's not our Daniel Jackson.

                          This show has truly penetrated my subconscious I tell you.
                          Okay, now you've made me share:
                          I popped over to today to play for a bit during a REALLY BORING PART OF THE LECTURE. While there I traced a great X-a zillion grandfather who fought in the Revolutionary War in...wait for it..."Carter Company."

                          My first thought? "Oh, awesome!"

                          Yes. I am sad.


                          'Cause, you know.

                          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                            Originally posted by Pol View Post
                            I maintain that he was already showing signs during that thing with Daniel. His brow ridge was subtly bigger, his eyes shadowed a bit more. I've always felt that he was already there. Either, spit...with Sam accelerated things, or it was already affecting him.

                            I know he told Sam he didn't remember, but I'd bet he did. He was trying to give her an 'out' of an embarrassing situation.

                            That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! <g>
                            as am I...

                            Originally posted by Pol View Post
                            Oh for cryin'...Carrie! You have got to lay off the angst-juice sometimes! Too much is bad for you! Don't make me stage an intervention!

                            Okay, now you've made me share:
                            I popped over to today to play for a bit during a REALLY BORING PART OF THE LECTURE. While there I traced a great X-a zillion grandfather who fought in the Revolutionary War in...wait for it..."Carter Company."

                            My first thought? "Oh, awesome!"

                            Yes. I am sad.


                            'Cause, you know.

                            - cool...

                            and married!


                              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                              as am I...

                              - cool...

                              and married!
                              Yes. Cool!

                              And indeed!
                              sig by Mada
                              As a matter of FIC


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                I saw David DeLuise on an episode of "Bones" the other evening (a rerun that had to do with a dead Santa, of all things). He turned out to be the culprit, and I found myself thinking "oh, Pete, you poor thing; how low you've sunk after being dumped by Sam ...."
                                *Jumps up and down* Ooh, ooh! I know that ep!!
                                Santa in the Slush.
                                BB kiss, nuff said.

                                Tackled by a bunch of Santas. Wow. I even made a sig, which I prob won't share here, or anywhere... (NOT my best one, really NOT.)
                                Also, to the bolded. So true!!
                                *Sneaks out*
                                DISCLAIMER, iz getting quite late here, so if none of the above makes sense, well...

