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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by nilo2207 View Post
    They talk about that in the commentary for "The Lost City".

    I love ships that develop because of the actors' chemistry and aren't planned from the start...
    Always makes you wonder at which point TPTB saw the potential...and episodes like "There but for the Grace of God" make you wonder how true their statements are.
    This. I don't really believe their statement that they considered the romantic angle starting season 3 (I don't think Mallozi does either... he did say that the ship didn't appear suddenly in the show... there WAS a certain build up/hints before season 4 and I'm pretty sure the "hints" didn't start with season 3).

    Or "There but for the Grace of God" wouldn't have pictured an alternate engaged version of the characters (and have the original characters react to this in the next episode). Or made Sam jump Jack/Jack get jealous under the virus. Or made Sam pretend to be Jack's wife when it appears they are going to die in Solitudes. And other subtle stuff (like having Sam talking with Daniel, saying she has a thing for the lunatic fringe and the camera immediately cuts to Jack behind them... Sara also looks a bit like Sam in the show and it's not impossible it was made on purpose *especially considering what Sam does in Solitudes*).

    Yes, it's true the (original) characters weren't in love yet at that time, but... all those scenes wouldn't have made the cut if the writers just wanted the audience to think of them as friends/comrades and nothing else. Why would the writers include those scenes if they didn't recognize or encourage a potential future romance for those 2 characters ? That's why I don't think it's true that the romantic angle was considered at the start of season 3. The first season says otherwise to me. Season 3 just developped it further. Season 4 too on top of canonizing the mutual feelings.
    But overall, yep... I like that the relationship gradually evolved.
    Last edited by RadicalDreamer; 20 June 2014, 08:18 AM.
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        Coming up on my 1 year J/S Ship Anniversary. It was a July 4th vacation at the beach and I had finished my books and needed reading reading material. I remembered I used to enjoy X-Files Fan fiction years ago, so I googled it. Trouble was, I hadn't been into X-Files for a good long while, but I had just finished watching Stargate on Netflix the previous summer ( At a threat from my father of dis-ownership if I didn't watch it). I enjoyed it, but because I watched it mainly on my laptop while sewing ( in other words "Listened" to a good deal of the show) I missed a good bit of silent communication between Jack and Sam. Anyways.....I found Kimberley Jackson's "Only One Road" and it hit me.....Jack and Sam forever!!! I have spent everyday since reading Sam and Jack Fanfiction. Everyday. Nothing else. Even made some vids. Hoping to find my video mojo to make some this summer.
        Ok, rant over.
        here's my video playlist...let me know which ones you like.


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          At the risk of being totally self-promoting, all this talk about casting people for a re-boot has made me think about a fic I wrote as part of my "Team Building" series. Casting Couch is starting to sound eerily familiar. . .

          I'm not sure I could accept new people in these roles. I'd give it a chance, though.

          The interesting thing is that TPTB have said that the reason they started considering a romantic angle between Carter and O'Neill were the moments they shared in Hathor's fake SGC--both when Jack disconnects Sam's medical port and wakes her up and also when they were dressed in the white outfits and hiding from the Jaffa and he puts his hand over her mouth (you all know the scenes, right?). Directors' commentaries have said that AT and RDA's natural chemistry were why TPTB alluded to that angle at all in the show. (At least I think I'm remembering that right--anyone know for sure?)

          So, basically, what I'm saying, is that with other actors from the beginning, we might not have had that natural attraction that led to the ship at all. Recasting it might seem to be stretching something that might not have happened in the first place.

          If that makes any sense at all. . .
          maybe the writers decided to really up the ship angle in that ep, but to me, the ship was there from the get-go. and it hit me over the head in the 3rd ep, 'broca divide'.



            Originally posted by Robinbishop1231 View Post
            Coming up on my 1 year J/S Ship Anniversary. It was a July 4th vacation at the beach and I had finished my books and needed reading reading material. I remembered I used to enjoy X-Files Fan fiction years ago, so I googled it. Trouble was, I hadn't been into X-Files for a good long while, but I had just finished watching Stargate on Netflix the previous summer ( At a threat from my father of dis-ownership if I didn't watch it). I enjoyed it, but because I watched it mainly on my laptop while sewing ( in other words "Listened" to a good deal of the show) I missed a good bit of silent communication between Jack and Sam. Anyways.....I found Kimberley Jackson's "Only One Road" and it hit me.....Jack and Sam forever!!! I have spent everyday since reading Sam and Jack Fanfiction. Everyday. Nothing else. Even made some vids. Hoping to find my video mojo to make some this summer.
            Ok, rant over.
            here's my video playlist...let me know which ones you like.
            Wow... That was actually my first Sam/Jack fanfic! (And in retrospect, I see a lot of flaws ) And it converted you to S/J? Cool!! And congrats on the anniversary!

            I don't remember when my shipping started... I started watching Stargate SG-1 in November 2011. After I had just moved to my new apartment. I remember, I had just finished watching "The L-Word" and I was out of shows to watch, and really wanted something without drama - cause, you know, the L-Word was filled with drama...
            I saw S/J happening from episode 1 (final cut version). With the flirting and all. I wasn't really shipping it yet - I was indifferent, because I didn't know the characters. But I started really shipping them at the end of season 2. When Jack sees Sam naked on that bed (in Hathor's version of the SGC), and she can't stop touching him, because she's so glad he's alive... And he can't stop looking, because... ya know... naked Carter.


              i love google search! type in a few words and you can get a considerable amount of examples.

              i found this nice page - http://stuckonaglacierwithmacgyver.t...mjackisendgame




                There's also JenniferJF's old post on LJ My Evidence that Sam and Jack are together.


