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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    The Best of the Ship is . . .

    The Other Side (5)


    In the Line of Duty (3)


      I just came across a catalog with a bunch of t-shirts with quotes on them. One of them was:

      I should get paid for being a national treasure.
      Would Jack buy this for Sam. But, more to the point, would Sam wear it?


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        I just came across a catalog with a bunch of t-shirts with quotes on them. One of them was:

        Would Jack buy this for Sam. But, more to the point, would Sam wear it?
        I find it pretty funny myself, at least.

        Okay, I wasn't really sure at first but SamJackShipper93's arguments decided me :

        The Best of the Ship is . . .

        The Other Side (5)


        In the Line of Duty (4)

        The look at the end of The Other Side is deep and important between Jack and Sam... but ultimately this episode was a team episode that did more to develop Jack and Daniel's rapport.
        On the other hand, In The Line of Duty is about Sam getting snaked and how Jack in particular deals with this (it also gives Sam a sidestory of her own, with Jolinar and the heritage she left). And yeah, I also love seeing Jack interacting with Cassie. It indicates a deeper bond between them than some people think (because of how rarely the writers actually used Cassie and made her interact with Jack in the show as a whole).
        My Tumblr.
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          The Best of the Ship is . . .

          The Other Side (5)


          In the Line of Duty (4)

          The Other Side is one of my most favorite episodes. And every time I look at Akamaimom's siggy and avi, I get reminded of that and why that is


            Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post
            You're totally right.
            From my experience, I always enjoyed fanfictions/fanarts more for flawed works of fiction that left many holes in the story (for various reasons... lack of time and money, laziness, over ambition, just plain screw up...). I can love a show/game/movie but be completely uninterested into fanworks because there is nothing to add or fix (honestly, I only read fanfictions for like... three fandoms in my life maybe... the major one being SG1). When something is unperfect and/or incomplete, you feel the need to fix it... and as you do, it becomes more personal/special to you. Because you put a bit of yourself into the fanworks. You grow headcanons. The characters and story almost end up your own as much as they own you. And they keep growing and growing... way after canon officially ended it. I respect original authors and copyrights exist for a reason... but in the end, I think stories belong to the audiance as well. Maybe I already said it... but that's why fandom is so important.

            But still, a flawed/incomplete work of fiction will objectively remain flawed/incomplete... no matter how much fun it is for fandom to fill in the blanks and fix scenes. Critics will always judge the execution of a work of art above the intent/potential it has. I'm a bit of both, I guess. Critical of the things I love... but also too imaginative and stubborn to give up on something with a lot of unexplored potential. There are some old abandoned and unperfect works of fiction I refuse to imagine will never get a revival because... "You *gaming/movie companies* are sitting on a pile of gold and doing nothing with it !? What gives ?".
            if it had shown (or mentioned) that sam and jack were married in season 9, but didn't say when, where, or how it happened... *that's* the kind of not complete wiggle room i can handle. the confirmation is set, it's just some of the details are lacking.

            our confirmation is half for me.

            for me.




              The Best of the Ship is . . .

              The Other Side (6)


              In the Line of Duty (5)

              I've sorted the vote, and added my own vote.

              I don't see any ship in The Other Side, but SamJackShipper93 and Radical Dreamer have shown that there is ship in ITLOD, which gets my vote.


                The Best of the Ship is . . .

                The Other Side (6)


                In the Line of Duty (6)
                sig by Ikorni

                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                  It looks like I get to cast the winning vote.

                  The Best of the Ship is . . .

                  The Other Side (6)


                  In the Line of Duty (7)

                  The Other Side has that great angsty look between Jack and Sam at the end, and it certainly is a defining moment for them. I also think it is interesting that Daniel gets upset with Sam for taking Jack's side. But ItLoD is just so raw. Jack goes back for her at the beginning. He's so tender with Cassie and he knows how much Sam loves her. He's so tortured when he realizes that she's been goa'ulded. Yet he tries to protect her in the gateroom when Jolinar turns on him. He can't stand hearing her call for him knowing it may all be a trick. (I still say it was Sam speaking when she calls his name.) Then there's the way he caresses her face when Sam is found unconscious on the cell floor. The tear! Not leaving her side even if the whole mountain is coming down around them. It's a great story. It added an interesting layer to Sam's character. And it's great ship!

