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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post

    It's typical X-Files, vague, poorly lit and depressing *sigh*. I can't tell you how disappointing that movie was to me. I should have seen it as a major sign that that period of my life was confusing as hell lol

    (I watched it for the first time on DVD with a male friend and mutual XF fan in my flat which ended up in us having a weird conversation about a potential "us" then he kinda kissed me but he said he didn't "do" dating so I was like "WTF?! Get lost then!" then he proceeded to follow me round like a kicked puppy trying to distract me over the next year from not one but *2* guys I dated and then dated a mutual, really attractive friend who dumped him after a few weeks for ignoring her - men!!

    Even now all these years later I still neither get a) what that movie was *actually* about and b) what the heck he wanted from me!! He was like my version of Angel - *really* hot in a Jensen Ackles kinda way but socially awkward and distant but seemingly pining away for me! I'll live to be 100 and still have it confuse the heck outta me. I still don't really know what happened with the "not us")

    Oh boy... yes, that would have been majorly confusing - and not to mention somewhat irritating. What is it with guy who don't know what they want???

    As for The X-Files - yes, I was majorly disappointed as well. I was watching it with two friends, and we had waited for that movie for years, hoping that it would kinda pick up where "The Truth" ended - just maybe in 2012 so that we could have seen Mulder and Scully fight the alien invasion or something.

    Instead it dealt with something not even remotely related to the conspiracy. And honestly, if this movie had been a tv episode, it wouldn't even have been a very good episode! X-Files had some really great episodes that weren't connected with the conspiracy directly. Think of "Dreamland", or "Monday", or "Bad Blood". But instead, in that movie, they decided to deliver a story and storytelling method which are less than average... I never got it.

    The only thing that was funny was the "Bush election" reference... with the X-Files music in the background as they zoomed in on his picture.

    I thought that the movie would become better when I re-watched it on DVD, but it really didn't. Such a waste of money...

    I added the movie to my list of "Movies that killed their franchise".


      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
      It's just something simple that I thought up. Or the ring being on the chain with her dogtags.
      Or Daniel winding her up:

      "So, Sam, did you enjoy Maui?"
      "It was... Relaxing"
      "Did Jack manage to get you into that *tiny* bikini he kept threatening you with?"

      "A lady never tells..."
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
        "Did Jack manage to get you into that *tiny* bikini he kept threatening you with?"
        Wouldn't the question rather be, whether Jack got her OUT OF that tiny bikini in the end? GUTTER SPLASH!


          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
          Or Daniel winding her up:

          "So, Sam, did you enjoy Maui?"
          "It was... Relaxing"
          "Did Jack manage to get you into that *tiny* bikini he kept threatening you with?"

          "A lady never tells..."
          Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
          Wouldn't the question rather be, whether Jack got her OUT OF that tiny bikini in the end? GUTTER SPLASH!



            Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
            Wouldn't the question rather be, whether Jack got her OUT OF that tiny bikini in the end? GUTTER SPLASH!
            Haha! I like the way u think *joins Kim in the gutter*
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
              Wouldn't the question rather be, whether Jack got her OUT OF that tiny bikini in the end? GUTTER SPLASH!
              Yeah, that's the question I believe Daniel would've asked!

              *DIVES INTO GUTTER!!*
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                The Best of the Ship is . . .

                Barrett: “So, you’re single again?”
                Sam: “Not exactly.” (10)


                Jacob to Sam: “Don’t let rules stand in your way. . . . You can still have everything you want.”
                Kerry to Jack: “Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart? Rules and regulations? Because if it is, you're making a very big mistake.” (7)

                I also love the subtle and mysterious "Not exactly." I especially love Barrett's face during that scene...I fast forward to that scene

                But, I once again stick with my earlier vote for the other exchanges. For Jacob to come out and say what he does...on his death bed no's just too much! And then we have Kerry telling Jack he's an idiot (ok, my words) for not doing something about the rules. I just love it! Here are two people ON SCREEN telling them that they need to get their act together

                OT...well as my screen name reveals...very, very big X-Files
                Yes, the second movie totally sucked. Especially if you compare it to the first movie which was so totally awesome! I saw Fight the Future in the theatre and have seen it too many times to count since However, I would almost place I Want to Believe on the list with episodes like Home and Sanguinarium which I will NEVER watch again! I will say this I absolutely LOVE the ending scene -- after the credits --and that is the kind of confirmation I would love for !

                FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                  The Best of the Ship is . . .

                  Barrett: “So, you’re single again?”
                  Sam: “Not exactly.” (10)


                  Jacob to Sam: “Don’t let rules stand in your way. . . . You can still have everything you want.”
                  Kerry to Jack: “Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart? Rules and regulations? Because if it is, you're making a very big mistake.” (8)

                  I just can't give my vote "Not exactly" because I really wanted Sam to say something more like, "Hell no I'm not single. I finally married the man I truly love and we couldn't be happier!"

                  That's what Jacob and Kerry were pushing for and I'm with them!

                  But tonight's winner is . . .


                    The Best of the Ship
                    Round 2

                    (Sweet Sixteen)

                    Bracket A: Shippy Quotations



                      The Best of the Ship is . . .

                      Jack: "C'mere."


                      Jack: "Always."


                        The Best of the Ship is . . .

                        Jack: "C'mere."


                        Jack: "Always." (1)



                          The Best of the Ship is . . .

                          Jack: "C'mere."


                          Jack: "Always." (2)


                            The Best of the Ship is . . .

                            Jack: "C'mere."


                            Jack: "Always." (3)
                            No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                            It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                              The Best of the Ship is . . .

                              Jack: "C'mere." (1)


                              Jack: "Always." (3)


                                The Best of the Ship is . . .

                                Jack: "C'mere."(1)


                                Jack: "Always." (4)

                                XF (see my nickname)


                                Though I didn't like the case of the movie, I really liked the moments between them.
                                Btw did you all forget the longggg kiss of IWTB?
                                My vids Sig made by me