                  Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                  There's also JenniferJF's old post on LJ My Evidence that Sam and Jack are together.



                    i'm really lucking out with finding shippy things today!

                    following a link from twitter:

                    at 2:14, there's an amanda-rick photo that i've never seen before! looks sam/jack shippy. and there's something after that, but it's not new (the wedding from '200').



                      [QUOTE=Kimberley Jackson;14192056 And he can't stop looking, because... ya know... naked Carter. [/QUOTE]

                      This one is one of my favorites that I "Missed" the first time around because ALL of that shippy goodness is silent. I would pull up SG1 on Netflix and then sew well into the night. Then I would watch on my iphone in bed until I fell asleep. I missed tons of visuals. I might have converted much sooner had I actually WATCHED the show the first time.
                      Last edited by Robinbishop1231; 20 June 2014, 11:03 PM.


                        I started watching when a friend kept urging me to do so. Back then, geez I think it was 2004 (it was during the break between seasons 7-8) the Sci-Fi Channel (before they changed their name to SyFy!) played episodes of Stargate every night at 6pm. So I tuned in on Monday with the episode Legacy. By Wednesday (episode Point of View) I was hooked and a shipper!

                        WOW, just realized the date... Ten years a shipper.


                          I hated it at first! I saw only fragments so I was like. "Her father was an alien? He came here, had affair with her mother and flew back? Come on!" and "She had short hair last episode and now she has long!!!!" Also Czech dubbing kinda killed it. But I bought the DVD for my boyfriend (now husband) as a gift for Christmas. And then on January 2007 I think I was studying for my college exams and I always gave some gift of free time watching tv after finishing some question or lesson. And I ran out of Prison Break, Simpson and the Stargate DVD's layed on the put them in and painted the nuber rebus during lisening and not payed much attention. But then after few episodes - I was like: "That was clever. I didn't see that coming. Haha, that was totally funny. Wait a minute! I can see the chemistry! The two of them should be together." And been a totall Gate lover ans Sam/Jack shipper since then. I have watched tons of videos, participated on doing some of them, read a lot Czech or English stories, translated some and beta...Destiny? Yeah, sure, you betcha.


                            My daughter called me and told that there was a new show on and that I'd probably like it. So later that week (it was shown multiple times a week at various times when it first came out on Showtime/HBO) I watched Children of the Gods. It was interesting, but I wasn't totally hooked until Emancipation. Seriously, kick-a$$ beautiful smart woman, good looking men, sparkage between the leads? What's not to fall in love with?


                              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                              My daughter called me and told that there was a new show on and that I'd probably like it. So later that week (it was shown multiple times a week at various times when it first came out on Showtime/HBO) I watched Children of the Gods. It was interesting, but I wasn't totally hooked until Emancipation. Seriously, kick-a$$ beautiful smart woman, good looking men, sparkage between the leads? What's not to fall in love with?
                              I know, and there is total shippiness in Emancipation already!!! When Jack stays behind in the tent, just to stress once again how great she looks and asking if she's gonna be okay? Come on...


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                I was going to say Morgan Freeman for General Hammond, but if they make a redo of the original movie, it would be General West. Morgan Freeman could be either one of them.
                                *whines* NOT Gen. West...he was a total jerk! He sent Jack on that first mission because he knew he was depressed and would be willing to do the whole suicide thing. I can't help it: West will always be an antagonist in my head.

                                (but I think it's awesome that you thought about him for Hammond, too)

                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                I'm not sure I could accept new people in these roles. I'd give it a chance, though.

                                The interesting thing is that TPTB have said that the reason they started considering a romantic angle between Carter and O'Neill were the moments they shared in Hathor's fake SGC--both when Jack disconnects Sam's medical port and wakes her up and also when they were dressed in the white outfits and hiding from the Jaffa and he puts his hand over her mouth (you all know the scenes, right?). Directors' commentaries have said that AT and RDA's natural chemistry were why TPTB alluded to that angle at all in the show. (At least I think I'm remembering that right--anyone know for sure?)

                                So, basically, what I'm saying, is that with other actors from the beginning, we might not have had that natural attraction that led to the ship at all. Recasting it might seem to be stretching something that might not have happened in the first place.

                                If that makes any sense at all. . .

                                Yes...It does make sense. The natural chemistry is what teased out the ship -it wasn't forced. It is unlikely that would happen again and even moreso that it could be manufactured.

                                Originally posted by nilo2207 View Post
                                I love ships that develop because of the actors' chemistry and aren't planned from the start...
                                Always makes you wonder at which point TPTB saw the potential...and episodes like "There but for the Grace of God" make you wonder how true their statements are.
                                I've always felt that episode is the first time Jack is REALLY struck with the idea that he and Sam could become something more. I mean...he may have been attracted before, but when he gets Daniel to clarify that he saw S/J in the alt reality TOGETHER, it was like a lightening bolt.

                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                There's also JenniferJF's old post on LJ My Evidence that Sam and Jack are together.
                                Yes!! *this* ^^

                                I went here when I got to the end of Season 8, the beginning of Season 9 and was about to be heartbroken because of
                                lack of official confirmation. This made me feel better.

                                Hubs and I watched the show piecemeal as reruns aired in the various places we lived. It was something shoot-em-up that he liked, and had the sci-fi angle that I liked. Watching so erratically, I noticed some attraction/teasing/affection, but it wasn't a complete picture until hubs and I got Netflix streaming and we watched the whole series in 3 months in early 2011. That marathon drove me to fanfic, where I met polrobin who sent me here.
                                sig by Ikorni

                                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3