                  Tonight's Winner: In the Line of Duty


                    The Best of the Ship is . . .

                    There But for the Grace of God




                      The Best of the Ship is . . .

                      There But for the Grace of God


                      Heroes (1)

                      Wow. Tough one. But I'm going with the one where they are in love with each other in OUR reality. TBFTGOG is angsty because of the implications, but I love the hug in Heroes, and the awkwardness of the questions that Sam has to answer on camera about her CO.
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
                      My Stories AO3
                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        The Best of the Ship is . . .

                        There But for the Grace of God


                        Heroes (2)
                        No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                        It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                          The Best of the Ship is . . .

                          There But for the Grace of God


                          Heroes (3)

                          No contest for me on this one. I like TBFTGOG, but it's not particularly shippy despite the hug (and I'm sorry I still don't see a kiss no matter how many times I see the gif in slow motion).

                          Heroes shows the depth of all of the characters so well and nothing beats the C'mere and the hug!

                          FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                            The Best of the Ship is . . .

                            There But for the Grace of God


                            Heroes (4)

                            Because of the angst and the c'mere and the hug.


                              The Best of the Ship is . . .

                              There But for the Grace of God


                              Heroes (5)


                                The Best of the Ship is . . .

                                There But for the Grace of God


                                Heroes (6)

                                I consider Heroes the best episode that was ever penned for Stargate. It's unique, edgy, and character driven. It deals with some great questions about freedom of the press and the military, it honors our fallen military members, and it reinforces how deep the relationships between these characters are: Jack and Sam, Sam and Janet, Janet and Daniel, Sam and Teal'c, Hammond and SG-1 and Janet...

                                I like that this episode allowed us to see Sam out of her element while being filmed. She's so adorkably awkward, because she really feels that what she does isn't a big deal.

                                Really, Bregman put Sam in a seriously awkward position with his questions about her relationship with Jack, but I love that the viewers know that there are a lot of emotions hidden beneath her hollow answer denying that there's anything more.

                                Regarding the Ship, I love that this episode is more shippy because of Sam's actions toward Jack as opposed to the other way around. There are, in my opinion, more episodes that solidify Jack's feelings for Sam than her feelings for him. But it's good to be reminded that she's as deeply in love with him as he is.

                                It's interesting that by-the-book, level headed Sam Carter has, from the very beginning, shown a marked lack of discretion for her post whenever Jack is hurt. In "The Nox" in Season 1, Sam jumps from her position to help Jack after Apophis shoots him and gets herself killed for it. She does the same thing in this episode, but whereas I chalk up her actions in "The Nox" to a poor writing decision (seriously, leaving her post was a super stupid move), it's clear that in "Heroes" it was a very deliberate choice to show how devastated Sam would be if Jack were killed. All good sense and the mission objective went out the window when she saw Jack shot.

                                As honorable as Jack and Sam were about not letting their feelings interfere with their work, it did. You could say that they have both been compromised by their feelings (and Kinsey did in "Inauguration"). Really, the entire team is too close by any military standard, and they probably should have been split-up/reassigned long before seven years together (but that doesn't make very good storytelling, does it!).

                                The moment where Sam comes to see Jack is so heartbreaking, and it's really poignant for the audience because it's the first time we see Jack since he got shot. Most of the episode is spent implying that he was probably the one who died (and at the time of airing, the fans were going nuts because no one knew if RDA was going to be in Season 8), so I think it's really special that the first time we see him is with her.

                                My favorite moment is just after Sam says, "I'm really glad you're okay." Jack pins her with his gaze and walks very slowly to stand before her. And there's this moment where they just stare at each other, and she has tears in her eyes, and he wants to hold her, and you just don't know what they're going to do, and then Jack opens his arms, and they just cling to each other. And she sighs as she holds him and he places dips his head to her neck, and for just a moment, everything is painfully beautiful as they comfort each other.

                                I only wish that we'd been able to see the end of that scene. How long did they stand like that? Did they say anything else to each other? (How on earth could Sam keep dating after this, and "Lost City," and "New Order"???)

                                Also, whoever decided that the episode entitled "Resurrection" would come right after "Heroes" is seriously a terrible person...
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

