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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Teaser Trailer for Episode III of SG Unleashed


      OMG, I can't wait for episode 3!!! But it doesn't even give a timeframe yet, just "Coming Soon" at the end. So I guess it's going to be at least 6 months again...


        Finally! I figured out where the behind the scenes from "Death Knell" of AT kissing RDA is from! It's from the Director's Series. Gah! lol
        Yes, I seem to be procrastinating I need to go grocery shopping, but I don't want to


          i'm watching the walk-throughs on the 2nd stargate unleashed ep. it's on youtube, and in three parts. (i watched part 2 first b/c i didn't know it was in parts )

          i'm not going to direct link the parts (b/c i'm not sure i'm allowed to), but it's easy enough to find on youtube. just remember it's in parts. i 'think' there's only 3 parts...



            I'm just hoping in SG-1 unleashed episode 3, Jack mops the floor with Sekhmet.


              Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
              Hey, does anybody have any good recommendations for Sam/Jack UST fics - preferably teen-rated. I'm looking for something along the lines (or similar to) for example "Frets and Strums" by AkamaiMom. There's that scene in there with the subtle touchings and really sensual descriptions of their closeness, as they are standing in the bar room, having a conversation over the music.

              That's what I'm looking for: sensuality and UST. Preferably not smutty. Anybody know any well-written, in-character fics they can recommend?

              Oh, and preferably not an Established Relationship-fic either...
              I don't know if you've read Pol's Campfire Stories? But she really has a handle on the UST.
              sig by Ikorni

              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
                Hey, does anybody have any good recommendations for Sam/Jack UST fics - preferably teen-rated. I'm looking for something along the lines (or similar to) for example "Frets and Strums" by AkamaiMom. There's that scene in there with the subtle touchings and really sensual descriptions of their closeness, as they are standing in the bar room, having a conversation over the music.

                That's what I'm looking for: sensuality and UST. Preferably not smutty. Anybody know any well-written, in-character fics they can recommend?

                Oh, and preferably not an Established Relationship-fic either...
                Ooh, Fic Recs - I love 'em!

                More sweetly romantic than UST (though there's definitely some UST…):
                Fever by Pol
                Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Gail Delaney
                The Carter Household Holiday Rules by Soleya

                Very UST-y:
                The Fountain by Bluemoonmaverick
                Touch by AerynSG1
                Karma by Annerb
                Slow Dances by Gail Delaney
                Heavy Handed by Pepper
                Xanadu by Spiletta42
                Christmas Present (Version A) by Sally Reeve
                Saturday Morning Repairs by A. Loquita
                Dangers of Office Supplies by A. Loquita
                Thorns by A. Loquita
                Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                  created by fems & A Karswyll


                    countdown to Shipsgiving - 4 DAYS


                      So, I was just reading a.loquita's "How High, How Deep", and its prequel (and the comments) and I wondered: has anyone ever done an AU fic of the AU Jack and Sam, with astronaut!Sam not being killed at the launch? And then the two of them meeting up? I think I'd really like to see that.


                        Originally posted by brendini View Post
                        So, I was just reading a.loquita's "How High, How Deep", and its prequel (and the comments) and I wondered: has anyone ever done an AU fic of the AU Jack and Sam, with astronaut!Sam not being killed at the launch? And then the two of them meeting up? I think I'd really like to see that.
                        I think Podbaydoors Discontinuity deals with Astronaut Sam.
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                          A little inspiration for the upcoming holiday...

                          It was hard to pin point the moment when she realized she was in love. The lines that had been so clearly defined in the beginning had begun to blur after they'd been stranded in the Antarctic and had only gotten more fuzzy as time went on. Jolinar, Netu, force shields and possessions by alien entities, they'd both been through so much that the natural order of things always pushed them to seek solace in one another. Standing there in her white dress, she knew of no reason to argue.

                          Duty and honor had denied them so much for so long that it hardly seemed a worthy phrase to describe any aspect of their relationship. It has not been an honor to force themselves into conformity.

                          Honor and love had been enemies and now it would be love that won the ultimate battle, not honor, not duty.

                          But now, as she heard the words love, honor, and cherish together with his name, she relished the opportunity to honor him with all of her being.


                          A job. That is what it means.

                          We have to do it. We have sworn an allegiance to our work that will not allow us to place our dedication elsewhere.

                          But, our hearts are insubordinate. They refuse to believe that duty beyond all else is even an option. So, we allow duty to believe with a false sense of security and pride that it rules over our hearts. But our eyes betray us and it is in those stolen moments that duty sometimes suspects that our allegiance is waning.
                          Last edited by IamDKScully; 12 November 2013, 11:51 AM. Reason: typo

                          FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                            Hiya Scully!
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane



                              Insane Chemistry
                              The more they tried to fight it, the more times fate seemed to throw them into situations where they couldn't possibly ignore it. They say you have no control over love. It has its own agenda.

                              More often than not, this just left her confused.

                              Give her a trajectory to establish for a rogue asteroid or ask her to make the calculations necessary to determine how best to blow up a sun but don't ask her to try to explain their insane chemistry.

                              No giggling is a very good rule to establish when you're sharing a bed but sometimes he just couldn't help but think back to those cold, cold days alone in the dark when it seemed that rescue would not come and thoughts of his sidearm had made her giggle and it was a sound that had kept his heart beating.


                              Physical injuries were the easiest to bear. They were relatively easy to fix. Band-aids, stitches, gauze, tape, a cast, a sling, all assisted your body in knitting the flesh back together and healing the wounds. But there were some things he knew could not be fixed so easily.

                              Glancing up from her laptop as he knocked and catching his warm brown eyes with her own, for a moment she broke. He reached for her cheek, wiped away an errant tear, and handing her the blue dessert, he sat elbow-to-elbow as she slowly ate. He knew it couldn't fix things, that a harsh reality was staring them all in the face, but this moment was theirs and sometimes, Jello was the only remedy.

                              FFN ----- AO3 ----------



