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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I could see Jack saying "babe" from time to time. Less as a pet name and more as an epithet thrown around as an afterthought. He's just from that era.

    But yes, it's the forced feeling of "call me _____" conversations that bugs me!

    But we'll ban that too, just for good measure!

    So no….

    "Call me ______" conversations
    baby/babe pet names

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      I could see him using "babe" as well.
      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
        I could see Jack saying "babe" from time to time. Less as a pet name and more as an epithet thrown around as an afterthought. He's just from that era.
        LOL! Okay, let me clarify the 'babe' thing: he might call her babe when they were having a relationship.
        But not on their first date, or worse, start doing it while they were having sex for the time... that's just off. At leats it feels off to me.


          I completely agree! I don't think that's part of his default setting.
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            Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
            I could see him using "babe" as well.
            He called Sara "babe" in "Cold Lazarus".


              Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
              Okay, my fic pet peeve. I don't know, but I just always cringe when I read that Jack and Sam give each other pet names - or call each other 'baby' or 'babe'. I just... I don't know... they're not the "baby" kind of people - at least that's my perception. So I could live without ever reading Jack call Sam 'baby' again.
              I'm in agreement here. I can't stand where fics have Jack calling Sam baby every other minute. Once in awhile I can see, but I also don't see them as pet name kinda people I've stopped reading many a fic where they go overboard with that.

              As for the Jack/Sam thing. Well, I wrote one of those scenes so I hope it wasn't obnoxious, but it was just a one off

              FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                I don't recall it off the top of my head, Scully, but I will say it can be done without becoming cringe-worthy. The secret, I think, is in the timing of such a conversation. Also, unnatural dialogue runs rampant in fic in general. Then, writers add in an unnatural conversation with an unnatural rhythm, well, the whole thing becomes cliche.

                A bunch of us apparently spent time in the X-Files fandom. After all those years of "Call me Fox/Call me Dana/Don't call me Fox - NO ONE calls me Fox but my mother" conversations I'm not sure I was the best prepared for another "Call me _____" fandom.

                In all my years I've never had an awkward "what am I supposed to call you" conversation with a person. Especially not someone I was dating (and that's after dating my former NCO from JROTC after 2 years of calling him Bellchase). Once he asked me out I had no problem calling him by his first name. Never slipped up once, as a matter of fact. I may have called him Bellchase everyday but I introduced him by his full name over and over again over the years - I was very familiar with it even if I never addressed him that way. (And yeah, I know, different situation entirely, but I think the point holds true.)
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                  Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                  Prompt 2: chocolate


                  “Carter why are you already up? Your watch doesn’t start for another twenty minutes.”

                  “I know Sir but I woke and a smell of chocolate reached me.” She replied pointing at the mug in his hands.

                  “Do you want a cup of it?”

                  “Oh yes please, Sir. It’s so cold this night.”

                  They efficiently worked together and in a few minutes Sam was sat next to him slowly sipping her hot cocoa. Their comfortable silence was broken by Jack.

                  “You know Carter, Teal’c once told me he about an article he read on a magazine where they associated different personalities with flavours of chocolate.”

                  Sam raised an eyebrow giving a good imitation of the Jaffa so Jack continued to speak.

                  “Yeah take Teal’c for example. He’s like a milk chocolate bar filled with caramel.”

                  “Care to explain it, Sir?” she asked.

                  “It’s obvious Carter. He looks tough and strong but inside him there is a soft heart.”

                  She smiled and said “What about Daniel?”

                  “Ah Danny-Boy is like a vanilla white chocolate. I mean, it’s good but you can take it only in small doses before the sweet taste starts to annoy you.”

                  “What about you?”

                  “Me Carter? Well you tell me!” he replied.

                  She thought for a moment biting her lower lip and then she answered.

                  “Dark chocolate with red pepper and fine spice.” Hot and dangerous she thought.

                  She saw a smirk on his face and she hoped he hadn’t noticed the blush on her cheeks.

                  “Well it’s time I go to sleep Carter. Thanks for keeping me company.”

                  He stood and started moving towards his tent so she quickly stopped him.

                  “Sir! What about me?”

                  “You Carter? Certainly chocolate-covered coffee beans.”

                  She narrowed her eyebrows trying without success to understand the meaning of his words.
                  He slowly walked away but after a few steps he turned and locked eyes with her.

                  “Chocolate-covered coffee beans Carter. Because they are strong, tasty and make the heart race.”

                  He entered into his tent leaving a speechless but smiling Sam near the campfire.

                  No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                  It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                    Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                    A bunch of us apparently spent time in the X-Files fandom. After all those years of "Call me Fox/Call me Dana/Don't call me Fox - NO ONE calls me Fox but my mother" conversations I'm not sure I was the best prepared for another "Call me _____" fandom.
                    Ah... the good old X-Files times... I have to admit though, I don't recall those conversations from fanfictions. I remember that Mulder might have mentioned that he hated his first name and only his mother called him that in an episode. Never stumbled across so mny fanfics that picked up on the conversation that it started to annoy me though. (Then again, this was so far back - I was 18/19 back then - so I might just not remember.)

                    But with Sam/Jack I find it mildly annoying. There's just too many stories out there that deal with it. Granted, it's the author's stories, and they can do what they like - but as I reader I always think: Can't you be more creative?


                      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                      Prompt 2: chocolate


                      “Carter why are you already up? Your watch doesn’t start for another twenty minutes.”

                      “I know Sir but I woke and a smell of chocolate reached me.” She replied pointing at the mug in his hands.

                      “Do you want a cup of it?”

                      “Oh yes please, Sir. It’s so cold this night.”

                      They efficiently worked together and in a few minutes Sam was sat next to him slowly sipping her hot cocoa. Their comfortable silence was broken by Jack.

                      “You know Carter, Teal’c once told me he about an article he read on a magazine where they associated different personalities with flavours of chocolate.”

                      Sam raised an eyebrow giving a good imitation of the Jaffa so Jack continued to speak.

                      “Yeah take Teal’c for example. He’s like a milk chocolate bar filled with caramel.”

                      “Care to explain it, Sir?” she asked.

                      “It’s obvious Carter. He looks tough and strong but inside him there is a soft heart.”

                      She smiled and said “What about Daniel?”

                      “Ah Danny-Boy is like a vanilla white chocolate. I mean, it’s good but you can take it only in small doses before the sweet taste starts to annoy you.”

                      “What about you?”

                      “Me Carter? Well you tell me!” he replied.

                      She thought for a moment biting her lower lip and then she answered.

                      “Dark chocolate with red pepper and fine spice.” Hot and dangerous she thought.

                      She saw a smirk on his face and she hoped he hadn’t noticed the blush on her cheeks.

                      “Well it’s time I go to sleep Carter. Thanks for keeping me company.”

                      He stood and started moving towards his tent so she quickly stopped him.

                      “Sir! What about me?”

                      “You Carter? Certainly chocolate-covered coffee beans.”

                      She narrowed her eyebrows trying without success to understand the meaning of his words.
                      He slowly walked away but after a few steps he turned and locked eyes with her.

                      “Chocolate-covered coffee beans Carter. Because they are strong, tasty and make the heart race.”

                      He entered into his tent leaving a speechless but smiling Sam near the campfire.

                      oooohhh.... I forgot about this. It started greening random people on other topics yesterday, just so I could green you for this, but it still wouldn't let me.
                      This is so cute - and also somewhat hot with the UST so here's some virtual green!!


                        Originally posted by fems View Post
                        If it makes you feel any better, she has weird toes... assuming that was AT's actual foot in Trio, of course. I like the subtle nail polish, though.

                        They're not wierd! Mine are like that, we're not wierd, just different. Think it's called a Greek Foot, supposedly the way feet are portrayed in Greek sculpture, and there was something about a short first metatarsal bone - it's congenital so it runs in families, my dad and brother have the same. The second and third toes look webbed but it's the big toe that's wierd not the other toes.

                        Now I've finished being a wierdo and studying feet, I'll get ready for work.
                        Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                        If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                        Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                          Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                          They're not wierd! Mine are like that, we're not wierd, just different. Think it's called a Greek Foot, supposedly the way feet are portrayed in Greek sculpture, and there was something about a short first metatarsal bone - it's congenital so it runs in families, my dad and brother have the same. The second and third toes look webbed but it's the big toe that's wierd not the other toes.

                          Now I've finished being a wierdo and studying feet, I'll get ready for work.
                          But they're so long too! It's just weird after looking at my short little toes.
                          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                          On FFnet or AO3

                          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.



                            FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                              On the topic of Jack calling Sam "Babe"... I can see him saying sarcastically or the way one might tack it on the end of a sentence.

                              "Anything you say......sir."


                                Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
                                I think I know what you mean with that. It has bothered me too, but I realized that only now when I read your post and in my head went like "Oh my God YES".
                                Yes, I don't like it, because it always sounds so forced!

                                I don't know about you gueys, but I can well see Jack and Sam keep adressing each other as Carter and Sir even when their dating - at least in the beginning. (Think about episode "200" with the wedding scene. Yes, it was a fictional wedding scene, but Carter called him Sir in front of the alter even.)
                                I just think it would take a while. Not because it says anything about their feelings, but because that is how they have come to love each other - as "Carter" and "O'Neill". FOR EIGHT YEARS.
                                Kinda like Mulder and Scully. Even when they got together after season 8, they still called each other Mulder and Scully throughout the entire season 9. (I think Mulder called her Dana a couple of times, but she always called him Mulder.) I don't think it's that much of a big deal.

                                So stories where it's all about the forced "Call me Jack/Call me Sam" thing just feel a bit unnatural to me. But that's just me.

                                Okay, my fic pet peeve. I don't know, but I just always cringe when I read that Jack and Sam give each other pet names - or call each other 'baby' or 'babe'. I just... I don't know... they're not the "baby" kind of people - at least that's my perception. So I could live without ever reading Jack call Sam 'baby' again.
                                Personally, I think they'd revel in being able to call each other by their names. Jack. Sam. Keep it professional during work, but otherwise...

                                My personal pet peeve is when Sam continues to call Jack "Sir". It plays into one of the "reasons" why there are anti's out there pointing out that they have an unequal relationship. No. They're equals. Don't play into that.

                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                He called Sara "babe" in "Cold Lazarus".
                                That was the next point I was going to make.

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